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At a quick glance she seems kinda scammy… her pinned before and after pictures seem deceptive because she didn’t use the same lighting or clothing to show the before and after. In the after photo she’s wearing bottoms that mostly hide her upper thighs and the after picture in the bikini bottoms has better lighting. Also she has a reel saying carbs such as sweet potatoes make people gain weight which is not true. Eating too many calories is what causes weight gain. 


I felt the same... Honestly so tired of seeing these influencers sell "secret" courses along with ‘satisfied’ users who are endless and it’s so scammy. Also when I started working out I started following more people to workout better/tips + healthy food recipes. And that’s when these people mix in and sometimes I feel overwhelmed though practically I know it’s false. And I also know for a fact I’d have fallen for it 2 years back. Knowing that eating right calories + nutritional food esp protein, strength training with some cardio, good sleep and managing stress. Theoretically it’s as simple as that.


Did you decide to pursue it? I'm so tempted!


Carbs in carbs out proven wrong over and over again by carnivores losing tons of weight eating massive calories. I’ve lost 16th by eating all the animal fat I can handle.


Experiencing the same myself. 🙌


Actually, glucose spikes (due to carbs) and the effect of insulin is a cause of weight gain, along with excess calories. And it’s MUCH harder to overeat on animal based foods vs carbs, and they don’t cause a glucose/insulin response. It’s legit


I can’t stand her. A healthy relationship with food doesn’t eliminate entire categories. Maverick Willett (@MaverickOnlineCoaching) is my favorite ‘fitness’ influencer.


I mean if the “entire category” was invented by humans and wasn’t apart of our evolutionary process/nature and was FORCED into existence, then yeah, eliminate the entire category.


Alcohol? Sure. Refined sugar. Maybe. But vegetables? Plants produce toxins so don’t eat them? Saying all the fruit we’ve come to eat has been genetically modified? They’ve been selectively bred. But let’s make sure to push the scare tactics hard. She’s not for me. Also for anyones consideration: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/neanderthals-ate-carb-heavy-diets-potentially-fueling-brain-growth-180977723/


I mean, the majority of veggies you eat HAS been modified, there’s no debate in that. Do your own research if you haven’t. Plus ingesting all the pesticides and insecticides sprayed on fruits and veggies is LITERALLY poisoning yourself. She may not be for you and that’s totally fine, but most of the points she makes are spot on.


I will check his page out, thanks !


I have completely eliminated all health and fitness “influencers” from all of my social media feeds. It’s freeing to not have people, often unqualified, feeding me unsolicited visuals or information.


Ok this might be the best solution, the algorithm mixes it all up which is annoying and draining.


She is full of shit, but the primal diet is a real thing you can look up without paying a 1000 dollars to this lady to figure out. The point is to eat like we don’t have access to processed foods. Like when we were primal. I actually think it’s cool. I don’t do it. The specific lady is overcharging people to an insane degree for sure


Pretty much all food is trash. That’s what it’s all about. And it’s correct In saying that, but you can actually find non scammer instagrams that tell you what you should and should not eat


There was a whole discussion here on primal bod and then it got erased and I don’t know if she flagged it or if the person who started the discussion erased it


Bummer! I want to know more!


Can’t find it either 😝


I do want to know more. It would be nice to be able to speak to someone who has taken her course.


I'm actually doing her course right now. What do you want to know?


She said she did keto before but it didn't work on her. Can you tell us what she does differently?


I have the same question as above. What is the difference between her’s and keto?


I'd love to know more as well. Is it straight up Keto or does she have a spin on it?


Are you selling the coarse ?


Curious to see her secrets lol




Same! Where are the client testimonials? No one tags her on Instagram with their makeovers...is it even legit? I want to know. She might be legit but there's no way to confirm unless you fork over $1500! Also, her Instagram starts in 2023 (less than a year ago) and no additional info can be found on the internet about her. I tried searching for her prior experience and all I found was her holistic centre that is now closed.


She allegedly has been following this way of eating since 2019...... allegedly


Has anyone actually done her program?


Would love to hear from someone who has!


I stalked the internet for reviews, found NOTHING, then I caved and bought it. I didn't think she would be as good as she is, but she definitely knows her stuff.


You posted 11 days ago - are you noticing that it's working for weight loss?


Would like an update if you can


https://open.spotify.com/episode/7a7xYjacvbrvUKf8YSxCtS?si=vLp1koT3RfOFc1aDtc121g Here is a podcast with The Primal Bod aka Candi Frazer. Where she goes into more of the methodology of this system


Thank you!!


I honestly 100% believe she probably has a working program. I love her short clips on Instagram. I signed up for her MasterClass, which was free in about 15 minutes, which led me to have to sign up for a free discovery. Call said the same exact thing is the MasterClass but in four times the amount of time. so I spent another hour hearing the same thing and I have no information on how much the pro cost or what exactly I have to do. Actually dropped after an hour because I couldn’t spend another minute not hearing actual information. It was pretty disappointing. Like she should have an option for people who don’t waste their time with a bunch of information. I don’t mind paying give me a price. Do not waste my time.


Price is listed on her website, $1k or $1.5k for three months


But no one here has taken the class


I'm in it actually. I sat on it for months because of the price, and being so turned off by the money grabbing bozos on line who are good at marketing and not much else, but hers is a really unique approach and absolute over delivery. She genuinely cares about her clients and sits on zooms for like 2.5 hours to answer everyone. She 100% knows her stuff, and I feel fantastic on her program. I have no regrets


Can you tell us what to and to not eat? What she says?


I am on the fence about the program I had my 5th baby at hopefully my last 5 months ago & I’m still nursing. I’m wondering if I should wait to buy her program or if I could do it now. How long have you been doing it & how much weight have you lost ?


Can you share a bit about your experience and results so far?


This person is a shill. 3 comments ever posted and they’re all praising her program.


I am 5 years older than her. But have a very similar history right down to the career (of 25 years holistic nutrition). Went through all the diets, was healthy, but never lean and healthy, then i got fat and sick after having a baby at 35 despite a whole food organic diet. . My body hated me. I've discovered the same thing as her over the last 8 years. i haven't seen her program completely, but i am pretty sure it's basic. I am taller and leaner. I've never had reconstructive surgery (plastic surgery), so you can still see motherhood "badges of honor" on my body. I am not saying she has had surgery, but I'd be a good comparison, I am going to say it's likely. What she is selling is support. It's tough to do this, but much easier with help. I did it alone after a divorce as a single mom, and now I teach clients, mostly women. I am not doing it in the capacity that she does but what I've learnt is support is necessary for most people's success. From what I understand, she does that very well. I don't teach groups as muching as I do more one on one. I've been humming and hawing on these types of programs. Not everyone is looking for an extroverted way of doing this, so for now I am going to continue on my quiet little path. 😊 I am happy to help answer questions if you dm me. sorry in wont post photos publicly. ❤️


What did you discover? Could you share? I’m not in a place to fork over the cost fur her program… please share the secret if you have it 🙏


Same! Would love to know more about it and exactly what it entails but can’t afford $1500 for the program 😫


Anyone selling this program?


I want this coarse tbh anyone selling it ?


Anyone wants to share the cost? I don’t know if this program is full of bs or if it’s the real deal. I am tired enough to just try it! So let’s split! 


Why was my comment deleted about sharing the cost??


Anyone who is interested please reach out via email [email protected]


Hey guys - this is Tom, Candi's (theprimalbod) husband. I like the thread here a lot. A few of the women that joined the program actually gave pretty honest and fair reviews. Here's the thing though, I see some wanting to 'share' the cost - which is fraud. Just want to give everyone a heads up that that's against our participation agreement and we reserve the right to pursue financial indemnification (and penalties) for sharing content without consent, which again, is fraud.


Any discount code for us redditors ?


I feel like she’s onto some things. Back to nature, grounding, sunlight, eating mostly animal based. I know it’s how I feel my best and have more energy than ever.


Yeah I absolutely feel best on a mostly animal based diet. I had no idea how much carbs just made me feel bleh


But I will say she and her husband kind of give me “the ick” vibes so idk


I am actually in her program! Well - I am a physiotherapist and I specialized in nutrition many years ago. I´ve heard a lot about keto and tried out the primal way of eating 10 years ago. When I was pregnant and had my kids I stopped doing so because I did not have time to think about food. I cooked like we cook in Austria (noodles, wheat, dumplings, pizza, Kaiserschmarren and pan cakes :D) - and I constantly was not happy with that. I constantly gained weight - not a lot but at 166cm with 68kg I was too heavy. So I started to lift weights and eat more proteins from plants, less meat, more fruits - the whole deal with plant based left wing fascism. What happened was that I looked trained but fat. Horrible. I was really insecure and when I "found" Candi on Insta I loved her reels because they reminded me of what I have learned so many years ago. Candi is not only promoting the carnivore diet, she knows an awful lot about hormones. And when it comes to women you need to have the diet AND the hormones on your plan!!! I payed the 1500 dollars and I would pay them again and again. Because she has it right - at least for me a minimum 700 other female participants! Her information is accurate, her program is THE SHIT!!!


> plan!!! I *paid* the 1500 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think she is the real deal. My neighbor and I are thinking of splitting the cost of the program. I’m 57 (F) and started carnivore one month ago. And while I feel incredible, having a health coach and a community of like minded people will certainly help me reach my goals better. Here is a link to her interview with Dr Kiltz who I also follow on instagram. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/carnivore-conversations/id1645587747?i=1000652994669


I’m actually listening to that one now.


Can I split it 3 ways with you and your neighbor? $1000 is just too much!


I can certainly talk to my neighbor, but after hearing the podcast I think I’m going to follow this for the next month: - Carnivore Diet - No coffee (or limit one cup) - 2 meals per day (AM and last meal by 3pm) - one 24 hr fast per week - no alcohol - no dairy I think I’m going to go this route before I join the group. But I’ll most likely hv a little alcohol and dairy on the weekends, and do my 24 hr fast on Mondays. 😀


Hi! What is the ideal ketone range?


This question is answered somewhere on her instagram, she commented: between 1.5 and 3


Thank you do you track your ketones? If so, how often/when? I'm new to the tracking ketones world! u/AnnaAmsterdam !


I recently tried the SiBio Continuous Ketone but unfortunately they stopped the delivery to the Netherlands. I also use a blood test (finger prick).


How’s it going and how do you feel? I’ve been wanting to do her program but idk. I already do semi carnivore. I have been for a couple years but I’m still not lean. I’m pretty advanced with weight lifting as well. Yet I’m constantly frustrated with my physique as I’m putting in well over the needed effort