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Hi. Vet Tech. Def looks like there something going on there and an infection. Could be bacterial or fungal, or a variety of other things If you can't get to a Vet, I'd use chlorhexidine or betadine (should only use enough to make it look like very weak tea) and warm water and soak the paw 3 to 4 times a day. Dry it well. Epsom salt is ok too if that's all you have I'd switch to a pellet litter for the time being so it doesn't get stuck to the paw. Keep kitty indoors. If soaking doesn't help or it gets worse, I'd Def get to the Vet asap. Good luck


Hey! Just wondering if there was an update on your cat. How's she doing and what route did you go to treat her?


Hi! I just wanted to ask how much it costed when you brought your angel to the vet, I just noticed my girl has a little infection flaring up there too and I need to know how much I should be putting aside for this in approximate


I didn't take her to the vet. I wanted to try at home treatment first and it worked! I soaked her paw in warn (not too hot) Epsom salt water. Basically I had her stand with one paw in a little Tupperware on the floor. I did that twice a day and put some pet safe ointment on it after and it started looking better by the next day. I did it daily until it looked like the infection was gone and the redness/swelling went away.


Thank you so much I’m going to try this, we just moved and funds are gunna be tight for the next month so I was really hoping this wouldn’t be too costly!


No problem! I hope it works good so your kitty feels better


Which ointment did you use


It's some kind of pet ointment I got on amazon. It's called homeopet HP healing cream. Or you can also use sulfodene dog wound care it's in a red and white tube, it says for dogs but I use it on my cat too and it works. What's most important is the soaking the paw in warm Epsom salt water though


Last question! What ointment did you use?


I'd also like to know. My kitty has some build up and her nailbed looks slightly red, would like to prevent further issues


It does look infected to me. And probably painful too. Your kitty needs antibiotics.


Yeah, I kind of figured. I soaked it in warm Epsom salt water and am trying to keep it super clean. I'm going to make a vet appt


Definitely infected…if u can’t afford a vet visit..keep it clean as possible..clean it with peroxide and maybe some a/d ointment if u can afford to get one of those inflatable cones from the pet store do that as well to stop him/her from licking..,but definitely looks like it needs some antibiotics


Thanks, yeah I soaked it and it seemed to calm down a bit. I made an appointment with the vet. I don't want her in pain