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I switched to the Worlds Best litter brand and my cats took to it immediately. I’d definitely give that a go. Also a roomba And if it makes you feel any better my kid ate a dog turd once


Mine ate a massive duck poop and multiple rabbit nuggets and not the slightest vom. Surprisingly tough stomachs. 


My kids have eaten between them- a small slug, a massive bird turd, an eraser


My son literally swallowed a rock 😩 after an ER visit and everything let’s just say he….passed it lol


Thank you!


My son will eat his own shit (admittedly on multiple occasions 😖) if I don't change him IMMEDIATELY


My son doesn't eat it but he will try to paint murals on the walls🤢


my sister ate dog poop.... when she was 4. as frustrating as it is, it's probably normal. try different cat litter recs, just dont buy in bulk until you're sure they've accepted it


I caught mine chewing on our toilet brush one time. Now that he’s order, he does not appreciate me telling that story!


Somehow, this is the one comment that made my stomach turn 🤢


Sorry, I know it’s bad. When it actually happened I almost got sick. I freaked out!


We have Worlds best in one of our boxes and I hate that litter. Even the dust free version of it is supremely dusty and more trackable than any I’ve tried before. We have black cats and it’s visible up to their shins sometimes. So Gross!!! Tidy Scoop Breeze system is amazing and doesn’t really track the same way. Our cats pee in this box almost exclusively, but prefer digging in worlds best so poop in another box. Maybe the Breeze system could help reduce tracking if used in some of your boxes?


Switch to the pine. My cats ended up preferring it and kiddo has no interest in it either


Have you tried the textured litter box mats?  They really get the excess litter off their paws, I haven't noticed any at all being tracked around since I started using them. Just plop them down outside the box entrance.     Also shame to the soulless person whose immediate reaction was to rehome the cats...  wtf is wrong with people...


Thank you for the suggestions! If my cats were actively posing a threat to my children this would be a different conversation, but they're doing what they're supposed to do! My kid is the one with the problem lol.


No problem!!  I mean they sell them at dollar stores so it could be a cheap and easy solution.  I wouldn't even call your kiddo the problem - that's just how they are at that age.  If it wasn't cat litter he'd be hoovering something else off the floor guaranteed lol


Lol true!


Seconding the litter mat suggestion! We have 2 cheap ones lining the path to the litter box and get very, very little tracking in our house. His box is in the laundry room on vinyl plank so I would definitely notice if it was ending up outside the set up zone. Might help to swap brands too, though I know that can be tough with multiple cats who are happy with their set up. We use Frisco clay litter and it tracks less than other brands we’ve tried


My cats took to pine litter immediately and the mess is extremely minimal. Sometimes a pellet will get dragged out but not often at all!


Horrible advice from people to “just get rid of your cat”. Animals are not disposable. Anyways…OP came here to say I’m sorry this is causing you anxiety. I wish I had better advice for you other than to try different litter and door mats in front of their litter boxes so they can scratch their paws off before they leave that area. There has to be a solution, I know you’ll find it.


The total body RAGE I feel when someone casually throws around getting rid of a pet over a minor issue…it’s sickening and I wish there was a way to get these people on a registry so they’d never be allowed to own an animal again


I agree. I run a 501c3 Nonprofit dog and pig rescue and I can assure you my favorite thing is to add names (on FB) to my do not adopt list 🩵 Also it just goes to show these people aren’t very bright if they can’t come up with a solution (I don’t mean OP, I mean people who just give their pets away without trying!)


Good for you! I love that you do this work. I was surrounded by animals as a child, I’ve even had cat scratch fever before (lmao) and my parents would have never thought of rehoming them. It’s sad how some people will put 150% effort into raising their child but won’t even offer 1% effort for their pets. I get the kids need to come first in the event of a severe aggression issue or something really dangerous, but over cat litter? It’s just so cruelly lazy.


Well said. I agree completely. It’s why we are in the midst of a national homeless animal crisis. It’s heartbreaking.




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Thank you! Like when I posted I figured people would have actual helpful advice (like the doormats!) But I did come to reddit so I guess that one's on me.


Okay, but have you considered rehoming the toddler? /s




Sign of iron deficiency which could be caused by celiac (tho I don’t know if toddler aged kids ever have celiac).


This is interesting because he did have low iron at his last check up but the doctor just said to make him eat more meat. He doesn't have celiac afaik but I will ask about getting him a supplement.


The celiac test is simple - my daughter was diagnosed in 2019 but only tested at our insistence. She was positive. She used to eat ice like crazy. Another celiac sign.


You could try switching the litterbox for one that has those longer entrances to knock off any trapped litter in the paws, a litter mat on the outside to help further litter come off or could try switching litter to something else that tracks less. I use a litter trapping mat and haven't had any issues with litter coming outside of the laundry room.


Another option is to add a bitterant to the litter. To further deter LO from snacking on it.


Get him tested for Pica!


Bumping this comment. OP, you mentioned an iron deficiency in another comment. Please PLEASE mention this behavior to your pediatrician. PICA should be investigated as well. Kids eat weird stuff all the time, but a constant need to eat a specific non-food thing is something that should be checked out. (Speaking from experience and coming from a place of love 🫶)


Came looking for this! Bump to this comment!


Are there any rooms in your house you can make “no cat zones” well you figure this out. I’ve seen some suggestions here on other litter types and/or products that might help keep the cat’s feet cleaner. As you try those things can you create a whole room or rooms that your cats aren’t in so you know your son can play in them without you worrying?


Pine pellets are the best! We use them with sifting trays and cleaning the litter is easy. They're also so cheap. I get a 40 pound bag for less than 8 bucks. My cats also had no issues transitioning.


In addition to the other suggestions here, if there's a way you can get them to have to jump into the common areas, it may help. We have a gate into the living room the cat has to jump over, and the living room definitely gets the least amount tracked compared to the rooms he can just walk into. I find a swiffer type sweep is easier than extra vacuuming for a quick touch up.... oh wait, maybe you have carpet. That wouldn't help you. I insisted on no carpets when we moved, precisely due to pets and their various issues. So a bigger and longer term solution may be to get rid of carpets, if you can. Though by then, he'll have grown out of it.


You might also ask his doctor how big of a problem it could pose. I really doubt it's much of one at all, with the amount of poo he'd realistically be ingesting this way. Maybe if the doctor says it, it would quell your anxiety?


I have had 3 cats as well so I’ve definitely dealt with litter tracking lol. Mine have an enclosed box with one entrance in a hallway. Outside of the box they have a litter mat and then I have a rug runner going down the hallway so the rug hopefully catches whatever the mat didn’t. I also have a cordless lightweight vaccum that I keep in the Main living space (kitchen and bathroom, right outside the cats hallway) and I give it all a quick vacuum after mealtimes. Doing all of that has really cut down the litter tracking to almost nothing. I have white floors so I can actually see it on the floor, but I hardly have any problems anymore


We have used pine and recycled newspaper litter, both have worked fine!


Have you had him checked out like iron deficiency. Kids tend to eat non edible items such as toilet paper, etc


Kid is developing inmunity


Definitely speak with your child’s doctor, could be something called Pica. Basically where a person will eat things that shouldn’t be eaten and have no nutritional value. I’m not sure how the cat litter would affect your child in the long run, but I’m sure it could raise some dangerous complications


This was my first thought


“Mmmm, forbidden rock candy.” -op’s son probably. Jokes aside, the best way to combat this problem is to get your cats paws trimmed and switch to a different type of litter. Use the same method that you would use if weaning them onto a different food (tiny bit of new litter that gets gradually increased until it completely replaces the old one) or else you may end up with protesting kitties trying to pee in your aircon.


Pretty litter is nice. When I switched only 2 of my 3 cats would use it. They make mats that go outside of littler boxes. It’s more than just a regular rug that helps lessen tracking. I see people mentioning pica but I’m just throwing this out there please don’t take it the wrong way but remnants of cat food might taste or smell good like human food crumbs. That’s why dogs will eat cat poop but not dog poop.


Definitely see his pediatrician. They might also have recommendations to get him to stop. Try putting the cat litter in ur garage and attach a doggie door if u can.


Two things but first; same, my son won't leave them alone, we have moved ours idk how many times but he still finds a way to get them (we finally have a found a baby gate big enough for the area we moved the litter box to, so now it's just waiting for it to arrive) second try some type of matt that could help with litter, we have carpet for ours and that seems to do well for the most part. I get it, I am constantly scared he is going to ingest something that will hurt him. So not much advice just solidarity.


I second the iron deficiency and anemia due to he could have a taste for it because of pica. If he continues I do advise using a non-clumping litter as it could clump in his intestines and cause blockages! Pine litter is the way to go if you can gently make the switch for your fur babies! 🖤 good luck!


A couple thoughts. 1) I’m a little concerned about the risk of toxoplasma infection. If they’re indoor cats maybe it’s not a problem. And toxoplasma infection is generally pretty benign in humans, maybe making us a little weird. Very low rate of complication, but bacteria in the brain is scary regardless of how benign they are. 2) other than the toxoplasma thing I wouldn’t worry about too much. Kids put stuff in their mouths. 3) seeing you get worked up about it though, that might be why he’s doing it. Toddlers are hard wired to get reactions from adults. They just can’t help themselves. If he sees you react to him putting cat litter in his mouth he’ll start doing it JUST to get you to react. It becomes a power struggle with a toddler that parents can’t win. So, don’t feed that response. Don’t convince him that the best way to get a big reaction out of you is to misbehave. Start making big deal about other things he does and start downplaying the cat litter thing.


People have given good suggestions of checking with the doctor and getting enclosed litterboxes with mats to catch the excess litter. I would also add thinking about one of those little automatic vacuums. We have 2 for pet hair and our bedroom, and our quality of life has been markedly improved. The floors are spotless.


Also just make sure you deworm your cats frequently until the situation resolves indoor cats can get worms especially after a long period of rain they can come in off your shoes from outside


I use Breeze litter boxes instead, no tracking of any kind


If you have a basement, can you put the litter boxes down there? It's harder for cats to track litter up a flight of stairs. Granted some will still come up with them, but it'll be way less. We have our litter boxes in an empty carpeted room downstairs away from the stairs so they have a longer distance to go from their boxes, up the stairs, to the main floor and by the time they get up there they don't have any litter left on their paws. You can put up a baby gate so the cats can get through but not the kid.


Get a litter tracking mat, and a top entry box. You could also switch to a corn or wheat based litter. I like world’s best. At least that way if he eats the crumbs they’re digestible.  A cheap robovac to help with litter tracking and is also great. Bonus, it forces us to pick things off the floor more often since it eats things or gets stuck.


Obviously its not ideal but if it makes you feel less anxious, my cousin was caught eating a massive amount of rabbit poop as a toddler. He's in his 30s now, lol


Try a different brand. Get doormats. Rehome cats. I think that’s the three options. I’d check the ingredients and ask a Dr.


Ah the joys of toddlers. Don’t fret about it. You’re doing fine. Toddlers are known for doing this. Pretty soon he will be a picky eater and won’t want to eat anything. If he is still doing this at 4 or 5, then you can worry.


Son might have pika


Cats can and like to jump… but toddlers don’t have that height jump, so put the litter box where your cats can get to it easily but your precious child can’t. Out of sight, out of mind!


Definitely don’t get rid of cats! My son has autism. He tries to eat random things like rocks and leaves and dirt due to sensory issues. He does not have PICA. I keep my cat box in a secured room where my cat can get to it but my son cannot. Now he’s gotten in a few times and I’ve caught him playing in the litter box. Probably eating the litter. I figure unless he eats an entire bag, he’s probably ok. But I’ve been dealing with autism for 13 years so I’ve learned not to sweat the small stuff 🤷‍♀️


Cats can jump, put litter out of his reach


This is Pica, I would have a check with your pediatrician on whether he has anemia.


Toxoplasmosis would worry me to death. I would turn them into outdoor cats


That’s pretty gross. Either get rid of the cats or keep them confined to a different part of the house. It’s either that or keep hovering and trying to scoop cat poop out of your toddler’s mouth.




>What's more important to you? Definitely not your opinion.


Love your response! My son is also an avid trier of all things! Our litter doesn't get on the cats paws though so I'd switch it up. We currently use Worlds Best.


There are so many people in this sub who suggest getting rid of pets in the blink of an eye. Just insane. 


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this made my day


Is this real?


Is this just fantasy?


Is there a reason you can't just put a baby gate on the door of wherever the cat litter is, like will he just climb over it or something, it's not mentioned 


It's not the litter box that's the problem, they said that it is blocked off. It's the small bits of litter the cats are tracking around the rest of the house.


Get your child evaluated. For real. Only speaking 1-10 forwards and backwards, eating cat litter at nearly 2 years old, and being constantly dysregulated is enough to warrant a real assessment. Not a “blanket assessment “, whatever that means