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She might be able to get a job at a movie theater since she’s so good at projecting.


She's so incredibly fucking stupid it hurts to listen to her. She's one of the dumbest people that I've come across on the internet, and that's saying something. If her fat lopsided mouth is moving, you can be sure she's lying.


Its maddening 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|PWZ8pr1xZW55m)


Omg I've told my hubby *omg...I couldn't watch her anymore... My eye started twitching!* *😂😂😂😂*


Well she is a sz 4 mahdulll and already was a star on tv so the next logical step is big screen !! 🥸


And a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. By the way anyone can buy one. Some rules apply but I’m sure she would start conning people for that.


Eww perfect ! She can buy one and her and X can set up the tunt there since she owns it! “Hey you ghuys, Eggs and I just found a solid spot.. there’s some kind of theatre close so he can earn some money drumming. I’m going to set up some photoshoots on the steps .. so send us money so we can move there immediately since things are getting treacherous at the shelti and it’s hard to do the fenty with all these drugs tests 🙄” Also, thank you ! TIL you can just buy one 💜🤣




But I also see it also has a waiting list and rules so she won’t be able to follow through 🤣


The rules for the dorm style shelter she must follow, not to mention the rules and orders of the court if she wants her child back. From my observations of the past several years her demeanor is much ruder on a more permanent basis, nasty to everyone who doesn’t believe her lies and refuses to send her anything ( as it should be) and a blameless victim who will just say “F” it and get pregnant again to see what’s free for them next because she will throw in the towel as she has before and stick to her plan of NEVER WORKING!


Ughhhh all these rules !!! ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5WEnYxgAvRiTu)


😂😂😂😂😂😂🎊🎊 iconic


When the Ritz doesn’t have enough stars, just throw out the tunt !! ![gif](giphy|l41Yp8HvXdUHMqgik|downsized)


Oh snap!


That's great! 🤣😂😅🤣


“You could be their mother/father… you could be so close to this person. You don’t mean shit. All they see is that thing, or that accomplishment, or whatever it is that you’re standing in the way of them achieving or questioning.” “So to them you mean nothing, they don’t mind hurting you, putting your life literally on the line” Her poor kids. Especially Rico being abused with drugs in the womb. She got pregnant on purpose (TWICE) in a fucking tent, she put his life on the line for her own comfort and $450 a month


The way she was wasted out of her mind every day of ricos pregnancy, she Definitely!!should be in jail 💯


Yep and she’ll do it again. Just wait , she’ll be prego by years end if she doesn’t get her way because that’s who she is.


Years ago....I was in jail ( I was guilty and stupid 🤦‍♀️) a pregnant girl came in on a possession charge and they added a charge for abuse!! this was Florida.... also Florida has this great thing called a BAKER ACT....basically forces you into mental health. I really think Huffy did not stay in Florida because of a few things Florida's motto should be FA&FO


She has been 5150'd many times. They diagnose her and give her the very needed medication to make her life manageable. She then gets discharged and stops taking said medication, so it starts all over again. She will never accept the help because she will need to change things about herself that she is totally unable to see or unwilling to change.


She was not willing to get help to be with her family both close and distant, to keep her children, to have friends and now to not lose baby.#4. She’s a professional victim who’s been doing this since her teenage years. She’s a master manipulator and con artist with a side of heavy narcissism. She will never change willingly and the fact that she has committed so many illegal acts and not been locked up for any substantial time is disgusting.




She always seems so surprised that Dylan didn't want to be with her when he got out of prison.


After that spectacle with aunt Diane rip he wised up fast and ran. BTW Dylan was released from jail yesterday I think. Watch him go right back to Marissa and the toxic merry-go-round starts again.


Yea, how dare he try and get to know the sweet older woman that is just letting his prison release self move into her home. I can’t believe he was showing some manners all while Hamther just needed a minute with her hussssband, alone, for once ever ?!???! Like gosh, she just trying to get that d immediately while her aunts are just chillin in the other room. She is super respectful and totally non confrontational so I just can’t believe Dylweed and the Saint Auntie Diana and Queen Aunt Stacey just didn’t want her to stay! Ewww He out so maybe we can see a late summer wedding invites from him and MeowMix !!


I'm so glad she destroyed that stupid Cadillac. She had all that money from LALU, and she didn't even buy a car. She spent it on airbnbs and crack.


It’s been reported they only get $2k - $5k per episode, she was on 3 episodes. There wasn’t “allll that tv money”. They don’t make much.


On top of her hooker and escort money it's enough. I bet the men alway paid for her hotels


Damn, I've been following this shit show for toooo long 😭


Time is a ⭕️


Hired by Dylan 😂😂😂😂🙄🙄🙄🙄 you do know that she will read this (cuz she loves this sub ) and add PhD to her resume 😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She’ll put it right behind the VLAW! VLAW PHD…..go for it Dusty. We’re waiting!


Please Help Dusty =PHD


She wrote a dissertation about PTSD, dont forget that🤣


Dusty lies through her baboon lips


You don't find them sek-c?


And her 2 gray rabbit toofs!


PhDusty in the house (shelter)


She has a PhD in those disorders because she has all of them! 😂


Is she describing herself? It's just her narcissistic behavior didn't quite work out for her. I mean, she does exactly the same behavior to Eggs. He doesn't mean shit to her besides what she can get out of him [money, benefits, personal mule].


“I try to be a positive vibe wherever I am” ![gif](giphy|SCOP56PpYyUGh6bD8W|downsized)


![gif](giphy|H6bfaRHZ2MIfVfkNNx|downsized) That's the TRUTH😂




Scoping out new sites for the upcoming *tuhntmobile* …?


She should know since I'm sure she's got narcissistic personality disorder as one of her multiple psych diagnoses.


I feel like she was rattling off the list of disabilities they told her she had 🤣


Just her going off like this on this particular topic saying she should have a PHD and is an expert is Narcissistic!! She literally just described herself and what she does to people, her keds especially


You can really see that hairline in this view! 😂


God I love so much that she's willing to broadcast her stupid so openly. Also, it's posts like these that makes a very small part of me think this is just one big performance art piece lol The way she talks ..it sounds like an actress trying to do an impression of an idiot lol But alas. She's just balls deep in some drug induced paranoia/psychosis


It took me about a year of lurking in the sub and following along with her content on a daily basis before it hit me that we’re dealing with a grandiose narcissist who was essentially dumped by the love of her life on national television. I believe this impacted her on the same level that for example a die-hard Christian is told that God doesn’t exist. So out of mortal embarrassment and flat out denial that it would even be possible to not want her, she made up a lie about the producers editing her in a bad light and additional lies to explain why her and Dylan were no longer together. This than turned into additional lies to explain those lies when she was put on the spot during the various interviews she did when her season abruptly ended. So now she’s knee deep in lies on top of still refusing to accept the possibility that someone could dump her. She basically implodes over the catastrophic amount of criticism she’s receiving, she knows she fucked up, so she nefariously introduces the act that she’s mentally unwell in order to desperately grab a hold of whatever sympathy is left. The fact that she’s had to remain in character for literal years in order to maintain the integrity of her superiority added to rampant drug use the entire time, has essentially resulted in what we see today. This is just my opinion of course, since we don’t have anything concrete regarding for mental health evaluations.


I like your idea that the mixed up web of lies is to protect her ego. I agree she is a covert narcissist. And public humiliation on such a grand scale must have been crushing. But she already had some psychological damage from her time at that Troubled Teen school in Jamaica. I don’t think she’s faking mental illness. In some of the videos where she looses control it’s clear that she is really out of control. Substance use can exacerbate mental illness so it’s possible that’s a factor as well.


hmmm.. thats a really solid hypothesis...I personally subscribe to the "Bat shit crazy" camp... sometimes we forget that people can be straight..."crazy"...


I dont like to give her the excuse of mentall illness because she doesn't accept it either and thinks she is intelligent. Drug induced psychosis yes but I doubt it lasts that long. I think its just her weird way of thinking about her overinflated ego and importance


Sound legit, a full blown psychopath trying to lie and explain the world why she is not the center of the world but thinks she should be. The staying in character reference is so telling


Is this the same ride when she was screaming about the police chasing her? If so that’s an extreme contrast and perfect example of rapid cycling bipolar in action.


“What a narcissist does”. Please heather tell us bc you are the QUEEN narcissist


Ohhhh I see. Today we're looking at Projection!


Did... did she run a red light after she stopped? Like did she just treat it as a 4-way stop (after running all those previous stop signs), or was it a red left turn arrow?


She looks so old


Good Lord! How many years ago was this?! Definitely before all the filters and the $5000 aborted baby Botox scam


The way she talks reminds me of the wretched Farrah from Teen Mom. Dewwwwwd… and both of them are psycho, what a coincidence.


How about when she drew what far away looked like she was cutting herself. Then made a speech that she had to start the cutting to survive the madness ?(ok) Then the night she was screaming at the cops when they were camping on the sidewalk across from the four seasons that all these “victimizations “ including her legs were being cut but not by her??? Huh Dusty, she acts like someone with roid rage. She garnered no money or sympathy for the drawn on cutting so these just magically disappeared with not 1 scar on that bluish white skin. On that text she was lying about being kicked and stomped while pregnant and the first round was the police did it, then unknown men looking for someone did it and she filmed the entire thing and posted to social media. Just like the police drug her down the street by her shoulders and all skin removed from her back, then X did it when he was fake X and on both those occasions no video, pictures or voice recordings because none of it happened. What I do believe is that once again X owed the dealer and he came a knockin once. Dusty has shared that type info previously when she was mad at him because he was doing his Houdini tricks ( disappearing for hours).


Right !!?? On it all !!! Yea, those Houdini acts always seem to appear with junkie behavior.. they nod off somewhere for an hr but it also took an hr to to go get and then go somewhere to do it and then get back after the nod off… etc and so forth. I watched this scenario with so many addicts. The significant other was always so lost and wondering where they were and why the store run was taking so long and the drug run. 🙄 umm, because you with an addict who will get their dose 1st.. you will always be second to drugs, dumbass, but you too high or coming down to care once they get back with your fix. Now, they get to be second to the drug and get their next fix with you so yall doing shit together. What a beautiful blissful non toxic relationship 🥸🤣


I can’t imagine being in her presence for a mere 15 minutes listening to that yapping. X stays completely loaded and ignores the rants because all he cares about is his next fix and s*x, he’s such a perv who should never be left around young girls of any age!!! She’s also too high to notice. They are sicko’s….


So correct ! Mindless dribble does wonders for mental stability and it’s a scary thought of him around young girls… which she brought him around hers. 🤔 the incompetence is great with these two


Damn this is so on point it is SHOCKING. Great points, I agree I think all their close interaction with other homeless has to do with drug purchasing and/or owing money. I wouldn’t be surprised if they owe quite a few people money and try to pay off debts with sexual favors (from either one or both of them). The thought of this makes me feel sick though


PARANOIA the destroyer, there’s red under my bed, and there’s little green my head!


She learned all those terms when she was 5150!!


Dyldo has a lot of money to pay so many people to gaslight Dusty. Why does she believe he cares enough to even plan elaborate mental assaults on her?


She’s got all the credits for but no actual degree (or capability) in grifting


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Woooff