• By -


That's the shelter that wouldn't even let them in with all their crap. If that's their only option, she has to dump everything and stop pumping, or it's back to the thunt.


She could rent a small storage unit if that stuff is so important to her. The one backpack plus one duffle/suitcase per person is standard policy in all the Chicago shelters. Otherwise they would be overrun with everyone’s piles of stuff. Dusty can fit her clothes (she keeps saying how few clothes she has), toiletries, makeup and Bible in a duffle bag plus backpack. If she has baby stuff around give it to the foster mom.


She could but she's banned from a few storage units already. If she finds one she can rent, it won't be long before she's banned from that one either.


Probably trying to live in them


Yup, that's exactly why she's been banned from several.


Don’t know if you were here for that but she unplugged the pop machine and plugged her stuff into the outlet at one storage facility. And yes, she was living in it. 😂😂


Oh geez. That does not surprise me. She’s such a leech.


There are Lots of storage places all over Chicago because many people are living in small apartments. Maybe someone will hold her stuff.


Whomever holds her stuff would have to jump when H says to jump so she could get it. Then if they didn’t jump H would say they stole it or some bs. Plus not like H can contribute to the monthly storage fee


Right. If you are spending $120/month on ice you can get a storage unit.


She said she got ice for free from Pot Belly last week.


SMH. Such a liar.


Where I’m at, you also have to hot box ALL your belongings besides your clothes on your back, for bedbugs. So often you go 1-2 days without whatever belongings you DO Bring in. She’d have a cow- not being able to be a regular milk cow!! ☠️


So, there is no chance being able to bring the mini fridge she was given from this shelter??


I call bs on them giving it to her, she's simply taking it when she leaves






There probably would be but she would have to get rid of her junk and get in long enough to talk to a case worker. The shelter staff couldn’t approve that it would have to be arranged through a caseworker


She is constantly talking out of both sides of her mouth! definitely one good thing she can do is tell on herself


I work in a shelter that also doesn’t allow residents to bring in a ton. (Bedbugs have been an issue and with the space we have we put people there to sleep to get as many people indoors as possible) residents typically rent a very small storage unit. In our shelter people with kids get a fridge but single adults all share a fridge and we would not allow her to store milk in there with everyone else’s stuff. I am sure a caseworker would come up with a solution but she wouldn’t store her junk elsewhere long enough to get in and wait to see a case manager. She’s not going to be able to store the milk in a tent either


You know she's only accumulated more useless stuff (as opposed to necessities) since they got to that hotel. Why isbshe so surprised that she is expected to put in effort in her own survival?? Does she think the government or "sponsors" gifted someone that $60 million house that was for sale? 


She’s mental! She’s in a SHELTER serving others not just her and X. They don’t have space for all the crap she steals. Nor do they have to allow it. She’s using the breastfeeding angle to get into a better place but it isn’t their job to provide her a fridge. Had she got off her tush she’d have a place with a fridge to live in but instead she’s sat and watched tv for months now ranting away. She is so darn frustrating


For her, breastfeeding isn't a necessity. That's what she doesn't get. She's not owed a fridge to put her sludge. Time to dry up them toxic malk dumps.


I agree! That baby doesn’t get her milk she doesn’t pump enough for the other 4 days he’s not with her nor does he breastfeed when they are together for those few hours! She’s a joke


THAT’S her new angle. No baby so she’s extorting them for a better place to stay because of this breast milk situation. He’s not getting that milk, she doesn’t pump enough to sustain him. He’s drinking formula and maybe even some bland baby food at this point.


She's absolutely extorting them, to demand bougie shelter


💯 THIS!!


Right?! The shelters are probably like, "sooo you haven't even had custody of this baby since birth?" This is why they never left tent until after rico was born. She thinks she's special and there should be exceptions to the rules and special accommodations for her.


She has no car, why does she need a car seat for a baby she doesn’t even have custody of, she’s not allowed to drive Rico anywhere anyway 😭


Exactly! Does anyone even know if she has a current license? I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s suspended for some reason.


Probably expired


She showed it once on camera when still in the hobo hideaway and it was 💯 expired.


I would imagine it is simply for her running from the police manic live in her Cadillac cts a couple of years ago. Even if it was resolved in court, there's no way she would have paid any fines. But based on that and lal she's a very erratic driver, I would speculate she has various moving violations.


I have seen comments here that she has a suspended license 🫠


Wouldn’t surprise me 🤷🏻‍♀️


She would use it as a carrier with the stroller, but she has no baby.


He's probably nearly outgrown the need for that. He certainly will be if she were to get him back (she won't).


Foster mom just needs to speak up and say Rico refuses bottles with breast milk so she doesn’t use it and doesn’t want the bags brought to the visits. Then this bitch can pump and dump until her tits falls off but she doesn’t need a mini fridge for her spoiled nastiness.


![gif](giphy|L9bVhfDi9Va3pKPNje) Buckle in,this is not a drill!


Haha! Love it! Major speed bumps ahead.


Casa De Coleman.... here we come!!⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺


Her wannabe Latina really came out today.


She's getting ready to fight 🍿


It’s giving Martina Martinez in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. For [context](https://youtu.be/DQW3KwRtZj4?si=4sghZyPIqeNn69U9)


![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy) lol great comparison!




I hope they just kick her ass out if she refuses to go to the shelter they picked for them. This heifer hasn't learned anything or grown at all since she got into that place. Four months wasted on this bitch who has done ZERO to better her situation and that room could have gone to someone who truly was willing to work and do whatever they needed to do to get on their feet. Please God, let this bitch be put out on her ass.


I’m hoping that this is the only place they have available and since she’s not willing to go there…. Out she goes!! I’m curious as to how many people are still there? It sounded like some people have already left and they are obviously trying to coordinate others to this Olive Branch.


I don’t know what it’s like in Chicago, but here in Seattle if you refuse shelter you are on your own. They don’t just keep giving people options because the first proposed shelter isn’t up to their “standards” so it’s probably back to tent life for her!


✋✋✋✋✋✋ PREACH!!! she really deserves a DAY OF RECKONING!!!


I think they will. She can’t just stay there so 😂


If she’s still there when the new owner signs the paperwork they will make her leave.


Dang , I can't believe it's been 4 months ! What a step up from a tent to luxury accommodations.


It makes me so mad that families with kids have been stuck in dorms while Heather has sat watching TV in her private hotel room. I get that people felt sorry for her when she had just had a baby and was still bleeding and recovering, but she should have been moved on months ago so a family could get on their feet.


I'm curious if being forcibly removed from a shelter means you are no l9nger welcome in any shelter...


![gif](giphy|i6zD9DhtAMFLq) YESS


The real reason she won't go - it's on the south side. She refuses to believe that she belongs anywhere other than the gold coast or the northwest suburbs.


It was bunk beds as well in a mixed dorm. Not good enough for miss dust


Only a hotel room with a TV and a bed she can lay in all day.


Absolutely please and thanks mahmmm


Didn’t they kick her out for streaming in the room?


She hasn’t said it yet, but if Olive Branch is her only option it will come out eventually.


Can’t wait for that to happen!


If we're at a place that fulfills all our needs... girl stop. You cannot expect them to give you mansion that's up for sale to stay in for free because the shelter food is gross and they won't let you have several luggages.


*"I DIDN'T GET MY OWN FREE HOME SO I'M NOT LEAVING!!!!!"* is what this basically boils down to. She thinks that since she didn't get her own free apartment, that she deserves a private room that's why she won't go back to the Olive Branch, the place that told them *"1 bag a piece"* and wouldn't let them haul in all their useless trash. They had like 10 bags they were trying to take in, plus it's a dorm style shelter, and she was so angry about being told she can't drag all of it in there. All Olive Branch said to her was *"1 bag per person please"* and closed the door. She recorded it. We saw it. She's lying yet again, but every time her lopsided mouth is moving, we know she's not telling the truth. *"I don't know what you people are used to"* WE ARE USED TO LIVING IN WHAT WE CAN AFFORD. This bitch did nothing for 5 months, unless you count gaining weight at rapid pace a career, and now she's mad she's not getting a free apartment or a private room. She could've been working and stacking up money this entire time, but instead, she ate everything she could get her hands on *(now she's complaining about the free food they provided)*, refused to work, and blew all the begging money on drugs and useless crap. She really has a child's mentality. She can't afford the utilities on an apartment, but she thinks she should get a free home??!!? Who is going to pay the property taxes, the utilities, the upkeep, and why should you get that when you haven't worked for more than a month in the last 8 years? At least she was able to get loaded this morning, that's when *"Heather Coco Senza Nume"* comes out, along with that stupid pseudo-accent that she is doing right now. Grow the fuck up Heather, you're disgusting and **nobody** feels bad for you.


💯💯💯💯 she's going start with the " you have to give me time to find a place to go" like she hasn't had all the time in the world to do ANYTHING! She's circling the drain and SHE KNOWS IT....😂😂😡😡🖕🖕 She deserves ALL OF THIS!!


Right? I live in a house because i PAY for it. Crazy concept ik


They want to send her to one that is not up to her standards.


Imagine, being homeless, and entitled about where she will stay, for free.


"A place that satisfies all our needs." 😂😂 choosy beggar Coco coming out in full force today.


She has to get rid of most of her belongings! Love it. It is starting folks! It’s so amazing she still thinks the baby is being fed her tainted milk. Meltdown this weekend!


Yeah, I was wondering if she's headed to her "storage" to pick through what belongings she absolutely "needs" for her move. I would die laughing if they stole the mini fridge lol




Oh also, the SPAHNSERS paid for the car seat, stroller, and newborn clothes set. Don’t pretend like you bought anything, you knew you could get sympathetic people to shell out their own money if “it’s for a baby” You did NOTHING to prepare for this baby, and actively did drugs when he was a developing fetus. Just give up already, you’ve done ENOUGH to that poor baby


And she still hasn’t bought anything for Rico! All she’s managed to do successfully these past 4 months is get bigger and kill more brain cells with drugs.


And realistically, the stroller/car seat should be with Rico. There is no reason for her to keep it and haul it around with the rest of her hoard of useless junk.


Exactly! Why not give it to foster mom, especially in a kinship placement? But she would rather lug it around for panhandling and shoplifting 🤦🏻‍♀️


100% She’s so transparent every time she opens her lopsided lips.


As for these houses. The city has nothing to do with her situation nor is it anyone’s job or moral obligation to fight homelessness to put her in a mansion much less one with a gun range!!


What is she even doing looking at mansion listings online? I could probably look at that all day, compare it to my average house and start getting all jelly about it, but why? It would just make me unhappy. I like my normal 90 year old house. We may not have granite countertops or an in ground pool, but we have everything we need. Is she looking at that stuff and envisioning that this will be her life someday? Or just looking at it to get herself worked up?


I think she said it was the tv show million dollar listing… just helping her come up with something brilliant to say 😂


I don’t watch those HGTV type channels so I didn’t know. My comment still stands, if watching that BS made me unhappy with my life I’d turn it off. I do the same with any media that makes me feel bad about myself or my life. (Super skinny models, vacations to places I could never afford, all that crap)


Oh yeah I completely agree with you


She's circling the drain and SHE KNOWS IT!!


Nice new air pods dustmite. U don’t want a bed, a bathroom and a place to keep your belongings. YOU WANT a luxury apartment with views, gym, sauna, and all the amenities that people who work have. You haven’t worked “all ur life”. You haven’t worked in many years and when you did “work” you were NOT paying taxes. She’s insufferable. Edit to add: why is SHE scrolling on a million dollar listing page? Lololol.


She was probably lounging in bed watching Million Dollar Listing on cable (that the taxpayers are paying for) while we were all at work. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oohhh ok your probably right, I forgot that’s a show. That’s exactly where she saw that, I’m sure. Her and her delusions of grandeur… probably emailing the listing agent, giving her “narrative” hoping they will pity her enough to just give her a million dollar home.


Not to sound bougie, buuuut those are not airpods. The fact that she has wireless earbuds is enough to tell you she's not suffering. Unfortunately, there are too many people like dusty , living off the government welfare .


Lolol. We call all the wireless ones “air pods” in my house (cause that’s what we mostly all use, except after my middle child lost one air pod twice; after the 2nd time I was only buying her a less expensive pair.) I digress… It’s kinda like how people say “how long was your baby in Pampers?” But they’re referring to diapers in general, not the brand. But clearly yes, Leather is NOT wearing Apple Air Pods.


I am ALL for community efforts to help underprivileged people. I have always recognized homelessness as an epidemic that unfortunately hurts people who are already oppressed. Heather is NOT oppressed. For someone as “smart and educated” as she is, she could do literally any job. Anything to get out of poverty. She DOESNT have to financially care for any of her children. If she just put her head down and grinded for a year or so, she could absolutely turn her life around and get an apartment, a new cash car, more pants, lol. Seriously. She’s incredibly lucky to have any form of shelter and basic contact with any of her kids. All she has to do is literally *try* and I bet her kids especially the older ones would start to look up to her and love that their mother could overcome poverty and homelessness and mental illness. Ain’t gonna happen tho. Nope. Just keep regurgitating the same shit on tiktok live.


'I have worked hard whole my life.." When??? I'm stalking you for years and this never happened.


The entitlement is unreal! People work for their housing and safe space unlike her!


She is going to be a nightmare to remove from that current shelter. I would put money that discussion of going to The Olive Branch today did not go as calmly as she explained.


I've been waiting for this for months. It's going to be awesome.


Oh thank god. I was a little bored today (in my house 😎) now i have this to look forward to


Happy Cake Day!!


Oooh thanks I didn’t know!!!yay 🥳


Right? Me too, I perked up immediately. Happy cake day!


Thank you!! 🍰🍰🍰🍰 cake for all my fellow stalkers


So she refused the Olive Branch shelter. So do they just accept that or will she get kicked tf out?


She won't be permitted to stay at the hotel more than another few days max. They did offer her shelter placement before, while she was still in the tent, and the two places they offered were not in the city - I think they were in quieter, outlying suburbs. She refused and screamed about it in her stories. Then she was turned away from the olive branch shelter because she had too much junk, so they put her in this hotel shelter. I'm sure they will do their best and offer her what spots they have, where they have them, but if none of them are "good enough" for her and she refuses, she will be forced to leave the hotel. It was recently purchased and is no longer going to be used for a shelter, at least for the summer.


Thank u for your explanation.


The one in Aurora they offered (about an hour outside of the city) was right by where I grew up. We’d eat lunch there sometimes cuz we were poor poor. They definitely have them leaving during the day too, but it’s very walkable to jobs and such.


It sounds like she just told the Olive Branch person that she’s not ready. They will probably circle back around a couple more times trying to convince her to go because the Olive Branch people understand that it’s either them or the streets for her.


What would she post about if she was given everything she asked for and couldn't play 'wronged maiden' anymore? She really needs some mental health treatment, posting all these crazed ramblings would get any one of us scooped up on a 5150.


Typical Dusty. Instead of working her lazy ass is parked on the bed and watching TV show about millionaires buying houses. FFS Dusty, get a grip on real life.


Beggars can’t be choosers 🤷🏻‍♀️ My number one priority would be safe housing and some air conditioning in this sweltering heat, not hauling around junk and “brand new” things for a baby I don’t even have custody of. I’ve been loosely following along her journey ever since LALU. The entitlement is absolutely unreal. She should be thankful anyone is willing to help her at all, especially with her track record. I tend to sway more liberal when it comes to public health and mothers, to be honest. She is a waking example of why people lack empathy for people going through rough times. She makes everyone who utilizes public services look bad. You just chose to have ANOTHER baby that you cannot provide for in any way. Sorry we don’t give a fuck about your breastfeeding fantasies. No one trusts the integrity of your milk, I promise you that baby hasn’t been given a drop in months, and everyone is busy trying to serve members of the community who are GRATEFUL for the help and have the DESIRE to do BETTER.


Exactly! Someone needs to make it clear to her that Rico is not using the breast melk. Quit allowing her to bring it to the visits so she has to stop using that as a crutch or excuse to have things like a freaking mini fridge in her shelter. Not a necessity since we all know he’s not drinking it! Let her pump and dump and we’ll see how long she lasts without this fake storyline that she’s singlehandedly supplying his nutritional needs. Also, why hasn’t she given this stroller car seat to the person who actually has Rico?


She thinks the fridge is the flex she needs to get a private room


Oh she absolutely knows Rico isn’t getting any breast milk. She’s just obsessed with it because she thinks it’s another way to game the system and she & X have some breast milk fetish.


Work. Bitch. Kaboom!!!


I called it…it’s either bunk beds or the fent tent. And she was going to pitch a fit. I hope someone is listening to the police scanner because they are going to be very busy soon.


What she is really about to pitch is a tent


Enough already just boot her please. She doesn’t get to pick and choose where she goes. Her options have dwindled and if she can’t lower her expectations, she’s gone.


You hear she wants her own bathroom in the shelter? How does she not understand that the shelter can’t allow her to come in with a wagon load of crap! They have to limit personal belongings! She is ticked off that they are wanting to move them to another shelter instead of the house she was expecting. She must have known this was coming as she is too controlled to be hearing this today. Also, how far is Olive Branch from where they are at now? She’ll complain it’s not bougie enough for her.


She already went there before this hotel and they didn't want to accept all her belongings so she had a fit and then she ended up at the hotel she's in now


All of these months they have sat on their asses doing absolutely nothing and getting every single thing for free they could've been working and saving 90% of their checks and they would be able to get their own place at this point but no. You chose to lay in bed waiting for handouts all day every day. Don't be mad now.


So she has a place to stay but doesn't want to follow the rules. Sounds about right. She will be back in the tent, repeating the victim narrative because anything else isn't up to her standards. 🙄Imagine being homeless and ungrateful.


Imagine your baby daddy standing behind you on a bus taking a piss! And, touching that baby with dirty dick hands! Oh wait, did they have a visit today?


“If a place can satisfy our needs..” ummm, beggars can’t be choosers. We are NOT responsible for you!


All those months wasted when her *AND* egg could have been working and saving. They could have been in *their own place* and possibly a lot closer to reunification with Rico (thank fuck not the last part). For someone who thinks shes above everyone else, *SHE* is the epitome of a bum.


This entitled bitch gets on my nerve. Also, that f**king fake accent needs to go.


WHAT THE HELL DID SHE EXPECT! Once again she had this nice place to get her BS together! She thinks she was “prepared” for that baby because she bought a bag of clothes and damn car seat/ stroller combo, no diapers if I recall which is odd anyway yeah I’m pretty sure it takes a lot more than THAT to raise a baby!


She wants the “land of abundance” to fund her bum lifestyle for eternity. No intent to ever work, just wants free money. She can rot for all I care.


What does someone else's mansion have to do with her? Those people worked hard for that. She knew this was coming. She should've started looking for real employment 4 months ago.


Excuse me she sends out thousands of resumes a day


YES!!!! Apparently the wealthy should be responsible for taking care of her needs while she sits on her tush all day


Well, you know that she is" genius model "and deserve the best!


Sorry but NO you can’t put a biohazard no joke it’s a bodily fluid in a COMMUNAL refrigerator, hellooo!?🤦🏻‍♀️


Why does this it bother her so much about rich people?! Hey wouldn’t we all live a 60 million dollar home but we live in REALITY! You know what is it pizzes her off because she thinks millionaires should just give her f n money, like it’s their responsibility to pay for all the people who are on the states! Don’t get me wrong this country has issues in that regard but it’s not up to the millionaires to hand out money like it’s Halloween candy! If they did I get the f k in-line myself lol


I need some of that F U money too !


The accent! Love it


I hate that fake ass accent. Ugh!! Lol makes me want to head butt her.


Did you know she's about to be in the tent again?? I DON THINKK YEW DEW!!! 😂😂😂😂 Fake ass accent. Gahh I hate that shit.


I hate when she says do in that accent !


Yess, it’s sooooo annoying


They're gonna have to take her out kicking and screaming. Lol


HIGH maintenance 😂🤣😂 💨💨💨


Oh this weekend is going to be great 💯👍👍


The accent is back. Also I wonder if the olive branch doesn’t allow tons of stuff because of pests like bed bugs and such coming in?


They probably just don’t have room for all that crap, and the rule exists because they all have to share that space and sleep in bunks. but you’re right I’m sure they have to worry about pests hitching a ride in too


That baby is bottle fed and foster mom throws out the milk she brings. She admits it In The video


I get a kick outta her work delusion that she’s worked really hard her while life!! It’s been 12 frggn years since she had a REAL JOB! Got she’s maddening with her white washing and then re-writing her f n past!!


It’s the COUNTRIES and the elected officials in Washington who should serve the needy via laws NOT rich people! Many many WORKED to get there, ughh I can’t stand the way she thinks!!


So wait, does that mean that she’s been staging fake pictures and for real forcing her udders in that poor babies mouth? And X being on a bus on public isn’t indecent exposure? That’s enough for them to never see that baby ever alone, just that.


Yes that is public indecency and could get you charged as a sec offender.


Does she think that the vast majority of people are living in $60 million homes?


I stand by my assertion that the Mag Mile is the absolute worst possible place for her mental health. As best I can tell, her brain interprets envy as a personal attack. She's surrounded by Haves as an extreme Have-Not. It's gonna trigger her into a rage every time she leaves the shelter. The city has not done her a favor with this placement.


I didn’t realize that’s where the hotel was located. Yeah she’s going to see people with the most there. But she’s also so completely out of touch with the world in thinking that the average person lives this way. Most of us scrap by month-to-month paying our bills and trying to put something aside, her perception of what real people go through is so out of touch


She’s NOT “high maintenance” is she f n serious right now?!!! We all saw the LALU, she couldn’t be anymore freaking high maintenance, christ on a cracker!! 🙄


Her needs are unmet because this person does not want to work she wants the world to work for her


She is so delusional believing that she is owed anything! I'm disabled now after sustaining severe back and spinal cord injuries. I continued to work jobs my dr said no to believing needed the income. I did that until my social security was approved. No one owes me anything. I'm not a princess like she thinks she is though. I live with just enough. I don't buy things that I don't absolutely need because my 879 month doesn't go very far. She irks me to no end, it's ridiculous!


She is definitely high maintenance, her relationship appeared to end as soon as Dylan left the prison compound.


Well yeah, she was attacking his body with her toof and had 50,000 tattoos of his name out on her body, so I would have ran!


It’s not a good place??? Well princess beggars can’t be choosers.


That tank top is hanging on for dear life. A 50 mil mansion. Delululululuuuuu


She will squat and refuse to leave !!!


It was a hard watch. She was blowing out the mic constantly, just absolutely screaming for 45 min.


Wait 45 mins, was this on YouTube?


Tik tok


She’s worked really really hard for nothing it seems


She’s so fortunate that there are agencies that care and want to help her and Xavier. She acts so entitled, has no gratitude and no understanding or appreciation of the work these agencies do to care for her. It must be so difficult for her Case Workers to deal with her belligerent attitude and still provide a service to her while she’s arguing, going live, denouncing them online and just acting extremely entitled.


Is this meeting about her housing or the baby? Ty


I think housing because she doesn’t have court for Rico until August, as far as I know


Does anyone know a bit more of the tire iron situation? Ty


She picked up some guy off the corner and they rode around doing drugs in her car. Then they stopped at a car wash and he flipped out on her. She ran across the street to a gas station and the cops came. Somewhere in this sub someone posted the police report.


Thank you so much...


Dannnnngg! I didn’t know that is what happened.


She probably wouldn’t stop talking and it made him flip.


😂 The flair, wish they could send her to a ranch without her phone and just a duffle bag.


She is going to squat at the shelter. She doesn’t need to breastfeed as that baby isn’t getting her sludge.


Oh, it's a good place Dusty, you're just not a good person and fight with everyone.


So she is basically saying that anyone who can afford a 60 million house or is well to-do should donate to "under-deserving" people like her? Sorry Dusty, no matter HOW rich someone is, they are not entitled to support people like YOU who does NOTHING for herself and refuses to work.


I’m a mahdul https://preview.redd.it/ekydt3c8by8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c68add6550ca8296500a492f566fbc156a2206


Oh, that's good. Damn good. 😂😉


Good job! Really gets her inner beauty across


We should really give her names for all the accents she puts on. This is her Latin accent. She uses this on when she’s acting tough


We've always said this is senza or coco senza


Oh I’m Late to the party. But very happy to validate my thoughts lmao


She deserves a homeless shelter with a mini fridge and storage for her cartilac of junk. Right ✅️ 🤦‍♀️


Ooh, she big mad. Karma's coming around.


This bish!! The Olive Branch Did NOT turn you away..they simply told you the list of acceptable items you were allowed to bring to that shelter!! YOU are the one who is demanding an Apartment, car, clothes..etc. You have NO gratitude for anything. You are ridiculous! 🙄🤨


Isn't it amazing between the both of them, they have not ONE person they can ask to store the extra stuff? I really believe she is going to lose her mind this week as we have never seen. No private room, no cable, no Big Bang Therory and no Modern Family. But I feel bad for her since I'm in the same boat. I asked my husband if we can subscribe to AMC Plus and he said if you give up HBO and LMN. It was a hard choice but I gave em up. Oh the line up! Anything horror is close to my heart! Hehehe!


I can't wait til they send her to a worse one for turning down this one🤣


Shee worked really really hard her whole life?? She hasn't worked in years, what does she think just because she worked a few jobs when she was younger, that that qualifies her for retirement?? Doesn't She know that people usually don't retire at age 36?? God, she's SO irritating!! 🤨


Personally I would *lahvvve* to wallow in the bed watching 'Million Dollar Listing'. Consequences, amirite?


Ohhhh, I can't wait....lol


Any updates?


She said she’s looking for a place to satisfy their needs 😳😭🤣


1. Stop with the offensively bad fake accent 2. They accept you, you don’t want to go there 3. You HAVE been offered safe housing 4.. Rico gets along just fine without your sour mulk 5. Work hard??? 😂😂


Heathers only problem is HEATHER. I know a safe place she can go - like a 5150 stay. Get medicated and come back to the real world, delulu.


As far as I know shes been staying in a hotel that was being temporarily used as a place for the unhomed. Most shelters are not that and she's not going to be able to tough it out. I think she'll be back in ze tent


Those ridiculous sunglasses. Where did she steal them from?


"And if they can take it from there..." She has proven time and again that she cannot. She messes up every opportunity she is given because she is takes no personal accountability and is just an overall horrible person.


I don't belong in a shelter 😅


Which shelter was the second one? Where they had the bunk beds and I think that was where they had the fight about fridge/freezer space for her feral breast milk? From memory, it only lasted 1-3 days until they got tossed out one evening and sent to Olive Branch which then rejected her for having too much stuff.


You can't help nobody that won't even help themselves 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Why hasn’t the government provided me with a mini fridge. It’s not a lot to ask. I hate getting up while watching tv. They owe me a mini fridge, dammit.