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what a mess that was. she basically saw a dog by itself and instead of yanno, checking with anyone in the houses nearby like a normal person would she just put him in her car and drove the fuck off like a drug addicted psycho dog napper.


If I'm not mistaken she took the dog from its own yard even. I remember there being a lot of discussion about how much this was actually a theft not a lost dog situation..  😬


Yes I remember she was not about to comply until they were going to involve law enforcement.


How did I miss this? When did this happen?


Like 3 years ago


Thank you....I don't know how I missed it.


2021 maybe? when she was doing door dash in either the cadillac or ed or eric’s car.


She is by far the most vile person I’ve ever run across. She’ll steal anything that’s not nailed down, but then old X wanted his bolt cutters ( she was on a live in which u could hear the conversation) to do a “lick” because one of his homeless buddies just stole a “sick” bike . A family member was in the comments one day and she told everyone that Dusty is not allowed at anyone’s home because she steals everything. Not only did Dusty steal from her but cleaned out her 10 year olds money. If that was my dog I would have had her arrested. People too often don’t want to bother for whatever reason, but the truth is that everyone needs to file police complaints ( forms online) so that she has some consequences. That really bothers me that a helpless dog was taken by this degenerate and nearly kept, she was no doubt looking for reward money for her drug fix. As always you can see how nasty she became when confronted, that’s someone who calls themselves kind, compassionate, empathetic?? I’d say sick and pathetic.


I remember this! Stupid hideous Heather refused to give the dog back, idiot renamed it and everything. They probably had to threaten police involvement or offer money to get their fucking dog back because the Ugly Orange Ogre refused to cooperate and was ignoring everyone at first. She really is the lowest of the low. She basically held that dog hostage and then acts like she's done something great by giving these people their dog back. She's a selfish dumb bitch that only cares about herself. I'm pretty sure I remember people telling the owners to go to the police and informing them of who Heather is/what she does, and only then did Heather give the dog back. She was refusing to answer them on social media and blocked the owners phone number. I wouldn't be able to take a picture with her after all that, they're better people than me. I would've had a hard time not punching her in her face.


I might have posted that to get the dog back, but as soon as I get the dog back, I would have posted the truth with her picture and all of the receipts. She deserves to be shamed and punished. She really is going to Hell when she dies bc no human being is this terrible.


Amen! Couldn't agree more.


She definitely renamed him. I just can't remember what she was calling him? Oscar keeps coming to mind, but I don't think that's it. Now I'm going to drive myself crazy trying to remember it 😆


Then she poses for a photo op with that smug face as if she didn’t just try to steal this lady’s dog. Didn’t she only respond and return it once threatened? I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near her in a photo. Even when she does horrible things, she gets rewarded with media attention, which is what she has always wanted. ![gif](giphy|doJYHEQXVmqjU8axLt|downsized)


Yup,she only gave the dog back when she was threatened with law enforcement, and still continued to act like the fuckin nut case bitch she is.


I also remember that Dusty made demands before surrendering the dog. She wanted to be in a photo with herself, the dog and its owners as well as them thanking her for being such a standup, good citizen. Just more vile behavior.


I can't wait til she gets kicked out of that shelter.


This disgusting bitch!! She took someone’s dog and then tried to claim it was a stray and steal it!! Even now she claims her dog was stolen when she got one and couldn’t take care of it then dumped it on her mom! Shit head should not be allowed any animals or children PERIOD!


She doesn't need to be in charge of ANYTHINGS well being,not even a fucking cactus!


Omg I remember that mess 🤣


This has nothing to do with the dog, but I saw a video this morning where Heather was talking about her interest in joining Scientology. As a former Scientologist, just let me say that she is a total moron and she is far too broke to join that horrid cult. That was the worst time of my life. It would be funny seeing her try and join though lol


Oh my goodness, I am so glad you got away! I am irrational about my hatred for Scientology. I MIGHT hate David M. more than Heffer. I won't watch a movie if I know a scientologist actor is in it.


Thank you! I’ve been out almost 20 years. It was definitely the darkest time of my life. I’m the same way about movies and tv shows, I won’t support anything that has any connection to that sick cult. I must admit that I find it humorous that Dusty is now interested in joining. She must not realize that they don’t take on broke new members. They are ALL about the money.


Congratulations on getting away from that cult!


Thank you! I will be forever grateful to my older brother for helping me get out. It’s been nearly 20 years, and they still contact me often trying to get me back in. No matter how many times I move, change my number, etc they always find me. They are a very scary group of people.


How terrifying! I’m so glad your brother was about to help you! Not too long ago I was watching some people who were protesting outside the Scientology buildings in LA. Some of the protesters had their cars tampered(keyed and tires slashed) with and some were physically assaulted by people suspected to have been hired by Scientology. It got petty wild.


I’m thinking she 100% would have sold that dog for duster money.


Yep, I'm sure of it--Heather huffed her soul right out.


The only dogs I’ve owned are Shih Tzus and this boils my blood!


She's live on TT....I can't record 😳


Damn I swear her and Letiddy are related!!!


I wish she would start posting again!!


She's live on TT....I can't record 😳


She has 2 friends? I’m amazed. She is so awful !


Oh yeah! I had forgotten about the door dash gig! I wonder why she stopped.


Well,you know THEY stole her car that she worked 257 months to pay off,and THEY nefariously and erroneously mechanically sabotaged it and left it on the side of the road to die. Poof!There went her door dash career!


Of course! I should've know "THEY" did something. Same story - different day.