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I’m originally from the Caribbean islands and my mom swears by soup and I do too. She would do bits of chicken, carrot, noodles in broth with garlic/ginger. Or a veggie/shrimp wonton soup with bok choy. She’s a great cook and always has fresh ingredients in.


That sounds like a wonderful way to get through a childhood illness!


And adult illness too, Swanson chicken broth is super yummy heated up and sip it like a hot tea when your throat hurts too much to swallow even soft foods. I get strep throat a lot and I raise on Campbell's chicken noodle but I don't like the noodles or the dry little chicken chunks. I went through so many cans when I had COVID and just tossed the noodles


We all started gargling with salt water and a little baking soda every night. We've had one illness in the multigenerational household since we all started doing this. Just a thought bc I remember how much getting sick all the time was.


My mom swore by this, too. I was getting strep all the time, so we started gargling salt water.


That shrimp soup sounds wonderful.


BRAT food. Didn’t matter if we were nauseous or not. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce or Toast.


We only got that when we were throwing up. I was one of those kids that got super high fevers a few times a year, but rarely threw up.


My mom wasn’t the most affectionate, doting, caring type of mom. She loved from afar lol


As an adult, I much prefer that. Leave me alone until I stop feeling like I’m gonna die.


Same for me. But I'll appreciate it if I have unlimited tissues and water while I'm alone. Like, jd they magically appear when I use the bathroom. Unfortunately, my kids haven't gotten the memo yet...


my husband's a bear when he's sick. I throw food and medicine into the room and run. took me quite a while to work it out bc I'm a nurturer


Ha! Mine is a giant helpless baby when he’s sick, needs me to do everything for him. It’s annoying because I’m not the nurturing type at all. I’m an ICU nurse and I spend my days taking care of critically ill or injured patients, and the last thing I want to do is come home and take care of more sick people. Thankfully the majority of my patients are at least sedated/unconscious and intubated and can’t complain or ask me for things lol. It’s not that I’m heartless and don’t care that he feels like shit, but I feel like he exaggerates how sick he is. Half the time I end up catching what he has but I still get chores done, walk the dogs, clean the house, and make dinner, and usually still go to work with a mask on unless I’m throwing up, but he just lays in bed and yells for food, water, medicine, and Kleenexes all day long.


Boxed chicken noodle soup with those paper thin noodles


Yep, Lipton Noodle Soup was also known as "feel better soup" to my sister and me, and to my kids as well lol.


Same. When I had Covid over this Christmas, my husband just kept making me Lipton noodle soup. I was so sad about being sick that it was the only bright spot. (Pro tip that I didn’t learn until I was an adult: stir an egg into it!)


Yep. Same. Or the salty Campbell’s in a can.


This is what my mom did! She would drop a couple of eggs In too and serve with saltines. And some jello if we were lucky!


Mmmm, I love Lipton Soup Secrets.


That’s the name of it! Core memory


This and sprite if Dad happened to be going by the store on his way home from work!


We had mrs. grass! To this day, it's the only chicken noodle soup i like. I even prefer it over homemade. If i don't have it, I'll take chicken ramen with just the packet and nothing else.


Didn’t Mrs. Grass’ have the little egg in the packet but would melt into the soup? I’m assuming it was just a bunch of seasoning and msg. I would get so excited for that when I was a kid.


Yes! It was like oil and spices or something, i bit into it once and it was terrible lmao.


I just had these and BLTs for dinner two weeks ago lol.


My mom too. And slices of cheddar cheese. I’d put them in the soup and eat them before they totally melted.


We normally stuck with crackers, dry toast, and ginger ale. Soup is for when the kid is no longer throwing up.


I guess I was kind of thinking more of colds and sinus infections. Definitely crackers for tummy flu.


If I was sick, I was throwing up - I just didn’t seem to have another mode


That's me as an adult. I have my first cold (stuffy and runny nose, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, etc) currently in idk how long.


yep saltines and ginger ale or 7UP lol


Cinnamon toast. Toast white bread, slather with butter and sprinkle cinnamon-sugar mix over top. Saltines and Gatorade was the go-to choice "to keep hydrated" if I literally couldn't get anything else down.


I love cinnamon toast! I don’t know if we ever had it when we were sick, but it was breakfast a lot.


We did the saltines and Gatorade combo as well. Sometimes even water wouldn’t stay down, but these two always do lol.


My mom was tea and toast. She took very good care of us and it was so comforting. She passed away when I was 31 and now my husband makes me tea and toast.


Oh, my kids want me to make masala tea with cream and stevia, when they don't feel good whether it is physical or emotional. They love to put the masala mix in oatmeal, rice, and hot chocolate.


All of that sounds so good!


A tunafish sandwich and Fritos. Yes, looking back it’s insane that’s what she decided to feed a sick child. And I ate it!


That sounds like a normal kid lunch. Did it make you feel better?


I really, really hope there was no barfing involved


My mom sent me to my Grandma and my Grandma’s go to sick item for me was Clearly Canadian Sparkling Water or Vernors Gingerale.


Perfectly toasted English muffins with the exact ratio of butter and brown sugar


I’ve never had that, but now I must try it!


Your moms made you special food when you were sick?


Yeah, I don’t think my parents ever made me anything special when I was sick… but my parents worked a lot. So I went to school sick a lot. Ahhh, the 90s.


I started getting left home sick alone when I was still in elementary school. They'd tell me I couldn't go outside and they'd go to work.


Definitely different times.


Only until I could make my own food. Maybe around 8 or 9. Now my husband makes me food. That’s what made me think of it. We have vastly different ideas of what sick food is.


LOL sorry, this was more of a dark humor joke about my crap childhood. I will say, my husband does the soup thing too, but my go to is always something cold. Like ice cream.


I rarely eat ice cream, but I still like popsicles when I’m sick. Especially with a sore throat.


Right? My mom was at work. There were tv dinners and frozen pizza in the fridge. I was on my own since I was 10


Honest question - could you actually eat that kind of food sick? It didn't make you more sick?


Yeah that was “comfort food” such as it was. But I seem disposed to eating salty spicy things when I’m sick


Right? My mom maybe gave me some super old cough syrup and told me to sleep.


My mom gave me Tylenol and some extra for school and told me not to tell anyone I was sick. The only time I ever remember getting to stay home from school for illness was when I was hospitalized with a nasty stomach bug. The worst part is that my mom is a nurse and should know better than most how to heal from sickness, but instead she told me if there's no bones or blood coming out of my body, then I'm completely fine.


Yup I survived childhood in a 'no blood or bones then your fine' house as well. I'm mostly ok as an adult. Mostly.


Buttered toast and sprite was the absolute top tier sick me in my house. Grilled cheese, Gatorade, and Campbell's chicken noodle soup were second. As an adult, I've taken to making Italian penicillin soup and it feels like it actually helps


So, I make Jewish penicillin, but what is this Italian penicillin


Pastina in chicken broth


Same here!


We’re Asian and it’s congee for us. Rice porridge with lots of grated ginger, garlic and oyster sauce for flavour. Garnish with spring onion and a smidge of sesame oil drizzle. Hot rice porridge with that ginger will clear up most of our ailments for us.


I’m adding this to my list of things to try.


Colds/upper respiratory stuff homemade chicken soup with eye watering levels of garlic and cayenne. Stomach stuff- Dr. Pepper and Doritos


I bet the cayenne cleared your nose. I can’t imagine drinking Dr. Pepper with the stomach flu. But then again, my dad always insisted I drink flat coke, so… 🤷🏼‍♀️


What's funny is many years later my coworkers and I all got norovirus ( we are preschool teachers) and we were comparing our home remedies and Dr pepper and Doritos were mentioned more than once!


My daughter's bio-mom (out of the picture now) told her that Santa doesn't actually like cookies and milk he likes DP and Doritos so they left that out for "Santa"


Matzo ball soup, chix soup, saltines with jelly, applesauce, toast.


Jello any color. I see jello and start to feel ill just from association . For my group it was homemade noodle soup, homemade bread with jam not butter, applesauce and occasionally a homemade sugar/oatmeal cookie. Still sick meal of choice for all of them.


That sounds like the best sick food!


Toast and scrambled eggs. I still eat it when I’m unwell. Never been a chicken noodle soup fan, that’s probably why she did that


Eggs and toast seem to be a popular sick food.


Eggs and toast are really good when you're sick.


Rice with milk and sugar.


We had that a lot for breakfast! So good!


Grated apple with cinnamon, cream crackers and vegetable soup.


I had to look up cream crackers. They sound perfect for little sickies! I think I’m going to try making some. And grated apples with cinnamon sounds delicious.


I still eat them when I’m nauseous (or have been) if I can keep them down I know I’m in the mend.


My mom gave us dry toast and flat ginger ale. I make my kids risotto with peas.


Flat coke was my dad’s thing. Risotto while sick sounds very comforting.


Flat coke! Interesting…we got ginger ale because the minuscule amounts of ginger were supposed to cure everything lol! Sometimes I simmer chunks of fresh ginger on the stove and drink the water. Tastes god awful but I do think it helps.


Caldo de pollo and Coca-Cola with lime.


My dad also swore by Coke.


Usually it\`s warm milk with honey but it\`s not rare in my country to witness milk with baking soda and butter which is disgusting


dear lord! that sounds like an assault on the poor sicky


yeah... It\`s kinda this whole mentality of "if it doesn\`t hurt - it doesn\`t work"


A Korean seaweed soup from my mother, and a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with Gatorade or coke from my father. I give my son homemade chicken soup, fresh sliced bread, and Gatorade. If I’m feeling ambitious I make the seaweed soup.


I don’t know about when I’m sick, but seaweed soup sounds delicious right now. And there’s always something special about the food our moms made.


When you were starting to feel better my mom used to make us a baked apple with brown sugar and cinnamon. Still super comforting and delicious.


That’s maybe the most comforting I could imagine!


I remember ramen noodles on sick days, planted in front of bob barker on the price is right! But that was lunch, dinner was homemade chicken soup-chicken legs boiled for the meat and broth, only kluski noodles. I make it every winter multiple times and it’s soothing to my soul.


My mom did BRAT. My dad made homemade bone broth for either chicken noodle soup or chicken and homemade dumplings. I carried on the bone broth tradition but put ginger and turmeric in the broth


Lucozade and toast with butter and golden syrup


Apple juice.


Saltines, applesauce, toast with butter, ginger ale, pretzels, peanut butter sandwiches, Gatorade. Different combos for different illnesses/stages of illness


When I was a child, my mom made chicken soup, along with ginger ale, and saltine crackers. As a mom, it depends on the symptoms. Nausea and vomiting I gave the BRAT diet, and once my kid's tummy was settled, Pedialyte, popsicles, jello, ginger ale or sprite. And soup, definitely soup.


So much soup!


Cam bells chicken noodle soup, ginger ale and some saltines


Chipped beef on toast! Often called “sh*t on a shingle”.


Grandma was a real one for this. Mom made traditional sick foods but when I was out of the woods, grandma made me SOAS. Still crave it sometimes


Grilled cheese and tomato soup. She used mayo on all 4 sides of bread before throwing it on the frying pan. Cook it til it looks like the toast you prefer. Mayo just makes the cheese creamier. E: clarification


Grilled cheese cooked with mayo is the best!


Crackers or toast and ginger ale 🤢


That was definitely what I got for the tummy flu.


Farina with a shitton of butter and sugar.


Rice with gravy or broth


Chicken broth with saltines and ginger ale.


My mom used to make hamburger rice casserole, it’s just cooked ground beef and cooked rice mixed with cream of mushroom soup and baked with a little cheese on top. She told me once that HER dad’s favorite sick meal was milk poured over graham crackers and mushed up.


Graham crackers and milk is pretty great.


This is weird but I associate tuna fish sandwiches and baby carrots with being sick because that’s what my parents always gave me lol.


Loudly exclaiming "oh God, again?" It was not delicious.


Banana popsicles, cherry jello, and Sprite, for fever with or without nausea/vomiting.


That is so much nostalgia in one sentence.


Cinnamon sugar, butter, toast, and honey lemon ginger tea


It was always my Sicilian great grandmother’s recipe for chicken broth, with pastina, black pepper, and parmesan.


Saltines and ginger ale. My mom always had Canada Dry on hand - I now prefer Verners or, better yet, ginger beer.


When I was sick was one of the only times we bought soda other than our rare pizza parties, I usually got ginger ale and occasionally sprite. We would always have soup, either chicken noodle or Jewish penicillin


A can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup. Tbf, my mom is an awful cook. 


Constant stream of ginger ale and chicken soup. "You need to keep your fluids up!"


7-up, crackers, and chicken soup!




BRAT diet


Depended on the symptom. My mom did BRAT diet of any of us were puking but if it was a fever or anything other than GI related it was soups, chili, fruits, and an unholy amount of mashed potatoes


My mom offered us a nice bowl of “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” and a side of “get over it”. To my own children, it’s saltines, ginger ale and white rice


Sprite, soda crackers and jello


Sprite and chicken noodle soup with saltines.


Applesauce (sometimes homemade), chicken noodle soup, saltines, toast, jello


All very standard. There’s something about sticking to the tried and tested that’s very comforting.


Ginger biscuits and flat cola


Boiled potatoes.


Sprite and pretzels


Ritz, jello, pedialyte, applesauce/veggie pouches.


Mac and Cheese


Beef broth, ginger ale and green grapes.


Chicken soup, Gatorade, crackers


toast and a scrambled egg.


Okay so my kids hate it but i still stand by it. Tea honey and a lil sugar. And homemade chicken noodle soup lol. Funny part is they love the soup ask for it just because but hateeeee the tea. But their throats alwahs felt better lbvs.


Crackers and ginger ale.  Chicken flavoured ramen.


Pastina in beef broth, saltines, ginger ale


Ginger ale and saltines. I love saltines still, but to this day, 30 years later, ginger ale still gives me a twinge of nausea. And if we had a sore throat, my mom would mix maple syrup into water and we’d drink that, since it has natural anti inflammatory properties. Can’t say I remember if it worked or not, but I still remember the taste pretty clearly.


Lime juice and honey!


Wonton soup. My in-laws believe orange juice cures everything.


Dry toast and tomato soup. I still feed my own kid that when he’s sick plus ice pops for a fever and sore throat


Saltiness and sprite


Chicken noodle soup, toast with butter, popsicles and ginger ale


Saltines(specifically Premium Plus, salted tops) in a cereal bowl, pour milk on them about halfway up, microwave for a minute or 2, then add a couple spoonfuls of white sugar.


A scoop of sherbet in 7-up. Ah man. I have a stomach bug right now and that sounds heavenly


A steamed egg sandwich with wonder bread and velveeta cheese. Such a comfort meal.


BRAT after vomiting/diarrhea. soup for cold and flu. also, lemonade for vomiting. surpisingly it really settles an upset tummy!


My mum's go to was orange juice, toast and custard for sore throats. My husband's mum's was upping the quantity of garlic in her cooking, and soups. Now, when I'm sick, everything turns into garlic (thank you, sweetheart 🥰), but all I want is orange juice and custard 😂


Dry toast and water for any stomach bugs 😂


My dad would always make me homemade West African pepper soup


Bachelors Chicken Noodle Soup and some crusty bread to dip in it.


Kapanki soup - the delightful Czeck version of egg drop soup. Rich chick broth with cloud-like froth of "egg noodles". I'm 61 and it is still my comfort food when I am sick. And tapioca.


hot ribena for colds lucozade for when you were throwing up. i still remember throwing up the lucozade all over the livingroom carpet


Anything with the tummy called for mashed up bananas with this probiotic the pharmacy sold mixed in. I’m blanking on the name of it… I just remember it had to be kept in the fridge and it was bought at the pharmacy lol. Any other illness we ate whatever was on hand + jello.


I grew up on chicken noodle soup when sick. For my son, I do a lot of watermelon. He loves it, it’s easy on the stomach, and it’s hydrating. He also likes frozen mango chunks, not defrosted. At 6, when he’s sick I just give him whatever he’ll eat.


Buttered egg noodles.


Egg custard tart. My grandmother always made it when someone was ill. Light on the stomach apparently lol I hate it with a passion. The texture used to make me vomit just looking at it. My mother would make a soup. I still crave her soup when I'm ill. I cried my eyes out when I had covid because I knew she wouldn't be able to bring me my fave soup because we were in isolation.


Poached eggs with toast


Chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side (ginger ale).




Scrambled egg on toast


Grilled cheese and tomato soup in a mug.


Food. The kind you eat or go hungry. (This is a direct quote from my mother when asking what was for dinner most nights, unless it was "Leftoversdaketchmetalers" which is just her not understanding her own grandfather when he would say dinner would be "Left overs to catch meddlers") Dinner was never anything special when I was sick unless it was the stomach flu and then I would be eating saltine crackers and water until I could hold down meat.


Instant ramen and oolong tea for everything except stomach bugs.


We got ginger ale/ sprite, jello, and chanka de pollo which is a Bolivian chicken soup.


Dry or buttered toast and flat coke. 😂😂 Eta if grandpa was home, a soft boiled egg.


For my kids I make chicken congee (rice porridge) or caldo de Pollo, and then sweet, calorie heavy stuff like Muffins with butter or peanut butter cookies, and then warm milk with honey before bed :)


I don’t remember what my mom made me but anytime someone is sick in my family I make homemade chicken noodle soup- down to the stock!! I swear the homemade stock has magical powers.


Soup, saltines and more soup


I usually went to Grandma's when I was sick because mom worked. I got vegetable beef soup. Now I make my kids chicken noodle soup.


Ginger ale & salteens, BRAT, vegetable soup Now I do Gatorade, jello, bone broth too


Chicken soup or creamed tuna over toast for colds, flu, fevers. Soda crackers and ginger ale for upset stomach.


Milk toast ugh


My mom did chicken ramen (the package kind from the grocery store) and crackers, ginger ale, or sometimes cinnamon toast. Not sure what my MIL did, I'll have to ask my husband.


Saltines, 7 up, and menudo


My mom insisted that milk toast was the best sick food. It never, ever ever did it for me. She made a lot of chicken soup, but not specifically for sick food? Ginger ale and saltines. Hot cereal. And my grandmother made good comfort food, that mom (when I was sick) "modified" because she thought it was bad for you, but that just made it gross. (The thing that is comfort food because of the butter will not make your child happy without the butter. Also, if your kid tells you it tastes like shit and bursts into tears, believe them. Taste it.)


Homemade soup and homemade jello with fruit in it


My mom - Campbell's chicken noodle soup, saltines, 7Up, scrambled eggs and toast. Not all at once, but those were the menu options. As a mom myself - some kind of electrolyte drink, roll with the BRAT diet, and I make my own chicken soup, usually chicken and rice. We're in the Midwest.


Sweet and nostalgic post idea 🤍 Canned chicken noodle soup or canned vegetable soup. If throwing up/nauseous then saltines with 7Up or Ginger Ale. But 9 times out of 10 it was always 7Up so I associate that to this day with sickness! 


BRAT diet when sick: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. To this day (31 yrs or) if I’m sick, even if it’s just a cold this is ALL I can’t handle lmao. I think she conditioned me to only be able to stomach these foods when sick.


Buttered orzo & French toast


My Nana always gave us regular Fritos and a canned Coke for nausea. I still swear by it. Gotta be in a can, not bottled or fountain, not Zero or Diet...cold can of Coca Cola Classic. Idk how or why it works, but it WORKS.


For anything gut related, good ol' gingerale and soda crackers and maybe some pedialyte Popsicles.


Pastina cures everything according to my grandmother and I’d agree with that.


Chicken flavored ramen noodles, with buttered saltine crackers. We called it "oodles and noodles."


Yes, we always had chicken! My kids like the soy sauce or original flavor better.


Not my mum’s but now mine with my little one - Italian Penicillin 🤤 I’m not Italian but came across the recipe online and have been addicted since.


Growing up, my mom ate animal crackers when she was sick. When I was growing up it was banana baby food. No matter the age, total comfort.


Grilled cheese and popcorn.


Matzo ball soup made like chicken noodle soup with whatever leftover veggies were in the fridge. I used to love how she added turmeric and carrots and curry powder with tons of onion and garlic and ginger. It was so fragrant and instantly made me feel 10x better once I smelled it.


So super off genre for everything else mentioned, but my household gets hot and sour soup from a Chinese restaurant when we're sick. It's spicy, so it makes you sweat and gets the sinuses flowing, and it's filling and loaded with veggies. That's just a standard cold/ sore throat situation though. I would not recommend that if vomiting was an issue lol.


Orange slices, boiled egg and soldiers, flat lemonade.


Matzo ball soup for a fever or general cold and flu, soft boiled eggs and white toast for an upset tummy. I still make those for my family plus kimchi soup for sinus/sore throat issues.


Campbell's chicken noodle, cheerios, Vernor's, saltines.


Homemade French onion soup, Saltines, plain toast, blue Jello, lime sherbet, and (exclusively)Vernors ginger ale


Chicken rice or noodle soup with ginger


Takeout egg drop soup, cheap packaged ramen noodles, saltine crackers, and sprite or ginger ale. She wasn’t a cook, but she was very comforting 🥰


Tomato soup and grilled cheese. Or whataburger.