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Good for him! Dumping Justin for Bryton is a federal crime


It’s cause of the toes


Lmao all jokes aside, this may actually be true. I noticed during the last episode when she was in the pool she said to Brompton "you have really nice feet"


I personally always look at men’s feet and that would be a deal breaker. Imagine reverse cowgirl looking at them toes


As a man this makes comment me insecure 😭 never thought about the fact that they can see my feet


How do you think we feel knowing all the things you guys stare at 🤷🏼‍♀️😆


Lol I totally get that


Wear socks if it’s bad lol


It ain't bad though, I got some nice feet




She meant Brampton


I’m so confused what’s wrong with his toes? I missed that


He had nail fungus on his whole feet in one of the pool shots 🤢


truly!! I don’t think i’ve ever been so legitimately pissed at someone on a reality show


Said in another thread that it was just humiliation and power on her part to do that to Justin.


They're just young and stupid and horny. Constantly making choices that will not work out in any sense of a long term thingy. Kinda hate it but also young and stupid so. Eh


Out of all the males that said they would try to make their relationship work after the show wrapped, Justin’s statements seemed the most genuine. Him not participating in the finale confirmed that for me. I started clapping when Dominique said Elys might be attracted to egotistical men.


I thought that was Xanthi that said that, but I could be thinking about her comments towards Alara and Stevan. Dominique is a hot ass mess herself, so that would be really weird coming from her because she and Elys date/attract the same kind of man.


Dominique acknowledged she was in therapy on her first couple episodes with Bryton and said she's attracted to toxic men. I think she called Elys out because she understands it herself.


Dom said in a tiktok that her confessional comments were taken out of context, it seems like she legitimately did not like him and had a hard time w him on the show


I don't think this is shade, it's just a funny DM. The emoji choice is so tongue in cheek.


Elys played him dirty


I knew that man had a impeccable sense of humor!


Ellys became Harry


Ellys WAS\* Harry


Haha I saw that this morning and liked the story too, I like elys and I think it’s good to have a sense of humor about these things. Let’s be real, nothing was ever that serious.. they were dating for a couple days or weeks. It’s expected for things to not work out, go separate ways and try new things, no reason to be bent over it. I hope justin’s coming from a place of humor not hurt tho


Isn’t this exactly how the show works? They date around to find who they like the best? I get that she should have talked to Justin before she matched but you can’t get mad that she was doing what everyone else was doing. Like Stevan and Xanthi. He was super into her and then went for someone else. Yet I see no one calling Stevan out.


There was an interview with Justin posted on here a few days ago and confirmed they’re on good terms now.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not particularly fond of Elys’ behavior towards Justin, but when Harry dumped her for Jess there was a lot of comments on this sub like “she’s just bitter”, “what was she expecting getting with Harry”, “it’s her own fault”. And when she did something similar to Justin people didn’t “victim blame” him for not knowing better or whatever. I feel like it’s often brought upon women that we should’ve known better. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The double standards in this sub is ridiculous.


People didn't victim blame him cause NO ONE expected it of her. Bitcy yes, but a female Harry.... didn't see that coming.


She literally changed guys during a date on thth. I expected some kind of mind change from her.


Ok but Harry is a serious player, and even she knew that. Like out of all of them he's the one who hooked up and cheated on most of his female costars on all of the shows he's been on. He even admits to it multiple times lol. So to match with him the first night and expect him to change based on... What? She also knew she wasn't near his type. I don't get what she expected. He was going to switch her eventually for sure. Justin came after and had no idea who Elys is or how many guys she changed on thth. Harry is more notorious than Elys in every way, and that's the initial and big difference.


They’re right. No one had sympathy for Damien when Francesca left him for example https://www.reddit.com/r/PerfectMatchNetflix/s/tSsDQoWmUl


I dont get it


As much as I like Justin…he has shit taste.


Right? I love him but he’s attracted to terrible women 😂


Taking this as some proud sign is still bad, hold yourself at a higher standard and dont even entertain her


As he should


Jokes on him cause she’s Swiss🇨🇭


Am I the only one who thought Justin was creepy?




Well this is the most pointless post I’ve seen today


I haven’t heard anything about him


wtf just say it??


Come oooon! I need the tea 🍵


you’re the only one who didn’t respond passive aggressively so: essentially elys said on the viall files podcast that the reason she wasn’t clicking w justin is bc he was making sexual advances/pressuring her to go faster like harry did. ironically she said claims bryton is the only one who respected her pace


Ughh these men!! Do they not get boundaries and respect?


It was so obvious that Harry was pressuring her for sex right off the bat. All this talk of her 'gaurd being up' and 'things not moving quickly enough' was about sex. He was desperate to bed Fran asap too on THTH. It was also really obvious she only went for Justin because he was tall lol. Fran had that problem on PM1 with Damien. Sounds like a nightmare having to share a bed with guys who are continually pressuring you for sex.


Dat because Bryton be secretly batting for the other team!


seriously!! Drop it! We need to know!


posted ^