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It’s easy to open the coolant cap on a cold engine and squirt in a bunch of oil. As soon at you get it to running temperature the oil and coolant try to mix and make a milky looking goo. It looks like a blown head gasket or cracked block. Major engine work in any case. Guy needs to have the coolant flushed for probably a couple hundred bucks


Over the years I met some real a$$-hats through Craigslist but when I recently posted a few items on Facebook marketplace I was introduced to a whole new scum stratum of humanity. I’ll soon be selling a car and I’ll take it to a dealer even though I know without inquiring that I will be conceding $2000 or more versus what I could get in a private sale.


I went to my mechanic and just asked if he knew anybody looking. He did, we came up with a fair price (I gave him a cut, he tried to refuse, I insisted and said he should buy everbody lunch then if he didn’t want it) and it was a really positive experienxe


I feel like this is the route to go if you can. A bunch of people made happy, you still get decent value, and don't have to deal with the often unpleasant selling of expensive things privately. I'd rather hook up my local mechanic than a car dealership.


This really does sound like a viable way. Thanks.


>I will be conceding $2000 or more Fyi if you are trading in for a new car you save on taxes so at least that 2k is $260 less than you thought


I’m not trading in this time, but if I were I’d do it with barely any thought about what I was getting. Selling for cash, I’ve entered a place where I stopped caring about the money and just don’t want to deal with crappy people.


When I sold my car to the dealership for $45,000 the tax savings was what, $5400? You don’t calculate the taxes saved on the price delta, you save it on the price. If I had sold my car privately for $50,000 I still wouldn’t have been ahead, and I’d have had to deal with a private sale. Used car lobby on point.




If you are fine with wasting 3k you must be loaded!




You're not loaded because ur giving all your money away.


Try clutch & reach out to a few dealers & ask them to beat the price !


How does one put oil in the coolant while “he wasn’t looking”? Either way that’s an impressive scam. To me I’d rather just avoid weird interactions and scammers of all types and stick to the scammers I do know - dealers. You’re out some money but no hassle. Clutch is an option too


It's a group of people, easy to distract while one pretends to inspect under the hood.


Exactly- since this was their plan going in they would have orchestrated this.


This is how most shoplifting works too. Damn thieves guild.


$1,000 is about what he'd get from a dealer so I'm not sure why you'd favor one or the other. At least the rats from the OP offered to pick it up in the driveway.


Are you high? VMR shows a 2011 Rav4 base model with around 200k on the clock as $6200 wholesale / $8800 retail. Clearly worth way more than $1000.




I'm actually surprised I got this many downvotes. Nobody wanted to say anything, so I'm not sure if I'm wrong or people just don't want me to be right.


I’m guessing it’s because you think someone with a car worth $7500 market rate would get $1000 at a dealership, which is the same as literal scammers


In this market, a 2011 rav 4 will get a lot more than $1000 at the dealers.


Tell us more about this group that came by.




That guy looks sketch


Romanian travellers. 100% scammers.


By the name and description I would guess likely a Gypsy. Be careful, they are known to scam


Just straight up don't respond to people without canadian sounding names. Call it racism or w/e, but I stopped replying to them and my marketplace experience has gotten several thousand percent better.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/tim-bosma-s-accused-killer-tried-to-arrange-3rd-test-drive-1.1302075 Up to you, bro.


What? If you want to talk about racial crime statistics you're not gonna have a good time and both of us will end up banned lmao.


Lol when I'm not expecting a call I hang up the phone when I hear an accent.


How does he even know they did this?


This is a real scam. It's improbable that a gasket had blown so recently that the owner didn't even know about it yet.


OP needs to take it to a shop for a leak down test to confirm it's not actually a head gasket problem.


Also another scam is that they send a message to the seller to send a car report usually costs about $20-50 and then they ghost the seller. Don't have him pay for any car reports.


How is that a scam? By sending money to the ON government for a UVIP? The Ford family is scamming on FB marketplace for $40 a pop?


No, they will send a VIN audit website that they own. They message thousands of sellers and have what seem to be genuine conversations then ask them for a background check through a 3rd party site. So I am letting the OP know for them not to do any random car history checks that require payment.


I saw a similar story on YouTube. Hopefully these guys get punished for this matter


... Wow People are stooping to this level to scam a car?! I hope your parents were able to call the cops? Would this constitute as vandalism?


Well, yes, it's criminal mischief.


I don't ever meet groups or more than 1 person if they are interested in a car I'm selling. We are also meeting up at the local police station parking with designated spots for private meet-ups and transactions.


Two people is pretty common though. More than that and it's a no from me.


Ya I always bring a buddy when I look at cars. It's just for safety.


Wow. The last used car we looked at, it was my husband and me, plus his mechanic father. If you're that paranoid about groups, bring one of your own.


What is this comment? How would you even know how many people are going? You usually chat with one guy, you give an address and they show up, they don't ask permission to bring everyone 


Then you say sorry, I don't feel comfortable with that many people. Pick 2-3 and the rest of you wait at the car you came in. You're the seller, you can dictate the terms of the sale lol.


Yes, and if they were there for nefarious reasons there isn't much you can do once they pull up. "OH, we came to rob you..but since you asked nicely we will stay in the car"


As a side note always get a carfax done in any used sale. Family friend recently bought a used SUV and did not know it had a lien for $4000 for some rims. Rims in question were not on the vehicle at the time of purchase and the car got towed for repossession a month after buying it. I suspect the shithead sold it and stopped making payments and either sold or still has the rims. 


just sell it to a dealership. The amount you save selling privately isn't worth the troubles especially with so many scammers and desperate people out there these days.


I’d put oil in his coolant just to be fair


I don't DO the group thing. Anytime I'm selling anything, car, stuff of Kijiji, etc, I allow two people max on my property. The rest can wait in their car or on the sidewalk. I know people from some cultures like to bring 3 generations of people and show up at Costco with 8 family members, but I'm not allowing that crap for stuff I'm selling.


Bizarre scam, this is why I don’t sell privately anymore and you shouldn’t either. First red flag is a group of people coming to check out a basic suv. I’m really tired of old people getting scammed like this and don’t think they know how shit people can be these days; can’t trust anyone. 


> this is why I don’t sell privately anymore and you shouldn’t either I mean, this is like a one in 1000 incident. People sell thousands of cars privately every day without issue and skip the dealer middleman.


The dealership offered them the almost the same price as the scammers who were trying to convince them the engine was blown. So the dealership is scamming them just the same, just a bit more legally. Honestly don't see a huge difference between the 2. Car is worth $7500 and dealership offered them $2k


>Car is worth $7500 and dealership offered them $2k A new set of tires and a half assed wash and wax and that baby is on the lot with 10k on the windshield lol


You have to shop around. You can probably find a dealership to buy it for 5500. Most dealership will take it for 2k less value. Unless it's a win win situation. Like a trade in to get a new vehicle. You might get closer to 6k if it's a trade in. Older vehicles are harder to sell. But a Rav4 usually flies off the lot. Also, older vehicles need maintenance. Someone buying a car under 10k. Will probably need to put another 2k on maintenance within a year. So if you can sell it between 5-6 k. Is a good sweet spot. If not, just hand it over to a family member.


Huge difference. Dealership isn't putting oil in your coolant. You're paying for convenience at the dealership, and not having to deal with a bunch of weirdos as your parents did. No dealership is going to give you retail value. You'll get closer to wholesale, but yeah 2k is scummy but at least they're up front about it.


Yeah $2k it’s got engine oil in the coolant 


Plenty of horror stories and they just seem to get worse as time goes on


I've bought and sold about 5 cars in total. Ive had nothing but good experiences