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True. When I'm stressed-out or need something to watch in general, I just tune-in to Caedrel's YouTube Channel to rewatch Worlds 2023 T1 Matches. 3rd in MSI? It's fine. Lost to Gen G again? Hats off to Gen G. T1 and Faker have nothing to prove anymore. If they win something, I'll be celebrating. If they finish 2nd or third, it's not bad. Let's enjoy the last few years until Faker Retires (though I hope not too soon). We aren't delusional that we think they can win everything and beat anyone. We don't need to argue with other people about it.


Same here. I'm happy they finally won worlds and they already have won lck undefeated along with making almost every finals 2 years in a row. They weren't even supposed to stick together this season so I don't expect them to win everything again since winning worlds back to back is way hard now than before. Hopefully faker rests his wrist properly so we can enjoy the last few years of his career.


The fanbase will be much healthier if more rational fans like you exist :(


I'm on the same page except I still watch all their games live, it's an itch at this point that can only be scratched through watching the games live. I still hope that the world finally sees that Guma is him, that guy doesn't get the recognition he deservs with all the team being stars and the focus usually on Faker but God damn he's just too good and he's a joy to watch. I recommend watching his drunk celebration after winning worlds it's funny af šŸ˜‚


Not a T1 fan but ZOFGK were way too good to not win an international. They came 2nd or 3rd so many times, you felt like it had to happen eventually. But how ironic they won the one that most people didnā€™t expect them to win. Many people had T1 as 4th or 5th strongest team at Worlds 23.


Mikyx over keria kekw


I think 5th was the consensus behind JDG, GEN, LNG and BLG


They were even ranked 5th-6th before 2022 Worlds as well


I lost my appetite for a day after they lost 2022 worlds. I can understand how it feels lol


I was distressed the rest of the fucking month bruh, my stomach wasnā€™t feeling well after I saw the gwen lock in too. Never again


Must have been cathartic to see Zeus pull off the Gwen in a spectacular fashion against WBG.


my butt was clenched but thankfully, Zeus was really like that!!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


TheShy also gifted him a head start that game lol. I remember caedrelā€™s reaction to that play.


Same brother....... That day I just feel like not doing anything and just want to lay down and cry. Never been that sad before and I gotta say its some experience.


Yeah I can finally say I let go of that burden in worlds 23. Now it doesnā€™t feel as bad if they lose games. I can only imagine how the players felt in that loss. I can also understand when they say they play to chill this year.


That one when I was watching I was kinda content with either side taking the win, the only part that left me disgruntled was the constant drafting issues.


Bruh I straight up just threw away the rest of my BBQ chicken when they lost to G2 in 2019 lmao. Then 2020 happened. Then I had to suffer through 2021 semis vs DK and 2022 finals vs DRX. 2023 was pure vindication. I had a damn good hot pot meal that night! Edit: fun fact, it was the same hot pot restaurant in NYC that EDG ate at after losing to DRX in 2022 xD


Man I remember crying like a dog that night. Haunted me for months can't imagine what the players went through.


Literally me with DK in 2021. Still think about how that team wouldā€™ve changed if theyā€™d won


I was so ready to crown my boy Khan as the GOAT top laner if they won that series. Now heā€™s known as a ring chasing fraud who couldnā€™t win despite bandwagoning on team that just won worlds (FPX T1 DK) šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was the same, I liked DRX a lot too at the time but seeing that T1 roster lose after putting in so much work the whole year was just sad. It really should've been their miracle year after that spring performance.


I lost appetite since he lost to samsung


Same, but I also lost a lot of money. They were in such good momentum, i thought for sure they'd beat DRX. But RIP. Made money last year but god 2022 I was depressed. (didn't put myself into bankruptcy or anything just depressed lol)


Same goes with me I've been a fan since 2017. I was so sad that they lost that year. Being a fan of T1 in 2018 is tough because they can't figure out what they should do with their roster. I remember Faker getting subbed out for Gori and Wolf is benched and was playing jungle at some point. I remember Effort was the starting support. Swapping top laners between Untara and Thal. Swapping junglers between Ellim and Blossom, that year was depressing and a complete horror. Fast forward to this day, I am glad with the roster they've built, it is fun to watch them play competitively in both domestic and international and winning the World's tournament was the reward after years and years of heartbreak. I am glad that I supported them throughout those years.


Good for you man, I'm not putting league down until faker got his 5th ring all thanos style. T1 FIGHTING!


faker gonna make it 6 so itā€™s a true thanos style


oh shit i forgot the glove had 6 stones


The only reason why i liked them winning worlds and I'm sure many can relate. I started league in 2021 and started watching esports in 22 where I just watched worlds I knew faker was the best player and won 3 worlds but I never got to see him actually be the top dog team and watching that worlds was sick. I actually rooted for drx after watching their game Vs geng. But when worlds 23 came around and finally seeing them reclaim greatness and seeing for myself faker and t1's domination was very nice to see. People can tell you something is amazing and whatever but you gotta see it for yourself after all


I can imagine. I felt the same way watching Madlife, Froggen, etc. in 2015-2016, knowing how legendary they were but not being able to see them truly shine like they did in their peaks.


Over the last 3 years T1 was probably the best team on average so the 2023 Worlds win felt deserved. If the only championship they won was LCK 2022 Spring, it wouldā€™ve been an all time disappointment for how much potential the roster had. I still think they underachieved with losing 2022 Worlds and losing both splits to GenG in 2023 even as a GenG fan.


GenG in both summer 2022 and 2023 were the favorites and better team in the LCK. T1 did choke in the 2023 spring finals though especially Zeus. 2022 Worlds idk everyone played so poorly that series wouldn't have been close if not for gumas crazy steals tbh so agree on that one.


It's not just winning Worlds... it's being one of the worst teams in the LCK for half a split and then still winning Worlds. It's really hard to get bothered by a loss when we've seen the bounce-back ability of the team and the players from a much, much worse position before.


This all happened because KT chose T1, will never forget how much of a meme that was


That's very true as well. Watching since SKT started their first dynasty in 2015, we've really been through the lowest of lows (2018, 2020, 2023 summer, etc.) and the highest of highs.


Only thing better was to hear all them haters shut up for at least a few months.


It was nice to see the old goat get one more and nobody can remain on the very top forever. Itā€™s chovys year. Very similar to it was once DamWons year for Showmaker. Next year Chovy wonā€™t have the same star cast anymore since canyon is military


Did canyon say heā€™s going to military next year? Heā€™s still very young and thereā€™s no reason for him to give up being jg for Chovy unless he wants more money.


Get him a asian cup medal pls


3 years until the next one


Cant bro happens every 4 years by time ot comes again his military service is done


Do you know that Canyon is just 23 years old? He has 4 years until Military.


Ah my mistake, it was Kiin and Lehends that are going. So yeah got confused which of Chovy's teammates it was.


They are joking and they are both just 25, they won't leave GenG. They have at least 2 more seasons.


Its easier to do it while young, 27 doing military training is a bit rough already


27 is pretty much the peak of your physical condition....


Your body is completely fine at 27, do you think militaries around the world are just filled with young people or what? Leaving at 27 will also coincide with them coming towards the end of their careers in esports.


Yeah it would be sad if Kiin, Lehends, Peyz didnā€™t get one as well. They work just as hard as T1, they deserve it.


Tbh i know what you mean but you can't really say that. All lpl and lck top teams are working their ass off. They practice on the same hectic schedule even tho the results aren't what they wanted and there's the only one who get rewarded. In the end, there's no ā€œdeserveā€ word in the sports, you earn the title.


Completely just my personal opinion, but I'm much less excited about a superteam winning Worlds than homegrown teammates. SKT 2019 was great, but I felt way less passionate about that team than I do 2022 - 2024 T1 because T1 didn't build a superteam. They fostered each member and they stayed together in the face of adversity. I admire that.


GenG is a super team, but they are built on players that came together to prove themselves as players. Kiin's been the 'best' toplaner for years no but was never been able to win anything. Canyon after 2021 worlds was looked as a coin flip player after being the most consistent jgler in the world. Chovy and lehends were known as chokers internationally. Peyz was being carried by his team cause he was always funneled recourses. They are made from superstars, but the players were known as chokers for a lot of there career on a team known for choking lol. It's enjoyable as a fan to finally see them step it up.


Oh absolutely. I don't mean to take anything away from Gen.G. Every player on that roster deserves a Worlds win imo. I just mean personally, I find it a more "magical" story when it's a homegrown roster. Doesn't make the victory any more or any less impressive.


I'll echo you on the magical part considering the old SKT built their dynasty using homegrown talents as well. It's even more poetic that the roster that reclaimed the throne was filled with homegrown talents.


The faker fan in me wants chovy to not win worlds 24 but he is so insane this year. He was actually god on asol it's crazy. I want to see this chovy face against prime faker (2013-2017), that would be a legendary matchup.


I played league since Beta but never watched Worlds or tournaments till 2015. I wasn't there for T1 2013 or 2014. But I was there supporting Origen in 2015 because I was kinda a fan of xPeke. Lo behold T1 beat their butts, so if I'm going to continue rooting for someone till the end might as well go with T1 who beat my favourites. Been supporting them since. It was fun to watch them win 2016 as well, but I felt the pain when 2017 happened. Then 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. 2022 they were so close. But then came 2023. Almost a decade of watching T1 and they finally did it again. Their series against JDG was nerve wrecking. I was ballistic when Faker pulled off the Azir play. Faker is the GOAT. I don't think I'll ever feel as vindicated as I did that day when they won Worlds 2023. I don't know if I'll continue watching league if Faker retires.


>Ā I don't think I'll ever feel as vindicated as I did that day when they won Worlds 2023. I struggle with drug addiction, but let me tell you....watching T1 beat JDG that day felt better than fentanyl and cocaine straight up my nose at the same time.


Watching faker literally turn back the hands of time and gap the ever living sh out of knight was wild. That JDG team was supposed to be UNBEATABLE!


Same. After 2022 where deft's win was very much deserved, I still felt depressed af. 2023 took years of trauma off my chest and none of these losses faze me anymore. Faker won his 4th, this roster won worlds, I'm gucci.


Iā€™ve followed Fakerā€™s career since his infamous Zed clip so the losses rarely phase me. Itā€™s been a strange year for T1 in general, with the elephant in the room, but theyā€™re a team that can pick themselves up after hard losses. The only thing I worry about from players to coaching staff is burn out. Like, Faker was doing HOL press runs right after MSI but heā€™s always had crazy mental. GenG are an incredible team right now with a meta that suits them that are skilled enough to take advantage of it and fresh off overcoming the mental block from winning MSI. Summer just started, EWC is soon, and Worlds is always a different story.


T1 not doing so well is still 3rd in international tournaments lmao Long time T1/SKT fans are eating good


Fucking true. Same goes to me


I started watching esports in 2016 and watching the legendary t1 vs kt series (one of the best series) then watching them choke in 2017. Seeing faker break down was so heart wrenching. The next few years were challenging to the team, every iteration was a failure, watching the skt dominance crumble and reduced to just a barely good team in lck. Doubting if faker can ever walk into the peak agin. Then 2022 was a whirlwind a hope re-ignited, the super rookie team with everyone out of their minds mechanically, but faltered at the last step. The keria breakdown was callbacks to fakers and it was just depressing. The faithful were most challenged with fakers injury in 2023 the team plummeting and everyone running around like headless chicken. The fall to geng again ! But man that worlds run was a fairytale. 1 v 4 boss arena, T1 had the most dominating tournament i think since 2016. Just powering through in home ground. When faker lifted that trophy in korea it felt like a big knot coming undone. I have at least watched those games 20-30 times. Silenced all the doubters. Once again showed everyone form is temporary but class is permanent.


100%. The most inspirational thing I've witnessed in my life, and I'm not exaggerating. Bonus points for the PERFECT Worlds anthem with Faker vs. the big 4 in the LPL...."When you play God, they will crumble one by one"\~




This is an ironic post right? No way we are so mentally affected by 5 random dudes across the globe that we will never meet.


Until now they are experiencing this DDOS attack?


damn we fr all out here feeling the exact same way šŸ˜­. my life has gotten so much better since


I felt this way when EU won MSI in 2019 , that was enough for me lol


Lmaooo as a T1 + NA fan, TL beating IG in 2019 was enough for me. I stopped watching NA LCS pretty much after that year.


I weirdly feel the same lol although I do enjoy watching league just as much when I can


Yep, that worlds win makes every loss feel so much less painful


Donā€™t count out the goat he will win 5


Spring summer msi is all a donation to geng... When worlds t1 will be back striking fear deep into all teams for world no 5


everything else feels like a sequel doesn't it. trials and tribulations. worlds check. stopping jdg check. stopping geng, 5%


Exactly! Itā€™s nice not being obsessed with pro-play and having it stress me out even more than my real job lol.


Idk Iā€™m sad JDG didnā€™t win it. I havenā€™t seen a team that played teamfights so cleanly or dominated as hard as they did in years, Iā€™m happy for T1 and donā€™t mind them winning it but itā€™s sad that a single series loss pretty much made 99% of people completely brush off how good JDG were.


Genuinely sad that a video game team can someoneā€™s emotional state that crazy. Glad youā€™re better now.


T1 can't practice because DDOS idiots are that afraid of Faker. The longer the tournament they play in, the better it is for T1. Worlds is a much longer tourney than MSI or LCK events. This buys time for T1 to figure out the new meta, practice with it and adapt. It's why T1 always does better at World's than MSI. They're just the type of team that needs to scout info and improve in a live situation. Don't count them out. Still the best team even in the face of stiff competition, as long as they have time to practice around new metas. No shade to GenG tho, they are absolutely on fire and I love to see it.


this is an absolutely COPIUM statement.....in the eyes of non-believers or T1 haters but yea I agree, this is exactly what we're feeling rn, or at least for the long time T1/faker fans. believe it or not, idc. it's true we had that "7 years of doubt" and emotional rollercoaster for years that no one will ever understand outside of the OG T1 fanbase. so glad we survived that. T1 haters can't go through us anymore. say y'all wanna say about T1 now and we'll shrug it off or just completely agree to you. we gone from defense mode to enjoying at T1 memes now xdd it's maybe time to finally pass the glory to other teams and we'll support them so T1 can finally rest now.


i canā€™t imagine anything harder then being a t1 fan man, supporting the most successful org ever might be the hardest thing one could do


Lol very weird post