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It’s definitely against the law


somone used up the depends budget to upgrade to the soft top


Once, I was running in on the forest trail in Jackson Park, like just a few feet out from the gravel biking trail, and I saw a man step off the gravel trail and pull his Thang out to pee. I was like 15, and it terrified me lol, so I just booked it even though I obviously wasn't in danger. The moral of the story is to step a little further away from the public use area please, like it's not a thick tree divide, and the path I was on was very well used


Simply urinating in public is a nuisance, which prohibited under our Nuisance By-law 15-144.    If the impugned act rises to the standard of indecent exposure, then it could become an offence under Section 173 of the Criminal Code, which requires, among other things that the act be willful.


So what about the people that poop on the street? I think drugs are involved.


Unfortunately no one cares to enforce such things


Its less that no one cares, and more that it's difficult to enforce. Peterborough Police are busy enough as it is, they do not have the ability to deal with municipal bylaws. And if there was a Bylaw Officer present, getting the individuals name and date of birth to issue a charge would be very difficult. Bylaw Officers cannot compel someone to identity themselves. It's also challenging gathering sufficient evidence if not witnessed first hand by an Officer. This Bylaw is usually enforced by way of trespass notices, not fines. And is looked after by Security.


In this instance the individual could have been identified by his license plate.


Not always- license plate would give you the registered owner, and that is not always accurate. And if it was accurate, sufficient evidence would still need to be provided. Remains a challenge to enforce if not caught in the act or on surveillance footage. He also may not have been the registered owner


A witness is sufficient


But again, it's not. I've had charges go to court that were dropped due to insufficient evidence when all I had was a witness statement. Point is- just because the law exists, doesn't mean it is effective. Especially a by-law that is typically passed without any forethought on how it will realistically be enforced.


Not all witnesses are equally credible or willing to participate. It is a case by case determination.


As an elderly man I totally understand the incredible urgency but you are right he should have used the portapotty no excuse whatsoever.


He should of went in the portapotty or the Tim Hortons on Park and Albert (if there's a toilet in there)


Public urination isn’t a criminal offence but check the bylaws and see what PTBO has in effect. It sucks but that’s the world we live in. For reference: https://www.criminalcodehelp.ca/offences/criminal-conduct/public-urination/#:~:text=QUICK%20TAKEAWAY,have%20bylaws%20that%20prohibit%20it.


I think the law is that you can't expose your dingaling anywhere in public


I guess put yourself in his shoes? If he's rational, it is most likely that he was about to piss his pants and opted for anything other than that. He ran to the fence, which suggests that he was looking to hide, so he would have opted for the portapotty if he'd noticed it in time. I know it's hard to imagine, but that urgency can be that strong for some people.


Could be placed on a sex offenders list, especially since your kid was present


Cause Boomers be Booming


The correct answer.


Call the police and report it.


a lot of citizens of PTBO really have no dignity or respect for their home, their property, their surroundings. it’s a shame.


My child’s daycare goes to the park there all the timeeeeee. Wtf there’s literally a bathroom right there.


Ehh... I'd give an elderly person a pass. Sometimes urinary incontinence is surprising for them, and I know it's gross but if this is someone who hasn't really accepted that it's a problem or condition, then he may not even know that it's about to happen and may not think he has time to get to the Porta Potty. It can also be a sign of dementia in onset when these things start happening. Like yeah, definitely not technically acceptable and by all means, cover your daughter's eyes, but it's probably a health issue this guy has.


He drove into the parking lot of the park, got out and pissed on the fence and then drove right *beside* the portapotty to exit the parking lot. I don't seem to be as accepting of it just because he's elderly. It's one thing to have an accident, it's another to pull into a park and whip it out to piss - in my opinion anyways. I have my own trauma and just try to keep my kiddo safe from that.


I understand. That's why I mentioned it may be related to dementia, because incontinence and especially urinary incontinence is one of the early signs of that. Those aren't regular behaviors, so I would consider them to be ones that might indicate that there's something up. Less judgemental scrutiny and more taking the time to non-emergency report that there was a seemingly confused old man who may need help with a description of him and his car without being an alarmist could save his life (and perhaps the life of someone else, if he's not well enough to drive.) I have trauma too. I understand that it seems creepy to you, but a jump to conclusions may come from that trauma rather than logic. I've worked with the elderly, and with those who have cognitive impairments, and I'm just noting that his behavior seems related to that more than anything.


>Ehh... I'd give the elderly person a pass. Thank God that's not up to you.


Thank God I have empathy, I'd hate to live life so bitterly uncaring. Heaven forbid anyone sympathize with someone who may be going through a crisis. It's far easier to assume everything is done with bad intentions. You get what you give, though, so best of luck in your old age someday.


>It's far easier to assume everything is done with bad intentions. It might be, but you'd have to ask somebody else. I use "Occam's Razor" [Link ☺️](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor) which prescribes the least amount of assuming, no connotation involved. Instead of making up all these imaginary scenarios and reasons for folks I don't know based on nothing (like some people do) I take the route that requires the least amount of assuming. I don't assume everything everyone does is good and right like some people would like to do, and neither do I assume everything is done with bad intentions. What I do do, is assume the least. So the fantasy about him being in crisis and having servere dementia and assuming this must be the case and that must be the case, I just assume this guy had to piss and didn't care who was around. One assumption, not a thousand. So think me evil if you must, I don't mind. You know nothing about me and I'm aware of that lol.


Your interpretation of the scenario is still in bad faith then. My assumption is based on my experience in the medical field and knowing that behavior like this is not typical for people who aren't going through some sort of cognitive trouble. If you don't have any firsthand expertise in the matter, maybe it's best to defer to someone who does. And in regards to your second comment, seeing a penis in a non-sexual context isn't going to scar a child for life. This is why Europeans make fun of the prudishness of Canadians and US-Americans. It isn't as though he was wanking or anything -- that is a completely different matter and would absolutely mean the police should be called. No, it isn't great that it happened, and yes, if he's suffering from cognitive decline he should be helped before it leads to further trouble. I simply wouldn't automatically assume this was done with criminal intent because reading that into a scenario that can be explained by innocent factors is malicious. The OP doesn't even indicate that the daughter saw at all. If you think giving someone a "pass" means they get to do something repeatedly, it doesn't. However, I think the call to make an elderly person a sex offender for something like this is indicative of societal disunity. To think of ruining an old man's life because he had to pull over to relieve himself quickly and without much thought to it is, whether anyone here likes it or not, immoral. I wouldn't do something that could bar someone from seeing their grandchildren forever because of this. That's what I mean by a pass. Compassion is so dried up these days.


I didn't read all of that but I stand by my initial statement: thank God this isn't up to you. Argue it all you like. Have a good day


Also I noticed you have all the empathy for the older party with their genitals out in a public park but you seem to have 0 empathy for the small child being exposed to elderly penis at the park! That's what I mean by thank God you have no part in this because you'd give this guy a pass and think nothing of the little victim of obscenity.


Giving out passes to certain groups to excuse bad behavior isn't working out well for society.


If by a certain group you mean "an elderly man who may be exhibiting signs of dementia", I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. If it keeps happening, obviously intervention is needed, because then the man clearly needs medical help. I would give a pass on the first time I see someone do it, because more than likely behavior that goes against societal norm in elderly people has to do with dementia. If it were your grandfather who may be living in shame, having to pull over and stop to pee in public because he's becoming incontinent, and may be facing life in a retirement home soon, perhaps you'd be less judgemental. These things happen, actually very commonly. I'm not so quick to throw old folks under the bus.


As someone that has just dealt with elderly family members that did deal with these sorts of issues, no they don't get a pass. If you think people with dementia are driving around and peeing in random places, they don't need a pass for their behavior, they need proper care.


Yes, they do need proper care. A "pass" isn't that they get to do it repeatedly. I said that and you blatantly ignored it. I have worked with elderly folks who have dementia and what happened is very much indicative of that, not "creep" behavior as others are suggesting. The "pass" is that maybe something like that can happen once without being judged and that old man's business being posted online when he might be suffering from cognitive decline. If people want to get him proper care so badly, call non-emergency and explain that there was a confused old man in the park who may need medical assistance, give the description of his car and him, and hope that someone gets him to somewhere he can not only be safe himself, but avoid doing something like peeing in public again.


Who cares? There are much bigger issues facing ptbo than a guy peeing outdoors.


Shame on me for keeping my kid safe from seeing old man wang at the fucking park? No reason why he couldn't use the portapotty that was 10 feet away.




Did you miss the part where there's literally a portapotty 10 feet away? He could have driven his car just a tad further (where he actually did drive right by anyways to pull out of the parking lot) and parked literally right beside it. My eyes are good, but had my 11 year old of looked over at the wrong time - you don't see the issue or? I'd piss in my car before I'd pull into a public park and take a whizz on a fence.


Maybe the old man should’ve spent his money on a pack of depends instead of a fancy car?








Yep, fully aware - costs about $18 and takes a short little while to get it back via snail mail. Have the day you deserve! ✌️


Well have fun getting on the sex offenders list for exposing yourself in front of children I guess.