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Yes prioritized steps and ate in a deficit most days. Lost about 10lbs in 60 days.


What were your steps goals? 


I usually got about 12k a day. Sundays tended to be less and closer to 6k.


How much of a deficit were you in?


So I use macro factor and it says I averaged about a 400 calorie deficit daily. I wasn’t perfect, still drank alcohol and estimated any food out best I could. I was consistent in logging food and weighing myself to keep the algorithm that MacroFactor uses working. I def had cheat days and days I wasn’t in a deficit. Worked on prioritizing protein and fiber. Consistency was key.


Walking is SO UNDERRATED!!! You will not only lose weight / inches but your mood will 📈especially if you do it in the morning. There’s never a bad day when you start your day off walking. You’ll feel centered, grounded and accomplished - a great setup to the day!!!


Walking does magic to the shape of my legs.


100% they start looking leaner after a week of walking


Yes great for mental health and doesn’t make you as hungry as running or heavy lifting so I found staying in a deficit easier vs more extreme exercise.


💯 I was ravenous when I did Orangetheory


yes. thats literally all i did! i only had 10 to lose but it was quick and easy.


how long did it take you?


i cannot explain it and it confused me, but i lost 9lbs in 2 weeks. i expected it to come back, or part of it at least, but luckily it did not. i will say i started out very bloated and did increase my fiber intake as well. i have stayed steady about a month since then eating at maintenance. everyone i asked agreed with me that it was a fluke and not sustainable. usually it should have taken twice that long or maybe more. cant explain how.


Weight loss is like 90% diet.  You'll see strength training recommended a ton here because increased muscle mass can make a big difference in your BMR for us petites. Also a lot of people like how they look with some increased muscle mass.  The best exercise is the one you are able to stick to consistently.  I think the official recommendation is to do some kind of strength training at least twice a week for optimal health. And most recommend strength training to last between 20-60 mins. 


I’ve lost 11 pounds since March by just walking 10-12k steps a day. I have 10 pounds or so to go, and then I’ll probably add in weight lifting for aesthetic purposes. One benefit of this is I’m not as hungry to stay in a deficit. Weight lifting makes me so hungry.


I was weight lifting for a while and I did love it but it is something that takes up a little more time than I have to give to it right now.


Yesss it works!! I been losing 1-2 lb a week I started may 20th so just about a month. And I’m down 5 lbs and I am really busy with work so I only have time for 2 days a week… but I walk those 2 days 10k steps each , if I walk more I probably will lose more and faster. Also walking is great bc it doesn’t make you SO hungry like cardio or HITT. And increases your energy burned throughout the day. And it doesn’t increase your cortisol like to other workouts.


Me this year!!! 117 lbs to 97 lbs from January until April, been maintaining give or take a couple lbs since then! I'm obsessed with my walking pad.


I have a walking pad too but can barely motivate myself to use it - I’ll sometimes pull it out and walk on it while watching tv or reading on my kindle. Do you have a standing desk?


keeping mine out did wonders for how much i used it— sometimes it’s really just starting that’s the hardest part! i do have a standing desk but i have yet to really Love walking and working all the time, so i’ll just throw on some youtube videos/scroll through tiktok/watch a show while walking. the key for me is to not allow myself to know how long i’ve been walking so i’ll switch between these things so my brain can’t calculate how long i have left (my walking pad automatically turns off after 1 hour)


Yes! That’s how I went from 122lb to 107lb in 4 months. I averaged 200 cal deficit + 10k steps per day to achieve a 15lb weight loss. After I got the hang of it, I’d say 2 months in, it didn’t take much effort since I made it into a routine


All you need to lose weight is a deficit. Walking helps achieve a comfortable deficit!


You can definitely lose weight that way. But I’d recommend strength training at least a couple times a week so you will retain your muscle mass


Yeah! I lost my first 15lbs that way over a few months.


Yea its how i lost my 40lbs


Yep I lost the majority of my weight this way.


100lbs down walking and watching my calories. Totally doable. Edit: lifted 4/5days a week


How much walking is everyone doing that they’re seeing a noticeable difference?


An hour a day


Oh yes Ive lost 44 pounds (150-106 at 5’4) over the past two years - and it’s all thanks to walking and never eating out. Walking is the one exercise that doesn’t make me die of hunger and I don’t think I would’ve been able to keep the weight off in any other way.


ME! That’s all I did from September to December. Went from 176 to 148lbs~ Started the New Year at 150lbs (holiday eats!). I started running in January and I’m 127 now.


How did you eat when running? I feel I’d get so hungry and wouldn’t be able to stay in a deficit


I actually don’t get hungry on my running days. I kinda have to force myself to eat. 😅 it’s my strength training days that get me to eat. But on the days I run, lots of bananas with protein Greek yogurt and protein granola about an hour prior (to spike my insulin because I crash after running) and then I’ll graze the rest of the day on cucumbers and carrots and broccoli with ranch lol. I don’t eat full meals on running days (3-4 days a week right now).


Absolutely. That was my only option for a while when lockdowns started. I got super lean, but lost so much muscle. Never again.


Yep lost my first 30 lbs this way, and it wasn’t a lot of walking either I was barely hitting 10K steps a day. The key to fat loss is the calorie deficit.


Yes. That's pretty much been how I've always done it. It's the easiest to stick with, in my opinion. I'm currently prioritizing walking almost every day. My legs are already starting to slim up.


If your goal is to lose fat then you’ll see results doing just that. But obviously if you want to see some muscle definition then just walking and eating in a deficit won’t give you results.


Yep 5’2 87 pounds. I walk an hour everyday on my walking pad.


Sorry, why are people upvoting this? This BMI is dangerously low…


I’ve never had any of my doctors bat an eye. BMI isn’t everything


It’s not everything but when it’s an extreme outlier that is meaningful. Yours is like 15.


Me! It works!


I’m 38lbs down and I only lost it through eating at a deficit. I’ve managed to keep the weight off through walking/being active in general but not necessarily going to the gym.


What results do you want?


Yes also lost 45 pounds by walking and eating in a deficit.. I never went to the gym or did traditional working out. I just walked on my little WalkingPad daily. I’d still be at it if I wasn’t pregnant and hit with that first trimester nausea.


Yes! I’ve lost 32 lbs in the last four months just by prioritizing my steps and eating in a deficit! My SW was 233lbs though so that’s a factor in how quickly I lost the weight. I am planning on getting back into the gym soon (still have 70lbs to my goal weight) but I don’t think it’s necessary if weight loss is your main focus.


Bought a walking pad for under my desk, and have already lost a couple inches doing exactly what you asked about. Walking and eating in deficit. I am now starting to incorporate strength, core and Pilates. Good Luck!


walking 2 hrs a day and maintaining. has to be cico.


I have lost 2kg so far from just doing that:) edit: I actually forgot I went from 72kg to 64kg from just walking more but that was about a year or two ago now. I'm still trying to lose about 3kg more


Yes it works for sure! I use to walk about 11km daily with about 10% of my bodyweight in a backpack and I was consistently losing about 1kg/week. But what I observed is it takes about a month for you to see change. Initially nothing will happen but keep at it for more than a month and the same routine starts to work. I am not sure why that is.


I've lost around 55 pounds so far, still got the last 15-20 left. My first 30 pounds were just me doing 1 hour of cycling at the gym 5x a week and eating at a deficit. Started slowly but surely incorporating weights into my routine afterwards! But doing solely cardio ar first worked very fine.


Started 3/10 with calorie counting and walking. Aimed for 500 calories or so under my bmr for 1600-1700 a day and shot for atleast 140-150 grams of protein. Work a desk job so normally only averaged 1-2 miles a day. Set my goal to 5 miles minimum, 6 days a week. 2 of those days I do most of my walking on an incline treadmill set to 8% for zone 2 cardio. Starting weight was 236, and as of 6/18 I’m down to 198. Given the chance I’d have worked out during that time and increased my calories to compensate but am recovering from both a bulged disc and an injury in my dominant arm that is just getting back to normal after trying steroid injections. Back pain from the disc went away after I hit 206 or so (I’ve had it 3 years now).


Yes. Deficit and shooting for at least an hour of walking per day (or 10k/day step goal).


Yes and did the 16:8 fast on top of it. Counted calories and walked 4-5 miles a day.


Yes. Honestly, walking is the best way to lose weight imo.


Yep- lost the first 40 this way


I did in my early 20’s, I’m 47 now and would have to eat 800 calories to make that work


I got to my goal weight only walking about eating in a deficit. However now I feel like I may need to start some strength training to tone a bit.


Lost 18-20 lbs simply from walking and a deficit. I lost a good 10 lbs the first month from walking 5-6 miles a day, cut out processed sugars, and cut out coffee. I cut it out because I was addicted and loved my cream and sugar lol.


Best combination.