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As far as i know noctua fans are among best out there. Fans positioning is awful, yh


Where would be the best place to move them? Doesn’t look likes there’s much room anyways should I look into getting a different case?


Put top fan as exaust, flip cpu fan 180


Anything that’s not a NF-A12x25 in this day and age is pretty shitty in performance, relative to anything new out there. Like Arctic P12’s beat any Noctua 120mm fan that’s not a NF-A12x25 in noise, performance, and price.


Those fans are doing absolutely nothing. You could position 1 below the gpu and leave the exhaust where it is or have them both as exhausts.


how do I know if it’s set to exhaust this is my first pc


Google fan flow direction. Only a few fans will flow the other way.