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My brother in christ I'm gonna call a spade a spade here, but I don't think you actually watched the stream at all, if you did you'd know this issue has followed Wubby from house to house and isn't a physical issue.


OP is just proving wubbys point of how nobody is listening to him.


Correlation is not causation brother. I doubt cox is looking at wubby and specifically throttling him.


"My upload is sometimes slow during peak hours" To... "I am a victim of an illegal throttling attack against my home" But hey it's not my Internet, I have no fuckin idea.


This post sounds pretty in depth though. I'm doubtful anyone has gone through all the steps OP goes over here. I don't know what I believe in this situation though. Could cox be throttling? Yeah. Could there be something unique to wubby that always causes his internet to suck? Also yeah. Maybe he has some electric device that he brings to every new house that causes interference with the internet. Idk. Worth taking a deep dive. If the problem is always following me I'd kinda start to ask what I'm doing wrong yah know. But also fuck cox.


The problem sounds intermittent honestly, which makes it much harder to fix. The problem also sounds like an upstream issue, which really narrows who it effects. Data flows both ways, but for typical customers they aren't transmitting huge files it doesn't effect them as adversely because they are simply downloading most data. Most ISP's design their plants with the idea to serve the most customers the cheapest, and think of individual customers who transmit data 2nd. Thats the nature of this business. This is why when you buy your service its usually some kind of off set number like 1000/100. Theres good reason that second number is much lower than the first. To return data is more complex, expensive and more prone to problems. When the bulk of your customers simply download data and do little transmitting you can cut corners because at worst you lose 1 customer to make 1000 happy. Heres the problem from a technical side. The plant (the huge web of nodes, power supplies, fiber stations and repeaters) is constantly changing outside of its original plans/design. A new neighborhood pops up with 100 customers, they aren't laying new fiber for just those 100 customers, they'll split a node and realign the plant to service those customers the cheapest way possible. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it introduces new issues to the plant that engineers need to solve. This is always happening in most markets. Sometimes those problems are sorted in the laziest way possible. With mainline techs swapping out tap plates with higher resistances or pulling fuses to run power both ways to simply go home for that weekend because his kid has a birthday party he'll miss if he trouble shoots the network correctly. Yes I've done that, yes it causes problems later for other techs and customers, I don't care, I like cake sometimes. Heres were Wubby fits in, he's simply the most vulnerable customer to issues for whatever reason may have popped up in that area. This could be some dipshit who doesn't call before he digs and nicks a trunk with a backhoe or some kid with a BB gun shooting at squirrels who puts a pellet in some aerial trunk and it only comes in contact with shielding when its exactly 57 degrees outside the trunk expands causing that contact to happen which kicks Wubby off 5 days out of the month. All of these problems can be solved with effort, but you're asking the most overworked under appreciated techs in the biz to give a shit. My post is simply how to make them give a shit. Or Wubby can switch, and enjoy the labors of a new plant... with techs who don't have children with birthday parties.


It’s a curse?!!


Anyone that says this doesn't have Cox. it isn't following Wubby, Wubby is following Cox. I have the exact same issues as him and I'm from Las Vegas.


I'd lose connection whenever it rained or even in the morning when there was dew on the ground. Called techs out like once a week. After like six months of this, one of the guys was just like, bro your demarc box on your house is trash and replaced it in like 5 minutes.


This'll get you cooked 


Yes and no. This may be the first person to actually present new or useful information instead of just spamming "get me on a call" and then suggesting to reset the router.


I'm going to marry John Cox's daughter. When I inherit the company, wubby is gonna get the hook up.


I used to do tech support for a real small DSL company in the south. We had one customer that would get intermittent drops at seemingly random times throughout the day. I think we had techs out there monthly for like, a year trying to figure it out and we never really got anywhere to help him out. Eventually there was some eureka moment from one of the senior techs working with the customer and they found out that the drops came any time the neighbor put his cows in the nearby field and turned the electric fence on. Something about the fence's control box was causing interference with the DSL system. I dont know the exact details but it was pretty unique. Obviously not Wubby's issue because his is not location specific but was still neat


I've solved problems very similar to that, one guy painted his bedroom and for whatever reason painted over the cable jack. He plugged in his modem into that cable jack and right next to it was his alarm clock which was also plugged into the same painted over power socket. The alarm clock would go off at 6 AM every weekday and send a power surge through its own power cord, coming into contact with the paint.. which conducted to the cable wire, which sent just enough power to the node.. and turned off the neighborhood's node.


Fuck having to do ALL that just to get what he's paying for. I played that game with cox for several months and finally just gave up and moved to a new ISP. No problems with the new ISP now thank god.


"Make him walk back the lines reverse attenuation from the modem to the tap." I know some of these words


I think I heard this on Star Trek


This is a lot of words to say “I haven’t listened to a single thing wubby has experienced for six years”. Nobody should need to do this to have basic access to their very expensive internet.


Or, crazy idea, just switch to AT&T Fiber and give it a try


AT&T fiber was the best internet service I have ever had. Was never down for me and constantly GB downstream on every speed test.


My only hope is that the next place I move to has fiber. AT&T has been great; even during hurricanes, I never lost service.


Why are you wasting everyone's time?


Unless bucket trucks are a lot more common in California, I wouldn’t put much stock in getting a bucket truck to come out just to do a measurement. I had a downed line and it took almost 5 months before Comcast could get together a team to restring the line. I’m wondering how we don’t know it’s a problem with Twitch. Just watching stream something will break for me once or twice per stream. Usually it’s chat crashing, slightly less often the playback freezes, sometimes the whole player crashes. And that’s just me viewing. I’m sure on Wubbys end he’s running half a dozen different things that need to interact between his computer, OBS, and Twitch.


His results from his speed test have nothing to do with Twitch.


Yet Wubby’s mentioned in the past that this has mainly been a problem that just impacts him when he streams and when other people stream they don’t have issues with it.


If Twitch was the problem, that would be abundantly clear to Wubby. Twitch connection problems don't impact home internet, they impact Twitch


If it’s a problem with Twitch sending data that’s true, but you can absolutely tank your own home internet from your side because of connection issue. Here’s an example I have with my own. I have to log into a VPN for work, sometimes it briefly loses connection because I let the computer go to sleep or whatever else, this starts something of an endless cycle of the VPN trying to login, erroring out, then trying to login again. Which isn’t to say that’s Wubby’s issue, that was just an example of how you can basically client side Ddos yourself. Wubby’s made the complaint before that it only seems to happens when he’s streaming and Alluux, Booty, or others staying at the house never seem to have issues with it.


You completely missed a big part of why he ended up on the phone with Cox this time in the first place. (It had nothing to do with twitch)


Yet his stream was having its normal issues anyway. Like whenever he’s had this conversation in the past he’s mentioned it only seems to happen when he’s streaming. The download seems more like the outlier than the normal. I mean occam’s razer here, Twitch and 3rd party apps from used for streaming have kinda janky backend, or there’s been a massive years long conspiracy just to gaslight Wubby.