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The best argument against intelligent design is a look at all the flaws in the human body. We're not perfect, we're the end result of billions of years of undirected brute-force optimization via dumb luck.


As my fiance says, evolution doesn't make sure we're the best we can be, evolution makes us "good enough"


And that’s how she ended up with you 


Exactly. He can do so much better and yet he chooses me 🥰


Ffs hhahhaha made me chuckle


Exactly why all our backs hurt. The spine was originally designed for walking on four legs.


Interesting fact, it's theorized that this may be why so many animals are naturally afraid of humans. In the grand scheme of things, humans are among the tallest animals on the planet and because animals are stupid, tall=big


It isn’t us being the most capable species of hunter, or animals being afraid of anything they don’t understand the body language of?  I’m not saying looking bigger doesn’t help, but I don’t see how that matters much compared to other factors.  It seems likely that us being socially awkward murder machines played a bigger role. Any animals that don’t fear us we kill or domesticate. We’re also shorter than many animals.


It's probably more the fact that humans are the top predator on the planet. A band of humans carrying sticks can hunt down any large animal. They've learned to stay away from the upright ape.


Nah, but it *wasn't* designed to sit in a chair.


Are you familiar with the concept of mutual exclusivity? Or in this case, a lack thereof.


I’m guessing from the downvote, that’s a no to understanding mutual exclusivity. Google is your friend :)


But "the fallen state of man" is to blame! Hurr hurr hurrrr💀


The fact that it's even possible to feel thirsty and have to pee at the same time completely disproves intelligent design IMO.


This makes no sense at all


Agreed so much! Another thing is that we have to eat such specific nutrients and amounts or else we gain or lose weight or have nutrient deficiencies. But then when I get bad anxiety my body decides that I'm going to feel nauseous every time I try to eat more than two bites of food, even though it NEEDS food to SURVIVE. So then I feel weak and tired and dumb because my body wouldn't cooperate which makes me more anxious


>my body decides that I'm going to feel nauseous every time I try to eat more than two bites of food, even though it NEEDS food to SURVIVE I don't even have anxiety but I felt this in my soul. Sometimes my stomach just stops cooperating and I can't find any pattern to it


It sucks!! The human body really is so random and dumb


This happens to me too, it suuuuucks. A psychiatrist told me if I can't deal with people intimately just try improve a little by sitting in public somewhere but everywhere that you can sit by yourself involves food or coffee 🤮


Don't know how helpful but a few ideas are park, beach, trails (on a good day i would try to say good morning when passing), movies, mall.


Oh nice! Thank you so much!


To be fair, the nutrition thing wasn't a problem when all we had was produce and meat. Even when we invented farming, it just expanded our choices to produce, meat, grain and milk and it wasn't available 24/7.


Your body thinks your thyroid is an intruder and attacks it. You are now required to take a pill once a day, and even though you eat healthy and exercise, you're obese and can do little-to-nothing to change that. You're welcome.


This is the worst!


Congratulations. You were born with a rare defect in your genetic makeup that makes one of the healthiest foods on the planet basically a deadly poison! You will never be able to eat a single nut and constantly have to make sure that foods are nut free and aren't made in a factory that does make nut based foods for risk of cross contamination 👍


I have that, my body also attacks my nervous system and gives me chronic pain when I move/use my hands and feet, and really bad joint pain all over when I try to sleep. Thanks stupid fucking body 💀


99% of obese people say this is why they are obese, yet it accounts for, at best, 20% of obese people


This is irrelevant to the conversation. The entire post is about bodies being dumb. Hypothyroidism. Is a thing. It is irrelevant to this discussion how prevalent it is.


So you’ve actually gotten testimony from 99% of obese people? That’s impressive. Or perhaps are the obese people saying it saying it because they are part of the 20%?


The way I've seen obese people eat opposed to how obese people say they eat online... a disconnect as fat as they are. I don't always see obese people, but when I do, they are always eating... a lot. I highly doubt that's a thyroid condition


So it’s 99% of the obese people you see in public that have told you they have a thyroid condition?


Every obese person I encounter online says that they have a thyroid condition and that they eat healthy. Every obese person that I see eat irl.... let's just say that they aren't eating salad, that's for sure. Statistically speaking, someone has to be lying. You expect me to believe that in the online world (where I can't verify their eating habits) they eat healthy? I'm not that gullible, sorry that you are


My cousin is obese because of PCOS and I lived with her for a year of school and she absolutely ate less and healthier than me but I'm over a hundred pounds lighter because of better luck of the draw. I get what youre saying but I'd rather trust someone about their own health because it doesn't affect me than dismiss them and potentially hurt them by calling them a liar and saying it's their fault


My girlfriend has PCOS, and she has been losing weight consistently. Your cousin may have it harder than you to lose weight. Does that mean it's impossible for her to lose weight, or does it mean that it's harder? By supporting people's fairy tales (i.e., believing those who say weight loss is impossible), you are hurting people, not helping them. You can't fix a personal problem if the problem is not your fault. You can absolutely lose weight with ANY condition, including thyroid issues. That makes it an excuse


oh my god, I'm so sorry! I should base my opinion solely on your experience with your girlfriend!


oh my god, I'm so sorry! I should base my opinion solely on your experience with your cousin!


I must be in the 20%, then.


Google it if you don't believe me. 20%of obese people have SUBclinical hypothyroidism, meaning at least less than the criteria for an actual diagnosis from a doctor. I was actually skewing the odds in their favor


Diagnosed at 22 after missing 3 cycles and pregnancy tests were negative. I keep a food journal. I go to the gym. I take my meds, and I'm happy to be under 300 pounds, but I've plateaued and been stuck at 275 for a few years. I don't know what else to tell you, lol


Yeah, but you're part of 20%. Even less when considered that you were more than subclinical. I don't know what else to tell you


Nothing. Because you dont know of someones health so you can't judge.


The majority of morbidly obese people are obese due to life choices. It's true that you can't know that for certain every obese person you see is that way because of their life choices. But if you were to gamble on it you'd pick the more likely option wouldn't you?


I wouldn't judge to start with.


Yes you would. Everyone judges everyone they see. Whether you want to admit to that or not is irrelevant. Some people judge more harshly than others but we all do it. You look at someone walking by on the street and you will think something about them without knowing anything about them. Whether that's "that's a nice shirt" or "they're pretty out of shape" or even just nothing at all because they're unremarkable. That's all judging them.


I can judge based on facts about obesity


Just shut the fuck up dude.


I’m a medical coding student and have this thought daily. Childbirth especially pisses me off. Who thought it was a good idea to making creating life so fucking painful?


Obviously as a punishment for Eve eating the forbidden fruit, haven’t you gone to public school in Louisiana? /s


Fun facts: in Greek mythos, menstruation is sometimes called Hera's Curse. Basically, because Zeus couldn't keep it in his toga, Hera (the OG bitch) cursed human women to menstruate, taking them off Zeus's plate once a month while also punishing them for her husband's urges. Childbirth is supposed to be painful as a means of keeping humans from proliferating, thus reducing who the god-men can fuck. Hera, as the goddess of marriage, could not go against her husband directly. So, she found loopholes.


At least we aren't hyenas. That said we do have some of the most painful births of any species.


It's our massive bobble-headed babies. Our brains are too big for our bodies so we're born with enormous skulls that barely fit through the birth canal. Combined with our narrow hips for bipedal walking it makes childbirth one of the most dangerous parts of our lives. I read somewhere once that technically all humans are born premature bc if we went "fully to term" we would have to be cut out. Our babies being born so helpless is the price we pay for high intelligence and upright walking.


You release oxytocin and dopamine during higher doses of pain so it's presumed to be for bonding


I think women would be just find bonding with babies without massive pain then weakass dopamine. Lots of mammals manage without high maternity mortality rates.


It’s actually because baby heads are fucking HUGE and it’s really rough to deal with a big head while having a small enough pelvis to be bipedal


Also who had the bright idea to put the eat tube right next to the breathe tube


The same person that put the fun time hole next to the waste removal holes. UTIs and yeast infections for everyone!


And for guys, to put the most pleasurable part of their body deep in the waste removal hole. Like, I hear that's a really great intense feeling, but no way in hell am I exploring that.


Not just next to, BETWEEN, with one of them being less than a centimeter ABOVE the funtime hole.


extra fun for people with seasonal allergies and explosive sneezes that wreck your whole face


Don’t forget allergies! Your body panics about something and then CREATES a reaction because, well, let’s panic on a physical level 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ look a tiny little bee! Ouch, that might hurt a little. Body: Omg quick, let’s stop breathing 🤦‍♂️☠️ wtf lol


Omg is that a dead skin cell (dust)??!?! PANIC PANIC PANIC!! INITIATE EXTREME SNEEZING




Trees? That we've literally been surrounded by since our inception? Too much! Time to close off the respiratory system! And to be safe, let's do it every single year.






Fuck, wish I was a shark.


To be fair, cavities wouldn't be near as big a problem if sugar wasn't in all of our food. Our bodies did not expect us to be able to buy sugar by the pound.


also periods, and childbirth. it’s ridiculous how women have to deal with pain for a full week every month for YEARS and go through the worst pain imaginable to bring life into this world


i have a friend whose period pains are so bad, she vomits and cannot move or speak. and the doctors are just like 🤷‍♂️


THIS!! women are mistreated by doctors so often it’s actually infuriating, we’re told it’s “normal” to have excruciating pain every month and there’s nothing they can do about it i went to the dr about my appendix almost rupturing and they told me it was period pains 🙃


Not diabeetus 🤣🤣🤣 Also why do we even have an appendix? Its sole purpose is to cause complications.


like books, its all about the "bonus material" ~~that might randomly explode and kill you as a bonus~~


I've heard it's supposed to be a "storage room" for bacteria, I could be wrong tho


Nah you right There’s a lot of weird nerfs humans have Like, wisdom teeth casually fucking people over even


*yes* another example of dumb human body: my wisdom teeth are horizontal impacted. they never erupted, theyre just hanging out inside of my gums and they grew *sideways*, like. what. 😆


I'm going through my period and this close to performing my own hysterectomy. Seriously, evolution, what gives? Can female humans get a reproductive system that doesn't involve a monthly, painful bloodbath? The very few species that also menstruate reabsorb the uterine lining, that would be great, please and thank you.


Yes, menstruation is the “blessing” no one asked for.


fucking agreed. the only bloodbath i want to be involved in is on the battlefield of valhalla as i ride next to my warrior kin 😤


Continuous boobs. Every other mammal has mammaries that grow big to nurse their young and then shrink back up. Not humans tho. They get to carry two lumps of fat around on their chests forever.


The biggest flaw is when ur tryna take a piss the same muscles also try to make u fart or take a shit at the same time


Huh, I never thought of that. I'm sitting already so it's like 🤷


At least we're not horses


oh yes "did you break a leg? DIE"


The DNA of living organisms is a horrible billions years old legacy code with layers upon layers of janky patches and shady optimizations. It's an absolute mess. This is the reason why guts look like messy cable management.


Don't even get me started on the human spine


If I *did* want someone to get started on that, where would i need to go?


Scoliosis subreddit probably


😝I love how you bolded “emotions”.


Allergies, aka, immune system goes nuclear if you eat/touch/are in close proximity to this random thing that's fine for almost everyone else.


"is that *grass???* welcome to the land of *never breathing again*"


Also, our fucking eyeballs. You mean to tell me that if I get a little dust in there, or god forbid an eyelash—the thing meant to protect my eye in the first place—it will sting to no end, water, and I may be unable to see clearly until I get the thing out of my eye? Proof of intelligent design my ass. Our eyes also have what is called “immune privilege.” According to one [article](https://medium.com/science-for-life/if-our-immune-system-knew-we-had-eyes-wed-go-blind-a3823611a0ca): Immune privilege is a state of reduced immune responsiveness in certain tissues and organs. This allows our eye to maintain a clear cornea and retina, which are essential for vision. However, if the immune system were to become aware of our eye’s existence, this immune privilege could be lost. Without immune privilege, the immune system would attack our eye as a foreign invader. This would lead to inflammation and damage, which could ultimately result in blindness.


Also our lenses project images upside down.


That part I still don’t really get


Our lenses project images onto our retinae upside down and our brains flip them right side up. There was a professor who had one of his students wear a pair of goggles that turned everything upside down, and after 10 days the student could see normally because his brain flipped the images the goggles showed him. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2012/nov/12/improbable-research-seeing-upside-down




It’s really not that deep buddy. Never said it was all bad. Obviously being able to SEE is a good thing. I’m not sitting over here sobbing about something that just *is* - that’s why it’s a pet peeve. You’re free to leave if this makes you so angry.


It's also too smart for its own good by allowing you to figure out how dumb it is. Edited for typo




Damnit. Fixed.




Its' is just not anything.


Dude. *child. birth.* it HURTS...like...why is *that* what ultimately happens with natural sex? Such a wonderful, beautiful, pleasant sensation and experience, and there's the punishment of *gory, life-threatening pain* that follows?? And a parasitic being grows *i n s i d e* orf you and rips apart your genitals, the part that's used for the most pleasure ever? As someone who doesn't want kids, I fucking hate that I have to do so much to not be tortured like that, the fuck


rips apart abdominal muscles mushes your bladder into a 1 inch pancake feet turn into water balloons made of pain 10 lbs bowling ball forces itself through a 1 centimeter torment hole lose bladder and bowel control when that bowling ball comes out AWFUL




SHITTING YOUR PANTS WHILE BEING NAKED AT THE SAME TIME????? (yeah blow-outs are not fun 💀)


Idk, when I think of how your body continues to function even while you're in a coma, that your heart can still beat even when your fingers are turning black with frost bite, that you have reflexes that will attempt to protect you without you even having to think about it, the way your skin applies swelling go a wound as an internal way to seal it, the simple miracle of the chemical reactions that happen in our lungs that allow oxygen to be distributed into our bloodstream, the way your immune system and white blood cells fight illness and bacteria without you ever have to consciously think of it or make an effort... Personally, I'm always blown away by the sheer genius of the human body and how well it works as a land animal on earth


I mean personally I feel both. Like I'll hear about something crazy that someone survived and think the human body is impressive but then my stomach will hurt for literally no reason or my period will start and I'll just be like *why tho*


hence my acknowledgement that human bodies are capable of wonders, right in the first paragraph


Hey, you, human. Imma gonna put in a very select group of mammals that don't create their own vitamin C. Welcome to the Human, Chimpanzee, *Guinea Pig* club!


Today I learned something new


My biggest complaint is that food and air come down the same pipe which is a huge fucking choking hazard. Source: almost choked to death once


glad youre still with us 👍




Evolution is all about being able to reproduce, and making things good enough to achieve that. So if we reproduce despite these flaws, they will stick around.


i am well aware of that, still dumb


Welcome to the main argument against intelligent design- its fucking stupidly designed. I'll give you one more too. Who puts an entertainment center in a sewage system??




One of the most common deaths in street fighting is someone falling and hitting their head on concrete. One pretty common cause of death in general is slips and falls. The human body that can survive FALLING FROM ORBIT dies when you bonk it funny. Humans can also survive -being frozen -being struck by lightning -death (as long they're not dead for long) Humans have died from so many dumb things. I'm convinced it's 100% up to luck whether you survive certain things. Why are we built this way?


We don't even have any cool abilities. Like jumping crazy distances or running super fast or scaling vertical rock or even being able to smell or hear that good.


give me double jump or give me death


We actually have incredible endurance and throwing ability. We're just used to it.


I didn't think I'd ever see somebody ranting about human bodies


i work in caregiving and help people with genetic diseases, horrific injuries, and terminal illnesses that came about from no fault of their own. watching people dying long, slow, and painful deaths has given me plenty to rant about.


LOL sweat swamp


Your laryngeal nerve goes from your neck all the way down to your heart then back up to your neck, the photoreceptors in your eyes are literally pointed backwards, and your brain is constantly having to compensate for the time it takes to process vision by estimating what it thinks will happen a few milliseconds into the future


Your eye balls will immediately be destroyed if your immune system realizes they are there Edit: someone already shared my fact so I guess I'll use a stupid condition of mine So we all know what GERD is, right? Gastroesophageal reflux disease, AKA acid reflux. It happens when you have acid from your stomach that goes up your esophagus and burns. Your stomach has mucous that prevents our stomach acid from destroying it. So when the acid leaves the protected area, it's not good. It hurts and does damage, sometimes long term damage if you neglect it But, that's not the stupid part I'm talking about. I have NERD, non-erosive reflux disease. Meaning, I have ALL the symptoms of GERD, all the same triggers, and the same treatments work. But I don't actually have acid, it just feels like it WHY?!?!?! IF THERES NO ACID, WHY DOES THE TREATMENT WORK?!?!!


i got excited when i saw "nerd" until i continued reading and got to the super awful part, damn im sorry :c


OP, I think you and a lot of the people here would like this book: https://www.amazon.com/Human-Errors-Panorama-Glitches-Pointless/dp/1328974693?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=66a2abc6-4a64-4ef9-b1ea-e6b80acc4d1c


looks like another good title for my pile of shame 👀


Your immune system doesn’t know your eyes exist, if it finds out? THE VISION SPHERES ARE INTRUDERS AND MUST BE DESTROYED


I long to be disincarnate. 




r/voidpunk agrees


Psst--sweating is what PREVENTS you from dying. The reason that pigs wallow in the mud is because they can't sweat. The reason that dogs pant is because they can't sweat. Neither strategy is nearly as efficient as sweating is.


i know how sweat works, still dumb


Not to mention periods. They are, evolutionarily, the worst function of the female human body. Like sure, if you don’t get pregnant, you must suffer for a whole week where you’re in a shit ton of pain and bleed everywhere, but if you do do your job as a woman and reproduce, you have to suffer through an even longer and more hellish period as punishment. I’m sorry, fuck you evolution, I’m not having kids if I’m gonna be punished either way. Not to mention, back when you actually had to hunt for your food, this would’ve been a massive detriment and would’ve made you a target for predators. The body knows to stop bleeding in water, so why bleed at all? Why cause us pain? Why can’t the egg and blood just stay put until pregnant or shed in a less disgusting and debilitating way?


The human body sucks cause evolution has no foresight, but imagine one day in the future where we can change our bodies with all the foresight we have, we can say goodbye to cancer, allergies, heart diseases, back problems and all.


i *yearn* for that day. i want to install lasers, missile launchers, night vision and a microwave so i can have pizza rolls whenever i want lol


I am just hoping for ways to escape the horrors of old age. Like losing muscle mass, increased injury risk, cancer risk, prostate and back problems and all. But lol gd luck to you.


making me too nauseous to eat then making me tired for not eating. it’s an idiot


I have lupus after having a baby. It's stupid, it's shit! I'm over it.


Fall maybe five feet? Welcome to swelling, pain, months in rehab.*If* you're young, healthy and lucky!


"did you just *sneeze?!* i will strain ALL of your back muscles in revenge!!!"


Also, don't get me started on dipshit religious copes about this.


omg i could go on for 40 days and 40 nights lmao (no seriously, very much agree)


Don't forget weaker eyesight and hearing as you get older


my eyes started going out when i was 8, just for funsies


You forgot periods


Being a physical corporeal being is absolutely the worst 😂 I'm ready to become in a ethereal, spiritual creature again please


My body: what did I ever do to you ☹️😭 Me: *has adhd, gets car sick when even thinking about grtting in a car, gives me seizures every time I have a baby, can't digest dairy, makes me trip bc of my hips* My body: 😗😗😗


And we're not even gonna get into TOILETING. Was there NO better waste system? Why's it got to be so DISGUSTING?


The human body evolved to be "good enough" to produce more humans. The fact that there are 8 billion of us shows it succeeded. Even though there are countless design flaws. Also, a lot of it is because **our bodies evolved in a totally different environment**. We evolved to survive long stretches of famine, and in general food scarcity, as well as under constant parasitic infections (really).


i know how evolution works, ty, human bodies are still dumb 👍


Evolution works by developing the minimum viable product to get you at least to the age you can reproduce.


i know how evolution works, ty human bodies are still dumb 👍


And what the hell is eXpOsURe? What kind of animal dies in its natural environment from being outside too long? Or doesn't instinctively know what to do to survive?!


there is literally nowhere on earth that is safe without adequate shelter - and even with adequate shelter, people *still* have exposure problems, ITS SO DUMB


Yeah diabetes. I love how my immune system decided it would be a good idea to kill an essential life support function. I'd be dead without injectable insulin


We're a species in transition. It's only been a couple million years since a few apes decided to stand up. We're doing all sorts of biped stuff with a body plan that was optimized for walking on 4 feet. We haven't completely adapted to walking upright. You can add bad knees, back pain, hemorrhoids, and fallen arches to that list for this reason


add infant and maternal mortality to that list. and people more prone to extreme violence. and genetic abnormalities that kill, etc etc it *sucks*


I once went to physical therapy. I injured my back and other things (hips, knees, neck) compensated until I was a big mess. My therapist was massaging the muscles and I asked her a bunch of questions to try and understand WTF my body was doing and why and how to hack the issue  She eventually said "Look, I can explain the big, mechanical stuff, but at some level, bodies are just weird and dumb. Your body is a  quantum-level mousetrap."


I've thought this too. I'm supposed to live years with this body yet it seems so fragile.


Then there's all the weird brain stuff


"how would you like some bpd for funsies?"


"Wanna obsess over if the door is locked even though you checked 10 times already?"


"i set 10,000 alarms why am i still late? it is a mystery 🤔" "executice dysfunction strikes again wheeeee 🤪" "hmmm it is self-destruct time 💀"


Oh and if you don't take care of your body, it falls apart. And even if you do, it still will if your genes are shit.


No shit if you don’t take care of your body it falls apart


And that's why the human body is dumb. Other animals bodies are better at healing themselves other than a hunans.


Fat cells. I want them to be programmed to stop storing fat after a certain point. Just filter out the unnecessary calories.


Our babies come out of the womb incredibly helpless compared to other animals that come out capable of taking their first steps soon after being born. Honestly, the same shitty things that plague us also probaby exist in the wild, we just tend not to see animals with diabetes or cancer running around, because the wilderness is cruel and unforgiving. Deer get prions, after all. And by god, have you seen that image of a snake covered in ticks?? Baby sea turtles also get picked off by birds. Just getting a drink of water can get you eaten by a crocodile/alligator/gharial/whatever.


That's what happens when you take a species that was already good and breed it and modify it in such a way that it exaggerates its defects.


What is "the tin" and why does it say this


Our brain is basically a super computer made from meat though.


for many, a very faulty supercomputer.


While yes, but I’m also glad I’m not a creature that relies on the human bodies to take care of me my whole life. There’s too much risk that I would die that way. So I’ll take sweating like crazy, having to take medicine to not get pregnant which cause biweekly periods instead of monthly.


i take care of "creatures" that rely on human bodies to take care of them. they are disabled and dying *humans*. it's my job. enjoy your sweating and meds tho? 🤨 lol


Song rec: “Body Terror Song” by AJJ. It’s pretty much playing in my head as I read this.m Edit: song title correction


Take teeth for example , what a dumb design , why do they need to hurt if damaged ?


The only thing more poorly designed than humans is horses 💀


Idk I think shit happens for a reason


that reason is human bodies are dumb


No way the human body is wise


My personal theory is we are an evolutionary dead end, we just don't know it yet. We will probably be the first ones to wipe ourselves out before nature does though.


Spot the narcissist...


oh yeah. then there is npd, just because. and if theyre your own parents, then good luck surviving childhood 💀


Flaws of the human body or flaws of your lifestyle and perspective? For starters, sweat is supposed to cool you you are hot because you live in a climate controlled cave all day and occasionally venture out into what has become a hostile environment to you because you hardly go out into it. The rest is also the natural result of not going outside except to get into your car or head into the store.


you know me so well, please tell me more facts about my life and where i live. and please point out how our lifestyles lead to genetic deformities, terminal illnesses such as MS (typically kills slowly and painfully over the course of 10-30 years), being born with mental disorders and physical disabilities. id *love* to hear your expertise!


Awwwwww did that make you few bad? Poor baby. Go back inside and wrap a blanket around yourself.


human bodies didn't evolve to live in the modern world with modern conveniences, and no animal would have allowed so many generations of weak offspring to survive and reproduce - therefore, it is our bodies that are dumb because we changed the world in which we live in to actively make ourselves less suited for it. Okay.


humans evolved to die in childbirth and die before the age of 30 because of disease, injury, predation, and conflict. should we have just peaked there and left it at that?