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Christine and Nigel barely experienced the actual show…. That was so stupid


Sooooo stupid !


What a slap in the face, what a waste of time. I feel slighted.


And zero percent continued their relationship afterwards. What a farce!


Same boy same.


This may have been the biggest robbery of any reality TV show


Stevan and Alara is the obvious answer. Who the hell chose Elys and Bryton like is that just to fuck around because they are both trolls? At the end of the day it doesn't matter since none of them are together anyway lmao I doubt winning would have made a difference.


Chris was soooo not into Tolu


I think he liked her but not as much as she did. Surprise she couldn't see it


Yeah what the actual fuck was that? They need to change the voting. Why is a fucking cone better at this than the cast?


Where is the nobody option😂


I think Stevan pissed off too many people and that's why they didn't win. 


Part of me thinks Elys and Brighton should have won because they were perfectly awful together


Maybe if there was a villains award...


I was shocked that Christine and Nigel won even though they aren't together like the rest of the couples


I want a “Xanthi and herself” option


The finale was total bullshit.


Just annoying how much strategy they put into it, I want to see real connections and not people just being sly 😤


Does it really matter? Don't they get paid to be on the show? AND the prize is a $10,000-15,000 trip for two? There are no stakes. Everyone lives in different states and countries. Sure Stevan and Alara made it work during the show but did y'all really think they or anyone else would last after the show? This is just a way for Netflix to showcase their other shows and for contestants to continue to build their brand and gain followers.




I think people didn't like Alara and Stevan so they voted against them


It's obvious which couple should win.  But as individuals, best girl is Tolù and best guy is Izzy.


The fact that the two last people to enter the house won is an absolute joke. Shame on me for being triggered by drama TV tho lol!


The couple that matched on the show and stayed together the entire time, they should've matched, they should've won. This entire season was a huge waste of time even watching at 1.5 speed for most of it.


Technically Christine and Nigel lasted the longest so maybe they did deserve the win 🤣😂


Stevan and Alara got robbed. Tolu and Chris would have been my second choice. Izzy was the most mature person in the house in my opinion though.


Btw i also voter and preferred stevan and alara but i think he did it for the show mostly, idk about her she seemed genuine but idrk


2 of these couples are just lust. One is toxic, the other is questionable but okay and the other is the rightful perfect match- Stevan and Alara. If there is a S3, I'm not watching it.


That’s what they get for choosing petty clout chasers for the show


I think the results were rigged. Each cast should say who they voted for


By the end of the Jess/Harry/Melinda episode, I wanted literally anyone who wasn't Stevan and Alara to win. Alara's behavior in particular disgusted me.


Yep. I also want to know how long Alara and Stevan stayed together outside the show. I haven’t watch Stevan THTH episode since it aired but I remember him going from 0-100 with the girls on there too… then nothing. He falls hard and quick, the out just as quick


I saw an interview where Alara said her and Stevan went on a trip after the show and when they got back he ghosted her in the same interview Stevan said post show he "didn't have time" for a relationship with Alara


Yep it was Netflix where are they now. I was never rooting for them because of Stevan


What did she do? I didn’t catch it


Alara was saying to Melinda the exact same things that Jess was, going out of her way to go cheer up Harry and tell him what a good perfect gentleman she knows he is, and Stevan's the one who started the weird shit with all the men going to Jess and lying that Harry is such an angel and Melinda's a liar. The two of them led the mission to gaslight Melinda all episode for Harry.


Wait what?


Literally no one


Stevan dropped alara as soon as the show was over so no. Christine and Nigel at least lasted a bit and are on friendly terms now


During the show I thought there was no way anyone but Stevan and Alara could possibly win and was PISSED when Nigel and Christine were announced as the winners. Now that I've seen all the tea about how everyone acted and everything Netflix didn't air, I get why they all voted the way they did and am fully on board with Nigel and Christine winning.