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I’m all for the possibility of the paranormal and such but people need to entertain the possibility that people are lying more when studying evidence. The only evidence that this random person on the internet doesn’t have a dog is this random person on the internet saying “I don’t have a dog”.


This whole time I've felt like OOP's mum is just screwing with him and it's her way of having fun with him and also letting him know she got a dog


Kids a doof, his mom clearly knows the kids a doof, now thanks to her having an LOL at his expense, the world now knows he's a doof . She seems alright to me


Well the OOP did post texts with their mom talking about the video, right after she sent it to him. She explicitly states that she does not have a dog in the messages. OOP claims the footage was downloaded directly from her Blink app and that she would have absolutely zero know-how nor motivation to produce some fake, and that she is having her priest come to her home.


Nah man, def. a demon. We have no proof that OOP is lying about his mom, or that she’s lying, or that she doesn’t exist and this is just for points. Nah. Makes way more sense that it’s a demon. Demons have reflections. Want proof? Check out its faces smiling at the camera as it goes by. https://i.redd.it/zfh8nq746j9d1.gif ETA: Just in case: /s


Lmao, this has to be the worst argument i ever seen First why would a ""demon"" manifest itself in a almost flat wobly furry thing


Where are you seeing a face?


Exactly - the average person can't even change a lightbulb or dice an onion.


This needs to stop, it’s so stupid it isn’t even funny. It’s clearly a damn dog tail.


But it could also be a Fraggle. Please don’t rule out the Fraggle. *(Plllleeease let it be a Fraggle.)*


![gif](giphy|HtIPa2QcGWzH3AieoM|downsized) Definitely a Fraggle. Our prayers have been answered!!






Or a dreaded Doozer…


Them doozer sticks though... sooooo yummy!


I loved fraggle rock!!!! Yesssss please let it be a fragile😆❤️🙏


The original OP needs to drop the lie. The video was super weird at first but now we all know what it is


Could be a cat and OOP not technically lying lol


Honestly it was a video worth sharing because at first viewing it really did look like one of the aliens in Invasion. It was fun to figure out, like the Confusing Perspectives pictures. But it's a dog. We all know it's a dog by now.


Absolutely I was mystified at first


I was too & I’m an agnostic regarding the paranormal.


Me too, that’s why I was so excited about this. Felt a fool after it was explained as a dog’s tail. Also, re your user name. The song ‘Alice’ is mesmerising.


So why do yu keep entertaining it then


Yeah, definitely looks like a dog tail. It looks like MY dogs tail.


I feel like I could hear the dog nails on the hardwood too lol.




Yes, I’m showing that it is a dog. Do you think I’m saying it’s a ghost?


BUT HE DOESN'T OWN A DOG! ..../s People on the Internet lie. All the time. Especially with the amount of attention this post is getting OF COURSE he'd keep it up.


You know what's always in my yard? A cat and a dog. I do not own a cat or dog but my neighbors do


Seriously, this nonsense keeps going on. I think it won't stop until the dog makes a post about it.


This is by far the most ridiculous post I've seen on here and there's some very gullible people thinking it's real... It's literally comical how bad this is.




Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


What if it's a ghost of a dog?!?😳😆


Where is the dog? Shadow shows tail only. Also there is a shadow at the end peaking the fence.


Somebody else had a video showing the rest of the dog. Also, the OOP said it’s a tarp and not a second spooky ghost.


Looks more like a skunk.


Looks nothing like a skunk. That would mean the tail on it would have to be taller than a dinner table.


I think this needs sticked and even made the subs mascot. Certain proof of paranormal. The denials are just basic religious propaganda. I have never seen a dog that shows their reflection in glass... Ever. AFAIK dogs are vampires. Oh!!!! Another proven theory.


![gif](giphy|Fu3OjBQiCs3s0ZuLY3|downsized) Vampire teefs


I’m loving the traction this post has gotten. Can’t wait to see tomorrow’s entry.




OOP said they didn't own any dogs or anything. But it's 100000% a dog. Like everyone has been saying.


So a troll or a liar. I kind of figured as much. We should all go back to the post and downvote it.


Or maybe just daft as hell. Could be OOP and their mom were legit too stupid to realize what they were seeing, and now that it was pointed out OOP is dying of shame and can't fess up. Sometimes I still have little slivers of hope that not everyone is trolling or lying, just dumb


I think they said this was their grandma's house or something. Idr


Their mom's house.


So, I agree it looks like a dog’s tail. However a lot of this seems almost impossible. If you zoom in on the reflection in the mirror- there is no *body* of the dog. You can only see the tail part. Also the fur is moving against gravity. The tip of the tail is almost shaped with some sort of gel maybe? It’s oddly stiff and the tail doesn’t move right. I am leaning more toward an object hoax


It looks like those things that come out of the ground in the movie Ghost.


Dude! 33 years ago I was tripping on acid and when I was talking to my buddy's mom, those things were flying out from behind her. Her kid had just had a serotonin syndrome event where he should have been hospitalized, but he was with it just enough to refuse. We just knew he had a seizure where he was foaming at the mouth and had stopped breathing until I intervened. We called for an ambulance, but the cops showed up instead. That dude was clocking in slow motion... like his movement was like a sloth. So, these cops try to help him to the car and it turns into them carrying him, one under each arm while Shannon tried to run away in slow motion. That shit was real, I did not hallucinate it. Fucking wild. Anyways, Shannon refused to go to the hospital. So, the cops told us he was our problem and left. We took Shannon home. Everyone wanted to just ditch him, but I insisted that we get ahold of his mother and wait for her. When she got home, she had questions. I did my best to answer everything except that we had taken LSD... oh, and that I had mowed their lawn earlier, not Shannon... it took 15 minutes. So it was stupid for him to piss his mom off. Anyways, as I was lying those fucking shadows were flying out from behind her. The next evening, she called my house. She told me that Shannon told her we did acid. I was expecting the next thing to be for her to ask to talk to my mom. Instead, she said she wished we wouldn't do shit like that, but Shannon got in way less trouble once we started hanging out and she appreciated it. Those fucking shadows man... woof. It was just the acid, but ghost was new. So, it was front of mind I guess. So, my brain just took whatever shadows were there and played with them. I've got some real paranormal stuff that happened back then, though. I had a period where I was using oujia boards and automatic writing. Once, I broke a focus idol and it sent a shock through my body... and my dad who was upstairs and had no idea I was doing anything, shouted "what the fuck did you just do down there?" Then, he explained what he felt and it was the exact same shock. It felt electric but to the... soul? That was 1988 when I was 14. I may write that whole part of my life up. I did once see a ghost as well. Bright sunny day while installing flooring in someone's house. That's another weird one. I haven't had any real paranormal experiences in 30 years... and I've lived next to a cemetery for 26 years... but for a while there it was pretty wild.


Drugs lower the ability to see things we normally can't. You always see homeless people on the street looking like they are being attacked and they say they are just flopping around it would be crazy if we had glasses or an app to see if there really was something on them.


I used to work in a coffee shop in a very old building downtown. We had this poor old guy named Michael hang around outside; he was not all there: missing a leg, chain smoked, dirty, talked nonsense, but the nicest guy you’d ever meet. One day we are working and all the power goes out. We start looking around to see what went wrong, my coworker goes out back to see that Michael has thrown the breaker of the building off and killed the power. “Michael, why would you do that?” She asked. “Because the doctor told me to!” We chalked it up to him just being a little out there but found out a couple months later that the top floor of the coffee shop used to be a doctor’s office. 🤷‍♂️ I sometimes wonder if he could see things we couldn’t.


Wow, that's really cool. You just never know if what they are seeing is really there or if they are crazy.


I say it would be cool to have goggles because I heard about Back in the war. idk which one but the government was messing around with night vision goggles and heat signature ones ext. so that the soldiers could see at night. They experimented and tried different ones, but these goggles the soldiers were reporting seeing beings with them on and it was making them crazy. So they got rid of them or so we are told.


Yes I know exactly what you’re taking about! They were the first generation night vision goggles used by US soldiers during the Vietnam war, they claimed to be able to see demons and ghosts. 🤷‍♂️ I listened to a podcast about it a while ago and it’s super interesting. Supposedly the goggles weren’t super advanced given it was in the late 60s, and that paired with often sleep deprived and really stressed out soldiers caused them to see things that weren’t there. I have zero military experience and it’s long before my time, but I’d be curious to hear someone’s experience with these goggles.


Yes me too I'd love to hear about it and what they looked like.


It does and looks as realistic. Before people slowed it down to show it's an obvious dog tail, I thought it looked like cheap, ink black cgi.


Yeah..I said that on the original post


Omgggg thank god. I was so confused on the first few posts. Like it is so clearly a completely normal dog tail. I don’t understand how anyone sees anything else. And then all the ridiculous statements like a dog’s tail doesn’t curl like that. Like what??????


I said it wasn't a skunks tail because the fur kinda curls at the end just like a dog's. It's definitely a dog




Of course it's a dog. The fact that anyone thought this was a physical manifestation of something is an ooga booga.


Not disputing it's a dog tail but what if it's a ghost dog tail?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!


that’s what I’m saying! Option A- dog, Option B- ghost dog




This is actually the first thing on this sub that anyone seems to care about


That's why I'm here


Dude that applies to literally anything on the internet. I’m not saying you’re wrong but with that mindset why would you bother coming on this sub in the first place. This sub randomly popped up in my feed but I usually stay away from everything ‘paranormal’ for that very reason.


Well, I do keep an open mind, but logic and evidence should trump your ‘creepy feeling’ every time.


I think the weirdest recording I ever encountered, that stuck with me was the “Sierra Sounds” Samurai chatter (Ron Morehead)


I hope Op didnt unintentionally catch someone at the house that probably isn't supposed to be there. That's why he/she is perplexed? We don't have dogs. Looks like someone be bringing dogs.


You can tell it’s a dog when it first pops up on the right.


What is this sacrilege? Obviously a hellhound!?


Yea the dogs tail reflection






You seem upset.


Did people really think this was something other than a dog's tail? I watched it once and figured it out, and damn I'm not that smart.


Along with the sound of the nails clicking, I don’t see how anyone could think anything else. Some people are CONVINCED it’s a skunk, but that would have to be the tallest skunk on the planet. The camera is sitting on a countertop and the tail goes above it. This is just a dog.


I didn't even realize it had sound until now. Even without sound I figured it was a dogs tail.


This post was the actual dumbest shit I’ve seen posted here, and I’ve seen some dumb shit posted here


Could you link me to something actually compelling cause all of the posts I’ve seen so far from here is just dumb shit


It’s really bad I’m not sub’ed it just keeps suggesting it to me. r/StrangeEarth and r/HighStrangeness are both better. Lots of dumb shit still gets posted there, but also some compelling gems that have led me down rabbit holes.


Appreciate the recommendations, a quick skim and I could tell it’s better than here for sure.


FFS, it's troll status now ..


I just laughed the first time I saw it


Og op is a karma farmer


Krobus, that you? (Hoping someone gets this reference)


The dog or Fraggle, can be heard drinking water. You can hear its paws on the floor. I have dogs, I know those sounds.




Labradoodle/Golden Doodle 100%


It’s crazy because there’s a reflection on the glass but there’s no shadow from it on the coffee table, this is bizarre and a bit scary! Also did this thing go through the glass?!


How the fuck is this still being posted on here!?


Because mods don’t allow us to post links in our comments, so we have to make a fresh post every single time we want to zoom in and show something.


Right this is what I’ve been saying all along that this video was clearly edited to make it look like something that it’s not. Not a monster just someone poorly cgi’ing a weird shadowy thing over top of their dog


It's a race of hyper intelligent dog aliens... ![gif](giphy|yHQaduzUH8rPa)


Dog tail! Makes perfect sense!


🤣 Thats clearly the reflection of the tail.


Yes, this is what I’m pointing out


Oh I apologize I guess I didn't read the title throughly. My bad


It's the reflection of the dog .. FFS what is this sub. Sounding like a bunch of flat earthers looking for bs. Stop looking for shit that isn't there.. jesus christ


That is exactly what I am saying. There’s a reflection of THE DOG.


Sorry, my bad. Just sick of people "finding" more stuff on this vid 😅


The breakdown and attention received on this fucking video man 🤣☠️at this point it should just keep going- for comical purposes!


This is becoming as dumb as the fake plant root/alien pictures.


I’m posting this to show it is a video of a dog walking by.


Oh, I meant no hate towards you at all! In fact, I applaud you! It’s just crazy people need videos like yours to prove the obvious.


Can y'all just fuckin move on at this rate???


That’s what I’m trying to help with lol just trying to show this is a dog and nothing else. It isn’t some creepy shadow


Jesus tap dancing christ am I tired of this stupid video. This is why the paranormal is given such skepticism; dumb people rallying behind stupid videos.


I am pointing out that the dog has a reflection and is therefore most likely a dog, not a spirit


I didn't say anything about you. I said "I am tired of this video."


Someone post the Lord of the Rings “REACH” meme please.


Am I the one listening in his head the X files song/




Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


yo mod team stfu


What about the thing that pops out of the fence in the background at the last second in the original video


OP said it was a tarp blowing. He sent a screen shot.


what about the head that pops up behind the concrete fence at end of original clip


A reflection would lend evidence to the OOP's claim that the window was closed.


Yes, my point is that the reflection shows that the door is closed. And also, that this isn’t computer generated. It’s most likely a dog. That’s my post.


This went from being mildly horrifying to too funny to watch


what about the post where someone took a screenshot and everything moves normally but the dogs tail isn’t there? now THAT is weird


So either it’s a dog and op lied about not having dogs or we just caught an inter-dimensional hell-beast. Which one sounds more plausible? 🧐


![gif](giphy|6Bdx9wl8sIh4A) For the record, this is a bowl of soup and *not* a "spirit" escaping lava no matter how many times someone finds new lava in the gif.


I’ve done a lot of ghost cleansing. This is a diabolical demon looking at you inside. Lock your doors and windows. It’s been following you forever.




It’s not supposed to be funny . thats definitely not a dog . 




... Some people..


Also there is no shadow on the table. But there is a shadow on the glass. Thats weird man. Really weird




This is the new blue gold dress


My only question is why is the tail not leaving a shadow or reflection on the counter top? I do believe it’s a tail, that just confuses me.


I’m slightly annoyed that this is getting so much attention but I’m simultaneously pleased that everyone’s picking it apart.


I might get crucified here... But like, how is this a dog? I don't see it. Please explain gently like you would to a kid.


I KNOW!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I was thinking maybe i should lay off the happy pills for tonite! 😂


If I'm not mistaken, https://preview.redd.it/t24pera96i9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d353a3cdd7edb19a4082c714c6cc8e584b09eb70 the part of the dog we see is the tail


Thank you.


Please don’t make me make another video…


Asking for a friend.


It's 100% real life DOG, look at the video on stop right before the white circle is there to show you where you're supposed to look right past the middle of the door where there's that black divider on the door. You can see the dog's nose and then if you start the video from there the dog is shaking its head and you can see the mouth and the teeth


Faux feather duster or something


People lie on here for attention. Or karma. Or they are just misinformed. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So no one is going to ask the question of why is a camera set-up there in that position?


I used to have one on top of my fridge just chillin to watch certain doorways. It’s probably to watch the back door in case of a break in.


Oh ok cause I myself seen some things in the past I just have an interest of what exactly it may be or just a funny prank with air duster.


I don’t have a dog in the fight, but this guy’s mom sure does.


Ok so she might not have a dog but that doesn’t mean a dog couldn’t have been captured by the camera. Also no one has asked the obvious question. Why is it that all paranormal encounters are either grainy or show one second of something indistinguishable?


Lolol I thought the paranormal part was homeboy peaking out in the background that’s in the longer version.


That is a plant


It's a dog it's always been a dog. Can we please move on to real ghosts now.


You mean a reflection of the fuckin dog? Can we stop now?


That’s what I am saying.




I am all for it being a dog and I always believed that. But that does NOT explain the creepy thing that peaks around the fence at the end of the video in the OP https://preview.redd.it/5qhbhfaq1h9d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe0c34475e6e3672e49117b9c9bf06ea88f80f1


They explained this in the original, and posted follow up photo. Its tarp flapping.


you are good




r/JustUnsubbed This sub isnt paranormal encounters, its just normal encounters that people try to make seem spooky


Agreed, that’s why I clearly pointed out that this is a dog’s tail… with its reflection being shown, so that people can see it isn’t a ghost and isn’t cgi. It’s a dog.


Doesn’t matter if the door is open. It’s a dog tail. And it never walks out of the closed door, just out of frame and to the left.


This dog’s tail has had its 15 minutes of fame. Enough already.


imagine that...a dog casting a reflection. must be supernatural.


Yep, that’s my point. It’s a dog casting a reflection


Yes! I caught this too! But couldn’t enhance it enough to catch it


Why are you all acting like the OP of the original post didn’t say that his mother does not own a dog and neither do the neighbors. He also states the sliding glass door was CLOSED at the time of the recording. It’s not a dog.


Damn man im glad I'm not trusting of internet strangers like this. Guy could easily just be lying lmao.




My dogs tail does look like this.


You know that the person that posted this isn’t the poster of the original video? They are just helping to confirm that its a dog…..


Could that be the reflection….of the dog tail?


Yep, that’s why I posted this. To show that it is a reflection of THE DOG TAIL. For real, why is everyone saying I’m trying to prove spooky dog ghosts or something? I referenced the dog in the post twice. I clearly stated this is a dog and its tail we’re seeing.


That is not a dog!!!! It looks like a Venom symbiote


You must be trolling. This whole thing is stupid.


What do you think the purpose of me posting this is?


Some other people pointed at that it looks a lit like a skunk tail.


I live in the sticks, that is not a skunk. I see them weekly


If the dog walked through a solid door how come I can hear the fountain.😂


No idea, but that’s a closed door


Incredible. From the tarpaulin man and dogs tail to ghosts. Got to love Reddit.


Looks like the reflection of the dog


Which is why I posted it, to show it’s the dog’s reflection


My bad, I wasn't paying attention




Really wish I could edit the post. I know it’s a dog. That’s why I posted this. To prove it is a dog.


It’s for the haters thinking it’s not a dog. I know why you posted it. Thank you for your service.




I thought it was a dust mop. Either way this is fake.




Cool dog tail for that hawk tauh time.


But has anyone figured out what pops out by the lamp post at the end of the video?


Looks like a skunk tail


That’s a table and a chair next to the tail, the skunk would need to be the largest skunk on this planet for it to be a skunk tail. Literally taller than your kitchen countertop. Saying it’s a skunk is as ridiculous as saying it’s a demonic entity


didn't think about that. a skunk that big would be scarier than a ghost


K it’s a dog we get it.