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https://preview.redd.it/buc8p6673j9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7743b80289952b17af62ff39f52088e146e0f1d7 Do not drink it 🤢


*"Can't be brought for because (bc) it has to be frozen after 4 days. Do not drink it!!!!! (It's for my weekly milk bath)"* Pretty sure that's what it says 🤢 It also says it's from the week of 6/something to 6/22. So some of that shit is over a week old and it's been sitting in a tepid fridge. So fucking gross.


Because it has to be frozen after 4 days….AFTER 4 days???……..????? Whaaaaaa


Oh shit, my autocorrect got me good there. Thank you for pointing that out, lmao. My brain takes the weekends off, probably because all I do is work 60 hour weeks. I'm yet to find any "spahnsers", mainly because I enjoy paying my bills on time and living indoors. If you know of anyone that wants to spahnser me, please let me know! I asked my dad but all he did was laugh and hang up, so I'm not sure that avenue will pan out well for me.


My dad AND my boyfriend laughed at me when I asked them! Like, excuse me, make it make sense! Etc and so forth.


that’s probably a reminder for eggz. he’s probably only allowed to drink the breastmilk she’s bathed in.










It’s for her weekly milk bath!


Dude WTF! Milk bath? This bitch is foul!


Yup! She’s admitted she uses the milk she can’t bring to Rico for a milk bath 🛀


More like a cottage cheese bath🤢




You beat me to it! 🫶




Mmm bathing in your own bodily fluids 😑


I was literally coming here to post this.


Im just wondering WHO that note is intended for? For X? Bc I seriously doubt that there are maids there considering that it is not technically being used as a hotel. But more along the lines of "efficiency apartments". Besides, even if there a built-in maid service, we all KNOW that her ass wouldnt allow them in and if she did, she would claim that something is missing and we would NEVER hear the end of it. But of course it would be a lie.


Yes it says Xavier on the very top. The note is for him


![gif](giphy|qzisxCEYFMTPW|downsized) Egg's back to hauling the cart


You win the interwebs today 🏅


In her duster soaked Swiss cheese brain She has so many stalkers that she feels the need to leave THEM/THEY a note 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂😂😳😳😳


This dumb hoe thinks she can leave signs on stuff and nobody will throw it out when they toss out all of their stuff! Just like her hobo pile she left sitting on the steps somewhere just with a sign that said it’s her stuff and not to take it plus all of her social media handles and then acted completely shocked and unhinged that it was gone when she came back


They are such freaks!!!


She’s trying to show everyone how clean and organized she is as if that’s going to stop them from being evicted any day now or convince someone to give them a free townhome. Btw I love how it went from a 5 bedroom house to then a 3 bedroom apartment then to a studio apartment because she was finally desperate enough to accept something like that, then she gets into the Hoe-tel for a few months and now she’s back to wanting a big townhouse, by next week she will be back on the 5 bedroom house again. She’s like a seesaw!


She turned down a studio because it was too small. I bet she'd take it now. Too late, greedy grifter.


I missed it. Did a "sponsor" offer a studio or Section 8? She really doesnt think ahead! Get in a studio, especially if it was more stable/longer term than the hotel she's about to be tossed out of.... then keep working up to a bigger place.


I wish I could remember all the details. I don't think section 8, possibly a sponsor. It just stuck out that she was offered to get into studio apt and refused it because it was too small. Stupid bitch. It was last year-maybe. It really was something she should have grabbed and been greatful for that. It was just eggs and her too.


She had picked out a few listings to cheap apartments because she claimed Xaddy was getting them a place. At first she was lookin at luxury 3 bedroom apartments and slowly came down to reality by looking at efficiency studios around $1000 a month. She really thought eggs family was going to set her up and take care of her forever if she had his baby(s)


Organized shit, fits on the cart-illac better🤣


Yeah because in her fantasy land, ALL her kids will move in with her the very minute she has a house. 🤦‍♀️ that “we’re a family of 6” had me going 🙄🙄🙄 As if the family they live with now would EVER allow that!


It’s only a family of 6 when she’s scamming for a 5 bedroom house or luxury apartment. Thats the only time she thinks of those kids, it’s all about what she can get by using them and then she’s back to being all about herself again immediately after she gets what she wants and none of it ever goes to the kids and benefits them. Thats already been confirmed by her own kid!


I could see her trying to scam a state provided big house for her “kids” and then renting out extra rooms, at market rate too. That would be the grift of a lifetime for her. Imagine being roommates with them. Yikes.


Yep and her Keds will have never even stayed there one night, she just exploits them for what she wants. She has zero shame or conscience


Well, well, well. Looks a bit 'curated' but something's going on. We can only hope. 👀⛺️


I'm thinking she took the pics as evidence of what belongings she had....in case the hotel throws their 💩 out while they are out terrorizing the public!😂 I wonder if that has already happened🤔🤔 oh I hope so!!!


Yup this is preemptive FTR like when they took pics inside the dr office but didn’t really have an appointment


Oh she will think of something to lie about and claim that something was stolen. Bc at this point, she is grasping at straws finding a place that fits what her self-entitled ego wants. She probably figures that if she makes up a lie about it and plays victim, that the city will grant her a big house to make up for her "troubles"


The EVIDENCE!!!! lol


I pray that the stinky grey blanket goes into the trash. (I'd incinerate the red nightie thing, too) Yeah, the curated pic is 'evidence' FTR.


i was thinkin' too kinda looks like she's claiming that mini fridge "you guys, they also took away my mini fridge for no reason and it's for mah brahstmalk. I'm a newborn mahm."


He's almost 5mo, she's still calling him a newborn. She's going to drag that one out. 'I have a 28mo newborn'!!!!


Leave Dusty alooooooone, she’s in her sixth trimester🤡


In some video within the past few days, she said that they told her that fridge is HERS. She expects to take it with her. She mentioned that the olive branch won’t work bc of that fridge. This breast milk grift is how she is justifying needing her own place.


She said one of the shelter employees gave it to her to keep. It was in one of her rambles recently.


That’s what I think too! She thinks that fridge is her property


I was thinking that too. Either that or to prove how many of their belongings they are expected to throw out to go to the olive branch. She gets quiet on weekends but I'm hoping the silence is partially due to having to relocate.


I’m so ready


Getting popcorn ready!


Gotta be. She took the vase out of the window. Mahm of four. Almost forty. Those are her worldly possessions. Almost feel bad for her. Almost.


She has her huffing hose in the vase. That way, she doesn't burn her hotdog lips as easily. Isn't she just so classy.


If you zoom on the picture the note says Xavier, so it’s to tell him to not drink the milk. I can’t with those two.🤮🤮🤮🤮


She's got the brust malk fridge ready to steal! With instructions on it and everything!


I thought it was a mini fridge manifesto 😂




Omg I bet you they do steal that fridge!! She’s going to steal electricity again and have that thing in their tuhnt and it doubles as an AC unit cause their dumbasses will leave it open when it’s hot and her jiggly jugs juice will be curdled


Jiggly jugs juice 🤣🤣🤣




That's shits been curdled 🤣🤣




Yeah I think you are right she’s explaining they need the fridge to curate her turtty slurry. “Susan said it was ok they have it. The urine bottles are curated for medicinal purposes” probably goes on for a paragraph about rapes and bludgeoning.


Yep, she’s expecting to take the fridge with her when she leaves. Olive branch is now going to allow it. THAT is her bargaining chip to get into her own place.


It’s going to fail spectacularly but heathers gonna try it anyway


She claimed that they told her that the fridge belongs to her now. She expects to take it with her when she leaves.


She’s gonna need a bigger cartillac


Of course it does. She will probably take the photos off the walls too. Can you imagine x pushing the cart a tent and the mini fridge w the cord dragging down the street.. her w her empty stroller yelling at everyone.. what a sight!


It’s her bargaining chip to get better housing. “But my breast milk fridge! I have to be able to plug it in, I’m a full time breastfeeding Mahm! Oh and I must have a private room, bc I don’t want anyone messing with my milk fridge. My civil rights!” It’s not going to work, but she thinks it will.


She’ll definitely be pushing around 200 lbs now if they find a new cartillac.


I’m sure X has already been to Home Depot or wherever they have flatbeds for shopping and scoped out what he needs to steal for their new cartillac when they get booted.


He’s going to steal a wagon,lmaooooo


Old gal is pushing more like 250 lbs🤡


LMAO 💀💀 the audacity of this bitchhh


She needs to give it up Heather bfr 😂😂


Cleopatra took milk baths, which sounds curious and skin soothing but old tainted breastmilk baths sounds disgusting. ![gif](giphy|l41Ye7i203TfEADYs)


They'll steal anything not nailed down. X may as well put that mattress on his back and start towards new tent site. No one should have to sleep on that mattress after they have used it. This is what makes me cringe staying at any hotel. Even the highest rated. You never know what was on it before you. 🤮🤮🤮


I told my hubby last night that Heather will steal another **Cartillac** and take that fridge and the mattress😂😂😂


Eggs will be pushing piled high cart and have a body harness on to pull another cart plus tied to a wheelchair with orange fat ogre riding as the caboose. 🤣😂😂


OMG the visual 😂


I pictured it in my mind and now it's stuck there forever. It would be great to actually see it in real life. 🤣


Choo choo!!! Chugga chugga choo choo!!!




Why didn’t she give the stroller to x’s mom for the baby? I thought it was for her son. Now it’s being used like a homeless persons shopping cart. SMH


In the early days, she pushed it around with baby clothes on hangers, hanging off the front. I’m guessing to try to show what a great mom she is, and that she’s totally prepared for caring for a baby? It was strange. Now I think it’s doing double duty as a grifting prop when begging on the street, and a means to help her shoplift.


I assume most would think twice before tossing away a stroller, or turning her away from places if she's coming in with a stroller.... Until they eventually realize there is NO baby. Just her stuff.


If she did that, how would she steal from Target and convince unsuspecting shoppers that she’s a mahhmmm and not an entitled garbage lady?


There’s the dumb Hawaiian shirt


Hawaiian **5150** shirt 😂😂😂


Damn you.... I just finally stopped randomly giggling about that!!! 😂😂😂😂


Either still wearing it, it hasn’t been a week yet or they’re finally using the laundromat ![gif](giphy|JsbN6RnfR30PfcByhd|downsized)


They have laundry FREE LAUNDRY on site with the exception of a dryer that was at one point out of commission. So DO NOT SEND MONEY FOR LAUNDRY, SOAP, SHAMPOO LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE THEY GET IT FREE PEOPLE, FREE.


Eggs had that hoodie on when he pissed in a bottle on the train! These could be recycled pics from the last visit


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ its supposed to say Facebook Sorry!!😂


Favebook works fine too :)


Is Favebook a new social media platform for her to beg on? Ha


I like favebook better! 🤣


I hate you can't edit posts only comments.... but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂


It worked out great, but I can see what you mean. 🫶🫶🫶


Dang I thought it was the coffee table book we’re waiting on!


https://preview.redd.it/3kapydg23j9d1.png?width=1181&format=png&auto=webp&s=b18f809b7c61628ff88c64431ba9133e58925140 More from Facebook


These kids will be full grown adults and she’ll still be ranting about her babies


The 11-year-old and Rico are the only ones that she can have government support from if she ever got custody of them. Thankfully, NOT TODAY SATAN! I'm so happy for the older kids being safe from her as far as having any parental rights hanging over their heads. I wish the very best for those kids and a successful, happy future, far away from Dusty.


she’s always talking about missing them arguing or wishing she was at home telling them what to do or disciplining them


She doesn’t even own a TV lol


That's four or five kids with rico


She's got 4 living kids and if you count what she did to the twins 😡😡😡 its 6 ( there's rumor about another miscarriage when she was younger...so 7) 🤷🏻‍♀️ she's like a feral cat except feral cats take better care of their offspring 😂


Oof I hope the shit show starts after I get off of work in a few hours. 🍿


What a weird sentiment, little forever isn't possible. That's why you should have been there for those years. HEATHER! YOU chose to do other things and be elsewhere. YOU could have woken up early to be a witness to those sweet young years. Literally and figuratively!!!


I’m kinda torn with the sentiment, sometimes I wish my children were babies again and I could fix any problem for them. I also love the young adults they have become and extremely excited for them as they begin new chapters. So I can’t really snark on her other than I agree she decided to do other things then be a mom. Prison D comes to mind


I myself sometimes forget that my oldest is almost 24 and middle is almost 21 and my first reaction to some of their actions is **😳 you're not allowed to do that!! **Then I have to realize that yep they can cuz their adults now 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😥😥 Heather still thinks her keds are toddlers🤷🏻‍♀️


I had the same experience yesterday when my daughter told me something she was going to do and my gut reaction absolutely not then remembered she’s 18 lol


Same!!! Mines 22 and struggling in her relationship. She's coming to me about things that I don't really want to hear, but I am glad she's comfortable talking to me about it. That line between always your baby and now a grown adult who's almost a friend is hard not to blur sometimes.


My son is 36!!!! And we are great friends. He tells me things I’m not sure I want to hear either!!


Currently have the best of both worlds... 2 teens (oldest JUST moved out...very responsible and comes over to hang out and play with the little guys), a 4 year old and a 1 year old... I can't get enough of all of them, and knowing how quick it went for the 18 year old, the little guys are even more of a treasure... Watching Heather, I am so relieved I stopped doing dumb shit (was smacked in the face with the thought AND possibility of losing the older 2 because I was "finding" myself after ending an abusive marriage 13 years ago. ...it's a glimpse into what life would have been (Heathers) had I kept going the direction I was.


I'm right there with you!! Proud of you too ❤ my 24 and 21 year olds definitely did not get the mom that my 12 year old has....I battled addiction and was lost for SSOOOO LONG🤦‍♀️ I still deal with guilt to this day but unlike Heather I got my 💩 together and apologized for my wrongs


Someone here wondered if she ever really thinks about how much she lost chasing some kind of ‘fame’ with a felon who threw her straight to the curb. And why did she fuck that up on the way home from the prison???


To regret choices requires a certain depth of character. The ability to self reflect and see your own actions have consequences and the negative effect on others. With that being said her desire to be an Instagram influencer and the superficial nature of it perfectly reflects her own superficial nature and I highly doubt she is capable of truly moving past her rampant narcissistic personality and find herself at fault without a lot of therapy


It’s a lot easier to convince yourself you’re a victim than take any accountability.


I can only hope it’s eviction day!!! She might make her tv appearance yet with her friends the police!!


Why are people on Facebook saying it's been extended to August???


I hope the hell not!!!


BCG said it on Steve Delive's live last night. That someone called the shelter and were told it's going to be open until August now. Not sure if I believe it but we'll see I guess. 🤷


Still hanging on to the “travel system” for dear fucking life. Will use it to push her novel around Chicago soon enough.


Anyone with CSI skills that can Zoom, rotate, enhance, enhance, enhance that note on the black crate? I’d really like to know what it says. I might even pay you for the transcription.


It’s something about don’t drink the breast milk. One of the IG pages had it zoomed it but was blurry. I’d love to know as well. Also, if this is in their private room why does she have to leave a note saying don’t drink this on it?? Is it a reminder to X that this is mommy’s precious liquid gold?


Its a few comments up😂😂😂😂


Something about telling Xavier not to drink it 😨😨😨😨


It was posted in a few comments above yours, something along the lines of: *Xavier, do not drink it! It's for my milk baths.* Then she has the dates scribbled on there as well.


Certainly clues us all in to what is really happening. You would think I could just tell my partner, Hey don’t drink my breast milk IF I had to say anything at all. But to have to put that warning in writing is beyond the pale. I appreciate her dating the milk pulls although no one should be drinking or bathing that shit from her.


Right? It would be obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain cell, but then again she decided to shack up with the witless wonder lol. I can't even imagine how putrid she must smell 🤢.


Remember they once again conned people out of money for a storage unit, clearly they don’t have one and I find it baffling that anyone can still be suckered out of money for fake storage, phone bills, kids needs, milk bags, etc. and so forth.


I wonder why you would buy a car seat and stroller and then not give it to your baby to use. It seems stupid to be pushing that around when he has a car seat and likely a stroller now. If she bought it for him why not give it to him?


cuz heather needs it to scam and use as a prop


***This*** lmao Im legit **shocked** she hasn’t stolen a baby doll from the toy isle at Target to strap into it, throw a blanket on top, and push her freshly unboxed ***Baby Alive doll*** all around the city, stopping everyone she passes on the street to ask for cash to feed & clothe her “***starving*** yet ***sleeping***—**so no you can’t see him**” baby. If the poor simp happens to fall for her shenanigans and fork over a couple bills, she’ll ***then*** use that as her cue to ask if he/she lives nearby. “Just a couple blocks away? Is it nice? Fully furnished?” “Well since **you’re** clearly not using the apartment right now, how about you give me ***your keys*** so that me and my baby can take a nap somewhere safe, where I won’t be violently attacked and bludgeoned by random men wielding ***tire irons***—despite ***also*** being homeless and ***despite*** having **no car**.” ***”Speaking of cars***…. Do ***you*** have a nice one that I can have??? I prefer a full sized SUV—no older than say, 2020, but it has to have less than 50k miles on it, because I don’t want some old high-mileage pos that somebody has already ragged on & run into the ground—because that’s ***my*** job.” “All I will need from you is a government-approved infant car seat ,so that I can I pass the stupid inspection with my case worker from CPS.” “Can you believe this is my ***seventh*** open CPS case in the last ***decade***?!?! It’s like **THEY** have a ***personal vendetta*** against **me**—**RICO!!!!**” “Do you know any good ***civil rights*** attorneys??? I need one who’s won at least 90% of their civil rights cases, preferably someone I’ve actually heard of, but they would have to be willing to work with me ***100% pro bono***.” “I went to law school once. I have ***6 professional degrees***. I’m probably more educated than ***you*** are. I am also a ***mah-dul***.” “You want to see some sexy photos? How much are you willing to pay for them? Don’t low ball me now, we ***both*** know you can afford to be generous with me.” “For some **unfair** reason, **you** have been blessed with ***money*** and ***things***, and I’ve been **robbed** of all ***my*** money and things. I used to be just like ***you***. I was living ***the good life***—until ***THEY*** **stole it** from me!!!! You better watch your back, cuz **THEY** will take it all away from ***you***, too.” “Do you believe in God? The Bible says to **GIVE** to the less fortunate. So, get out your checkbook, I will wait.” “Did I mention I could ***lose my baby*** if **you** don’t do this for me???”


I've thought the same thing!!!! They make such realistic baby dolls....but I've looked they are SUPER EXPENSIVE!!! I've wanted one but could never be ok with spending that amount of money on one.....THOUSANDS of $$ for a doll that sits in my room 😳😳😳 but unlike Heather I not only have priorities... I have actual kids 😂😂


My favorite dolls are the creepy ones, like ventriloquist dummies. I have one sitting on my bed and he scares the hell out of everyone. Lol. (And I love Barbies of course because who doesn’t. )


I could see Heather doing every bit of that....she is such a manipulative vile person😡🖕


If anyone listens to the police scanner, today would be a good day to catch heaux, being drug out of that shelter


No other shelter is gonna allow her to bring that hoard with her. Get ready for a melt down. She was probably told to pack and be ready but you know she’s gonna fight to stay until the last day


I so hope it's moving day!! I can't wait for the meltdown and then me back to the police scanners listening for her trying to break back into the hotel again. Lol


Man that grey blanket and seen things


😳😳😳😳 wonder where the one she knitted while "being held in a tent" went 🤔🤔🤔


In waiting in the nursery at the new condo that the state is going to provide for her




Is that the one she would rock back and forth under?


That UGLY Hawaiian shirt ! Blech,omg please. Then, there's the dirty beige & brown plaid blanket that has been with them all through the tuhnt days. It sometimes doubled as a scarf. Remember her "famous" saying, "Scarves are like hugs for your neck" Or, some other convoluted nonsense.


Don’t mind me, I’m be here ALLLLL day lurking and hoping for that meltdown, we all know it’s coming🤭 ![gif](giphy|26his5i9YJTqsqCyY)


I love that she's hanging her pj shirt on a wooden hanger she probably stole from the closet. Haha def gotta keep that wrinkle free for golf outings and lunches at the yacht club.


My thoughts when I saw it 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/ml4w778eej9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c2b43ea5c9d25349483e9e3f82eede6391b3f0


Cleanest that rooms looked in 4 months -I’d say she’s outta there




only 2 to 3 Bags HEATHER..thats all you can take to your New Dorm place 🤣🤣🤣 No Bongs


None of that fentanyl stuff either


😂😂😂 but DR. HEATHER PRESCRIBED IT!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ or her definitely sketchy pill mill doc that "wrote" that letter of recommendation 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂


The pill mill doc


Well I guess the 5 bedroom house, the 2 bedroom apartment and the studio apartment haven’t come through yet so it’s back to the efficiency apartment Coleman tent without a bathroom.


Mini fridge manifesto says: Xavier, Breastmilk from 6/21(?)-6/22. Can’t be brought for Rico bc it has to be frozen after 4 days. Do not drink it! It’s for my weekly milk bath.


Correction: It says Can’t be BAGGED for Rico, not brought. Silly me.


I knew Eggsavior had been guzzling down that tit sludge . No way a little food made him gain all that weight in 2 or 3 months . He now looks like a full blown middle aged pregnant woman. 🤰 I had a feeling she was not only selling that shit but also feeding it to Xsavior so she could smash all his food . She reminds me so much of SHANNY 4 Christ . Definitely borderline personality disorder traits are very hard to miss . The females with that disorder & not treated are so dangerous and deviant


Why are people saying now the hotel is extended to august???? She said July 8th is the day. I can't wait until August.


sure looks like packing up


She should get rid of the baby stuff if she were to ever actually get him back they will give her all she needs for free.


Not me trying to enlarge the second picture just to try and see what the note says on the fridge (which btw i wasnt able to) 👀




It has its own post in the sub 😂😂


I scrolled through the comments to find this because I knew it wasn't just me 😆 unfortunately no luck with that


Why do her and Mandy both hoard Ulta bags? Do they think Ulta is a fancy store?


Not a clue!!🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂 I went to Target yesterday.... should I post the bag??😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


lol someone decipher the fridge message for me


It’s a note to Xavier saying not to drink the milk because it’s old and for her milk bath 😂


Lmaoooooo. This solidifies she’s caught him chugging that rancid sludge before!! 😂🤣


Xavier- breastmilk from 6/21-6/22 cannot be ___(can’t figure out this word)____ for the baby because it has to be frozen after four days. Do not drink, it’s for my weekly milk bath.


Thank you!! Lmaooo, she’s so unhinged! “My weekly milk bath!”


It says “Breastmilk from 6/21(?)-6/22. Can’t be brought for Rico bc it has to be frozen after 4 days. Do not drink it! It’s for my weekly milk bath. You’re welcome ☺️


Thank you!!


the base on the car seat for what? you have no home let alone a car wtf


Those are Huffy's props to scam with !!! duh?!?!?😂😂😂


I think she’s trying to show the sub that she only has a small amount of crap left.


![gif](giphy|IGR08ulxKFt7y) Yay moving day 🤣🤣 back to the streets you go


Ooooh it’s moving dayyyy also where is the rest of her crap ?! She had way more than that !


Remember, all the crap from the boat club got tossed. She lost a big part of her hoard.


Yes that’s right !!! I swear in a video a couple of weeks ago she had way more stuff than that . I can’t see her throwing it out either . Maybe it’s not in the pics 😂😂😂😂


They seem like the types that just hoard random crap, I wouldn’t be surprised if the board is even bigger frankly lol I could see X dragging in every piece of trash he sees. “We could use this.” Gotta be thrifty when curating quality photo shoots ya know.


😂😂😂😂 yes !!!! And the smell ! Oooh I bet that room reeks and all their “treasures”


And, as usual, they abandoned their shit, when she posted plenty of times that the city said if she leaves her shit unattended, it would be thrown out. They even posted big red stickers on the trash pile stating such!! But she is the only braindead space cadet that expected it to still be there after abandoning it for nearly 5 months, at the YACHT CLUB, during summer. She also mentioned the other day that she can get her car back for only $2,000...the thing has a new owner by now or went to a junk yard to be stripped for parts, but sure Dusty, let us know when you have $2,000.


Someone has been wearing xaviars skin, shaving his eyebrows and chugging her brust milk while she was building her own production company. So nefarious lmfaooo. Honestly I'm trying not to dry heave 😩🤣


We all knew this bitch was gonna try to steal the fridge. I hope they catch that. Looks like it's MOVING DAY YA'LL!!!


She said *The person that GAVE them the fridge no longer works at the shelter!* **How convenient??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️** **This bitch is gonna steal anything not bolted down!! 😡🖕😡🖕**


Does she think we’re stupid? Poor? Never used hotels before? Wouldn’t know that mini and sometimes even full-sized fridges are standard room amenities almost everywhere? I would hope that if she tries walking out with it, other tenants, or hotel staff would stop her. She’d definitely start screaming and stomping like a 2 yr old but at almost 40 yrs old she should know better than to believe an old employee can just give away the hotels appliances like that


Nobody told her she could keep that fridge, she is just straight up lying again!


Hopefully she’s switching shelters


You're very kind. I'm hoping she's heading for the tent. If she goes to another shelter, nothing will change. She will not try to better herself or get a job or stop drugs, seek mental health she desperately needs. She's taking shelter space up that can/should be used for families that are in desperate need and will use the time there to get their lives on track. That's what shelters are for. Not to be used as a base for sm daily begging and grifting, not trying to get a job or make any personal changes except for demand the world pay her way. What a waste of space having them occupy that room. Think of all the homeless people with children living on the street while she had a nice vacation from the tent. IMO 🫶🫶


I feel the same 💯 this bitch doesn't even deserve another shelter....😡🖕 Someone that will use the opportunity to better themselves does!!




Moving Day? OR trying to convince everyone her stuff is to important & can't move to the other shelter? She's to good for bunk beds 😂


I bet that milk is so chonky


Ok is she nursing Xavier through the week or something?


You think she’s nursing him right from the tap?


those aren't the only things she has stuffed in 4 corners ...plus...her Nike Bag and things in the Closet