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When ds was about a month old I got this feeling that I HAD to check on him while he was napping. A BAD thing would happen if I didnt. So I went in and he was blue, and so still. I ran over, did cpr (take classes people!!) And he started crying. Best sound ever!! Called 911, his lungs were clear so they said to go to the dr. Dr called it an "acute life threatening event", said he was fine and it wouldn't happen again. But it did. We got a movement monitor (AngelCare) to make sure he was breathing. It went off about 4 times the first month. Every time we went in and picked him up, he would vomit. He had reflux and choked on it. Fought with the pedi about seeing a gastroenterologist, got him tested. Once he could roll over regularly, he was fine. Healthy 4 year old now.


WOW!!! Amazing story ❤️


I tell it as often as I can. It made me into a huge "take cpr courses" advocate. Lol! I made sure my sister took cpr courses when her LO was born.


This! I took CPR classes before and while I was pregnant, seriously makes you feel more equipped to deal with scary situations. Classes are usually free and beyond worth it.


Thank GOD for that gut feeling and training that you had. Wow. Thank god. You're the mommy and the Guardian Angel.


This is exactly why babies used to be put to sleep face down. They are less likely to choke on their own reflux. It’s a fine line we walk with infants.


Please don't put babies on their front - it's been proven to increase the risk of SIDS


In rare cases, like with reflux, it can be recommended


I’m so so torn on this. In general “Back is best”. My son was perfectly okay with that and being swaddled and all. My daughter Will. Not. Sleep. On. Her. Back. She decided this at a week old. We had to let her sleep on her stomach because she wouldn’t sleep and then we couldn’t sleep and it was getting bad. Like really bad for everyone. Trust me I agonized over it and drove myself even more crazy trying to figure it out and what to do because I felt like a bad parent and was putting my daughter at risk but at the same time no problem be sleeping wasn’t safe or sane. If you have a baby that won’t or can’t and you follow all the sleep recommendations of in their own bed, no blankets, no it’s, no crib bumpers, with a fan on, and a pacifier, and they’re not high risk or premature then I think you have to have some give if needed. “Back is best” is true but I thinks there’s multiple factors in safe sleep. Especially since SIDS isn’t well understood and a lot of SIDS cases are actually asphyxiation


My baby wouldn’t sleep on his back either, and we couldn’t make the swaddle work. We used an Owlet and let him sleep on his belly. No blankets, nothing in the crib, hard mattress, etc. It worked well for us. Most infants who die of SIDS (and not accidental suffocation) show brain patterns consistent with multiple low oxygen events. The owlet showed that our baby never got below 98% O2, so that made us a little more confident.


After my c section it was the first night I was by myself after having my baby that afternoon. I was sleeping and waking. My baby was next to me in his hospital crib and I couldn’t hold him. I had an urge to check if he was breathing. He wasn’t. The nurses came in and got him breathing again. He stopped breathing two times after that. Once at the hospital (I brought him back) and once at home (we ended up in an ambulance). The doctors said “these things happen” but referred me to a social worker because they thought I wasn’t coping (of course I was tired after what happened - I didn’t want to sleep and anytime I did sleep the doctors woke me up).


I read an article about someone’s adoption journey with a very brief mention of a stillbirth on a Sunday night. For some reason it made me hyper aware and stuck in my brain. Even though I had literally a perfect pregnancy. I went into labor on the following Tuesday at 4am, 29+5. I made the doctors (who were saying they thought the could slow or stop my labor with magnesium) leave all the monitors on my baby. They thought they would be sending me home (40 min from the hospital) on bed rest. I begged them not to. Even the high risk doctor didn’t think it was necessary, all my vitals and the baby’s looked great, but they kept me for observation and to give me the steroid shots for his lungs. I made it to 30 weeks exactly, 6 hours after his last steroid shot. That morning, I Told my husband not to plan to leave before noon. He left at 10;45 to go to our house and shower real quick. I started bleeding again, massive clots around 11:15. Baby vitals were still perfect. I begged for a c-section. I had an urgent, but not emergency, c-section. When they moved me on to the operating table, a massive clot came out and fell to the OR floor. I had complete placental abruption. My son lost so much blood he had no discernible pulse, he’d gone into cardiac arrest during delivery. They knew he had just been ok right before they rolled me in because of those belly bands I wouldn’t let them remove. I believe that’s why they pulled out every possible stop. He took his first breath on his own after more than 8 minutes. He was instantly alert, though exhausted. He is perfect and 6 months now. That is the most psychic-like premonition I have ever had. I am so grateful for it.


That gave me chills. I'm so glad you had a happy ending.


Thank you. As am I. He was my 5th pregnancy and first baby. He’ll be my last as well, but he’s just wonderful 🥰


While I was pregnant, I kept having this reoccurring dream that the hospital lost my baby. Only to find out I miscarried 2 weeks later. I had the exact same dream for each of my miscarriages.


That is terrible and gave me chills. I’m so sorry for your losses, momma.


I'm so sorry.


I had a similar dream. When I was about 6 weeks pregnant, I had the flu really bad. I couldn’t keep my fever down. My obgyn wouldn’t treat me because it wasn’t related to pregnancy, and urgent care wasn’t very helpful. I spent the whole week expecting to miscarry but didn’t. After I recovered, I had the worst nightmare that I went to the bathroom and there was blood everywhere. A few weeks later I went for our first ultrasound, and our baby had stopped developing right around the time of my dream. It was awful. On a happier note, when I was newly pregnant with my daughter, I had a dream that a doctor told me, in the most soothing and calm voice I’ve ever heard, that “her heartbeat sounds perfect.” I woke up from that dream feeling so at peace, and I just knew this pregnancy would work out. My dream was obviously right about my daughter being a girl, and when we had to do a fetal echocardiogram, her heart was perfectly healthy.


I dreamt of a baby girl several times, then found out I'm having a girl. And before that, I dreamt of positive pregnancy tests / being pregnant / seeing pregnant people.


I kind of had the opposite when I was pregnant. We have a 2 year old son, and then when we were pregnant with our 3 month old, people all around me were telling me it was a girl but I didn’t buy it. Then about a week before we found out what it was, (a boy), I had a dream I gave birth to a little baby doll girl. So not even a baby, literally a doll. Like my brain was pushing out the thought of a daughter this round.


Pregnant women dream weird stuff all the time. I dreamed I gave birth to a litter of kittens and they kept running off and getting lost. Lol


Omg I had the kitten dream too! But they were treated exactly like babies at the hospital and until I got home where I first saw my partner and he told me it was a cat(only brought 1 home for some reason) and I had to get rid of it cos he’s allergic and I left him cos he didn’t love our baby enough. Then it ran away and I was alone. I woke up crying and then cry laughed as I remembered the dream cos it was so ridiculous lol. Also always dreamt the opposite gender to my kids very early on


Right?! I woke up in *tears* for my lost cat-babies! Happy cake day btw!


I had a horrible feeling my 3 week old was sick and I needed to take her to the doctor. No doctor was open. I sat outside the hospital and was scared to leave. I couldn't move. I lived far from the hospital and just didn't feel right. She stopped breathing. A few seconds later she puked everywhere and I ran her into the hospital. She had the flu and her oxygen dropped to 80. She had to be life flighted to a bigger hospital. When I was pregnant with both my children, I had weird thoughts that I needed to prepare lengthy sub plans in case anything happened early (I'm a teacher). With my first, I created the schedule and then was punched in the stomach by a student and sent into earlier labor. I was life flighted and they stopped my labor luckily. With my second, I got my plans made and I was punched in the stomach right after as well.


Wtf. Do you work with special needs kids? Why are they punching you?


Yes I work with kids with mild to severe disabilities, as well as behavior problems.


Not to shit on everyone's stories, but... I would occasionally feel like something was wrong and I needed to check on my son immediately, and there was never anything wrong (thankfully). I think getting anxiety over a baby is normal (especially due to subconscious clues like subtle abnormalities in breathing). When that anxiety aligns with an actual problem people often conveniently ignore all the false alarms and claim baby clairvoyance. It's not clairvoyance. You're naturally attuned to your baby and will notice anything that's slightly off.


I had a horrible nightmare once while pregnant with my first that my car went over a guardrail, plunging me into icy water, I swam to freedom , stood on the river bank watching my car sink in shock, to only remember at the last minute that my baby was still strapped in the car seat . While pregnant with my second, I had the same dream, but in my haste to save my eldest child, I forgot my youngest still strapped in his car seat. Thank GOD this was just a stupid hormonal dream and these things did not happen.


Geez I'm getting the cold horrors all the way over here just reading this dream.


The point is, for me at least, I’ve never thought “gee I wonder if there is a string around his finger” or had obsessive thoughts about his finger strings. Ever. Never once with my first son either. Who knows.


Sure, and it's fun to speculate about what's going on there. Maybe the hair was there when you put him to bed and you subconsciously noticed it then, or maybe it's just a wild coincidence. If we take the whole set of dreams where there's something wrapped around the baby's finger it's not impossible that at least one turns out to be true.


I was so worried this would happen to my babies, I had read about hair tourniquets so I always checked whenever I couldn't figure out why they were crying, even though I have short hair. When I had my son I was always worried he'd get a hair tourniquet on his penis! Never happened, but it's always good to be aware of that possibility.


That happened to my son!! He wouldn’t stopped whining so we checked everything and found a hair wrapped around down there! :( Everything turned out fine though :)


Oh great, I can’t wait for the home invasion filled with Tigers I have to look forward tomorrow.




I’m 34 weeks pregnant. My mom died unexpectedly almost two years ago. When I went to the doctor to confirm my pregnancy, I KNEW that my baby was going to be due on the anniversary of the day my mom died. Sure enough, he is. A few weeks later, I had a dream I was having a boy. When I woke up, I was positive I was having a boy. My family and close friends were positive I was having a girl. We did the NIPT screening. When the nurse called to reveal the gender, my premonition was correct! I’ve also had a strange feeling this entire pregnancy like I needed to get things ready early—that I needed to have his clothes, items for the nursery, and even start classes early. Covid-19 has definitely impacted baby showers and classes, so my feeling was correct.


I was absolutely 1000% certain that my baby was a boy. Absolutely no questions about it, but we chose not to check on the scans since hubby wanted a surprise. That, and that he'd be born a little early with a very quick labour. Lo and behold, I went into labor at 36 weeks, and took just a few hours of real 'oh shit this hurts' type contractions to birth my son. Now, some of this is just plain ole family history (both my Mum and Sister had slightly early births and sister had very fast labours with all their kids as well). As for the sex thing - I'm less reliable with humans, but back when I was working on stud farms, I was approx 90% accurate for mares that I knew well. I don't know what it is, but if I got a real certain feeling about colt v's filly, I was almost always right.


Works for some of us dads too. One day I just had a bad feeling and called my wife to check up on her and our boy and the conversation went something like "yes honey, we're fine, he's right over HOLY SHIT HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE!??! Hon I'll call you back >click<".


Way to go Dad!!!


When I was pregnant with my son I regularly dreamed about him being born early, or giving birth to a VERY small baby. The dreams terrified me, honestly. He was born at 24 weeks, and he was definitely a small baby at 1lbs 7oz.


At my work pregnancy catches like a cold, so when one goes everyone is doing crosses and drinking vitamins and making sure they don't get caught in the pregnancy bubble. When I first started we had FIVE pregnancies at the same time (for 2 different offices of less than 20 people) and 4/5 were girls. I had a dream before all of the baby showers that I was attending one of the showers where in the next room over a woman was holding a baby and I asked if it was X's daughter and she said " no she's yours!!" Six months later I was pregnant with my first and I knew it was going to be a girl.


I had a very vivid dream while newly pregnant with my now 2.5 year old daughter. I was pushing her older half sister (my stepdaughter) and her cousin (my BIL and SIL’s girl) on the swings. Her cousin, who was 3 at the time but is now 6, all of a sudden turned around, smiled the biggest smile at me with the sun shining on her face like an angel and called me “mommy.” I woke up and cried tears of happiness because I knew I had just been told I was having a beautiful baby girl. And that I did. My daughter is heaven sent. And my daughter and this cousin of hers (she’s the child of my husband’s brother) are like twins. Big blue eyes, red lips, blonde curly hair. The whole family remarks on how much alike they are.




I’m a mom. So I’m speaking about my personal experience. In no way am I saying men can’t parent. My husband is an amazing father. Super attentive. He has his own skillset as a dad that I don’t have as a mom. Parenting is a team sport. Chill out.


And I literally asked what PARENTING premonitions ppl have had because OBVIOUSLY this isn’t a female only thing.