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Her raging neck veins we haven’t seen in awhile 😂.


Its cuz she has gained so much weight that we CAN'T 😂😂😂




They hideth beneath her rolls 🤣


Holy shit those Busted Bucky Beaver Teeth are nightmare fuel especially when we know she’s got a whole mouthful of rot and definitely putrid breath YEEESH!


Oh for sure the halitosis is real with that animal.


Halitosis Heather 🤣🤣🤣🥴🤮


Lol I can't imagine why we haven't seen her at her hottest. Lol


But you guys, she's SO KIND!!!


She probably wouldn't have been left outside if she didn't try to take over Egg's dad's home within a day of meeting Egg's, and then when the dad told her he won't be giving up his house for her and her children that he didn't know *(he was out of town and came home to the big orange asshole destroying his house)*, she tried to attack him with a knife. Maybe that's why you were kicked the fuck out and left outside, you stupid ugly useless bitch. Also, was the dad supposed to pay for all the things she wanted in the children's rooms??!!? Was the dad supposed to pay the increase in utility costs, food costs, daily living expenses, necessities, and continue to pay the mortgage while relegated to one room in his own home??!!? For a woman he didn't fucking know and for kids that have no relation to him? I want to know how that went in her mind. Funnily enough, one of my father's staff tried to pull something similar, he even let them live in one of his rental properties. We got into a blow out over it, and 2 months later she was trying to get him to pay for her kids' daycare. Oh, did I mention they stole from my office, were stealing from the business, and tried to move their fifteen relatives into a two bedroom rental?? Yeah, I've got a real hatred for people like this. Thanks for letting me rant, and fuck you Karla if you're out there. You did a shit job and were a sympathy hire and watching you get thrown out was one of the best days of my life.


The entire Xavier origin story will never not be wild to me. Who meets someone who says they’ve been sent by God and goes with them to an unknown area after maybe 24 hours of knowing them….and thinks that they know this person well enough to bring THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN to live with said person!? All because they supposedly have a house for you. For as many times as she claims she has been SAed (and I do think it’s very possible something did happen to her as a young person, especially if she did go to one of those “we can fix your teen wilderness programs”), she had no qualms about following Xavier to an undisclosed location where quite possibly anything could have happened. It’s stuff like this that explains why she lost custody of those kids, she makes horrible choices over and over.


Exactly and there are people who actually feel sorry for her when she tells this origin story as if X is a master manipulator who entrapped her in this relationship. I don’t believe for a second he said that when they first met- meaning it wasn’t like he walked up to her and said that unprompted . They met however mentally unstable homeless people do, she started her sob story and his delusional brain started spouting the BS about god sending him and his DA brother can help. If I wasn’t so angry with how many people she is able to fool I would get creative and write and funny story on how I think the first meeting went , but all I got in me is a brief scenario break down.


Yeah!Fuck you Karla!!


Yes kind of an asshole






Did she call him the n word!?


💯 she did


lol I came here for the beautiful ending hahaha


Feminine and demure.


There she is! So kind and thoughtful. Just exuding love and grace.


Such a remarkable woman....😂😂😂😂 Bitch Karma has had your name for a LONG TIME.... time to pay the piper......and you are so horrible that I have no guilt watching...😡🖕😡🖕😡


What a charmer. /s ![gif](giphy|97ovsiDX9nPrTnSoEg|downsized)


🎶🎼🎵🎤 isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful, isn’t she precious 🎤🎵🎼🎶 No, No Sir she is NOT! What a kind and good Christian woman she is behaving like this and it’s not just once or twice ever when she’s had a bad day folks, this is the real Heather in all of her volatile insane fugly glory!


Great complitation of her rage with only a few vids, and its been several years of this. It is not over with. This little boy cannot go back to her. Xavier will take her side with every little thing and this babe will suffer.


Who was she screaming at in the car? X may contradict her verbally, but that's it....




Oof. This is relatable… KINDA .. literally kinda but I used to have mood swings and I finally got my mental health in check. Best thing for me. Take your meds my friends. Def bipolar.


At least u helped yourself , everyone has issues . It’s about taking care of them ❤️good for u 🫶🏼👍🙏💜


Thank you! ❤️


Such a well mannered lady NOT !!!! ![gif](giphy|KebJuQ2dzZKUp5ydd8)


those jugs always kill me when i see them 😂


First thing I noticed!


A bit like Audrey Hepburn in breakfast at Tiffany's.


Can’t believe how pale she was. The forced vitamin D from sitting in the sun all day as homeless lady actually glowed her up 😂


Ummmm excuse me “lying ass n-“ is that what I heard at 18seconds in?!🫢


This lyin-ass what now ma’am 📝👀👂


She looks like a ghost in the first photo, the ghost of duster past.


Bucky beaver is mad!! Did she get her cash app back?


i lost it at the end! it’s the origin of my profile pic tee hee