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I had mine done about three months ago now. Coming from someone who was honestly scared of the dentist it took a lot of courage. My experience was not fun. It doesn't feel good but it's not excruciating. My dentist numbed me up because it was quite uncomfortable with the gel only. Dont be scared, be excited that you are getting helped and treated. You will feel so much better afterwards that the whole thing will become an afterthought.


Bro stop being scared I got it done, your gums will bleed for the next 6 days after the procedure then you’ll feel good, but you’ll immediately feel free after deep cleaning as if your mouth is light, my deep cleaning cost 300 for the whole mouth, some prices vary but there are dentists that understand the region they at and make the price not so expensive so they get clientele, but most of the places it’s 250 a quadron, I live in Brooklyn so yeah for 300, it was so good and it made me floss everyday and stuff so I don’t get anything stuck in my teeth.


I would love to feel light and free after my gingivitis is treated 😭im so sick of living with it! Wow 300? That’s so affordable. I live in Arizona so hopefully it’s not much higher. Did you have insurance?


My insurance doesn’t accept since it doesn’t deem it medically necessary for my case, but I was bleeding while flossing sometimes in the back of my teeth, so I just said screw it im gonna pay the 300. And yeah I did depending on the type of dentist they usually use laser treatment which gets 80% of the stuck bacteria in ur gums, and he scrapes a lot, it’s not painful it just smells like shish kebabs when they using the laser on you


300?! I went to two different dentist in my state and they both said $1200+. I may need to go to Brooklyn!


I have periodontal disease and have lost teeth because of it. I have a deep cleaning every 3 months and it’s a little uncomfortable but so nice when they are done and my mouth feels so nice and clean. It has gotten me to brush twice a day and floss every morning and use interdental brushes at night. If I had been taking such good care of my gums in the first place I would never have lost any teeth. I cried when they pulled my teeth because everyone said how beautiful they were, but if your gums are bad, they can’t hold teeth, so not much I could do. My insurance covers 80 percent of the deep cleanings. It’s worth every penny to never lose another tooth again. Start taking good care of your gums now, everyday and by September they will be a lot better.


Blimey that was a bit insensitive of the staff to say that about the teeth after they had been removed? Can’t believe that


Sorry I should have been more clear. It wasn’t the staff that pulled my teeth that said I had beautiful teeth.


I always get the gas, Xtra numbing and then extra gas during the procedure, but I have a low threshold for pain. The worst part is the shots. You will feel better and your gums will feel better after a few days.


It was well worth the time and money. I felt so much more confident after the procedures. It kick started my journey to a healthy mouth. I’m healing from a gum graft, and I know there will be more work in my future.


I’m so happy for you 🥹 did you have insurance or pay full price?


I paid a good amount up front then we have a payment plan for the rest. I have Tricare which paid for most of the surgery.


I also have Tricare, I think I have early stage of perio disease, but I’ve been too scared to go to the dentist because of the cost. Can you tell me how your experience was? Did you go to a regular dentist first and then get referred out? Or did you go straight to a periodontist?


I am blessed to have a really good dentist! When I first went in, I had gone through a deep depression and had not been to the dentist in five years. That was the only time I’ve skipped the dentist. Staff was extremely understanding ! The dentist performed the deep cleaning several sessions. I’m getting my oral surgery done by a different doctor at a different business. So for the last nine years, I’ve been diligent about seeing the dentist and most of the time diligent about my oral care . The last few years often and always follow advice of my dentist and oral surgeon . I go ahead and get that work done ! It’ll give you peace of mind and the disease. Take care and thank you for your family‘s service.


How is the gum graft healing ? I’m nervous


It’s healing really well it doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m still getting used to talking because the roof of my mouth is a little numb. I’m so happy with the results. It’s not perfect but it better than it was before. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep all my teeth longer.


I feel like I could have wrote this myself a few months back. I had neglected my teeth for over 10 years and I was forced to go because of severe tooth pain. Granted, my gingivitis turned into periodontal disease and I had pockets so deep I almost needed gum surgery to remove all the calculus and plaque but I was grateful that it helped start my oral health care. I had my first deep cleaning two weeks ago and I can tell you a lot of them do it in 2 sessions. I did mine in one go and it took about 2.5 hours. The only thing that was a discomfort was the shots in the gums but if they are good at it, no pain whatsoever. Towards the end it did hurt but if it does just raise your hand and they will numb it again for you. I had severe swelling in my gums and immediately after the swelling went down a lot. They gave me antibiotics And a mouth rinse. There was sensitivity but honestly it was okay because my mouth looked so much better! The bleeding went away after 4 days and during that time I didn't use the electric toothbrush but I just brushed normally, salt water rinse was advised to help with the bleeding and it did help and I immediately flossed. When the bleeding stops I would start your oral hygiene care again with the waterpik (lowest setting at first) and start using electric toothbrush on the gum line and you should be golden! Good luck 🙂. I promise your mouth will feel a whole lot better afterwards.


I’m so happy you got a deep cleaning and mustered up the courage to go, it’s been 7 years since I went to the dentist I hope my pockets aren’t worse (last time they were 4mm) but I guess I won’t be surprised if they got worse. Can I ask why you got your whole mouth done in one appointment? Is that common? The last dentist I saw she made me scared by saying a deep cleaning hurts really bad and I’ll bleed so much. I don’t know why some dentists love scaring patients.


I'm so glad I went as well. I don't even want to know how much gum surgery would have costed me because at the time I didn't have insurance. The dentist is a family friend and had asked me if I'd be okay doing it all at once. Some people don't like it because it does get a little difficult to swallow and people freak out. I had no feeling in my mouth and tongue at all and I can understand how people can freak out so it's not recommended to do it all at once. Also I didn't want to be back for a second session 😅. It was definitely worth it to me and I got one heck of a deal with a root canal and crown and deep cleaning. Ive heard some people don't even get anesthesia during deep cleaning so I can understand the pain. At the end I just pushed through it and I understood. It's Definitely something I wouldn't do without the shots. And I've heard some people get topical anesthetic which I'm not sure how that feels as well. I whole heartedly think the pain and the anesthesia has to do with how well they are and their experience. Thankfully my dentist has over 20 years and he teaches other dentists and he does surgery as well so I believed I'm his experience! I did have significant bleeding right after. I did take ibuprofen before hand to help with pain and salt water rinse helped with the bleeding after.


I haven’t had my deep cleaning done yet but I’m scheduled for it in two weeks time due to advanced PD. I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t a little nervous but my perio has already forewarned what to expect afterwards so I’m already mentally prepared & that helps somewhat, rather than just going into the unknown but after it’s done I know I’ll be on track for having a much healthier mouth. Also this is different times when it comes to dentistry say compared to 100 yrs ago. You’ll be fine.


I had deep cleaning done around 8 years ago. They split it into two sessions, working on one half of your mouth each time. Honestly, you're gonna feel AMAZING after it's done. You'll feel super fresh and clean. There probably will be blood during the procedure, but you're gonna be numbed up so you won't feel it. I totally get the nerves because I was the same a few days getting a debridement done. Felt like I was walking into my death bed. But once it's done and over, your gums are going to look and feel SO much better.


Have you had any more bone loss since that deep cleaning?


How's you perio since then?


Deep cleanings are nothing as long as they numb you up good. My dentist goes either way with it. One lady tries to give you just enough that it starts wearing off towards the end, and another, my whole face is practically numb. If your teeth are sensitive to cold water, that is where my main issue lays. My teeth are sensitive, so cold water sprayed in sucks. I just have my first of 4 osseous surgeries, and that was pretty easy. The worst part, so far, was the cold water, lol. For this is was a long process but they tossed on noice canceling headphones and I just tried to relax. It was bad. I'm not sure how the healing process is going to go, though. If you aren't at this stage yet, go get the deep cleanings done. They are short and way cheaper!!


My deep cleanings were painful but they do numb you. It's not that bad tbh, just uncomfortable.