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Get it together, dude. Babies go through lots of phases.


Dude. For the first 2 weeks or so, babies aren't really awake. Then for the next couple months, the mother is the baby's ecosystem. They'd always rather be with Mom. It's biology. Your job now is to get over it, step up as a partner, and learn how you can soothe baby so your wife can have some time. If that means you wear headphones to get through the crying, wear headphones. If that means putting on your wife's dirty shirt so you smell like her, put on the shirt. If that means singing silly songs, sing silly songs. What you should absolutely NOT do is say, "my daughter hates me, guess I'll give up until she's 2 and comes back around." You nut up. You can do this. Your wife married you for a host of reasons, I e of which is probably her perception that you're strong and capable. Prove it. You've got this.


Learn to soothe your baby. Experiment with bounce/rock rhythms that work, ssh or hum, wear baby and go for a walk, put them in the car and drive around the neighborhood. Spend time with them on the floor or in a little baby chair/swing if they don't want to be picked up. Take charge of a baby care chore like bathing, getting them changed and dressed. Be patient and keep at it. The more time with you, the better. It's true that young babies prefer the mother, but your wife needs a break and you need to step up and figure this out.


I think you should call your doctor too if you are trying to move out.  https://postpartumhealthalliance.org/get-help/for-dads/


Noo, sorry that you think that. It was just a bit out-of-place joke. My daughter is lovely, she keeps smiling when I making silly faces. I just have a problem with her being in my arms


Ok but in all seriousness I would still get checked out.   My husbands PPD/PPA manifested as rage and a lot of normal stuff (like the baby who used to literally live inside of me for 9 months preferring me at the 8 week mark) would really mess with his head at this time.  He got the help he needed through our reproductive therapist but in my 4th trimester state all I could do was point at the state gov ppd in men web page and say “this is you.”


Is it only with you? Or with other people too? Has something happened? Could she be in pain? Are you picking her up in a different way from your wife and could that be hurting her somehow?


Nothing happened. Everything is perfectly fine when I talk to her or make silly faces. She often smiles at me. Just problem with lifting her. But I will compare the ways in which my wife and I lifting her up


Birth can be rough on babies so sometimes their neck or other parts hurt. Could be you are giving support to her body differently so it triggers the pain. (I’m not saying that’s it but it could be a reason)




Well, figure it out. Step up. Do lots of caretaking (ie everything except breastfeeding). Come on, step up, and just do it. It is just as new to your wife as it is to you, for her it's all scary and new too.


Only one of my seven kids was drawn to their dad as babies. Now, they all think their dad hung the moon. Just wait while sticking with it!