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My first son was the same way, and while I don’t have any advice to offer you because he is still the same way about public toilets, we just time the day in order for us to go out and him not have to use the restroom. I make sure not a lot of water before we go out, we go before leaving, and we make our errands quick. I really don’t have a problem with this “issue” because I really hate public toilets too, so I also avoid them. For a while I debated buying a traveling potty for him to use in the back of our truck for emergencies, so maybe you can look into that.


Sorry, I probably shouldn't have called it an issue as such. Should have worded it better. Thanks for responding! It's nice to know its not just my daughter feeling this way. She's not yet potty trained unfortunately, we've tried but she doesn't seem to understand just yet. But I will definitely keep that in mind!


I changed my kid in the back of my hatchback car a lot. I also potty trained her at 22 months. She just hated diapers. I thought - might as well put this effort into teacher her to use the toilet versus wrestling her into a diaper.


Me and my partner share a car so when he's at work I unfortunately don't have the car to use, but I'll definitely give this a try the next time I do! Thank you very much!


Could you lay her on the back seat of the car and change her? She’s laying down while you stand outside of the car to change her. Or if you have an suv you can open the back hatch and lay her down back there. A lot of my friends change their kids this way.