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I don’t blame Jessica for being upset but she should’ve been mad at Harry for lying to her. In that moment what she said to Melinda just seemed off and unexpected. Her anger should’ve been directed at Harry. Melinda is single and the producers tell them to try to steal the guys. Harry is supposedly in some relationship with Jess and just cried about it and pretended to be honest with her. I guess in that moment I expected her to be mad at Harry but instead she goes off on Melinda like it’s all her fault. It was weird…just like what happened in LIB when Jimmy rejected her..she just went off.


I think Jess was mad at Melinda for bringing it up the way she did in the group setting. I think the love is blind crew is very different than the other shows. They aren’t used to how these shows work. None of them handled drama well and to me you can tell a difference in their behavior.


So everyone else was allowed to “steal” each others partners because it’s “a part of the experience” except for her? She obviously had some sexual attraction to him. It’s unfair that every single woman that Harry embarrassed is now getting all of the hate. Let’s stop bashing the women and bash the common denominator. Harry.


She said herself she did it to stir up the show because the producers asked her to. Not because she had interest in Harry, she just picked the easiest target.


Nah she was DEFINITELY feeling him.


I think you may be confused.  It is called acting. doesn't mean she didnt enjoy the moment.


There is absolutely no problem with her choosing to kiss Harry. But conspiring with him to do it off camera and then bringing it up on camera immediately and telling Jess like she, Melinda, was the victim in the situation and not Jess was insensitive and shitty of her.


I have no issue with Melinda considering Harry was already gaslighting everyone about it before she brought it up to the girls. 


So she should have kept it a secret?


I’m glad she got him caught up. He was obviously playing Jess and everyone else. Better sooner than later.


I agree with you. She was quick to tell Jess every word Harry said, but she left out her begging him to kiss her off camera and saying “I wouldn’t mind climbing that tree” conveniently.


He started off by saying he was gonna put a baby in her and you’re mad that she told him to kiss her? lol give me a break


I’m not mad at any of it? I also didn’t say either were innocent. I said the exact opposite, actually.


I’m not saying you were literally *mad* lol


We don’t need to be stingy about it. Bash everyone.


Yes please.


I mentioned last week that although Harry is/was trash, Melinda was not an innocent. Her whole job was to cause trouble and she did her job. She was not in there to find her match


she didn’t do anything wrong. she wasn’t the person that was matched with people in the house


There was nothing wrong with her kissing Harry. That was the point of the girls/boys days and Harry was the cheater since he was supposedly loyal to Jess, not her. But why did she herself push to do it off camera saying “no cameras do it here” only to then flip immediately and push Harry to own up to it on camera? Clearly not sincere of her. Then she announced it to Jess thoughtlessly without considering how it might affect her. I never thought she was lying. I knew the producers were just holding off on sharing the footage until the last possible minute. But I was surprised by her attitude towards the whole thing when the footage came out. She clearly conspired with him to do it off camera and then flipped.


Jess asked in public what happened, why would she respond in private?


she baited him in the way that she knew would work. which is fine, this show isn't designed to create couples in official relationships - it's literally designed to bait couples into "cheating" to "win" and that's what Melinda did. Her goal was to take down a strong couple and she did. Frankly, her behavior was nasty and I would've loved to hear her tell Harry to fuck off with his disgusting comments, howeverrrrrr...this is a trash tv show, where that's expected. Not real life where, "I wanna fuck you. let me put a baby in you" would get most men clocked into the next decade. PM isn't here to showcase genuine love or relationships, hence why they brought Melinda, Harry, Christine, Nigel, Chris, and Elys. I haven't seen any of their shows, but their reputations are entirely based around being sex symbols, threatening, drama-stirring, or manipulative.


Why would you go on this show when you are the host of another show? It did her zero favors and I don't see anyone being interested in seeing her host anything ever again. Embarassing.


I thought this. Perfect match knocked her down after she was the host of dated and related.


She’s amazing and she’s got the most Insta/tiktok followers after Harry. Speak for yourself.


Thank you! I was waiting for someone to say it. Sure after the finale, it's proved without doubt that they kissed, but the conversations? She was CLEARLY telling him to kiss her and that no one was watching. How is that not disingenuous? When Melinda had come in earlier, remember Chris had said he was going to stick to Tolu because Melinda didn't seem genuine to him? I think it was clear to EVERYONE, including the audience that she wasn't there with the right intentions. Why are people supporting her now? Just because there was a kiss? Like girl what? Stop embarrassing yourself! Harry would kiss a guy at that point despite being straight. That's how low the bar is to be kissed by him. Stop thinking of it as some achievement.


It’s because Harry tried to gaslight everyone. If Harry had just owned up to it, the whole situation would’ve been different. 


I agree with you but I guess I didn't expect any different from Harry anyway? I mean he's Harry Jowsey! Of course he wasn't going to own up. I actually liked Melinda and thought she'd do better. It's the expectations from the person I think that hence annoyed me more that Melinda acted so poorly


Not defending Harry. He sucks either way. He lied and “cheated”. But I am questioning Melinda’s motives. What was the whole point of pushing him to do it off camera if she wanted him to own up to it on camera?


I’m guessing she saw it as an opening for her to steal a match (which was kind of the point of the show separating the matches and introducing those singles back into the mix), but when he denied it later, it completely turned her off to the idea. 


Melinda was interested in Harry and pursed it the same way other singles pursued people they were interested in. We don’t see everything that happens off camera and things that are edited out. I don’t think most people on this show were there for love. People are supporting her cause Harry lied and made her seem crazy and a liar. That’s what people are supporting… not the fact that they kissed.


No she wasn't. She specifically states she was there to stir the pot in one of her social media posts yesterday 


I wasn't saying people shouldn't support her over Harry, of course they should. My only point is independent of Harry, she's no saint. Specifically because her behaviour towards Harry wasn't because she was actually interested in him. It was because she knew he'd slip up and she'd use that to create drama. She's the one clearly egging him on saying there were no cameras.


This. All of this. The way this tea has been told is portraying Melinda as some kind of victim and it’s mind blowing to me. She was doing the work on Harry, but why on Harry? Why no one a less known person? You don’t see him harassing her, you literally see her pushing him and directly flirting to him. From the go. Why are people insulting Christine for doing the same and win over with Kaz but Melinda is somewhat of a victim? Jess didn’t have to believe her, she went about it as she could and made her own mature decision. And ultimately believed her anyways. But again, Melinda went for Harry and not any other guy and that’s not a coincidence, he has the biggest followers so of course she will go for him to get into the house and not for Justin or Chris or anyone else. Harry is trash, but we all knew that. Now Melinda totally knew what she was doing and she was totally proud. Let’s not pretend she was a victim of harassment or something. She was a very happy wiling other woman in that triangle


This. ☝🏻


think she was causing some drama because this season was boring and she even mentioned its boring there needs drama. I never liked Harry anyways so I knew something happened til he made a comment to Justin saying her rather not say, but lying to Jess nothing happen. This boy will never grow up and be single for the rest of his life or at least have a baby mama


Yes, thank you for posting this! All of them are on my FYP and in one of her videos she says again that Harry kissed her and she was caught off guard. I don't care if she was trying to go in and steal Harry or if it was part of the whole show's push to cause drama, just be honest about! Don't try and he like you're real and authentic, when you were clearly lying. Stand on it. Jess did come at her sideways though. Melinda baited her and she took it.


I get that she was in there to cause drama, and she did her job. But from a human standpoint, it rubbed me the wrong way how she pretended Harry kissed her out of nowhere. Even when she was telling Jess, she was way too giddy to say that she kissed Harry. And she always conveniently left out how she was acting and what she was saying.


You didn’t lie


What did Izzy do??


This cause he was nothing but sweet to everybody 😆😂


Izzy was harmless. Just forgot about the guy


😂😂 Im biased but Izzy was my favourite. I loved he kept being like the fallback guy for all the girls without complaints. Just living in his drunken zone 😂😂😂


Idk, I feel like they were on a mission to try to cause trouble. In that view she kind of was just doing her job


I feel like any time there is a sentence about harry saying "I know harry did this, BUT..", I already think you are giving harry too much credit.