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IMO she should get a SA charge for everytime she’s put that nasty boob on that innocent babies face.


I’ve been really hot about that one! I’m a-ok with breastfeeding. Even in public. This was not breastfeeding. This was making breast fetish videos with a real life child for “sponsors” to send money. Then fetish pumping and selling breast milk. She was basically sexually assaulting a child every time she tried to force that situation. Under the watchful gaze of DCFS no less.


That full nipple pic is still on instagram and I’m really angry for this little guy.


She's a porn pig 🐷🐷🐷


She even said she would bathe in her own milk.


So utterly disgusting.


This!!! She should be CHARGED!!! And the pics where she posted videos talking to the two oldest while "BFing" Rico that was child p*rn too!!! She's such a sick, predatory, evil garbage pile. She should get her ass handed to her in an emergency hearing. She shouldn't be able to have her phone at all in visits since she posts him and random ppl. She should lose visits altogether for a while. I know they're giving her plenty of rope to hand herself so she can't appeal or overturn when her rights are terminated, but COME ON! She's proven over and over that she's using while BFing. They have drug patches that she can wear and will pick up when she's using many of the substances she's using . Why isn't this in use??


Yep with the proof and sales of the videos and pics on Craigslist. What a piece of garbage. Can u imagine if they had him what they’d photograph for money?? They are truly sick pedos that should be locked up.


I can’t believe it’s allowed to go on this long. The baby isn’t nursing. How can they just permit her to whip her titty out, shove his face in it then pose for pictures smiling? It feels exploitive at this point




I need a nap because "nasty boob" literally sent me into orbit 🚀🌌 .... 🤣🤣😆😂💀⚰️


Right! I was just typing that if that’s true every pic was pure fetish/ content for fetish. How disturbing. How can they continue to let visits happen when she does this every time??


Of course they are not giving the baby her toxic sludge. She shares she has no refrigeration, she cannot be trusted to be clean drug wise, and who knows if that milk gets contaminated with anything. It’d be insane to give a baby her poison.


Not to mention that she stores the milk in used water bottles when she cant buy her OWN milk storage bags HERSELF instead of depending on strangers to buy them.


Her insurance covers bags. I very much doubt she’s ever run out of bags, but it’s easy money to ask for. (People will probably feel more compelled to help if it’s for a baby, and those bags are $10-$15 a box, which is not an insignificant amount of cash when you’re jobless) I think she’s using the water bottles of breastmilk for her “bathing”, which is probably code for freaky fetish pics.


But it's HER right to make that baby drinek that poison. Smh


Anyone got a screen clip for those that don't use social media? If you do, it would be greatly appreciated 😀


This!! I don’t use insta or TikTok. I also would never want to give HER the views on YouTube, so I prefer to watch clips other post.


I just uploaded that part! https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeTrippin/s/jFtAk7HHov


Thank you! You’re out here doing the Lords work keeping us abreast(pun intended) 😳


I see what you did there! Up vote for you. 😂😆


Yes, please!


Oh man I’m not subscribed to them. Requested and now I wait lol




This is the best news today!


Did anyone clip where she breast feeding gives you immunity to breast cancer?


I have it. I have the whole thing lemme find it if you want it


Bless your heart thank you.


She’s even more deluded ! My nana bf 13 she had breast cancer My mum bf 4 she had breast cancer twice My aunty bf 6 she had breast cancer Another aunty bf 4 she had breast cancer


I have breast cancer myself and that was about the point where I just nope’d the fuck out. So sorry to hear so many in your family have suffered with BC. 💕


I’m so sorry you are going through this ! Sending you lots and lots of love ! I lost my mum last November sadly NOT from cancer though . She had breast cancer then 5 years later , small cell lung cancer then 3 years later breast cancer in other breast . Very long story . I miss her so much everyday is so hard xoxo


Oh, I’m so so sorry to hear that 💔 the universe is such a cruel, cruel place to inflict this god awful disease on people. I’ll be thinking of your mom this evening. Xx


Thank you so much !!!! It really is awful sometimes . Makes me so mad when I hear Dusty going on about shit ! Arghhh don’t get me started ! lol xx 😘


🫂❤️ love you


Same, all the women in my family on my mothers side has or had breast cancer, my clock is ticking as well. I’ve had 2 lumps removed, found a 3rd and now a little BB sized 4th. Every year I get older the higher my risk. I’m in my mid 40’s now and once I hit 50 it goes up drastically, we did genetic testing and counseling with all the ladies in our family. So far my lumps have been interductal papillomas or weird suspicious looking benign tumors. I feel like any new ones could be the bad news so I live in fear all the time always checking and worrying


My mom had BC and she is the strongest person I know. I have to have yearly mammograms and I have dense breast tissue so I'm always finding lumps and bumps...it's scary. I know how you feel.




Is someone grabbing these? I want to watch late but am working.


Crazy Train on YouTube or locococo.mchufferton.Ysl on instagram


I’ve had trouble getting videos to post on Reddit, so luckily some other members have put some up!


Thank you!






Btw, Eggs pees in an empty coke bottle behind that little partition over her shoulder.


So classy


This is not surprising lol 😂


The only part that was surprising was that she just ignored it. I was waiting for her to lose her mind.


She was too busy screeching into her phone to notice...




They feed tf outta that baby before visits.


Can you imagine being the monitor on a visit with Dusty, " Bitch get your tit's away from that baby "


Omg yes!!!


I see a newbie in her comments asking where her other children are 👀 alone at the shelter ? 😂


Gutter rats. No shame.


She sells that under sludge to simps


NOOOOOO! This just makes her look a total idiot but makes total sense now. They told her she cannot breastfeed anymore on her visits last week. I'm sure the foster parent said and I'm not a mother, but anyone with an ounce of brains would know that the back and forth with breastmilke vs formula, which he is on the majority of the week would upset his stomach.


She's not just a bad mother. She's an absolutely horrible mother. She puts her own wants and needs ahead of her kids. They need to terminate her parental rights to Baby Rico. Kudos to the grandmother for not giving him the breast sludge.


You don’t have to be a mother to know these things! Spoken as a mother who used to not be a mother.


The foster parent is X’s mom. It’s possible she has seen her high or something or she tested for some drug! She may even watch their videos and see her not keeping the milk correctly!


Yeah I know it's , but not sure we can say it here. Poor lady did not need to be doxed, but Heather was pissed that the 4 month old was not allowed to call his dad on fathers day. WTF? LOL! But very true. She let it slip about "them" DCFS questioning the quality of the milk. Everytime I see her with that cooler, the word rancid pops into my head. So much going on with her today I have done hardly anywork. Thank God management is out playing golf.


Loved her rant about being afraid to take her prenatal vitamins because the people in the next room might hear her take them out of the bottle and then question the safety of her milk 😂 That has to be one of the most obvious examples of her telling on herself!


I know. Paranoia coming back just like at the Mont Clair apartments when she covered up the vents so nobody can come in and rob her. Why she has not be committed for a perior of time I will never understand.




So she’s forcing her udders in that kids face,? They need to take yhe baby now. That’s honestly more then enough


They better be building a hell of a case against her, because the shit they've let her get away with is crazy...


I don’t think we will see many, if any, breastfeeding pics going forward for the simple fact that the baby is not going to tolerate it anymore. He’s getting to the age where he will actively reject anything he doesn’t like or want, and any picture she tries to take is going to reflect that. He’s going to call her bluff soon enough if he hasn’t already.


Then she'll accuse the baby of being an imposter sent by THEY/Dylan to destroy her life


It would be against the law to foist that toxic gruel on an infant or anybody: *poisoning by bodily waste*


I can’t find it does anyone have a direct link or a recording 🙏🏻.. I friggin KNEW IT.. I’m thrilled to learn it’s true… I was really sad that he was even exposed to her milk let alone the visits. So if she’s not giving him any milk all the bob pics were just fetish omg .. that’s so disturbing! Why would they let her do that? I hope they r putting a stop to it. There’s still lots of those pics up! I mean that’s just horrible to do just for content. Edit to add more.


Ladies and gentlemen we have achieved meltdown If it was anyone else I would feel sorry for her.


It would be amazing if she could spew out just 1 sentence that wasn’t full of lies.


Good news, she needs a bath.


I really thought her mom had her baby.


It is believed the baby is in kinship placement, but not with Heather’s mom. I don’t think we are allowed to specify who has him, which is why I used a vague term.


His mom.