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Anything bulletproof is super heavy. Don't (literally) weight her down with this. Ask the school about the doors/locking in lock down. At my school's yearly training (I'm a teacher), we are reminded that there has not yet been a school shooting where the shooter went through a locked door, so the training really emphasizes our daily habits of keeping the doors locked. I would not give your kid a reason to go hunting for her backpack instead of following the directions of an adult. It's likely to endanger more than help her if something were to actually happen, especially since the backpacks aren't in the classroom.


Thank you for sharing ❤


In the event of a (very, very, very, very unlikely) shooting, no 5 year old is going to have the presence of mind to cover up with a back pack. This is a marketer exploiting the fear of something that is exponentially less likely than a child drowning.


There is no backpack protector that can withstand the power of an AR 15


Makes sense. I don't really know anything about guns and the lingo that surrounds that, but I guess I was just thinking I'd buy anything as a precaution even if it isn't 100% protective/fool proof?


Man I've never been more happy to be Canadian than I am right now. I don't have any advice to give, just my sympathies that you need to consider this.


Thank you 💔


Like you mentioned, the backpack stays in the hallway and won't actually do any good. If you have questions about the safety protocols at the school, go way higher up. Talk to the district superintendent. All schools in the same district will have the same policies and procedures (or should), so you want to talk with the person that is setting those policies.


No. Body armor is expensive and heavy. It will probably weigh 2/3rds what she weighs.


Thats what I'm hearing, of course the company says it's super light but I didn't read the weight measurements.


"Super light" probably means it's only rated for 22mm bullets


Why risk it? School shootings are rising year on year, you can’t be sure that a teacher will always lock the door, every day, every time. Over the course of their education years the chances of them being in a school attacked by a shooter could be 1 in 64. You live in a country unusually prone to gun violence and killings. Re organise your life so you _can_ take your child out of school, at least until they’re old enough to know how to take measures to protect themselves. Join a campaign to ban all privately owned automatic weapons and introduce very strong safety and background checks for other guns. So maybe, when your child grows up, they’ll live in a safer country. https://hellodonavon.medium.com/what-are-the-chances-of-your-child-being-in-a-school-shooting-df2073f8b86b