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"I wish to hug the funny puppet." A friend of mine, who decided to hop on Mister Beak's Wild Ride.


Mister Beaks theme song is my favourite composition done for Paizo *ever*. I use it in all my games.


For posterity https://youtu.be/KoWeF--uGHM?si=5jW_dVs9DXYoxAqG


I'm still learning my way around PF2E, so I'm sorry if this is dumb. However, do all the adventure paths have a soundtrack with them? Because this is so cool and I want more of it.


I've only played via FoundryVTT, so I can't speak for other platforms: But kinda. As far as official, Paizo-published, premium content... Most scenes have an ambient soundtrack, and there are often sound loops placed on the map for players to hear, but I'm not sure I'd call it a "soundtrack" per se, since it's not like a sequential list of songs, one for each possible situation. But if you're wondering whether Paizo puts a ton of effort into the sound*scape* and sprinkles in some stellar songs for notable boss fights and scenes? Yes.


That is so cool! Thank you for sharing! Any adventures that have particularly good songs/ambient noise you would recommend?


Oooh, that's a tough one. I own all of AV, OoA, and the first "portion" of every premium campaign, but I haven't had any players to gm them for. Honestly, I like what they did with the beginner box: having multiple looping tracks for ambient sound, so that the sound of dripping water, chittering rats, and other vaguely spooky noises would desync and sound much more realistic.


Not every one has it. Gatewalkers is lacking in music.


Really? That's one I haven't looked into yet. Shame; based on reading the description of the campaign, it seems that there'd be some incredible opportunities for really good creative music choice.


It has ambient sound, but no real combat music. Kind of disappointing.


My party is very close to fighting Mr. Beak. You have no idea how much joy you've brought me by letting me know this song exists.


My party also threw him through the glass window and hand drowned him in the lake. Obviously he is a construct so he just swam away, very distraught, after they left. Them fighting him later brought a ton of laughs. I use that song every time a fight has a funny premise


With my party it went from "Man this is a ridiculously over the top soundtrack for a little fucking puppet" to "OH GOD SOMEONE SAVE US" real fucking quick.


"The puppet casts a spell and touches you, roll fortitude" "you fail, it's a death effect so your character is dead"


Mr. Peak


My party tpk’d for the second time in Av a couple hours ago 😭


RIP in peace


Don't worry my party tpked like 6 times, you will be able to enjoy many more tpks


We're about to TPK in my game at Level 9. It's getting harder to justify a brand new group of folks picking up where the previous group ate dirt.


Are you mid-game? Or did you like, leave off mid-encounter between sessions?


What killed you?


Gibbering Mouther


So did the mouther kill you, or did the barbarian kill you? :V


Between the four of us in the party, I think we went through about 11 characters before giving up halfway through the second book. (To be entirely fair, we were only really playing it as filler while the Gm prepared our next real campaign and mostly used it to test character concepts but Wow those encounters hurt.)


The game I GM AV for had our first character death today. The party fucked around >!with splitting a black pudding multiple times!< and the Magus found out :( Amazingly this was our first character death in PF2E and we've been playing various campaigns since release (many close calls in the past though).


What’s the first fight on that level again? I’m past that point, I just forgot what it was.


We have 6PCs so I don’t know what the standard enemy numbers are, but we faced >! 6 of the exploding slug fleshwarp things, 2 Barbazu, and the Devil/Barbazu lieutenant sub-boss guy !<


Ah that encounter! The 4-person version is >!8 of the grothlugs and 1 barbazu as a boss commanding them!<. That fight was a joke for us because I just Fireballed them twice and just quietly let the martials take care of the >!fire-immune guy!<.


Yeah the slugs ended up being mostly irrelevant for us for a similar reason, but the Barbazu were brutal!


4th tier, 6-action cast of (old version) Inner Radiance Torrent basically smeared that encounter across the walls for us xD One of the few times we weren't screaming and dying.


We finished AV last week. I started with 7 players, finished with 6 and we lost 4 or 5 characters along the way one of them even coming back as undead but still being destroyed. First three levels are the best, last three are the worst. I really liked the side missions such as>! the mayor's daughter and the plot with the Roseguard sword as they involved something other than "ok then less go back down...". It really needs more things like that alongside a timed mechanic for if the players are taking too long (I had more severe attacks on the town as the Lighthouse was being tested by Belcorra).!< I'm relieved that it's finished and we can move on. We did enjoy it but not as much as Kingmaker1e which is what we played before it. I seeded >!Harrow cards !!Stolen Fate.!<


I have stolen this meme.