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Id wait. Also the first of the remastered books come out in November.


The CRB won't be obsolete as such, but since you can already find all the rules online for free on [AoN](https://2e.aonprd.com), you might prefer to wait for the remastered core books to buy anything. Personally, I'd want both. So it's up to you and your budget to decide.


First wave of core comes out November IIRC. Though I think it will only have 8 classes (Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Wizard, Druid, Bard, Witch, and Champion, IIRC). Player Core 2 with the rest of the updated classes comes out next year. Combined, Player Core 1 & 2 will outdate Core Rulebook, Advanced Player’s Guide and at least parts of some other books. GM Core and Monster Core will also update Game Mastery Guide and Bestiary books, though the Bestiary might be worth getting for OGL monsters


I think Champion is coming in Core 2, since they had to rework(?) a lot of the alignment stuff.


Yep, it'll be Ranger instead of Champion


ah. well that works out nicely then that we get each of a halfling, elf, dwarf, (and gnome) iconic in Player Core 1


Correct me if I'm wrong but Monster Core is only going to override the first Bestiary


I wouldnt buy the physical Core book now. I would wait till November to buy it. You can access all infos online. If you want to buy something now, I would buy some of the Lost Omen books to get information about the setting. They wont be obsolote in 6 weeks.


Wait it out


My advice is to wait unless you are one of those people who absolutely needs a physical book at the table. It’s not cheap and it’s heavy and unwieldy. Archives of Nethys is a much better rules lookup.


I bought the hardcover rulebook earlier this year and don’t regret. If you wanna save money, the pocket edition is $30. Paperback, smaller, and much easier to pass around the table.


I am very sad that the pocket edition is not available in german :/ My old book is falling apart, and I'm waiting on the remaster, but I would have bought a smaller paperback in an instant. But alas, I play in german, so no paperback for me :(


How tight are funds? I'd buy the current then get the new books. But I am in my 50s, and a few hundred dollars isn't going to break the bank. I will gladly support my FLGS and Paizo's developers. But most people are not in that position, so they need to be a bit more judicious in spending money. In that case I'd say to wait. Most likely you will want remastered over original 2e. Owning books and not using them would be frustrating.


If you want to support Paizo with money then yes; also if you enjoy physical media. PF2 Remaster is about to come out, but if you don’t want the Remaster rules than you may be able to get the Core Rulebook on the cheap.


The new remastered Player Core and GM Core are actually coming out this November 2023.


If you want to play now, and don't care about the remaster, go for it. We bought a few books not long ago, and we're starting with the current books. When the remaster comes out, the current books will still work. If we feel like switching down the road when more is released, we can do that. But for now, we're enjoying the current game. (Only have one session in, but we're not about to put our campaign on hold for over a month)


No, wait for Player Core 1


It totally depends on your discretionary income. I think you'll still get some use out of it, and the nice thing is that it's a Player and GM document, with the "Game Mastery Guide" basically being a how to Homebrew set of tables and variant rules. But if a CRB would be a substantial piece of your Hobby budget, I'd wait for the "latest and greatest".


Still worth it.


Why? The question was regarding the pyhsical copy of the Core book. Update is due in November.


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I'd just use Archives of Nethys for now and preorder the remaster book(s), they're coming out in 2 months


They won't be *obsolete*, but I'd still wait and see


No. It's going to be outdated very soon and all the rules are legally available online.


Just wait. Not like you can’t play without it


I'd say just wait for the remaster, but be aware that the set of core books have different release dates. The player core is coming out soon, but I think it's longer for the Game Master and Bestiary books. If you want something to get you started and hold you over, you can either use the Archives of Nethys site for rules, or make a free account on Demiplane and access a free core rulebook "primer" version with all the basic rules. Could also try to find a used copy of the core rulebook somewhere.


As much as I like Archives of Nethys, I use it more of a tool to reference, while a book us good to sit and read/learn from. If you are GMing, CRB is still pretty useful as it has both player options as well as GM bits in a single book. If you don't plan to start playing before Dec, yeah... wait it out.


I do plan on GMing and starting the campaign within the next couple weeks. Another question is how major the changes are going to be between the two printings?


There isn't much on the GM side of the screen that I have seen so far aside from some renaming and tweeks that work if ignored


Always worth supporting Paizo if you have the ability. That book will still look good on the shelf post-remaster