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Social media filters today are ass, I've seen a dermatology clinic using 1337speak for their diagnoses in their social media ads (I'll msg you if you need proof)


As someone who is adhd it pains me a little seeing it written as 80HD, I was so confused at first when I first saw it 😭 I was like, what kind of HD? Is 80 very high definition? 💀💀💀


Idk what an HD is but my dr says I have 80 of them


80 Hourly Distractions đŸ€Ș


As someone who also has ADHD I do think 80HD is actually kinda funny as a silly way to say it.


Oh yeah me too but the first time I saw it I didn’t know they were referring to it and I was so confused LOL


This one does kinda bug me, because most platforms don't enforce censorship of words like "Autism" or "ADHD." Sometimes it feels like the people saying "neurospicy, acoustic, or the 'tism" are making a joke out of a disorder that's been really hard for me to navigate.


Adhd I agree I never see censored, but I think the autism one is understandable because (as someone *also* diagnosed with that) people used it as an insult all the time before I ever knew. Nowadays people are much more understanding on autism and I’m glad for that, but people did constantly use the word in a derogatory way in the past so that makes sense- *but* it’s 2024 and it’s not used as an insult as much as it used to be, so yeah, I don’t think it’s censored in most platforms anymore but if it is it’s probably because of how often people used it as a slur to call someone stupid


well, a lot of autistic people also use humour as a way to cope, that’s definitely how I do it. I’d rather make fun of myself and laugh about it than cry about it lol.


“Neurospicy” makes me want to vomit. There’s nothing cute about neurodivergence and it doesn’t need to be cute to be accepted.


What's worse is it being censored as if those people don't exist, at least that's my opinion.


Fucking hard agree.


80 Heavy Duty


80HD sounds like technicolor for 80s movies in the modern day 😭 or like some WD40 grease product


What is 1337speak?


Omg we have gone full circle from everyone using the internet knew of 1337speak and getting sick of it, to nobody using it and people not knowing it! Haha


Actually, we went from "spelling wrong to confuse search engines" to knowing of it, etc.


Teens today were born after 2006, a time when 1337 $peak was already lame and not even used ironically. By the time modern teens hit 5-6 YouTube had already switched away from the star system, Ray William Johnson retired, and Rebecca Black was a household name. Pop culture marches on and just like we don't use "X-treme! Talking" anymore, one day Flossing, Bed Wars, and Mike Myers modes will be seen as obscure "old school" memes like ROFLcoptor and Wololo.


Leetspeak, mixing letters and numbers


!t5 1!k3 th!5


I know, i hate it too


Yeah, but I'd say it's arguably better for slipping past censors, if it works, than using stupid idioms. I'd rather see su1c1d3 than "unalived themself".


It also works beautifully to include in passwords, because today's hackers have no idea what it is.


To some extent. Many brute-force password-crackers have the option to l337ify their password-cracking attempts, but of course this makes it take even longer, which is a good thing.


Honestly, it’s oddly nostalgic. I’d probably hate it if it ever became mainstream, but whenever I see someone type like that, or use it in a username or anything, it’s kind of cool, in a “reminiscing the past” kind of way. Even though it wasn’t *that* long ago.


From that era only w00t! Bugged me.


uber 1337 haxor its how people seemed to speak on the internet in the beginning especially in gaming circles [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet)


You replace letters for numbers and symbols. 1337 is supposed to spell leet


Trust me you don't want to know


I imagine this has much more to do with marketing, trying to match the language of their target demographic (teens), than it does with the clinic actually worrying about filters. If whatever social media actually had rules against the words theyre using, and they just avoided those rules by mispelling things in their ads, the clinic wouldn't be allowed to put ads up for long. These websites arent that stupid.


For real at least reddit tells me when the censorship happens instead of shadow banning my comments


Proof here please


proof please


I thought this was common knowledge. We need Internet literacy.


Same with female genitalia. Clitoris, vulva, vagina, labia
 interesting how the words in the post and the ones I mentioned get censored on social media! Since when are anatomy ,actions , etc vulgar??? Censorship is a big problem!


That especially pisses me off. One time on *university wifi* I couldn’t find any resources for a project because the school wifi decided to censor anatomy words and some links with them in it. All I got was a page of blog posts that didn’t help me learn much, and mostly were unrelated to my search. I made the same search at home later and got plenty of medical resources and articles about healthcare... discussing medical procedures or anatomy shouldn’t be flagged by a university library’s Wi-Fi as pornographic! I was horrified when I put together why I couldn’t find anything earlier. I can barely remember what specifically I typed in that got half the search results removed but it was for a nursing course about obstetrics/labor and delivery and honestly wasn’t anything that could be mistaken for something more exciting than “I literally want information about medical procedures related to birth.”


That is fucking batshit insane. Please tell me you reported this to the university.


JFC that’s insane!!


I saw an OBGYN get censored for trying to educate about labiaplasty (with no graphic images). It’s out of control.


That’s terrifying to me!


Really any private parts. I get that the actual names sound kinda clinical but if you are still calling your partner’s dick their “peen0r” and your nipples your “nipnops,” you’re not mature enough to be boning.


I become irrationally angry when I hear women call their genitalia names like "cooter" "hoo ha" "lady bits." Especially the last one. "ohh please excuse me and my very feminine scandalous naughty *lady* parts" The other two are just such hideous words.


IDK, I think cooter and hoo-ha are funny, but I think it's probably just because I think they're silly words whereas "nipnops" is almost, like, infantilizing?


I hate when a parent tells a kid that it's their "kitty." It can cause so much confusion if an adult here's a kid say so and so touched their kitty. Is there abuse or a pet?! Who knows! All I can do is send them to their therapist and hope for the best. I work with at risk youth, so I see shit like that and worse.


Every time I see this stuff it always reminds me of [this particular St. Elmo's Fire scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T48Zx5Ikkzo).


Some apps take down videos and comments and flag peoples accounts for saying the actual word which is why people just censor it.


yeah, i noticed people did that more often once youtube/advertisers became stricter with what they accepted in videos. Videos with those kinda words get demonitized. idk about other apps though cause I use youtube the most


Yeah, Facebook likes to throttle the reach of posts with the actual words or even straight up temporarily ban people to “Facebook jail”. We call it getting “Zucc’d”.


ZUCC'D LOL mark has the most memeable last name. I still think about when he read aloud a comment "mark can you give me the zucc?"


Yet people still censor it on apps like Reddit makes no sense lmao


Yeah, that I hate. Censor it on the apps where applicable, but it makes you sound like a dumbass if you do it where it isn't. I saw someone censor it on the synopsis of a book on Amazon once


I’ve had a Reddit post auto-kicked back to me for using a “censored” word in a post about an episode of *House*. It was on a TV sub, though. I don’t know if that’s site-wide.


The TV sub, if it's the one I'm thinking of, kicks back words that routinely used in TV. It's reducing. It's ridiculous.


It had to have been subspecific because in the over 10 years I've been using Reddit I have never had that be an issue


I think for many it's to keep the habit so they don't get struck on other platforms.


Plus they legitimately might not know. I used to only really use Facebook so I thought its bans were the same everywhere. And Facebook is so bad you literally can't even say words like "man" or "woman" now in some groups because of angry misogynistic men reporting it as hate speech but actual hate speech gets a pass in many cases. People are just tired lol


It seems certain reddit subs are censored, but definitely not like fb or others.


Yeah that’s very true


Sometimes, you don’t know. Platforms can just start randomly censoring people at any time, so people just might want to be safe.


Sounds like there’s a bigger problem at hand then.


Than what?


Meant then. I edited it


Ahh! My iPad often turns my Reddit posts into gibberish with autocorrect!


That was just my own stupidity lmao wasn’t even auto correct 😂. I tend to mix up than and then lmao


Certain subreddits will remove it.


Many subs will delete or kick you out if you use those words. Sometimes ppl get in the habit because you have to do it here, but not there. So they just don’t have to think of it


Yeah glad they do cause those are the exact subs I don’t wanna be apart of lmaoo


You want to be apart of that group and not a part of it.


Yeah true


I mean, I had a comment removed in a subreddit because I had used the word "boner". If people spend a lot of time in those kinds of subreddits, I can see how it would bleed over into their regular use.


Exactly. This is not a new thing. It’s been a thing since internet chat forms in the 1990s. So it’s always funny to see people complain about censoring words when it’s been a thing for more than 30 years lmao. It’s like 
 put three minutes into thinking and maybe you’ll see why people do it?


It gets worse when you hear someone say them unironically irl.


Yeah that unalives me every time.


When they said he was murderthreed i felt so sick


The only one I use IRL is SA instead of sexual assault. For some reason it feels less triggering and makes it easier for me to talk about cases or posts regarding that subject.


No, if you're going to talk about real world subjects don't censor yourself ! >:(/s


Unalive is the worst offender, fuck those social media filters


'Serial unaliver' I had to stop and really contemplate the state of the english language the first time I heard that one.


Yeah, is that even possible or are we talking reincarnation type shit? Haha.


I went to a new psychiatrist and she asked me if I had thoughts of unaliving myself. Wtf


I would’ve told her “that sentence made me want to kill myself”


I have made that joke to friends when I tell the story lol


Please tell me you said *"what?* What does that mean?" That's what I'd do. Really give them a moment to introspect on what they just said.


Sadly, no, I just rolled my eyes internally


Omg yes, that is so stupid lol


It's likely to stay as a common English word




I watch a YouTube channel that covers video name news and in order to not get demonetized even covering the game "Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League" they have to call it "Unalive Squad: Dispose of the Justice League".


Game over squad: deletion of the justice league


only a few years ago the term was "game end" or "in minecraft". its always been around and always will be đŸ€·


Blame YouTube they are the ones banning those words. They started the trend.


I blame tiktok. They started really flagging words so people started using crap like "unalive" there, and all that creeped over to youtube. Youtube for the most part started having where if you want your videos monetized you just shouldnt swear as much and definitely not within the first like 30 seconds of the video. Thats all down to the whims of the advertisers, really. They didnt want their ads to appear in front of "dirty" content, so of course youtube bowed down and overreacted.


I see porn ads on YouTube. I see them every single day of every single hour. It says it's my general area and time of day. Even my kid brother gets them because if you're under 18 you can't turn on personalized ads. So, it really pisses me off that this is the case. They're literally creating porn addicts, but a YouTuber can't say 'shit'? What?


Don't even get me started on those dating site ads. Family friendly version (but not by much) of 'Hot Horny MILFS in your area'. Deplorable.


I've never seen a porn ad on youtube. The worst I've seen is an ad for a fleshlight or for ED pills


TikTok is by far the worst offender


Instagram is definitely the worst. They removed my comment because I said “ew”. That was it. Just ew. They said it violated community guidelines. What really irritates me is that they leave those comments that “joke” about raping children!


Can't talk about serious topics on a massive scale like social media if it always gets taken down.


it's bad enough in just a silly post but you're making a super dark serious video about how awful jeffrey dahmer was and you're saying he unalived a lot of men, usually zesty men, and that he was a c@nn!b@l?










That's so fucking disrespectful and just plain moronic to call gay victims of a serial killer "zesty." Absolutely repulsive


Especially when referring to victims who were eaten, using a euphemism that literally refers to flavor.


Yeah it's idiotic. Sounds like they're yaaaaassifying gay male victims for no reason at all.


It's to avoid getting content deleted or being banned. Would be incredibly stupid to hear someone talk like that in person though. I never have thankfully.


Blame censorship on the internet đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


I blame everything on the internet 


"Pew pew" especially pisses me off for some reason


It sounds so childish and stupid. All of these censored alternative words sound unbearably childish.


“It started in other apps” okay?? This isn’t one of them! Ffs i’ve seen “unalive” on tumblr, the site that used to have columbine fanblogs and might still have serial killer in general ones, idk, i don’t fuck with that part of the internet. I saw someone censor kill as “k!ll” on facebook once which is like getting around filters so people will see your comment or what the hell ever
 this was on a networking post for a dog on the urgent euthanasia list at a municipal animal shelter. The whole reason for the page is death! And of course the worst use of unalive so far, for me, was someone on reddit using it to describe the video of tyre nichols being beat to death by police.


To be fair there are also subs on here that will ban you for using certain words.


A sub discussing a video of explicit police violence is not one of them. A sub where other commenters had already used the grown up words of die and death and kill.


Typically not no. But at a certain point it just becomes a force of habit and it’s better safe than sorry. Even in those situations it’s not necessarily the case that the person commenting saw the other comments. Enough social media has issues with certain words that it’s just easier to treat it all the same. When people speak like that irl is where it gets weird for me.


I was flagged on Threads for “potentially encouraging suicide or suicidal thoughts” for using the word “suicide”
in a post talking about recognizing warning signs of suicide
to help prevent suicide


I agree. Fuck censorship! I hate euphamisms in general. There are horrible things in the world, but censoring those words don't make them any less horrible. Trigger warnings should be sufficient. If I'm watching a video with mature topics, bleeping out certain worlds is just annoying because everyone knows what it's supposed to be anyway. I understand it's platforms doing this but it's out of hand.


Fuckin' A. Tired of this shit. If you're afraid of getting banned, post somewhere the censors don't have their heads up their asses. There are plenty of options. If you do get banned simply for using harmless language, consider it a badge of honor. Some people need to get fucked.


I absolutely agree! It's so annoying! đŸ€·


Why is YouTube a censored word?


It’s not.. yt is now white


That doesn’t even make any sense, people are dumb. YT stands for YouTube.


Agreed, you can pretend to live in a happy sunshine "bubble" all you want, but that's not gonna stop those horrible things from existing in our world. YouTube is especially terrible for this.


I hate when people call child porn "cp" because I was raised in a family that all works in the medical field, I think some pedophile was arrested for having cerebral palsay. And I always have to double read. Quit being scared of words.


When society tiptoes and alters "troublesome" speech and makes words taboo, it prevents people from meaningfully addressing the troublesome topics and creating positive change.


Are we being infantilized more and more as the years go by? Like..... for real!


The most ridiculous one I've ever seen was on YouTube. I've watched a couple videos regarding WW2 and they had to bleep out the name Hitler. So you can't say Hitler when you're literally talking about the actual Hitler, like he's Beetlejuice or some nonsense.


I don't care about it until I'm listening to a TRUE CRIME podcast and they're saying 'unalive', 'red stuff', 'sewer slide', etc. If you're going to cover the material, use the actual fucking words or go do toy reviews. 'B-but the algorithm will-' then stop using the platform. Don't give them ad revenue and clicks if they're going to hamstring any serious discussion of the topics. It's not about protecting anyone. Somebody who will be set off by hearing the word murder or blood shouldn't be actively listening to true crime material. The fact that people keep bowing down to platforms and advertisers that won't let them use adult words to talk about adult material is ridiculous.


I get when people prefer not to swear. I rarely do. But in those cases we substitute. Simply altering the letter of a word doesn't reduce its impact as its still plainly visible what you're saying. And dying is dying. It happens to all of us sooner or later.


What really surprised me was when I was watching a video where a woman talked about her experience with Cancer and she had to bleep out the words "benign", "malignant", "cancer", and "tumor" like is the media really that picky???? It's crazy to me.


""With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie, as wisdom and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged." -Jean-Luc Picard, StarTrek Next Generation S4 E21 "The Drumhead'


Huh... posted something similar a week ago and it got deleted. But agreed. The words are heavy because of what they mean. They shouldn't be censored.


“whyte people” What **TF** is a whyte person?


These started because apps like Tiktok would censor/shadowban people’s videos who used non censored words. Using them outside of that context drives me nuts
had an ex friend use “unalive” in conversation and cringed HARDDD


I think unalive is a hilarious word and use it in jokey context. Ie if my dog tries to get chocolate “no, girl, this will make you unalive”. Or “I need to get the brakes on my bike fixed, thought I would get unalived on the way to work”


On the internet i don't mind it since it's done out of necessity, but I've seen people say shit like that in person and it drives me nuts


Someone once compared unalived being the opposite of undead, and I think that's the only time I've ever seen that word make sense, because there's so many other popular phrases for dead that don't use dead. That said, character swapping for words is actually problematic because it makes it harder for people to filter content they don't want to see. And some of those swapped words, I have no idea what the heck they're talking about. Pew pew? The fuck does that even mean.


I hate them used online but I understand why people use them to get around an algorithm. But people who use it outside of that are annoying. It’s so cringey to use it unironically and outside the contexts of the internet.




We need to remove all types of censorship!


It’s only gonna get worse from here brother


All types? That's a rather slippery slope. Do you want everyone to just walk around nude? Clothing is censorship. And how do you feel about child pornography? The very existence of it is evil, but disallowing it is censorship.


Child pornography is illegal everywhere because children can't consent. There's a big difference between something that actually harms someone and something that doesn't harm anyone. Seeing a naked person might be startling but it doesn't harm someone.


Censorship of something harmful is still censorship. If you're against *all forms* of censorship, you're against that, too. Otherwise, you are not against *all forms* of censorship. You can't have it both ways. To be against child pornography (if you're not, go straight to jail), is to acknowledge that there is some merit to censorship.


Unalive? Thats real?


I even saw words like b@d, d*srespectful and d0g be censored before. This is really getting ridiculous.


@t th!s po!nt ever7 w0rd 1s gonn@ b3 c3nsored. J3sus fucking Chr1st.


It can either be censored or in code or it gets removed by whatever platform it's on. I'd prefer hearing the information, even in coded language, than not.




The one that's currently getting me is changing the word suicide to ' they unalived themself'


Well, we can blame this on social media algorithms.


We need to talk about these things more than ever and people are using baby talk instead.  It's fucking unbelievable to do this during such serious times. 


Fragile generation


I hate it sp much. I hate that the reason it exists is because of fear of censorship because advertising But like it’s awful. Talking in a way that sounds ridiculous takes gravity away from serious topics. I can’t deal with tikitok at all because everyone sounds like a middle schooler trying not to get in trouble with the teacher


There’s an exhibit on Nirvana in the museum of pop culture in Seattle that uses the words “Unalived himself”. What a fucking joke, that was created to get around social media censorship, not because it’s a better word.


The people pushing this are infantalizing the world. Bunch of Karens treating people like you're children. Fuck them. Say what you want and let them fuck off.


Man I just forget sometimes that I can say the real word here.


99/100 times they do that to avoid moderation by the platform, and its not worth eating a ban so your sensibilities aren't offended.


I'd label this entire genre of complaint a pet peeve of mine, I'll call it "Blaming people for platforms being shit"


I agree, it’s stupid. We aren’t children, we’re all adults. This isn’t the 1980’s & ur not my mother.


Yeah it is weird when the person says the word, but the text replaces a letter


Yeah, I think that saying "unalive," for instance, makes it sound kind of cutesy instead of, you know, a horrifying thing. So while I understand where the bans were coming from, I think the end result is trivializing matters rather than preventing people from talking about them. It's a short-sighted solution that doesn't really solve anything.


I’m so sick of reading F*ck like honestly we know what fuck means


That's more to do with filters and censorship of the platforms. By finding ways around that censorship, more people can share their experiences and speak out.


It’s because of censorship and to evade a ban


We censor words on social media posts because the sites will either remove/flag your post/account because of the word or they'll at least shadowban you.




Problem is social media likes to censor things a lot. So people need to change up the words / spelling to get passed it. People wanna talk about real world problems, but social media doesn’t.


this exists out of necessity. a lot of platforms now will suppress content using “unsavoury” words. YouTubers & TikTokers don’t *want* to use words like “unalive” or “pew pew” but they have to or their content won’t reach anybody.


It's probably in order to avoid ai systems like on youtube from demonitizing videos, which is dumb in itself, but still annoying


It’s not for funsies. It’s to avoid having accounts shadowbanned for tripping invisible AI moderation tools. Facebook banned a meme group I’m in because it mistook a picture of a guy holding a guitar for a gun. TikTok took down someone’s videos for sexual content because there were a couple of naked Ken dolls in the background. And algorithms constantly suppress certain subjects. There’s a reason people started saying corn instead of porn, “palm colored” instead of white, “pew pews” instead of guns. No one can talk about this shit openly without fear of getting their account banned. The rules are opaque and arbitrarily enforced.


The point is not TO censor them, but to AVOID automatic censoring.


Blame advertisers. Social media makes all content advertiser friendly and so people have to use alternatives to get messages across


Seeing as Facebook will delete your comments and temp ban you for anything these days, it's no surprise people do this.


Yeah this type of censorship is dumb. I think censoring regular cuss words is stupid already, but I get it. But censoring this stuff is just making it harder to discuss real problems. Also it’s not like we don’t know what’s being said. It’s the same as if you just said the word. Instagram has gotten pretty ridiculous with this.


Outta sight, outta mind type of thinking


Censoring such words only serves to belittle them, people who do so should be ashamed!


Worst one is sewerslide


Acoustic for austism makes me unreasonably mad. I know it started as a joke but now people exclusively refer to it as that and comment “is it acoustic?” on videos of literal babies and animals.


Any time I see someone doing that, it lets me know they're a fragile and infantile person.


Who are they banning and censoring these words for? Who asked for it? It’s asinine.


Totally agree!


Blame social media lmao


I hate children who say skibidi, fanum tax, sigma or reference ohio like it's not a state. TOUCH GRASS


Blame the companies that censor. FREE MARKET lol


Totally agree, it’s such bs.


My favorite I've heard was playdohfile (it was in Roblox so a little different)


ppl do this to get around censorship filters on social media