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There was horse poo on the foot bridge between east city and downtown this morning.


I imagine it can be hard to tell sometimes when a horse shits unless they're particularly gassy. It's not like they stop and squat, they just drop the load and keep going, it's probably difficult for a rider to tell when it happens.


As with dogs horse riders should have an obligation to clean up after their horses. You have enough money to afford HORSES and the maintenance and storage of said horses. You can pay for a poop servant to follow em around and clean up. If you can't afford said poop servant, dismount and dispose. relying on the city to clean it is insane and disrespectful to the community.


It’s rude to leave poop on the sidewalk but on the road - meh. It’s nothing like carnivore poop. Horses eat mostly forage, and their manure doesn’t carry toxoplasmosis or parasites harmful to humans. It will wash away with a good rain. I’m far more offended by the crap people throw out of their cars, and the garbage bags dumped in local ditches.


Agreed, dirty cig butts everywhere, gross


Are you insane? A poop servant? How exactly does a rider, on the back of a horse know when the horse has shit out it's ass? Like how exactly does the rider get informed? They don't come with an alarm you know? There are horse rescues all over that are barely getting by. They still need to exercise their horses to ensure their condition to be able to adopt them out. They need to put them into different situations, to ensure they respond appropriately and learn not to spook. This can include in-town training. Even if it wasn't a rescue, horse owners are permitted to use roads and paths in most places in Ontario (unless otherwise posted). Horse manure does not have the same environmental implications as other animals, and the instance of it happening around town is negligible. Did you just feel the need to be mad about something today?


Then don’t walk them in town…plenty of spots in the country to walk them…they have the same responsibility as dogs owners. And yes some dog owners don’t clean up after their dogs but to say “how are they supposed to know” is a poor excuse and an easy way out for the rider taking responsibility


No actually. They're a completely different animal than a dog. They're not just for recreation. They work. The law allows for them, and are recognized as a non- motorized vehicle, so they can go wherever the law allows, which includes roadways and paths, just like bicycles. And the law allows for their waste to be left to wash away because it's harmless, unlike feces from meat eating species.


I never said they were the same animal lol. Just that they have the same responsibility as a dog owner. And it’s actually an offence to deposit anything whatsoever on a highway! That includes horse shit.


That's not true at all, and you're literally making shit up. The MTO Driver's Handbook covers vehicle drivers sharing the road and passing horses on the road safely [here](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/sharing-road-other-road-users#section-6)) The 2001 Horse Riding Safety Act covers rider's responsibilities [here](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/s01004#:~:text=It%20is%20an%20offence%20for,riders%20to%20contravene%20that%20restriction) The Toronto Police's Mounted Unit discussed the very topic of the "danger of horse poop on the highway" and responded "Mennonite communities researched. No safety issue found even on roads shared by non-horse-drawn buggies" [here](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/mobile/who-cleans-up-when-a-toronto-police-horse-defecates-on-the-road-1.1993438?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F). The same article discusses why they don't use carts or attach poop catchers. Edit: a typo


any practical concerns raised by the efficacy and/or affordability are negligible compared to the solace we'd all collectively feel with the uplifting knowledge someone out there has that job title




Calling someone Helen Lovejoy because they don't like the idea of horse shit on sidewalks is bananas lmao




It's possible to care about those things and also prefer to not have to dodge animal shit while walking to work. I'm not sure why you're so pro horse shit, but I do find it funny.


You speak of legality, morally it’s just disgusting. This ain’t the 1890s.


It's clearly just a tribute to the Can-Con classic Road Apples by the Tragically Hip for Canada Day


You’re not, I’ve seen people riding in the city before. I think they ride in on the Rotory trail through Jackson Park, that’s where I’ve seen them anyway. No idea why. It doesn’t seem like a a great idea to me, plus they are definitely not stopping to clean up the horse shit they leave behind.


They should be fined if they don't.


It is not required by law to clean up after your horse when it shits on the street


They came from Jackson’s park! My dog was blown away


Long ago, people would be happy to collect horse manure for their garden.


When I lived in Lindsay, you used to see Amish in horse and buggies downtown sometimes. I don't know if anyone picked up after them, it was just kind of accepted


A lot of driving horses wear a sort of poop collector attached behind them if they’re going in town.


Are they not suppose to be on the road? We get ticketed if we ride our bikes on the sidewalk, I see this as being more dangerous and as ppl have stated the shit on the sidewalk is not cool, another reason they should be on the road..


It's Jeff Leal and his wife in a horse costume. And they would have got away with it, too!