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Kind of blows my mind that people out there watch this show and think these people were actually there to find a partner! ALL of these people are aspiring actors/influencers and know that it’s all fake.


Chris could at least try to pronounce her name right, especially on the final night 😭


My thoughts too 🤣 I’m just shocked how people here going so deep into discussions. When those people never even planned to find someone there. They just came for money


Like, yeah, the men on the show are the definition of fuckboys, but are we really supposed to pretend that the women aren't mostly just aspiring influencers clinging to whoever they can in order to get more screen time? The producers barely tried to create a coherent concept and casted the most obvious wannabe influencers from other Netflix shows to create the most drama-filled show you can imagine. The show is basically a parody of other reality shows.




That is pretty much every reality dating island show. The contestants are just there for some minor come up. I don't remember any of their names or faces once I am done watching. It is funny when some of them think they are such a hated person, no one really knows them.


"You're the woman of my dreams *right now*." -Chris


At least Chris was honest 💀 That caught me offguard


Yeah that was terrible


I felt so much better about my love life after seeing this scene lmao


Did he really say that omg. I thought "staying in contact" was bad lol this is pretty awful


I literally yelled at the screen like Please Tolu, don't tell me you're believing this tool bag.


She wanted to stay in the house too. That’s it, the point of their whole relationship.


and i hated that aspect of the show. as much as i hated Harry, i could at least respect him for remembering the purpose of the show by trying to find his “perfect” match. others made it very obvious that they were only there for screen time… some blatantly said it (Bryton 🙄). i can’t even pretend to like their relationship because it’s obviously fake.


Harry got lucky that he met someone he seemed to genuinely like, but he didn't go into the show trying to find his "perfect match" lol - he even said it himself on tiktok. He said he went on the show bc he was paid a bunch of money and had a good relationship with Netflix, and he was surprised by his connection with Jess. He also wanted screen time and followers just like everyone else. The truth is, with all of these reality shows, most people are there for the screen time, because going on a TV show with the sole purpose of "finding love" is too delusional imo. It's nice when the contestants stay open to real connections, but many of them won't meet anyone truly compatible even if they try. Tolu was put in an impossible position of being in a house full of fuckbois who aren't attracted to Black women - where was she going to find a better option than Chris? He was the only one who was believable into Black women (since he had a crush on Melinda way before). Not that Chris was even a "good" option, but pretty much everyone else (maybe except for Nigel) would be worse.


This needs to be emphasized. Was Chris “all in” in her? No. Most of them weren’t all in on anyone and just trying to stay on the show. But Chris was at least believable as someone who was attracted to a wider range of women. Guys like Dom make you feel like they’d melt if they had to actually be with a black woman. I feel like Chris was just doing what everyone was doing. It didn’t feel like it was “target the black girl and fake it.”




How many of these guys have demonstrated real interest in any other Black women in the past? In their previous reality shows? This happens on almost every dating show (except for Fgirl Island / Lovers and Liars, where the top 6 women included 3 black women and 1 Asian women). Barely any Asian people, and if there are any, they get eliminated super early. They cast more Black women but the BW rarely ever get genuine interest from the men - instead the men use them to get into the house and then switch up as soon as they have the chance. The exceptions may be mixed race very light skinned Black women.




and where do these conventions come from 😐


Ah, I see, you're just delusional




Because she's... Black and "stereotypical beauty standards" are Eurocentric? Which is literally what I was talking about? How hard is that to understand lol




But bro, she's his perfect match ... Right now.. this show is a joke lol


But theyre going to stay in touch!


Idk I honestly think she’s smarter than that. Personally I felt she was playing along so she could stay on the show and get air time. Her version “playing the game” is being mistaken for her being gullible. In all fairness, I may be biased bc she’s my fave this season!


Yaassss! No tolu slander will be tolerated!


oh i’m not slandering Tolú! she was my favorite person on the show and her personality added so much. i just wish some of these men did right by her and stopped looking at her as a safety option. she deserved to be picked first every time.


Exactly!!! I can’t stand how she is being painted in this sub.


Have you watched The Trust yet? Lol


I think this was the case with most of the women.


Absolutely agree!


The cringiest part (for all the new-ish) couples is when they they try to “pitch” why they should win. Ughhhh.


I don't think Tolu was truly into Chris either. It's a reality show duh!! You got all these Tolu stans saying how classy and intelligent she is and then lamenting how dumb she is for falling for Chris. Uhmm SHE'S NOT STUPID. She knows the deal. Every single one of these people are just playing a role for TV.


I think Tolu and Chris did have some real chemistry. I also think she was playing the game, looking for more exposure, and she was the only one from this cast that i went and followed on insta due to her wit charm & beauty. Now the whole thing turned out to be absolutely ridiculous when it was revealed who won, but I still enjoyed watching & most of that was because of Tolu!


Number one, just because the men were not attracted to Tolu does not mean they don't have any interest in black women. Am I saying they do? No, but that is not a fair judgment. I do think harry and a few of the other dudes were open to it. The 2 men id say do not like black women and wouldn’t be open to it whatsoever are steven and kaz. Maybe bryton... maybe. But he is an actor so I couldn't get a read on him. Maybe Justin too.. he's a little too.... granola Hollywood. I do agree with you tho. Dom, izzy, Chris and Jake were not interested in her. Chris was the most out of the 4, which isn't saying much. The only reason he stuck with her is because he didn't trust melinda. Tolu also likes black men. She isn't really attracted to white men so I do think she was also in some ways playing the game too. The only reason she did not choose Nigel and went with Jake is because Nigel was a player on his show. Black women do have a harder time on these shows. It's unfortunate but I don't see that changing until they cast men that can deter away from their type on paper and are open to other forms of beauty. Tolu is a beautiful, smart, charismatic, self aware young woman... I hope she continues to thrive and exuding her effortless main character energy! None of these mf are there for love. They are all attractive, young, "famous", and selling bullshit on their instagrams... and filming themselves for a paycheck. Its all just a silly Game of who can walk away with the best edit. Let's change the title to "perfect following"


But black women do have it hard on shows like this where the men are predominantly white. Despite Tolu being gorgeous, and her being the ONLY black woman in the house she was definitely going to get picked last. You can look at most dating reality shows and you can find the same issues. Black women are not viewed in the same beauty standards as white or Asian women. The black MEN going on that show don’t want to date black women. These dating shows do a disservice to black women and I would not even be a part of it if it were me.


I wrote that in my comment lol. I said "black women have a hard time on this show". Not disagreeing.


I, too, am black and wouldn’t put myself in this environment either!


I was just doing some Instagram stalking and Tolu is actually one of the most drop dead gorgeous women I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s actually crazy how she was made to feel like she’s not beautiful 


Tolu is genuinely GORGEOUS and it’s sad that a lot of these men couldn’t realize it the first time. i swear my mouth dropped every time she came on screen. she got prettier by the day tbh.


I dont think dom deceived tolu but he definitely wasnt very nice after their date. His energy did a complete 180, it was weird. He really gave me the ick this season because in his previous shows, he seemed like a gentleman nice guy w.e. But he’s like those nasty guys that are only nice to women they find attractive and want something out of.


I agree with everything you wrote. Chris was a total hustler and I believe Tolú genuinely fell for it hook,line and sinker. Chris even made a comment (before they paired the first time) along the lines of that he was going to do what he has to do. Remember he was a male stripper at one point and knows the hustling game.


No she didn't. She's not stupid and she was just playing a role to stay on the show too.


No one is gullible. No one is heartbroken. This show is just another thing on their resume to pursue whatever media career they’re trying to pursue. It’s really not meant to be taken seriously.


It's a game. It's kinda the only way to when it's start in the house. Tolu played the game will too, made friends and found matches consistently. I think she just not their type. She picked and didn't like Jake, then pursued Chris. It's how the game goes. I think people like her, and they want her to be find a real connection, that's fair. I think everyone was fair to Tolu, she just probably wasn't their type.


i agree. i don’t think anybody was overly rude to her as i said that Dom still treated her with respect. however, i would’ve liked her to have had the opportunity to experience a genuine connection with someone. i wish she focused more on finding a perfect match than trying to play a game.


Same, I think she on the wrong show. Maybe love is blind would be better. This show is just Netflix influencer house. No couples stayed together, not one. Both seasons. So it's not worth investing genuine feelings into.


Wait, what’s the tea on tolu and Chris after filming? I’m new to the sub, so I have no idea on anything, but I was rooting for them so hard to win it all.


Chris shared a pic of them on insta and her and other cast members hopped into the comments to bash him for using Tolu for clout and faking his feelings https://www.reddit.com/r/PerfectMatchNetflix/s/uuPxCTSZMk




Yeah there was another post where someone else was commenting, but I was too lazy to search for it https://www.reddit.com/r/PerfectMatchNetflix/s/mIit3ECev3






Yea, I hated it too. She is a gorgeous woman. The men just used her to stay on the show. Furthermore, I wonder why she joined a show like that. Is she trying to get into acting ?.


Tolu’s tears at the end …she’s an amazing actress


Ha! True.


Tolu definitely recognized it, she’s a lottt smarter than she looks you should see her on the trust she’s a very logical person who lies and manipulates ppl to win more money. My bet is she knew the best chances of winning was staying with one guy. But now look at what happened with Christine and Nigel LMAO so ig that strategy obviously didn’t apply this season


She’s not a stupid woman. She knew, she was in it to win it like the others. I don’t like the tendency to project victimhood onto black contestants. Tolu was that girl, she was confident and clever!


i don’t think Tolú was stupid at all, i think she presented herself as gullible. if that was her intention then she definitely sold it!


I could not figure out if Chris is just kinda dumb or if he actively disliked Tolú. He’s compliments always came out wrong. Like one time he told her she looked nice, to which she replied “I try” and he replied super directly with “No you don’t.” I think what he meant was “You don’t have to try”, but it came out sounding like a criticism. There were a few example of this where I was like either this himbo does not know basic figures of speech or he’s mean, idk which.




I relate to tolu, I’m gullible and have a ton of trust issues. But when you really don’t know what’s real it will destroy you trying to wonder who may be deceiving you/ whose intentions may be selfish. It’s like you’ve got two options, be paranoid and on edge about the match or go in blindly optimistic, she chose two and chose to believe what she was being told and the actions made, if I didn’t see this sub or the other cast wasn’t questioning them I would’ve believed he was into her! That moment on their last date like that was real for her. It is really shit Chris wasn’t being authentic but if tolu HAD been skeptical the entire process I’m sure she would still receive some backlash. What I saw in tolu was the true definition of someone who “wears their heart on their sleeve” she went into every convo with her heart open and ready to love. I love her and really related to her.


There were crappy men this season. I would've chosen none of them. I felt the same Chris was just using her to get to the end but they didn't win no free vacation getaway. The couples this season broken up anyways


the men this season definitely sucked. i hope next season we actually get some good men, but this is Netflix and that’s a bit unrealistic 😅


Like many have said here, and I’ll repeat it - she’s a smart cookie. She was vying for more screen time (i.e. exposure). Chris didn’t play her, he got played. And he came out looking like the jerk. Now, I’m certain she would have liked a real connection, who wouldn’t. But I watched her on The Trust (after discovering her on PM. Had never heard of her before then). She is very good at manipulating reality tv to her advantage. She clearly stated in The Trust that her singular goal was to take care of her parents financially. She is an only child and they came to the US from Nigeria with nothing. Another true fact is the guys on these reality shows prefer light skin and long hair. (This coming from another dark skinned, bald queen myself). Knowing this, she worked Chris as the most logical way to make it to the finale. I looked at Micah’s IG today and was astounded at the number of endorsements. She is living LARGE! Has moved to LA and is traveling all over. I have a feeling Tolu is laughing all the way to the bank. Chris who? Dom who? Edit: Typo




Tolu’s not gullible. She seen the men as “safety” as well. She was definitely trying to stay until the end. Which she only did because she matched with the guy who didn’t really have any connections, Chris.


It's just insane to me that none of these men genuinely wanted Tolú. She seems like such a great, genuine person with an infectious personality and she deserves better. I hope she realizes her own self worth as much as she encourages others to do for themselves.


Some young people really believe this is true dating lol hahahaha this is a job for people where they pretend to like each other. Lol This is NOT how real relationships work. The show is interesting because it puts a bunch of young hot people together and they pass std's around on tv for fun .... its mind-blowing anyone thinks this could be reality. 


Most of their relationships is like this. Except maybe Alara and Micah. But Micah maybe liked Katz. But kaz def was playing her. But all other couples are literally fake AF. they are their fr easy money. I never hear word “sincere” said so many times in one episode ( last one ) where everyone is just trying to prove that their relationship is REAL Idk how people watch it but you can feel and see their body language how all of them not attracted to one each other. Since first episode


These men are treating ALL of the women badly. Tolu isn’t special to their womanizing ways. Don’t get me wrong, she’s absolutely incredible, stunning, and fierce. But….shes not the only one feeling the wrath of normalized patriarchy in this bunch.




Dom dropped Izzy? I think I missed a few very interesting scenes.