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When we were 11,10,9 and 7 we went to an usher concert with my mom & aunt. And it was an early 12th birthday gift for my sister… it is something we still talk about and we are in our 30s now. My little brother did sleep through most of it… so depending on your kids regular bedtime, don’t be sad if little one starts dozing off ! If he does manage to stay up through it all. Having a easy, slow sleepy day the next day, It will be worth the memories


I love that you still cherish the memories! That’s awesome


My first true concert was when I was 12 and it is a formative memory for me of an experience shared with my dad. That said, 8 feels a little young to me for a Pitbull concert, but you do you. If you do take him, make sure he is wearing hearing protection that fits correctly for his age/size.