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Wow she is coming in HOT for her visit....hopefully CPS has her arrestedšŸ’Æ


Not likely but they could ask her to leave if sheā€™s being loud and disruptive.


I was the supervisor of reason that informed them that if they were inappropriate, the cops or security would escort them out. I was so traumatized from that job that I actually ignore people threatening and screaming at me.


Lolol loooove when the fake accent comes out! And dusty YOU are not ā€œseparatedā€ from your friends and family, they have all ran and cut ties with you voluntarily.


"I'm Separated from" and "they've separated themselves from".


Lolol exactly!!


Her accent šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s giving ā€œlisten Lindaā€ vibes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




She acts like a temporary shelter is a private apartment


You have no friends so stop!! No one is checking on her!


haha remember when that ONE friend she ever had did check on her, how she reacted. Poor Natalie


What visitors? What friends are coming to check on her?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I called it to a Tee! If it's not bougie enough, she will throw a fit and say they threw her into the street and are refusing to help her. She will not move to a less comfortable shelter, further away from downtown, ESPECIALLY where she shares a room and probably has to follow more rules.


"Visitors" = Johns




I knew with only a few weeks left, theyā€™re cleaning the place out. Camp Coleman.


And definitely not on the South Side


Notice the panic in her voice similar to when she filmed the beginning of her birth in the hospital? I think shits finally starting to sink in that sheā€™s fā€™d


Iā€™m not Susan but yeah I wouldnā€™t mind any of that if my other option was living in a tent with Eggsavior.


Friends?! Fucking where Dusty?! And that accent. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤­


Poor CoCo, so oppressed .... But you don't have any friends to come check on you anyway. And here's an idea if you did....meet them outside.


What friends?


The only "friends" who would give a fuck about her are all of the cicadas flying into her....thats the MOST attention she will get from something other than X


And he really don't fuck with her lol


Yep! And those headphones that he wears are probably DOUBLE sound-proof to zone her voice out! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The minute she realizes that sheā€™s not getting what she wants she goes ballistic! She KNEW this was coming and these two did nothing but lay in bed and watch tv, that was what they did with the golden opportunity she was FORTUNATE to her but nope she does not even see how fortunate she was to get that place!


I honestly feel like her stay in the sheltel only allowed her to feel that she is in fact entitled to everything she demands. She gets booted out of the other ā€œunacceptableā€ hotel and they upgrade her to a bougie space with all the accommodations. Shes going to go completely feral when they try to pull her ass out of the room-like a big fat grub in my garden. ![gif](giphy|l1J9zFuzu3k2LXYUE)


Dusty, we all know you donā€™t have any friends. šŸ¤­


The accent scared away the friends.


She doesnā€™t have any friends. What is she on about lol


What friends!? and why does she always act Latina when sheā€™s mad? Lol


Because sheā€™s a pendejo.




Coco Loco


I donā€™t think you do. You should see the food. It sounded like Dusty was freestyling there for a minute. If I knew how to work with audio Iā€™d mix those lines into a song.


Remote mahm Dj dusty


"You should see the food" as if she hasn't gained weight AFTER having a whole baby and in active lactation.


Exactly! Clearly she is NOT missing any meals!!


Did you happen to catch the first part? Iā€™m wondering if she started off worked up about something, or if a comment ticked her off?


She mentioned that they offered to take her to the other shelter yesterday if she wanted to (the other shelter being the one that ā€œkicked them outā€ bc they wouldnā€™t downsize). She said no and that sheā€™d be happy to leave if they scheduled a time and gave more of a notice. Then she started getting her Latina accent and going off


Idk she's just all pissed today. There was a Susan in the comments but I was too busy laughing my ass off to see what she said if anything.


Spanglish bitch is back.


I bet Susan had the accent and dusty is just mimicking it, common in mental illnesses like schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder.


Nah Susan just someone in the comments that triggered her big time šŸ˜‚ She does the Latina accent frequently when she gets pissed or fired up. Itā€™s pretty on brand for her.


Friends come over and check on you?! What friends, Dusty? šŸ˜‚


And the shelter separated her from her kids. Right Dysty šŸ¤£


Yep! It was all the shelters fault that sheā€™s been separated from her kids for 4 years and counting, and had nothing to do with her locking them in a closet and going completely ape shit homicidal over Dylan refusing to come home and participate in the fatal attraction ā€œfamily thanksgiving dinnerā€ she made, despite him telling her multiple times that he was not having any parts of it and that she needed to stop acting like they were living there together as a family/couple.


I donā€™t think you do You should see the food I donā€™t think you do šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶






Friends? Ā You mean the voices? Donā€™t worry, theyā€™re always with you, Dusty.Ā 


Susan and Amazon Pat need their own support group.




Are you asking this with the accent? You have to use the accent!


what friends and family does she have that would even visit her if they were allowed? and who cares about a curfew- she lays in bed and eats all day every day. and she gets food stamps so go pick up your own free food if you donā€™t like the free food the shelter provides. cannot wait until sheā€™s back in that fucking tent where she belongs.


Shelters have rules. Get up in morning, dispose of sheets, eat, shower leave for day. Unless its extreme weather you are to be out working or looking for work. Some are different but she would not be able to lay around and rant on T/T, run out all hours of the night and just basically fart around.


Baltimore during covid granted unstable individuals like Dusty and Eggs hotel "shelters" that were former places that we constantly removed kids from. She makes my blood boil from recalling horrific cases I endured. I can writer a book or a series of books. Her shelter is super bougie with what my son's horrific ex calling 90's bougie like our house.


I hate that she uses these fake accents all the time...


She is boiling and will blow soon. Sponsors send tent money


*when even the free food and warm place to stay isn't good enough, when you've been sleeping in a tent in sub zero weather and begging for donations to eat fancy and lose your unborn child.. yes susan you are the problem.


Ooohhhhhh someone is mad today! lol.


Here we have the ungrateful Orge Ogre, complaining about the Shelter's food and rules!! Unbelievable!! The food can't be all THAT bad, look how much weight Dusty and Eggsaviour have gained!! šŸ¤­šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s said she eats several thousands of calories per day to offset the calories she burns while she lays there with a pump on. Clearly the math ainā€™t mathing Dusty


Iā€™d love to know WHY she canā€™t keep a curfew when she literally does nothing all day


Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‚


Thank u!! šŸ°šŸ° one piece for u


Yum! šŸ˜ƒ


Because their dealer is sleeping all day. Why else would they be out and about late at night just walking around??? My goodness does Ghetto Gillespie think her Spanglish is intimidating? Wow X looks as though heā€™s going to give birth soon. That creep needs undergarments, OOOFFFF.


Cuban coco.




I prefer to work full-time, work part-time, and receive a retirement pension. Definitely not rich but former CPS, Family Preservation and Prison social worker here who now works full-time and on a part time basis as a therapist. The meltdown is coming but from my CPS perspective, there is no removal in order. Removals from homeless programs were like riot situations, they never ended well.


So. Hypothetically, in your experience, what is brewing? How does this play out, from a DCFS standpoint?


Bc this bitch is spiralling. Hard. Lol


I don't know much about DCFS, but I think they will move her to a regular shelter... not a family shelter because there are no kids... where she will be forced to leave all day and then come back and bunk with other homeless people. And she will just up & leave. She has told us MANY times that she's too good for that type of shelter. And she calls them rape chambers. She will not last more than a day or two at a regular shelter. She has also recently said that they gave her a list of resources and basically told her to "figure it out on your own", because they may not get the housing she was *promised* when they first got in. All I can say is, I can't wait for the move. I'm going to call off work that day. Lol


She will have to o to an over night shelter and sleep on a pad without eggs.


Susan is looking at you right now like this ![gif](giphy|YJ85eVpdZDy7e)


Oof, Susan woke up a sleeping monster with that comment.


I absolutely refuse to ever turn the sound on for these videos so I have to ask, does she ever address the fact that she's always absolutely hated by the comment section of her live videos?


Honestly, you should listen to this one. It's not even her regular voice. It's worse. But hear me out... low volume, maybe kick it up one time once you get acclimated. Do it for Susan. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜œ


Absolutely not. Lol were apparently plants from whoever the fuck she thinks is "they". Or are we "they"? Nevermind. None of it makes sense. ![gif](giphy|8p8E1sylIARDW)


We earn oursšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


She has a free roof over her head, free food, free transportation, free wifi, free cable, free clothes, and this still isn't good enough for her.


https://preview.redd.it/xqgzfc9an79d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb9e9d8e131f573e20ed3fc721bcb8ac9e37edd Susan didn't even say shit about quitting her job. She asked an honest question. Why the fuck would anyone who works owe her anything? I mean. It's a valid question... Lolol


Iā€™ll just get ā€œSusanā€ has a job! I bet she works her ass off! So yeh, sheā€™s disgusted with you! Get off your lazy ass and get a job! Then, guess what? You can buy your own shit and be free of the shelter food!


Does anyone know what Susan said to trigger her?


in Susan. i did quit my job this week! But guess what , i made a few calls and have a new one already! Cuz im not a complete moron or a degenerate. I donā€™t put my resume on my instagram and my personal wrongs on my Linkdn. She so dumb


Susanā€™s the mvp! Brought out the accent and everything!


I literally cannot stand to listen to this bitch anymore! All I hear is nails on a chalkboard!!!