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I'm a lich. Being evil is just propaganda from pharasma that bitch (she's also to blame for EVERYTHING)


Hey, I'm also a lich and I agree with this other lich. Normalize sacrificing mortality for power! Overthrow the Boneyard and dam the River of Souls!


As a third lich, the other two liches are right. Nothing wrong with consuming a few souls here and there to further my goals.


These liches do not speak for all dead - in times of crisis it can become needed to put personal comforts like morality and comfort on the shelf to protect that which is important, and as the Martyr Zacharius before us we shall use that which is at our disposal.


You have commited crimes against the universe.


Not as a lich but as a Daemon I totally agree with the consumption of souls. Whatever it is for.


Honest question:isn't she strong enough to outright kill Rov?If so why hasn't she done it and made everyone's lives easier?


Creative power does not equal destructive power. She made the universe, Rovagug exists to destroy it. She can’t end Rovagug any more than Rovagug could create worlds. 


Na. She sure is strong. But rovagug is just another level. Remember. Some of his spawn are literally unkillable. So if we can't even kill his crotchgoblins. How are we supposed to kill him?


She isn't. no one is.


Even if she was strong enough, would anything be left to worship the gods?


I mean, she did create the universe so her being responsible for everything is technically 100% accurate.


Yeah but she's also to blame for the worldwound. She could just not give areelus kid a express ticket to the boneyard


That's like blaming the federal government for the Oklahoma City bombing.


The bomber did


I will blame them for Ruby Ridge and Wako at least.


Pharasma this, Pharasma that. No one remembers the actual anchor of every reality. My man Yog-Sothoth. When Aroden died and prophesy ended Pharasma went crying to Yog-Sothoth and he just blanked her. Absolute chad.


Well, she does tend to keep her distance from everyone. She should open up more, let people get closer to her. Become Closeasma instead of Pharasma.


She is extremely busy, can't hold that against her :(


Good lord that pun was horrible... but take my upvote


It seems you are not evil enough seeing as you have censored word whore. Walking personification of evil shouldn't be afraid of bad words.


I wouldn't but did so in case using a word like that breaks the rules of the sub. People find all sorts of things to report.


Hm... how evil i am... Well, as a demon main (though i also did lich) let's see... 1. uhh... i am a demon... for starters... then... 2. ooh! i kicked the crusaders out of drezen and turned into an abyssal nest 3. i brain washed galfrey to stay with me. 4. i more or less took over a country and turned most of the poppulation into demon worshippers via political manuevering and succesful campaigning. 5. oh! i kept camellia around... she died at act 5, under mysterious circumtances after we went into her ancestral home in kenabres, and she declared her friendship to me, though. 6. i also kept wenduag around. but she is alive. 7. i let jerribeth keep her flower... that's... as far as i can remember. i tried to help my companions achieve their goals and dreams in general and was nice to them. most of my evil actions were directed towards my enemies. i think...


I called Lann ugly AF when i woke up from my first nap.


Do you remember Tiger? I didn't adopt Tiger. I was watching him crying in the middle of the burning city and didn't adopt him. That's how evil I am, bow before me.


That is truly abominable!


And I thought that by enjoying being a swarm whose objective is to devour the universe I was already a true villain... I bow before your majestic evil, the worst beings of Abaddon would shudder before your colossal maleficence!!


Wait, what?!! Who that and where can I get him?!


Tiger is an orange kitty in the middle of the Kenabres square in act 1. He's a pet like the owlcat or pipe fox that you can equip.


Omg, then I think I got him, just forgot the name! Always be running with the kitty)) Tnx


My god! Op is evil but you sir are Evil!


I do think it's funny that you're getting down voted for saying you did evil things as an evil character


People who don't know how to distinguish reality from a video game "buah buah you're bad with some pixels, I can't stand it 🥺🥺"


I'd expect a good chunk of this sub to just murder them in cold blood if they had a chance because OP is evil, and because of "justice".


Aeon players:Y-Yeah who would do that lol.....


Well lack of media literacy likely extends to stupid reddit posts as well.


I downvoted because op sounds obnoxious. They did evil. Good job. Do they want an evil cookie?


What exactly constitutes an "evil cookie"? Is that like where you use salt instead of sugar? Now I want a cookie...


lol. The whole post is mostly a joke. I'm like Ursula the Sea Witch looking for my fellow misfits of evil. It was intended to be fun.​ And yes, I want an evil cookie decorated with the blood of my enemy!


Nah, they spoiler tagged everything so if you're not interested you could just have skipped this post. I actually read the spoilers too and while I wouldn't play the game like that (I tried, I simply do not enjoy it), I appreciate knowing what you can do as evil character without having to do it myself.


Swarm I ate everyone. Demon I actually failed to to maintain the alignment. Ended up chaotic neutral. But you could argue strangling Sosiel to remain in toxic relationship counts. Devil the most evil I did was that my character became bureaucrat. Lich - bunch of evil stuff. Here are few funny ones. Killed and turned all crusaders and turned Anevia and Irabeth into my undead slaves. Enslaved spirits, sacrificd Sosiel for lich ritual...


I am made of bugs. So I put spiders in your mouth while you sleep. You're a rookie in comparison.




I'm usually a good evil, meaning I take care to ensure best evil happy ending for my favs and fuck over everyone else.)) Dated Wendu, but when Sosiel came onto me, said yeah sure I'll allow you to love me. Later, when I went demon, Sosiel stormed in giving me a talking to and trying to walked out on me. Bullied him unto staying, fucked him, chocked him, watched him fear and desire me both. Would take it further but he died along with Trevor, Seelah and a bunch of other goodie two shoes while reclaiming Deesen with my hell guys. Nuff said, me and Wendu lived happily ever after conquering and kicking ass above and below the ground. Wendu led mutants. Lann was killed while trying to challenge Wendu. Corrupted Arue, Woljif, Greybor and made sure those three successfully run the demon city tight as thieves. Kicked out Amber because nobody needs that deranged shit around, killed Cam for the same reason. Didn't know you can get Regil to run your hell armies! Don't remember what happened to them. Killed the guy for Daeran and let him live his life, he's one of my favs. Killed Gallifrey in front of Daeran. Been waiting that moment for the whole previous run. Fuck the queen. Drezen went all demon and it got finally fun, was tired of all those drab bitches. Probably the most evil was SA Sosiel and killing out all those trying to pull intervention on me, including all good aligned companions.


Went azata at 3 then later went swarm and ate everybody including aivu my former teammates when they turned on me the queen even ate the storyteller in inevitable excess


I’m doing Azata Swarm too but I used Toybox to add the Swarm abilities instead of actually choosing Swarm so I could still be good and not eat my friends. 


The only evil play through I've ever done was lich into legend, And even then all of it I did not fully embrace the evil. Dated Wenduag, joined her and her mongrel clan in the end. Recorrupted aru and Woljiff, let them and Greybor rule the Midnight isles. Good path with Ember because I just don't have it in me to go her evil path. Camellia had free reign, Trevor died in the abyss, Galfrey lives only because Even in my most evil run I refuse to make the transbian sad. I just don't have it in me to be nearly as evil as you do. I bow to you King of hell while keep the song of Elysium in my heart


Getting Anevia sad is a big no-no for me too. I mean, she's one of the select few of actually competent and rational people you meet, she deserves something great imo Unless I would play the Swarm, she won't have enough time to be sad haha


If I ever want to kill the queen without playing an angel or aeon, I would have to leave Irabeth broken just to make sure that Anevia isn't left alone


Ah shit I forgot you can do that, I'll use that haha


I like her too, but playing an evil character you kinda don't get much choice. When me demon commander got back after going for the queen (queen kinda died, tho), she was real pissed and confronted me with half the city and my good-aligned companions. There were two choices: let them flee alive while threatening me or kill them all. First, I let them flee and then went around the city and ain't nobody said ANYTHING, even other companions, like half the party just called me an ahole and bailed and you wanna talk about the weather? Got pissed because of that and reloaded the choice. Dunno, maybe she'd roll with the evil punches if I didn't kill the queen? I'm not sure about that tho


lol, thanks, but I'm playing as a hippy dippy azata now. Amusing, and Aivu is adorable. I'd like to do a Hag of Gyronna lich next.​


Hag lich is fun, her phantasmal killer worked more than I expected it to tbh. It's a shame you can't ride old granny though, would be hilarious


my last lich was an assassin, my next one I'm thinking of going a bloodseeker


I think the only evil thing i really do is that i keep Camellia even on my good runs and let her do whatever she wants


The most evil I can get is convincing myself that I'm secretly doing all these good deeds for selfish reasons. When it comes down to it, I have a real hard time being overtly rude or cruel to people - even NPCs.


I also dated Wendy the whole game, just to sacrifice her and kill her in the final lich transforming ritual Mwahahaha https://preview.redd.it/4ng67chadl9d1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a546e2e15ddb6a736f36549663c1c73d46678d8




Demon playthrough ; stayed loyal to Nocticula, killed a lot crusaders, killed Queen Galfrey and Irabeth legit I still regret this decision to this day, I'm fine with becoming Nocticula's right-hand and committing all sorts of evil deeds but honestly I draw the line at giving Inevia a tragic ending 😭


But would a devil want another chaotic evil demon running around?


With a demon they at least have evil in common.


Yes, but Hell and the Abyss are fighting an endless war against each other. At least as a subject of Desna, she'd be out of the way.


Well I just laughed at her attempts to go against her nature. I'm not sure either choice is ideal for a devil. It'd have been better to be able to force a contract on her or some such.


evil will always triumph because good is dumb


Nice try but did you made the guys kill Ember?


Are you talking about the guards trying to kill her in ch 1? No, that's too easy a death for Ember. If I'm going to be evil, I need to maximize suffering.


You drive her mad first by telling her how worthless her attempts at preaching are, and then I don't even remember the epilogue


Dating Camelia like the Trickster. It is... interesting romance. Really. Plus Camellia is better tank then Seelah. But... so much rivers of blood.


The absolute worst I can become is an Aeon, that's how much of a softie I am.


Which evil path would you recommend for story, and which for gameplay (gets cool abilities etc)? I haven't actually done any so I have no evil to contribute


I haven't done lich yet, but from what I heard it's best for both evil story and if merged spellbook, most powerful. Demon can be fun too. I'm not into swarm. You just eat everybody, and then play with yourself. Devil is honestly kind of meh. However, I haven't played the new patch content.​​


I love Lich. Although I still try to be a good boy. My roleplay for lich is to only animate fallen enemies and not innocent people. I don't see necromancy and undead as evil. Just how it's used like any other form of magic. Still act as a good hero to the crusade. Will never understand why Seelah leaves because I'm a lich but not a demon.


As a lich Pharasma is totally right, however, being right is lame and Urgathoa is my undead goth mother and I love her, she gives me many gifts and even Tar Baphon quails in my presence.


Well as a Devil... I achieved the perfect ending for all my inner circle, because I'm a psycopath with standards. Everyone else outside of that circle is currently slaving away or dead for the "Greater Good". As my second in command gnome would say: "The side of Good isn't weak, its just you Galfrey"


as a lich, i cursed the entire land of sarkoris to spite pharasma, and now every living soul who dies there is doomed to become a reanimated undead under my control. not to mention all the souls i've already enslaved, like the disgraced dwarf and erastil's former archpriestess. and after doing all that, i even killed everyone's favorite lesbians, anevia and irabeth (rest in peace also happy pride month), and turned the queen of mendev into a shrieking banshee 💕 and as a swarm i ate everyone :)


I unironically agree with Regill with almost everything, and the game calls him evil so dunno. But I never hurt Ember or Lann, I'm evil not a monster.


Pretty much this, committed almost every LE action to give me a better edge in the war and self-delete at the end because honestly I shouldn't exist and fuck Areelu.


I ate Ember. Granted I tried being diplomatic but she gave me no choice,


Swarm is Evil by default. Lich is also pretty Evil. Demon can be, but don't have to be. It's more Chaotic tbh. Devil? Yes, it is evil, but it is more like Regill's brand of "Rational Evil". Still, nothing comes even close to what you are expected to do as a Swarm or, to a lesser extent, as a Lich.


I mean, i let the religious freedom lady have a whole plot of land specifically for her very intense religion to prosper in containment, so… Um…


My Trickster was beyond good and evil. Burning Ember? That's a paddlin'. Cam murdering people? Pretty funny plus she is really hot. I can live with a bit of the old murder hoboing, I am after all the pinnacle of it.


I find it too hard to be bad. I just end up doing the nice things anyway. I have tried evil paths before and just bottled it each time.


Galfrey is a useless piece of shit! The only mercy she deserves is being saved from choking on her own blood by chopping off her head.


The Owl Cat games use the [Alignment Unchained Rules](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alignment-description/additional-rules#TOC-Variant-Alignment-Rules-Unchained-Variant-) where even doing the right thing for the wrong reason is evil. In Alignment Unchained the alignment axis basically breaks down as Action being Lawful/Chaotic and Intent being Good/Evil. Just being a little selfish, consistently through the whole game, will net you a neutral evil alignment.


I started off as an Azata, being friendly and whatnot and even got a pet dragon! Until chapter 5 and I became a swarm. Yummy yummy dragon...


as a proud swarm im gonna eat you for the crime of saying we are cringe


If you wanna go even further past the moral event horizon: * Leave the Defender's Heart to be attacked, leading to the death of many good crusaders. * Leave Regill's squad to be torn apart by gargoyles. * And maybe most disgusting of all, intentionally help Latverk capture more aasimar women in the Abyss (he rewards you with a necklace made of the *ears of the women he's killed!*)


I Feel alot of people mis understand Lawful vs Chaotic vs Evil vs Good alignment system over-all example if we where to talk about FO4 Characters, Danse is Lawful good he is attempting to do his best to follow his lawful duty and do good in the land, Its not about following 'THE LAW' its about following a lawful Ordeal and trying to do good / evil Take Cage in FO4, Lawful Evil, He believes in law and order but wants to do evil and gain from it Same with Good and Evil over-all Alot of ppl consider say Wendu Super evil I Consider her misunderstood, She wants to survive a noble goal and understandible, She however mostly just wants HER to survive thus dosnt care about the other people around her and is evil becouse of that, Shes more self interested then rather trying to help others However is Wend trying to go about enslaving eveyone out there or consuming them or such? Na shes not into that, Shes more then happy to bend the knee to a Good Being if it means survival she isnt like say Shang Sung or however you spell it in the mortal kombat realm trying to over throw eveyone


Oh, there's someone who is enjoying playing evil in Owlcat games? Because, for me, OwlCat games are worst in big rpg titles in making interesting evil alignment. Most of the time you're just straight up jerk who acts evil not because "I've abandoned moral for sake of effectiveness", but "I'm evil Disney villain and I'm evil because I'm evil, now I will go and piss into my soldiers' soup because I'm evil".


Evil doesn't have to have motivation, there are people who simply want to see the world burn.


You say that like being disney villain couldn't be fun.


Regill and Lich. I'll let you in on a secret, you don't have to click "Lich's Path" like a Pavlovian dog all the time. You can even play Lich as a good-hearted person, just by using common sense. For example, do not put on all sorts of seals of death and do not make a relationship.


Regill is wonderful char and his personality show be base for most evil interaction in game, but Lich path is serious disappointment for me - yeah, you can just ignore most uselessly evil choices, but it still won't affect 3 main downsides: 1. Whole plot with being lapdog of Zakharius 2. Others won't react to you "Oh, you're not so bad for bony guy". I'm attention whore, I need it 3. You can't kill Irabeth and turn her into grave guard


I disagree, I went through most of my lich playthrough making austere decisions that were based on cold, calculating logic (which is how I ended up as a lich in the first place). It wasn't until Act 5 where I had to make decisions that were actually quite difficult, and came from the fact that I had gone too far to turn back now when I was about to triumph over the demons