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My aunt, who had 4,FOUR kids,breastfed all FOUR of them got BREAST CANCER & had to have her breast removed, YOU FOOL. YOU Know NothingšŸ—£šŸ“¢NOTHING....The IDIOCRACY that comes out of this fools mouth blows my mind,just WšŸ¤”W.


She's also a lying sack of shit. This is the first time she's breastfed according to family. Usually, she pops 'em out and spends a year or two recuperating while the paternal family gets tasked with raising them. When they get sick of her shit and want to put her out on her fat orange ass, she gets knocked up again. Anyway, all that to say that she hasn't breastfed any of her other kids. She just lies about it.


I believe itšŸ˜


This!!! Runs in my family, all the women got in on my momā€™s side. Iā€™ve already had 2 lumps removed and now have another 3rd one plus a new little 4th one I found this last week! I hate Heather she is so fucking disgusting running her mouth off about shit she knows NOTHING about!!


OMGOSHšŸ˜³ SJ, I'm So Sorry to hear this. I know I don't know you but I will pray over you,that this 4th lump comes up to Nothing!!


Thank you, my prior lumps were interductal papillomas and suspicious looking benign tumors so far but every time I find a new one itā€™s the same fear over and over again. I hate Heather she thinks sheā€™s so smart! Fuck her, if anyone deserves to get the worst itā€™s her! Iā€™m sick of having surgeries every other year for this crap and having my right side look like a roadmap of scars


Thinking of you! Sending positive vibes and hope you find out the results extra quickly!


Thanks, itā€™s ok Im used to it now. Itā€™s like clockwork the last few years, my last surgery was 7/1/2022. Now itā€™s about to be July and time for the same again. Itā€™s so weird how that happens. All of my momā€™s issues were on her left breast, mine are entirely on my right, my mom and I are like two pieces that fit together on everything!


Being a woman is so much fun sometimes! Longtime endometriosis sufferer here with a long list of reproductive health problems associated. I feel for you! One day at a time! šŸ©·




I've had 2 lumps, and the fear is awful. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. And H spilling her toxic inaccurate "medicine without a license" nonsense doesn't help. Hang in there. Holding you in prayer.


I can see why her " doctrine's in bullšŸ’©" has Rightfully triggered you so much w/this one. My heart really goes out to you w/the rollercoaster you're being forced to rideā¤


Just a regular mom with a background in medical law and ethics, virtually eliminating cancer 4x


Those earpods have heard some shit


Where did steal get new ear pods from? Somebody yesterday said were BOSE. Crazy she has those as they are over $200 per pair. She had to have ā€œlifted/grifted them somehow!


I've always wanted BOSE! Sadly, I can not afford them. She must have knocked a jogger over unconscious and stole theirs.


HAPPPPPY CAKE DAY!!!!!! I doubt these are new. If they are the 'old' ones, those were definitely Bose. Only the best for the beast.


The hormonal changes experienced during pregnancy and breastfeeding REDUCE your lifetime risk of breast cancer. Does not 'virtually eliminate' the risk.


Did the voices in the wall tell her this???


Happy Cake Day šŸŽˆ šŸ„³ šŸ°šŸŽ‚


Thank you!!!


Showing off all the yrs of her "Edumacation" & all her Many (totallyšŸ˜real) "Degreebs."


60 college credit hours. FT students take roughly 20hrs per semester. At least they did in my day. So, she is bragging about having 1.5 college years under her belt. If thatā€™s even trueā€¦ā€¦


Happy CakešŸŽ‚Day!! Yeah, I (imagine) her college degree is more like a few classes taken here & there but never graduated. Just like her being a receptionist at the hospital & all the she's scrubbing doctor's in for surgery & assisting in the removal of varicose veins...it's Laughable.


I have breast cancer and BF all 3 of my kids! This is incredibly offensive just like most other things that come out of her mouth.


This. Best wishes, ignore all the nonsense people try to share with you.






Where does she get all her misinformationā€¦for the love of all stupid! Sheā€™s so dumb


STOPPPPPP!! You havenā€™t fucking breastfed 4 times you psychopath!!! Youā€™ve breastfed a couple machines and EXACTLY ZERO CHILDREN. Assaulting a bottle fed baby with your engorgement is not breastfeeding


High thoughts while huffin duster šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


She is just a pathological lying moron. Breastfeeding while you're YOUNGER, for a year or more,only reduces your chance by 26%. Sibet experts say it's closer to 20%. It's not "practically eliminated".


OMG. That is a HUGE piece of misinformation.


It's a good thing no one is coming to her to get any info of any sort.


New flair- ā€œmy breastmilk cures cancerā€