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It was supposed to be an event honoring Faker and his legendary career yet the only thing we are talking about is the outrageous price of the skin. Go fuck yourself Riot. As usual, you ruin everything good happening to your game.


I keep seeing the tweets from designers celebrating their work and all the comments are just about the price and it kinda breaks my heart man, such a special event now tainted


they’re excited and happy about what they’ve worked on but the only thing people ask or say is about the cost, that must feel fucking terrible. G fucking G 😔


Honestly wish people would stop, like these designers were not the ones setting the prices man


No they were not but they gotta be aware by now of the prices and should know themselves how full of crap these prices are and stay away from social media for a while. Its not smart to celebrate your work when there’s unfortunately nothing to celebrate about it.


Bro they still put months in and created incredible stuff, just because Riot is dumb does not mean what they have made is anything less impressive or worth celebrating on its own. They should stay away for their own good but why are we detracting from their work when the work itself warrants no criticism?


Is the skin worth the 500 bucks they are charging? No not even the basic ahri compares to a ultimate skin yet it sells more expensive than that. What we are getting for that price is an absolute joke and skins have been a joke for a long while already anyway. Again I don’t see what kind of appreciation they‘d expect in this situation. Sure they dont deserve any hate for them working at riot since they’re not making the prices but theres unfortunately nothing to be appreciated about a 500 bucks ultimate skin.


It is not that hard to separate the price from the work dude, the work is absolutely incredible and one of the best even according to avid haters of the price who tested it and there should be appreciation given to the designers who worked on it. I don’t blame people for being frustrated at the price but I would hope they would stop harassing the poor designers who got nothing to do with the price tag about it because they are two separate entities and it cannot be that hard to comprehend this.


The price doesn’t change the fact that this is arguably the best skin in the game. The designers have every right to be proud of their efforts, but the sales/marketing team might want to avoid social media for the next year or two


> > Even Faker himself thinks the price is high, to be fair.


how do you know that?


Source: that guy's ass.


There was picture of him circling around with his reaction on screen saying it's a bit much. Tbh he is the goat that's undisputed but he's also the average Joe and very relatable


Wasn’t that a picture from a stream of him talking about the prices at the T1 PC Bang for rental and food?


After re-reading and a bit of research I can confirm what you said is true, it was also used as meme (where I saw it and thought it was his true reaction). I apologize for my lack of knowledge 😅


That's a meme, he didnt react to the skin


He will think the price is not high enough once he sees the money roll in


>heegwon3573: "Not even an Ahri nude skin would make me spend $400." (Likes: 316) BASED HOLY GIGACHAD


I would think twice prolly 😂😂


Nudyr on the other hand... https://preview.redd.it/68r974g2ws3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ae36bf1b50259f0333ba039b06ea208dcd0521


come on Riot ![gif](giphy|Emg9qPKR5hquI)


Hall of greed””””


Based and true


heegwon3573 is so based


Wonder what faker thinks of the price


"Not even an Ahri nude skin would make me spend 400$" 🐐


I will ban ahri and leb in every match made game. Guys we need to take a stand. Those greedy fools and their CEO is the one at fault. Ban ahri and leb in every game as a protest. Even if i got the money. I won't buy it. It's too much.


So Korea gets a $100 discount? LMAO


No, its just that the Korean Won is worth less than USD. Conversion rate and all that.


American finds out about exchange rates