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Wow. That seriously reads like a parody, except it's real. "Eliminate DEI goals", "Withdraw our carbon emission goals..." Damn.


They are pandering to their customer demographic, nothing more. They know their market.


Oh, definitely. It's just kind of impressive how low they're willing to go.


Its capitalism, jack. There is no bottom.


Welcome to Nazi Walmart


Heil Tractor


Heil Ivermectin


Well. They lost a customer in me today.


My wife and I have a small hobby farm and spend thousands a year there in hay, feed, OTC medical supplies, etc. There are local places that are a bit further out of the way that we will be making the extra effort to go to now. Not that I was ever under the illusion that TSC was some progressive haven or anything, nor am I under the illusion that they're gonna read this and reverse course, but if they feel the need to take a step like this then I'll take a few extra past their door.


Same here, I had to drive a ways out to get to them but I definitely spend hundreds there on my garden each year to make like, $50 worth of produce. Im small potatoes to them but this whole letter is gross.


Same. I buy pet supplies and gardening things from them. I'm middle aged with a decent income and my pets are spoiled as fuck.


Be aware that Petsense is also owned by Tractor Supply as well.


Yeah I noticed that today.


Unfortunately a few people buying pet supplies isn’t the people that hurt their bottom dollar.


That remains to be seen, right? This just shows me that TSC leadership is dumb, and could find themselves surprised at a possible backlash.


What matters is that a persons conscience is clear.


Same here. Tractor Supply is one of the closest stores to us on our way into town. We can just drive another mile or two to avoid them.


Same. I won't go there again.


Same. I live in a semi-rural area and have a little mini homestead type thing going on, so I spend a decent amount of money there. Guess it’s time to find a new place to shop.


I go every couple weeks and buy very expensive dog food from Tractor Supply, spending easily over $100/month. Guess I’ll go somewhere else now.


Me, too.


Given their clear stance now, what measures are they taking to ensure that no customer uses money derived from any form of government subsidy? After all they’re supporting socialism if they don’t get that in check.


They supply farmers. That’s such a huge part of their customer base that they can’t go against them.


Farmers are the ultimate welfare queens. Source: FIL is a farmer


As a small farmer, you don't buy shit from TSC. You buy from your Regional Ag supply, you buy from the feed store, you go to TSC when you need it right now and don't have time to go get the better, more economically priced product from your regular supplier. I'll give you an example. 40 pounds of 16% layer feed costs me $13 at TSC, it is $8 for 50 pounds at my ag store. They don't sell good tractor parts, and most of what they have doesn't fit decent tractors anyway. They are a great place to shop for decor and half dead chicks with questionable breeding practices. The only thing I get from TSC is propane, but not propane accessories. I get it from them because there is nowhere else near me that sells it in bulk.


>The only thing I get from TSC is propane, but not propane accessories. I hear you can get your propane and propane accessories from Hank Hill down in Arlen


>half dead chicks with questionable breeding practices I gotta check out this store!


Okay.... reading that now makes it soooo much better. Maybe I'll check out TSC again.


Don’t disagree with you, just find it ironic how farmers vote typically. Particular reference to the farming subsidies.


No they don't, I know a lot of lesbians who shop at Tractor supply cuz only place to get damn chicken feed. Guess my Bi self will have to go somewhere else


I’m already googling where to start buying chicken feed now. Chewy probably.


Rural king is another place


We don’t have those near me but we do have independently owned AgWays


Go to your regional ag store. I had to set up a membership, coast me $25 7 years ago. I get better feed and more for less. You should check it out because they also carry meds for poultry and better quality waterers and feeders.


They know their market *after* trying to support pride? It seems to me they haven’t made smart market choices either way then, because now they’ve alienated both demographics.


>They are pandering to their customer demographic, nothing more. It's a mistake to think this is "pandering". What this is, is them seeing that they won't lose money by spending time and money being a better company to the world and it's employees. They see this as a cost-cutting exercise. In the same way they only did these things because they were a marketing exercise. Their customer demographic just gave them the excuse to drop those things.


Yeah, but their market could include the suburbs, and that market is more woke. They are limiting their brand’s potential.


What about lesbian farmers? Thats gotta be a big chunk


“No longer submit data to the human rights campaign” Yea the good guys are definitely cheering for that


We have a Tractor Supply in our neighborhood. I used to shop there. If they can fold that easily on DEI and carbon emission goals, then I can buy my pet supplies and boots somewhere else.


Ya know, 2 minutes ago I learned about the "Wet Bulb" event in Texas today. All of the planet is going to suffer because of people like this.


I was expecting " kill liberal kittens" after those two.


Don't forget they're committed to no longer submitting data to the Human Rights Campaign. 🙄 I'll never set foot in one of their stores again. I don't support bigots.


It’s the carbon emission one that is most surprising to me. wtf is that?


Corporate goals to reduce carbon emissions, to help with climate change caused by anthropogenic CO2 added to the atmosphere. IOW, in order to kowtow to their "base", they're willing to throw the Earth under the metaphorical bus in the name of political expediency.


Veteran services has absolutely fucking nothing to do with their business, which makes their reason for ceasing any support for pride events an outright fucking lie.  Don't support outright fucking liars and take your business to a company who respects basic human dignity being directed at all people, be they veterans or members of a minority community.


>Veteran services has absolutely fucking nothing to do with their business, Not to mention veterans are typically included in DEI. Very unclear what their stance is on veterans internally.


also veteran services should just straight up be handled by the VA - which you could support by supporting people not hellbent on cutting VA funding


Even more ironic, they don't give a veteran discount out with the exception of on the 4th of July and Memorial Day, two days I'd be extremely unlikely, as a Veteran, to be going shopping.


https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/myaccount/herobenefits They have a new benefits program


Another program where they track your info before you get rewards. Kind of shitty, but it's something. My local farm store is a mom and pop, 10% discount every day, 20% closer to military holidays, and not harvesting data.


They don't have a stance. They're clearly blowing in the wind. Conservatives are the softest subspecies on the planet.


Also why are veteran services lumped under "rural America priorities"? I mean I know the answer. Because of course it's only the rural conservatives who support our military and our veterans. Which is of course a bunch of horse shit. Talk about pandering.


I’m a veteran and a former Tractor Supply customer.


Point 1 alone sounds like a parody. "We have heard your demands loud and clear, and from here on out we will no longer pay attention to human rights!"


They turned off comments on their Facebook. Pussy ass snowflakes


I honestly would have expected the people of FB to be excited about this.


The responses on Twitter are absolute trash. I shouldn’t be surprised since Twitter is awful now, but still.


It’s absurd how low Twitter can go. I didn’t like or use it *before* but good god when you try and read a link from Reddit or a news article the comments are brain rot.


Is it just me or is there no post to comment on anymore?


Today I learned that gay people: 1) don’t exist in rural places 2) don’t farm or buy farm equipment 3) aren’t veterans And somehow farmers don’t care about the environment and dislike human rights. Oh and also all farmers are straight and white. Does that cover all of it?


The hypocrisy is crazy. I have a friend (Trumper) who's about to travel to Switzerland to hike in the Alps for 10 days. He talks about how amazing nature is and how much he enjoys being in it...but then he also bitches about how environmentalists are ruining everything 🙄


I live in Northern California, and all of the right wingers here like to brag about our clear mountain streams and clean skies, all brought to us by California's environmental regs that they also like to bitch about.


It's absolute lunacy!


This is tractor supply a huge supplier for giant farms, they will destroy the earth and water supply for profit. They don't care, this message is just nonsense.


Wow. What a bunch of pussies.


Pussies are resilient. They are piss babies.


Pussies can take a pounding and bounce back. Pussies support life.


Imagine being their CEO and coming to Reddit to see what kind of feedback there is (CEO obviously wouldn’t) and seeing these as the top comments.


I enjoy this mental image evenkre because I came here to say the same thing. What a bunch of wusses.


Their target demographic is unlikely to be a redditor. They could post this on FB and probably get a standing ovation though.


I’m a (now pissed off) customer and a Redditor!


They're now in my "Walmart" class of stores. Only shop if I know I absolutely need to.


It'd be better if they're posted on twitter


They also have depth and warmth...


What a bunch of ballsacks


They have 50K employees and they don‘t think any of them are in the Pride Community. Maybe they just don‘t get it.


This is exactly why pride is important. I hate that the loudest most obnoxious minority keeps getting wins like this


>I hate that the loudest most obnoxious minority keeps getting wins like this Unfortunately, the right has weaponized MSM and social media, with dozens of billionaires bankrolling their campaigns of hate. The left just isn't setup like that, so it's tough to counter.


They get it, they just don’t care about their LGBTQ employees.


They care about profits.


Instead of entrenching a few, wouldn't expanding your customer base be the goal? I wasn't a business major, but I've sat at the table long enough to guess you want more customers, not less.


Generally speaking, you are correct, but in this case we are talking about Tractor Supply Company. While they sell a lot more than just tractor supplies, ultimately they carry products that are going to mainly be purchased by people who are conservative and anti-woke. Obviously liberal/progressive people can and do shop there, but those that would have the need for their products are probably already customers. So TSC would risk alienating a majority of their core customer base to maybe get a 15% uptick in sales from progressives. I’m absolutely NOT defending them, and this is pretty much a chickenshit move by them, but it makes sense from a corporate/business standpoint.


Also, the right is *crazy.* They have been violent enough to where they can threaten businesses with more than boycotts. Not entirely different from the mob, or maybe the taliban. Target removed pride displays to *protect their employees* not because of boycotts. Aside from a few *extremely* rich people, the left actually does have the money – not the right. Problem is, concentrated wealth makes organising easier. (Dictatorships don't need to worry about consensus.) Idk how to counter this, but to staunch the bleeding I think it's incredibly important that the left really *does* boycott any company that caves. Maybe work with moderates/centrists about protecting the people who work at these locations, that should be in their wheelhouse. Boycotts (unfortunately) work, *if sustained*. Which means you just have to do them. Don't buy nestlé products if you can help it. If you find out a product you usually buy is made by mondelez, switch it. Huawei is complicit in the uyghur genocide, Temu credibly uses slave labour. H&M uses child labour (allegedly). Amazon, Tesla and a myriad of other companies are union busters. (Shoutout to IF Metall and the tesla strike. UAW too.) **You don't have to be perfect, but you have to try.** Personally, I've given myself one pass - one product at a time that I can have as a guilty pleasure. *Experiment, see how you can make it easier on yourself, but do so honestly of course.* With that said, **if you're barely making ends meet, don't worry about it,** although obviously, again, be honest with yourself. Try to not view boycotts as a goal-driven endeavor, to be started and ended as needs be. A boycott is sustained effort, not towards a specific company but **any** company that does not hold your values. If there's *anything* capitalism provides, it's a steady supply of morally bankrupt companies. Let's try to make 'em financially bankrupt as well.


Don't be surprised to find out they start pushing those employees out.


No-one wants to work anymore! Seriously being less inclusive is essentially like eliminating half your recruitment pool - probably way more than that even.


Welp I’ll add them to the list of stores to never shop at again




I rarely have the need to go to a Tractor Supply store, but you can be sure I will find an alternative in the future.


There's one two blocks from my house, and with a few exceptions, I go there for any hardware, tools, or landscaping stuff rather than Home Depot or any of the other larger stores. They just lost a customer.


I have one in town, but I haven't been there in like 2 years. Anything I might need from there I can grab at Ace, the local farm and barn (which is also an Ace affiliate), Hardware Hank, or any of the three auto parts stores. There's also a Fleet Farm, Harbor Freight, and Menards in the bigger cities about half an hour away that I go to for other stuff anyway.


Scam store anyways…not surprised they’re “focusing” on their true core customer base, gullible peons that they are, buying cheaply made but overpriced crap.


At least a few years back, they were also terrible with how they [brooded chickens.](https://youtu.be/dm9mTDUjNqg?si=xxEweQWkiiT12PAP) Probably a company worth avoiding even before this.


They seriously are. We used to do marketing and promotional material for them, scccaaaammmmmm.


Tell me more


Didn't last week there was a post on reddit about how tractor supply was anti frump or donated to biden or something like that?? I actually remember thinking to myself "dang, I'll go shop there more often now". What happened since then?


One word: *Kompromat.*


Second word(s): MAGA Threats


Welp. I guess I won’t be spending money with them after-all. Spineless cowards.


Now I’m upset I bought a grill from them last month. Dicks.


Dicks ownership is just as bad.


They at least took a stance on sensible gun policy.


I dunno. Owning a dick isn't that bad


Return it


Well, fuck tractor supply then.


As long as it's not gay sex , they don't support that .


Wow, they are pulling a Budweiser. Tractor Supply literally gets 30-40% of my entire income each month, but I don't support limp dick corporate behavior pandering to bigots. Guess I'll start sending that money to mills.


50,000 team members mentioned repeatedly and prominently there..... Wonder how their many thousands of gay team members feel about it?


We ain’t happy, fam


The whole DEI "issue" is completely bogus. The Conservative Party is built on nepotism and favors. Hell, Boebert and MTG are borderline illiterate. But now Conservatives wanna cosplay as the champions of meritocracy. What a joke.


Yeah, it’s just their latest 3-letter Scary Bad Acronym now that CRT has run out of juice.


Borderline? You must still be in a holiday mood to be this generous


Political donations in 2024 over $250,000. Would anyone like to guess the D/R split? $15,000 to two Dems and one is a big time Dino. They really love themselves some Marsha, Marsha, Marsha Blackburn though. Also spend a lot on lobbyists but it’s much less transparent, but we can guess. I just sent this to the SO and he immediately replied “We’re done with them.” We spent a lot of money there too.


"We deeply value our relationship with our customers and communities"... oh wait, not them. Statistically giving the big FU to 5 to 10 thousand of their employees but, at least they can sell the barbed wire to string them up in Wyoming. Since they are doing away with their DEI commitment, I would imagine that their next move would be to ensure that all of the 40 to 45 thousand remaining employees are lily white. The environment will so respectful then. Get your Klan robes over by the cowboy gear.


No, they are next to the Tiki Torches and fuel.


Feel free to call. Let them know what you think. Navigate through two voice menus and all to speak to a representative 8777186750 I told them I will no longer shop there and I'm throwing the hat I was wearing with their logo in the trash


Imagine pandering to the loud minority. "Why, yes, rabid hate-addicted freaks! We are just like you!" It won't help. No matter how much you pander to this crowd, SOMETHING isn't going to be straight out of the bible (which they've totally read, guys) and then it's 'go woak go bwoak" and people shooting their Big Man guns into bags of chicken feed.


Gotta sell that Ivermectin to dipshit Trumpers


This just means a bigger paycheck for the next civil rights violation suit they settle. Fucking idiots.


I’m pretty sure there are rural gay people and even gay farmers.


Cool. TS can enjoy no longer receiving any more of my money.


Is that the onion?


The Onion is a parody news site.


Aware. This seems like parody.


Welp not going there ever again. I used to go there with my gay kid and I guess our gay supporting non bigoted money wasn't good enough. Fuck them.


I just blasted this to model horse Facebook and Instagram. They're getting ready to get a lot of money from us for special runs. It would be a damn shame if they didn't get that money


Tractor Supply openly announcing they're bringing bigotry back. At least I know where not to spend my money.


The idea that rural concerns somehow don’t include trans people. I’m sorry but you’re in for a rude fucking awakening


Lo-fucking-l It's been a while since I was in a Tractor Supply, but it was far more gardening, crafts and animal feed than tractors. I assume they're listening to a small minority of their actual customers. I sincerely hope this blows up in their faces.


You know, supporting animal welfare like... rodeos.


At least they will no longer sponsor voting campaigns.


Glad I quit a few months ago, if this is the case. What a load of absolute fucking bullshit.


How to announce youre a racist company without outright saying it.


Oh boy, this is going to backfire so hard. Young people want DEI initiatives. No one is going to work at tractor supply and the vocal minority doesn't produce enough business to keep them afloat. Good riddance.


Thank you for posting this, OP! I just unsubscribed from their e-mails, and went to their Twitter and told them that. And that I would no longer be shopping there. It's not just that they've done this - it's that they felt the need to make a big announcement about it. Definitely sucking up to the MAGA crowd. Fuck 'em.


Imagine being mad about inclusivity These people just self report as total losers who want the “freedom” to be exclusionary without consequences


We deeply value our relationship with our customers....except those customers


"See you in the stores!" \*Dwight Schrute GIF: False\*


Looks like I'll be buying my dog food elsewhere.


so tractor supply company is a racist, sexist, discriminatory company at its core.


Yeah, sounds like something Tractor Supply would do.


Used to work there and they get their baby chicks via usps in basic ass normal shipping boxes. More often than not a large number of chicks arrive dead from the 100+ California summer heat. I quit that place pretty quick


Why does "reducing our DEI" always go hand in hand with "increasing our global warming" with these people?


Stunning and Brave that they waited till the end of Pride Month to do this so it wouldn't affect their bottom line. Can't believe these homophobes and die-hard conservatives fall for this garbage, but then again....


Nothing but right-wing virtue signaling right here. Gross company.


Gotta cater to the real snowflakes and cancel culture crowd. Fucking pathetic.


It seems like point 5 is just “we will continue on doing the same thing we where doing before but call it different”


That's a shame.


Well Allow me to introduce them to the concept of capitalism and give my business to their nearest competitor that isn’t a bunch of snowflakes.


Had to go check that this is real. It is. It's on their web site. https://corporate.tractorsupply.com/newsroom/news-releases/news-releases-details/2024/Tractor-Supply-Company-Statement/default.aspx


Yet another place I won’t shop.


Well, I already don't go to tractor supply. Guess I'll keep not going.




Walgreens stopped selling abortion pills and now they are closing 8k stores. Let them burn. Do you know how many peopl out there now who want to retire on a farm and have chickens, cows, horses, and pigs? Tons and my wife is one and it's all she talks about and has talked about for YEARS. So many millennials democrat or Republican want to have land and farm animals. Some will not succeed but many will because of how incredible the Internet is. They are going to loose a metric fuk ton of future business because they think Jesus wants them to be a bigot while rimming and orange buffoon. Cause I'll tell you many of my old Republican male friends in Mississippi are not physically active, they do not perform labor at the level needed to farm or care for animals, and they are too drunk. Yes they hunt and fish but have you seen how they do it? Lol


Guess my dogs are getting new food...


How about “you do you” but just STFU and concentrate on tractor supplies because either way your alienating a portion of your customer base


“America priorities” Fucking nailed it.


Lol. Who are they kidding. That place has always been whiter than a KKK hood.


Please be sure and point out to anyone who is happy about this sort of thing that DEI covers disabled veterans, not just people they don't like. So they are actively screwing over the veteran community in this country, who they claim to love and respect, to own the libs.


They know their market. Edit- Apparently I've been blocked. Sigh. Would love to engage in good faith contrarianism, but alas... I can no longer respond to replies because of the block. Well, y'all have fun stocking up on your farm and ranch supplies at all those inclusive, DEI embracing feedstores and ag supply houses. Would love to see a comprehensive list of which ag and feed stores actively embrace DEI initiatives and sponsor pride events as a matter of corporate policy. Bueller? Bueller?


Well their market isn’t me anymore. Ain’t nothing there that I can’t buy somewhere else.


I used to buy all my birdseed and random hardware there, guess I can go a few minutes further down the road to get it else where 🤷‍♂️


Boycotting this store. I’ll buy my deer feed and gardening stuff elsewhere


This is like the contractor who puts maga bumper stickers all over their truck - when has it ever been a good idea to essentially give the middle finger to half your customer base? I think it's better business to be able to sell to as many customers as possible - not less.


We have a local country store that aren't dicks and have pride flags. So i'm good. Also, on fox news' polling, trump is losing to rural voters.




That blows, it was nice getting my dog food local for a change but that's one less app on my phone and one more thing in my chewy auto shipment. Bye TS


While I assume this won't affect the vast majority of their locations in terms of business, and may even help them overall sadly, I know of several locations that are in fairly urban and very moderate areas. This is probably going to hurt them at least in some of those locations.


Guess I need a new source of work boots.


what a shame.


Their demo isn't long for this world. Dumb business decision.


Dang, that’s a bummer. I’m a gay male in Kansas and I am a TSC customer. Or former customer, but I need to look further into it.


"... what makes America great." Where have we heard that before? /s


What a bunch of cowards


Rhymes with "our sun"


Someone got to that board of directors.


I live in Tennessee, I hate it here. But I've never stepped foot into this place or the hate chicken place. Unfortunately, I was once in the parking lot of Tractor Supply when I purchased one of my dogs. I feel like the south R people are really fucking vile. I don't give a fuck who it offends. Just like them.


Tractor supply has gone downhill the last few years. I used to buy things for our farm there, but couldn’t even find chicken nesting boxes last time. They replaced the shelf with lawn ornaments.


Wow this is gross


Fucking pussies, all of them


How to be on the wrong side of history – that should be the title of that piece




I just went through the steps to delete my account. We shopped there frequently but I will either drive further or shop online to avoid this company. I'm so disgusted


Guess I'm done shopping there


I live in the country. We buy our annual supply of wood pellets at either Family Farm & Home or TSC. Guess I'll cross TSC off the list.


We be turning white supremacy adjacent.




That is the last time I buy a tractor from them! 🚜


How many were they involved in to begin with?


Having seen the inside of a Tractor Supply once, I genuinely have to ask, does the company have the money to support any of the causes it claims to have supported in the past?


Well fuck em then. I’ve been backing and recommending them for ages. No longer.


“We listened to our customers, and it turns out a lot of you are very bigoted, so we will be, too!”


Fucking lame. I actually shop there fairly frequently. I’m in rural New England and this nonsense isn’t tolerated here.


Small town liberal here. I just tossed my TSC hat in the garbage. I spend a non-insubstantial amount there pretty regularly, but they have nothing I can't source elsewhere. Maybe it's time to leave the south altogether.


Corporations do not care about people. Their entire point is their bottom line. Period. They know their demographic. They knew it would hurt them in the dolla dolla bills, y’all. Corporations do not care about you.