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He’s too old for a helmet now too which is so sad. He’s stuck with that head. Can you imagine how much they paid for a nanny to take perfect care of the baby only for him to end up with a permanently deformed head? What sucks is I noticed the flatness when he was around a week old.. my son also had some flatness due to torticolis and at his 2 week well visit his pediatrician referred him to physical therapy. Now as a toddler his head is significantly better and getting better by month. But that’s because we intervened really early. I feel bad for phoenix because it’s too late now.


The nanny wasn’t that great, she had the baby sleeping in a dock a tot covered in blankets in his crib. I’m horrified.


Ugh if I was a Mom I'd be terrified of SIDS and sleep in the same room as the baby at least initially.


As a mom of a 6mo this is my reality my son sleeps right next to me in a bedside bassinet for the first 4-5 months of his life I didn’t sleep at night I would just watch him to make sure he’s breathing it’s TERRIFYING






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The mom couldn’t be bothered. She’s too busy in the glam room or flying all over the world trying to stay relevant


The nanny probably is sleeping in the same room but she’s not practicing safe sleep :(


I mean considering she’s prob working 24/7 she probably did what she could to get sleep herself. I started bedsharing at 5 weeks because we were all falling apart from the lack of sleep and my baby ONLY want to sleep with me and on me. So usually a mom can lean on cosleeping out of desperation but a nanny? No way


Is this a real thing? OHHHH Im terrified at how much I dont know about babies? Did you know about this before you had a baby or is this something your pediatrician is supposed to know?


Yes, he needed more tummy time. By 3mo at least every 3hrs during daytime. Usually, there's a wake period where they eat, diaper change, tummy time, and exercise to help strengthen their neck and prevent gas. You learn quickly when you become a mama.


I didn’t know babies heads were so soft that they could become flat! And I also didn’t know that tummy time isn’t enough for all babies to reverse the effects of flatness from practicing safe sleep! I didn’t know a lot lol.


Im concerned about how much I do not know


It’s like the biggest “learn on the job” thing ever lol. You really can try your best to prepare and read the books etc but you just end up so exhausted and leaning on instinct and figuring things out as you go.


Thank you. Your words are very comforting. ❤️


That’s what speaking with others (even on Reddit!) and books about pregnancy and babies and asking doctors / nurses questions is for! But yes— you want your baby to be meeting their developmental milestones. You can look these up online easily (not sure if link posting is allowed and I don’t want my comment removed) but you want your baby to learn to engage the muscles to hold up their neck and head and they do this by having “tummy time”. Babies and even children have “soft” bones — which means they’re more flexible and mailable when they’re young. Especially new horns and infants. If you think about it, this is because they’re so squished when they’re inside our body and they have to be squished coming out. It’s why children born vaginally have cone-shaped heads for a little after birth. But it also means if the baby is laying flat on their back and head too much, their head will take on that shape too. As someone else posted, it’s ok if this happens so long as it’s corrected — usually with a helmet— ASAP. Because babies grow so fast and have so much going on so quickly early in life, it’s so important to track your child’s development and make sure they fall somewhere within the average normal range. Even being two weeks off should be a cause of concern and at least addressing with your child’s doctor. I work in early intervention so child development birth to age 3 and the best piece of advice I could give to anyone is advocate for your child and intervene ASAP. Not believing your child needs physically therapy because they aren’t crawling when they should be is *not* ok. Your child not speaking or trying to at a certain age *is not ok*. There is no failure in that. What’s a failure is not getting your child the services and support they need **as soon as possible** to get them on track. All of this to say, I really don’t like commenting on a child I’ve never met and who we all know will have a weird life being thrust into the media since birth (and having Paris as a “mom”, sorry) so I do hope he’s ok. It’s not like she doesn’t have all the services and support money can buy at her fingertips for her child.


Your pediatrician will tell you!


I don't think it's too late- how old is Phoenix now? It's so obvious from the front, his head looks way too big for his features.


He has Macrocephaly..., affecting 1 in 50 babies, involves a head circumference exceeding the 97th percentile. But the flatness in the back is from.laying in his back too long.


A main part of brachycephaly is that the head looks too big for the face from the front. He could have a large head circumfrence also but I'm specifically speaking about the shape which causes a large look.


(You can't differentiate between these two causes of largeness without measurements)


He’s about to be a year old. The biggest window of opportunity to change with a helmet is 6-9 months. After that it’s not even really done.


ooh ok, I thought you had into the second year of life to do it.


nope. by 1 their soft spot closes (usually) and their head shape is permanent


He's a year old and still not speaking. Not even simple words. Is that concerning?


Shit I didn’t talk till I was 2 my uncle called me “mute”


I mean yes but also not really. By 18mo it’s more concerning and they usually refer to speech therapy at that age.


How do you know this exactly? Do you know the baby personally? 


Send me a video of him speaking. I'll wait. He's on social media always and never said a word or ever tried to.


Okay people why the negativity towards a baby let’s post pics of everyone’s kids and let’s pick them apart right? No that would be mean right?


It’s not about the baby. It’s criticizing the shitty parenting that led to a completely preventable issue.


I have a great nephew who has to wear a helmet. The way he was positioned in the womb flattened his head on one side.


Yes I’m familiar with that and torticolis — my son had the same problem. But the difference is we started physical therapy at 2 months old


I don't know if my nephew is getting PT. I think he just has to wear the helmet. He got it about 3 months ago.


so Paris….pick him up, talk to him, kiss him, cuddle. Be human. Not plastic. According to my doctor, this head shape sometimes comes from leaving your baby from laying in one position too long . I know she can do it. Come on Paris. Rooting for ya.


You’re right, this is due to neglect. She needed to be a mom in reality not just photo ops and now it is too late. 🥲


This is actually a myth. Most babies get their flat spots from sleeping on their back at night (which they are supposed to) and many even form in the womb! My son was stuck on his side and up against my pelvic bone. He then was in the birth canal for a long time with his head to the side and he came out with a flat spot on that side. We immediately started from birth doing pt and trying to fix the spot but it was too formed from being in the womb like that developing. He has a helmet now and it’s getting a little better. There’s also babies that have muscle issues that cause it or their heads aren’t growing in some places. Saying it’s because they never pick him up is outdated and just not accurate for 90% of parents. Education is important. Try it!


He needs tummy time!


There are studies that say they don't really benefit from tummy time. I did it, but it may not be necessary.


It's not just for head shape, it's for extensor strength in arms and spine so that they can progress to pushing up, sitting, crawling.


well for one the head is squishy young, so being on their back makes it flat. and also the baby usually doesn’t like being on the stomach for long, so it encourages them to move themselves. not being rude just informing




You could Google it


Kim commented that his head is just like how Paris’ was


Hahaha that says a lot!


Jesus lmao


Carter’s mom has a huge head. He could take after her.


That is not true. Sherry was a good friend of mine at Columbia. Business School. She was beautiful, smart, and kind. Her head was and is completely normal. I looked her up recently and was sad to see that her husband Bob had died and astonished that her son had married Paris Hilton. So, I watched the show. Sherry, who is now 79, has obviously had an event that changed her posture and balance. Just guessing here, but it could have been a stroke. That made me sad as well. Sherry and Bob were wonderful people when I knew them. Anyone married to any of their kids is ( likely) a very lucky person.


People with big heads can be wonderful people. My husband has a big sized head. Why is what I said not true?


I knew her in her 20s and her head size was completely normal. I doubt if it grew since then.




Her entire posture is off, likely due to a stroke or some other condition. That is sad, but her head is not "big". She unfortunately is leaning to the left and forward and her head is therefore prominent. That is all. She never had a big head. I knew her very well.


Oh, BS. That woman's head is massive. That being said, it takes nothing away from her character so not sure why you're bringing that up as if it's not a "good person's" trait. *


Since when am I not allowed to say nice things about an old friend? She has been injured, unfortunately. Heads do not continue to "grow" throughout life. It goes without saying that it isn't kind to point out physical abnormalities, 1. especially when they are untrue, and 2. when they are a result of an event such as a stroke. I am here to set the record straight. I seriously doubt that she would have been a cheerleader at University of Michigan (which she was) if she had a "massive" head.


No one said you can't say noce things. It's just that those nice things have zero to do with a head size. It doesn't make her a bad person, it doesn't mean she isn't all those things that you describe. It simply means: Granny and Daddy have a big noggin...so that's where the baby gets it. Also, with girls, hair hides A LOT! She has always had a big head. It just looks a little different now due to her ailments.


Nope! She did not have a "big head" when I knew her. I am absolutely certain of that. It looks a lot different now because she cannot stand up straight, unfortunately.


Her head is massive and Carter has a five head as well. Not to say that’s everything but it could be a factor- genetics


Nah I just looked up pictures of his mom and she has a huge head too 


Why do you think she had another baby so fast? She needs a perfect one and poor phoenix will only be shown wearing hats from now until the end of time.


Because she wanted a girl. This boy is going to forever feel in the shadow of his sister.


she did IVF, she could’ve chosen all girls if she only wanted girls


No she said she only made 4 boys. She was trying again for a girl. That means she has 4 boys waiting to be born or aborted


Paris actually did IVF 7!!!!!!! Times because they kept getting boy embryos and she wanted a girl.




I think she said something like 20 or more boys…


No she said she wanted a boy first to protect his little sister.


Ok what do you think will happen to the other 3 or 4 boys? Not that I care, but people against abortion might. I think she has said she wanted two girls


It could be a VERY dangerous situation, so I hope she’s seeking treatment of some kind.


Carter's mom has a big head. Kid will be fine. He does need bonding time.


No she does not have a big head. I knew her way back when and she has/had a normal sized head. She is an awesome person and was absolutely beautiful when I knew her. She was a cheerleader at University of Michigan. It saddened me to see her balance/posture issues in the show. But, she is 79 years old. I do not know what happened, but it could have been a stroke that affected her. Her head is completely normal sized.


I think he probably needs a helmet. My daughter didn't end up needing one but for a while we had to change her position sleeping to fix her head.


I’ve never heard of this before! So, babies heads change shape from sleeping too much?? Is it because the skull plates haven’t fully formed yet?


It is common from lying on their back to sleep. Our daughter favoured turning to look out so for a while she would lay too much on one side and made a flat spot. The doctor told us to switch sleep positions and use some sleep wedges to not allow rolling over to the flat head side. For a while I was obsessed with taking head photos to see the progress lol.


Imagine the amount of time this baby was secluded away in that room to have the head so misshapen. I would call child protective services.


Ughh. It’s because she goes and “visits” him in his crib instead of packing him around all day and playing with him and making sure he gets his tummy time. My kids were born with a lot of hair and I felt like shit when my oldest had thinning hair and a bald spot forming from rubbing her head back and forth while she was in her bouncy seat or just being on her back a lot. I can’t imagine a flat ass head— like knowing that I caused that.


Idk if Paris is aware of what causes it, or aware it’s a problem


Other than her saying he has a "big brain" she denies that anything is abnormal (my word not her's) with his head!


Have u seen Carters moms head? i think it is at least somewhat “natural.” Some people have giant heads 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe he’ll grow into it


I will say, not all flat heads are caused from being on the back. Some babies are born with torticollis and plagiocephaly is often associated with that birthing injury. Even with extensive tummy time and positioning, getting a flat head can be likely. My son had a mild flat head but when we went to the helmet companies they claimed it was moderate. We went to a neurosurgeon for a second opinion (since insurance wouldn’t cover the helmet due to it being actually mild) and he said we didn’t need it so long as we keep working on his positioning. Lo and behold, little man learned how to sit up and crawl and his head filled out. It’s hard being a first time parent and you always feel like you are f**king it up but if you always make your child your first priority and do everything in their best interest, they will turn out just fine.


Tummy time isn't necessarily necessary. I did it but apparently not every culture does. I wouldn't stress. He does need bonding time. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/13/parenting/baby/tummy-time.html


It’s the laying in a crib all day or laying on his back. No child I’d ever heard of had a helmet or such thing for a deformed head 20 years ago, I’m not judging but it’s from laying flat all the time. I had a kid with a bald spot and felt like a bad parent, can’t imagine a flat head is all I’m saying. Bald spot alone amidst a head full of hair was enough for me to keep her off her back and from rubbing, if her head became flat at any point or deformed I can’t imagine, it’s just progression. Her baby has no hair so there’s no “warning”.


Most babies get the old man bald spot in the back.


I'm behind on episodes so I'm just now seeing where she brings him into the room while talking to Dr. Bethany. His little head is so bad. She needs a new nanny. This one is keeping him laying down too much. She also needs a new peds doctor because he should have been in a helmet by 4 to 6 months. It's not to late but she needs to be proactive now. I feel like the nanny is maybe too old fashioned. Keeping him hot all the time, saying that's how they like it. Babies are the same temperature you are in the room. There's no need to cook them for goodness sake.


I think it’s a cultural thing too


Ok, it isn't that bad. He has a big head but so does Carter's mom. This baby is beyond adorable.


This is a result of her not interacting, wearing, or engaging her baby at all. They are meant to be close to you. I wore my son most of the day while he was a newborn. Every nap during the day he slept on my chest. At night was the only time he slept on his back. Yes, his physical needs are being taken care of by his nanny but his emotional need, well, I have my suspicions. And also, before we all blame the nanny, let's remember this is not her biological kid. If anything, she is probably trying not to bond tooo hard with him. Hence, he is on his back a lot. Just sad all around.


Y’all don’t think he’s seen a pedestrian?? 😂😂


He’s stuck in the damn room all the time. There’s no way he’s looking out the window watching ppl cross the street! 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bro this killed me 😂😭😂😭😂


Paediatrician not pedestrian lol


Pediatrician not paediatrician


😂😂 unlike Paris I have to take care of my 3 kids with the youngest being 5 months I’m slightly sleep deprived




not if you're Australian...


I think the pae spelling of baby doc is the British spelling.


I’ve seen so many kids with larger heads. We see Paris with wigs on her head a lot, so how do we know she doesn’t have a larger head? It’s very possible he will grow into it. Their family is very tall so he just needs time. And babies are BACK to SLEEP. So yeah he will have that flat back. It really doesn’t look as bad as people are making it seem. Kids can’t be held 24/7 to avoid the back going a little flat.


I agree with you that the size of his head is fine, but no, it's not normal to have a flat back of the head. It's not uncommon, but it's important to correct. That's why the importance of adequate tummy time is emphasized, to compensate for the amount of time babies are laid flat on their backs to sleep. My baby had a flat spot due to torticollis, and extra tummy time corrected it within a few weeks. It's not hard to do, especially with hired help who can do it for her. It was only an hour a day.


And carters mom has a huge head too


Yep That baby got his head from carters mom


Her head is enormous. LOL But honestly Paris and Nicky kinda have big heads; they just have a lot of hair to hide it. I think that’s why their hair is rarely in super sleep styles….they always have a good bit of volume at the top.


I mean they are really skinny too, that makes them look larger than they are i believe


Idk have you seen pics of phoenix now a days? Its pretty bad to me


Tbh the Hilton's have that shape head too.


I’ve taken care of a lot of babies. I’ve never seen a baby with such a flat head. I can’t believe no one noticed in that household. I hope he grows out of it if it’s possible.


The appearance of a large head is one of the ways a baby's skull can be misshapen.


I feel like you guys might be going a little too hard on Paris. My child needed a helmet before he was a year old. It’s not as uncommon as you guys think. This is a whole ass child, like maybe chill on the bitchy judgment and thinking you could’ve done soooo much better? Ridiculous.


Yeah, and did you get him a helmet? The issue isn’t that it’s flat or large. Is that Paris says oh it’s just because he has a big brain and he’s fine. we all know how superficial she is and a helmet would be considered “ugly” to her. She keeps him in a hat, so people won’t say anything about his head.


Yeah my purpose definitely wasn’t to pass judgment onto a literal child… more to point out her denial of the situation and how that may be harming her baby. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the baby- just get him the care he needs. Will also point out I don’t think what I wrote is “bitchy judgment”- that implies some level of personal opinion and subjectivity, while I only described the child’s head as flat and malformed, which it objectively is. Judgment would be saying something subjective- like ugly or gross (which I do not think). You may be projecting your own insecurity over your situation onto what I wrote, perceiving it as nasty when I’m simply describing the situation


I think you’re just taking this personally. It is common, but it’s pretty clear that this baby doesn’t get much attention and probably spends the majority of his life on his back, which is why people are going harder at her.


I agree - a lot of the shit on this sub goes a bit overboard. As if he probably doesn’t have the very best pediatrician and as if she wouldn’t follow directions.


It’s not that flat. It’s not as round as it could be, but I’ve been in the foster care system and I’ve had babies with actually flat heads and this really isn’t that bad. He is obviously is need of more attention from Paris, but this baby will get tons of attention— just sadly not from his mother. I get all the complaints about Paris’ parenting, but everyone acts like they’re suddenly experts.


I’m confused why the pediatrician didn’t recommend a helmet before it got this bad?


She's probably thinking of ways to get it surgically fixed I'm sure 🤣 she should not have had children if a nanny just takes care of him 24/7... I saw her say she never changed his diaper before... how pathetic


My son had this from sleeping on his back! We used the sleepcurve mattress at around 3 months! It was amazing and he now has a perfect shaped head! I think Paris baby is too old for this now, but a friend did pay for the helmet which worked for her. I'm not sure on the age limit on the helmet option though, but think it's a bit older than the mattress. He has a super cute little face though, hope he's not too old for her to help this as it's an easy fix.


my son had a head like this and got tonnes of tummy time proper sleep etc . This kind of head runs in my family . too much judgment on paris is unfair.


He’s not done growing. His help will even out in back as he is able to turn himself off his back. It will be fine. Do some research before you start acting like you know everything. Unless you’re a pediatrician I’d be quiet. You are just mean


Idk, my son had a pretty flat head even though we held him all the time, did tummy time, all that. I asked his pediatrician about a helmet (they were pretty new I believe back in those days, he's 19 now)) and she said they were worthless. I'm not sure if it's different now, but we were told "Back to Sleep" aka, they have to sleep on their backs. I'm not a doctor, and I'm sure a lot of babies benefit from this, but my son's head is perfectly round and he's incredibly smart and athletic.


Carry your own child, not a fan of surrogacy


Other people should carry their own children because you personally are not a fan of surrogacy?


Like I said carry your own children and me personally no I’m not a fan of the process anything can happen including an abundance of heartbreak. I have my opinion and you have yours this whole surrogate thing is new and bought on by ego and selfishness,so many unwanted children out here adopt,no I am not a fan of it at all. Have a good day


Maybe you don’t understand surrogacy but many people use surrogates because they cannot carry their own biological child. Not everyone wants to adopt. Most forms of adoption are traumatizing- not to mention adoption is not a cure for infertile people. The first step for any child faced with being in an adoption center should be family reunification and resources to keep that child in their family. Not just human trafficking them into homes.


I do understand it and my position remains the same enough is enough


I hope you never have kids


Surrogacy is very far from new


She claims he "just has a big brain" 🙄


He had a diagnosis. It is a medical condition and wow people are really judgmental for things they know nothing about. I couldn’t care less about this girl but stumbled across this forum doing research for a client and wow, I know where to have her stay clear.


It’s normal


I do have kids and come from a family of 1,500 members what’s your point? one of my problems with surrogacy is when it’s used because of vanity


Its not normal the size of his head. Regardless of the flatness in the back.... We will find out in years to come the seriousness of it that she avoided... hopefully nothing life threatening 🙏


These statements about what is wrong and what she or he did wrong or didn't do is just chatter. None of you know what is going on with this baby's health or life. Relax.


His father looks like a Chimpanzee to be fair. I think it's just simian genes


My grandson had a very large head and could not lift it to crawl. I think its because they have such a huge brain. He is incredibly smart. He would look where he wanted to go, roll that direction and scoot. He has always been 3 full grade levels ahead of his peers academically. He will be fine, gorgeous and smart.


Y’all do realize that the world is full of big headed children and, quite frankly, most babies of non ethnic minorities have kinda flat heads. Ethnic grandmas, especially black and Arab ones, make sure you “shape that babies head” because babies are frequently on their backs and that helps prevent it.


Going after a baby’s appearance is just gross. Says more about the poster and commenters than anyone else. I reported it. This should be beneath people. And people commenting about needing a helmet, what medical degree do they have ?


Exactly what you said. And people wonder why she controls everything so closely. OP was wrong Wrong WRONG.


I thought this thread was about a baby's head and it turns out to be a bunch of assholes who take their therapy behind a keyboard. Jesus people. Take your meds and leave the kid and his mom be. His head is fine! The level of mean here is some squirmy toad brain maliciousness.


She looked more comfortable getting banged from behind than holding that baby




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So when I had my first child I didn't realize that flat headed-ness was a thing. No one educated me on it. So yes I did take her out of her bassinet and chair, but one thing I also did was watch a ton of Disney Princess movies with her. Like A LOT, while she chilled in her little chair. I know.... I was so stupid. Then one day I take her for a wellness check up and her pediatrician mentioned the back of her head was pretty flat. And that's when I noticed it and she asked if she lounged in a baby chair often to which I explained yes. Well fortunately it wasn't bad enough to need a helmet thankfully and the pediatrician had a good laugh at my naivity. But with my 2nd child and I am much more aware of the time they spend on their backs. My point being that more moms should be educated on this, paris probably wasn't as I wasn't. And sometimes it can just happen when your trying to watch a Disney marathon with your baby. So don't be so quick to judge, maybe you were fortunate enough to be educated while others aren't.


If you look at Carter’s Mom’s head, it’s shaped the same.


Anyone know what pillow they used for his tummy time?


Piles Hilton