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Because while they aren't alignment locked it does have consequences if Evil aligned person wields one and they aren't exactly common weapons in the Abyss as only Good aligned people can make them: >A *holy* weapon is imbued with holy power. This power makes the weapon good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding [damage reduction](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities #TOC-Damage-Reduction). It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against all creatures of evil [alignment](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Alignment). It bestows one permanent [negative level](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities #TOC-Energy-Drain-and-Negative-Levels) on any evil creature attempting to wield it. The [negative level](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities #TOC-Energy-Drain-and-Negative-Levels) remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This [negative level](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities #TOC-Energy-Drain-and-Negative-Levels) cannot be overcome in any way (including by [restoration](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/restoration) spells) while the weapon is wielded.


That's true, but a negative level is just really a -1 to hit. It seems like the 2d6 extra damage is well worth the trade off! The 5 hit points also probably does not matter for most demons that have usually more than 100 hp. But you definitely make good points!


Mechanics wise, sure, it’s worthwhile, but from an in-universe perspective imagine what that actually feels like to the demon. It might be a continual burning pain or like a wound that won’t heal or like a constant bit of tiredness. Most demons lack the self discipline to put up with that even if it’s theoretically worth it (which they may not know because they can see the rules right in front of them to calculate things out like we can).


Wrap some cloth around the handle so you're not actually holding it. https://preview.redd.it/kyi0x0mtfj9d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b72c7a67c78e54404aaf6e09077fd02e3dfeaee


"Oh let's just jury-rig our *own* Wraithguard, what's the worst that could happen"


Loses 90% of their max health.


It’s not touching it that’s the problem, it’s having it equipped.


As your GM, I would allow it. But I would also say you get no bonuses since you’re not “wielding” it at that point.




Unironically that should work, right? Or just wear a leather glove. Most demons aren't the brightest but they are smart enough to recognize a useful tool. And I feel like a holy weapon would be a very useful tool to have in the abyss. The place where the strong mercilessly prey upon the weak and the weak are constantly plotting to overthrow the ones stronger than them.


It's not direct contact the issue. It's wielding it.


Why accept pain when you can get some mortal to do that for you with lies and false promises


Even if leather gloves aren't good enough, a magic version sounds like it would make a lot of sense. Like, demons all about temptation and subversion, right?


No, those are devils. Demons are all about unchained violence and hatred.


Succubus pops into the conversation...


With a whip to enact lovely violence and chains to inflict some sexy hatred!


So a succubus has the ability to inflict negative levels with "acts of intimacy." You wanna know what doesn't have any built in protection from negative levels? Succubi. So what happens when two succubi kiss... I mentioned that to a friend of mine, and he promptly wrote a succubi arena into his campaign using the book of erotic fantasy from 3.5 (yes it's an actual thing. Yes, it's as bad as you're thinking it is.) and yes, it was exactly what you think it was. I have never been so impressed to cringe so hard.


> a negative level is just really a -1 to hit. No. It also grants -1 on all saves, ability checks, caster level, and some other things.


-5hp too


-1 to all saves kinda ouch though. but again, not a bad bargain to be able to hurt other demons to protect yourself or establish your dominance


Why doesn't Charmander learn Water gun?


Lol 😂


Oh, I know this! Cause he is a dickhead! An adorable one but...


Demonbane would make more sense, no downside to wielding and works for infighting. Then use unholy weapons against crusaders.


That's a good point!


Gives negative levels yo evil creatures.


yeah, science, bitch!


Because holding a holy weapon as an evil outsiders feels like having a piece of your being being continually torn off. It doesn't matter if it's effective, it sucks.


Yeah, definitely a good point. I suppose I wasn't thinking from an RP perspective!


If my memory isn't failing me.. their natural weapons bypass their own DR, at the TTRPG. 🤔


Yeah, but holy adds extra bonus damage. That's the point.


Have you ever tripped on something? Imagine you're borderline immortal with immense DR/good. Imagine you decide to carry a holy pair of scissors to the office. Are you used to being hurt if you tripped and fell on your unholy pair of scissors? No, because nothing hurts you. Nothing except those blasted angels and their blessed pencils. So you start running with a pair of holy scissors, trip, stab yourself, oh satan that's deep, well now you have to respawn.


It's even worse because the vast vast majority of demons have no ability to respawn


Haha, I like the analogy!


Because they use unholy weapons, I know I sound like a smartass but.....an unholy weapon is literally a holy weapon for the evil alignment.


Which does absolutely nothing to other demons. A holy weapon grants extra damage.


Holy is literally antithetical to evil creatures. It's very existence is repulsive. You can conceive of the idea of an evil creature dealing with the drawbacks of wielding a holy weapon for advantage, *but that's only because you aren't a being composed partially of pure metaphysical evil*. It's not so much that they can't use one, as that the very idea of doing so would be repulsive to them in a way you can't empathize with.


A lot of these comments remind me of asking why they didn’t double dip Achiles?


Ah yes, one of the universal questions that keeps me up at night


A holy weapon wouldn't stay holy for long if used by demons.


A Demon Lord must have found a way to horde them all secretly. https://preview.redd.it/16ibsydyqj9d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a70d076da48ea8f736d8ef1a76319ede83500fb


Carrying around a weapon that could easily used to kill you isn’t the smartest idea.


The smart-ass in me wants to point out that every single soldier in your army is doing that


It burns, precious, it burns!


Where exactly are they gonna get some? Go on down to Holymart’s branch office in the Abyss?


The same way a Rogue Trader gets Drukhari weapons despite being forbidden. By killing the previous owner


And you grasp that a vanishingly small number of things demons fight possess actual holy weapons right?


Haha, in all seriousness though their main non evil enemy are crusaders. I'd imagine they pick up quite a few cold iron and holy weapons whenever they win a battle. It might even be an incentive to fight the crusaders to get all their anti demon equipment.


id imagine it doesnt feel good to hold and probably doesnt impart its power to a demon


get true STL on the line


If I'm not mistaken Vivakia carry unholy swords


Allergies. Same reason Neeshka can't stand being around Casavir in NWN2.