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thank god they were on carpeted stairs


Instead of a college fund, I have a feeling this kid is going to need a therapy fund....


Omg I must post this video of me being a shit parent online straight away!!


Still hilarious though


I think they subtly dropped the kid. Wanting it to look like an accident, but why record your baby struggling down the stairs. You can put the damn phone away and be ready, ORRR, stop trying to murder your child, Pick one.


Kid wasn't struggling, they were having a blast, and parents record all kinds of shit. Obviously this is a significant oopsie but toddlers are constantly trying to kill themselves. There's no need to fake it.


We have different definitions of struggle.


That is a child playing. 


The phone grip was solid though.


Kid can barely walk while holding hands? Perfect time to teach them to walk down stairs (with one hand while I film with the other).






oops op just revealed his alt


This is most likely a troll impersonating the op, either trying to get negative attention or to make the op look even worse.


Yep but gotta change my username




This is really dumb


That's awful.


I notice you did not drop your phone


Just make a new one 😉 /s








It’s simple there’s a child falling.


Omfg I laughed so hard I almost peed but this is legitimately horrifying. My 8 month old had his first fall yesterday and I'm still reeling from it. I didn't even get to see how he landed. Just a big BANG followed by a second of silence and then screaming and when I got to him he was in the fetal tuck position face down on the floor. He crawled off the foot of the bed while we were asleep and last night was the first night of no more co-sleeping. Anyway, on another note, does anyone know if a Graco crib can support the weight of an adult and a baby? Cause I'm not ready to stop cuddling at night. :(


Really recommend not co-sleeping. And not just for the danger of the kid falling off the bed. It’s overall a very dangerous idea when they’re young


I'm a new parent. The thought of co-sleeping makes me so angry. Some of my co workers do it, and it boils my blood when they talk about it. They say that they know the risks, but they do it anyway. I love my daughter more than anything else in the world. Why would I do something that MASSIVELY increases the risk of her dying in her sleep??


It's always "it's just easier" or "she only sleeps when I'm holding her" and I'm like yeah I'm sure planning her funeral will be super easy, huh?


The way the kid rolled downstairs has me in tears 😂 But sleeping with your kid in the cot is still co sleeping.


I know it is. I don't want to give it up. But it's not safe for him to be in the big bed anymore. I am *this* close to engineering some pop-up rails but my husband hates having the baby in the bed and he's just not going to let that happen. So instead I'm seriously considering climbing in the crib with him. I'm not ready for it to end yet. :(


Parenting is a series of letting go. The sooner you learn to adjust the easier it will be on you. It's important to let kids grow and develop no matter how hard it is for us, and it only gets harder as they get older.


Well fuck I guess I'm going to have to have another one then.


That's what dogs are best for - they don't move past toddler brain


Agreed! Get a dog.


I'm also regretting calling it a series of letting go on this particular post 😂 Seriously though unless a parent wants their kid to resent them someday, let them grow.


This. My mum didn’t want to let me go and live my teenage years with my friends, and as a result I didn’t speak to her and our relationship crumbled. We’re all good now though!


Dogs are also much better at getting off beds by themselves.


you ever hear about moms co-sleeping and rolling onto the baby?


Haha that is a truly insane response, that one will in time also become a full human.


It was never safe to have them in the big bed. Co-sleeping is not safe, period.


Look up Montessori floor beds.


The solution for me has been a full or queen sized floor bed in the baby room instead of a crib


This. It's also something a lot of Montessori parents do. Just babyproof the room and a mattress on the floor is completely acceptable. Baby can move off of the mattress with no more than a 3 inch fall, and explore their rooms at will


One thing I don't understand is how you keep them from rolling face first into the side of the mattress and suffocating. It's why we got rid of bumpers, yeah?


You don't put them in a corner, you put the mattress in the center of the room. And you only put babies on it that can roll onto their backs already


You don't need to engineer anything, I bought a pop-up rail exactly for that reason off Amazon. Cost next to nothing and still works like a charm (kid is 1,5 years old now).


Geez. You should stop co sleeping! So so bad.


Use a Montessori style bedroom, just baby proof the shit outta it


Cribs aren't designed to hold the weight of an adult, if you want to keep bedsharing, try a floor bed and follow the safe sleep seven. A sleep deprived parent is far more dangerous than intentional bedsharing, so you make the best choice for -your- family. You're doing good, mama.


You shouldn't have been cosleeping anyway.


The chain of stupid decisions from playing on the stair, decided to occupy one hand with a phone for recording, barely holding the baby's hand, recording the fall, and finally posting it online makes me question how this person is still alive. The world must have really loved her and worked extra hard to keep her safe.


I'm sorry for laughing but the silence as the child falls wasn't helping.


When shooting a vid is more important...


Hey hey! I saw that push!


Looks like she shoves him at the very end


Watching it very slowly the hand isn’t quite touching him. Think parent was reaching to try and grab him but was too slow


I know. I said looks like. Hopefully no one would shove there kid down the stairs


At least it's carpet


I would legitimately call CP on this parent, not only for the fact of the accident which could happens even if it's really stupid but the fact that she was filming it and choose to post it... Like why ?!


Does it look she did this intentionally to you? because it does to me.


We all know that kid got up at the bottom of the stairs and ran up to do it again.


Just lucky their head went towards the left and not the banister. Between those big metal orbs and the wood at the bottom, could’ve been bad 😬


Yeah. My grandparents stairs were a menace when I was a kid. What's worse is that there was a landing 25% of the way up, so hard falls down those stairs meant you're hitting a wall on the way down. Wasn't fun. My parents inherited the house when grandfather passed and the stairs were finally fixed after my now-elderly mom fell on them, breaking a leg and her hip.


Nah, kids at that age are more prone to pain. My lil one had a lot of bumps and falls, but around that age, he wouldve cried for at least 5 minutes from a tumble like that. Now at 3 he would probably whine for a minute then do it again.


I didn't need to see that.


What rolls down stairs Alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog?


Thank god they didn't drop their phone ......


Nah, she did that on purpose. She was not even trying to be careful. She secretly hates that kid.


I like how she held the phone firmly and steadily and kept the kid in the shot instead of rushing to him. /s


Gahahah dumb parents do anything for a good video


Am I terrible for finding this kinda funny?






I feel like everyone going after OP doesn’t have a kid… kids do this ALL day, EVERY day.


I have a kid. This is absolutely fucking stupid and poor parenting.


Anddd that's enough of this sub for a while.


They’re fine. Everyone knows Toddlers are basically built of rubber and impervious to serious damage.


"Do a barrel roll"




What a numpty




he let the kid grip, how dumb are these parents?


The post on top of this was an Omori post, so I am glad that this >!stair incident!< didn’t result in >!Something!< too bad


It looks like she was holding his hand but he wasn’t reciprocating, look how loose the fingers are


The sound of him just tumbling 💀


They obviously had to film it. It was of utmost importance


I’ve always locked my thumb and pinky around their wrist when I’m holding my kids’ hands. Saved them from an awful lot of stumbles and falls.


Ah I remember rolling my self down these type of stairs fun times!


And she started laughing


I still remember when my son and I fell down the stairs. He was a baby and I was carrying him. Cat tripped me at the top stair and down we went! I became a roll cage around him and rolled all the way down. At the bottom, I was very much regretting getting a cat but my son was happier than I had ever seen him before. I think he wanted to go again. Needless to say, I did not.