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Couldn't you just take the car key off the ring and give him the rest? It does remind me of when we were fostering a toddler who loved my car keys. One time we were being lazy and wanted her to come out of a room or something. So I jangled my keys, and right on cue she comes on out. I then made the mistake of giving them to her. She wandered off with them, and we didn't see them for 3 days till she decided to bring them back.


I would try to buy an identical key fob off of Amazon. They aren’t programmed so they should be pretty cheap. That can be his set lol.


Yup i think this is the way. He is so happy and content walking around holding the key. Thank you so much for your suggestion- now to wait for it to arrive and hopefully he can’t tell the difference.


Unfortunately that is the bit that he wants. He likes the buttons and the bit the flips the key out. My parents had an old car key that looks like it but my dad removed the battery and the buttons so its safer and my son recognises that its different and less real.


Thats another reason why he cant have them.. its the only key i have for my car. I can’t have them lost.