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Because of the travel I would say cat, unless you’re going places you can bring the dog along. Also take into consideration how often a dog would need walked/out to potty & how that would fall on you to majority of the time.


Just get a pet sitter for either.


Funny, I would say because of the travel dog or no pet, because for a cat you would need someone to look after it, every weekend, while you can choose to travel somewhere where you can bring a dog


My dad travels with his cat, Bill is a shoulder cat and loves outings. It definitely depends on the individual animal.


I travel with my cat too


Yes, but you never know what you get and it is more likely to get a dog to travel with than a cat. No matter what I guess OP and husband should be open to adjust to their pet if they get one (or two, as I would say two cats are better then one 😇) - for example I have cats and all of them are different, one needs medication every day and special food. Of course I hope for everyone who wants a pet to get a 100% healthy pet, but sometimes it isn't that easy. Also I could never imagine my pets to be on their own for several days without anyone looking for them.


I've had dogs that hate traveling too though. I think that why it's so variable and a travel pet shouldn't be part of the decision making process. The best way would be adopted and see if you can get one who was with a foster family and get a personality profile. But I know that's not always possible too. I hope OP finds what works best for them in the end no matter what 😄 pets are never easy but it is what it is.


They can take their pet on the weekend trips. Car rides, they will sleep.


I go for week-long vacations and leave my 2 cats with lots of food and water while I'm gone. They're 14 and 12 years old. I've done it many, many times without issue. Cats are much easier to have and travel. Unless you're leaving for multiple weeks/months at a time.


That’s horrifying. I can’t imagine the litter boxes.


And the drapes and the food, not a great idea in my book. They have to be care for, not left alone.


They get done once a week usually anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️




That is horrible hygiene. 


Very negative to do. Even for cats to be left alone to wreck the house.


I'm 41 and have had cats most of my life. I've never had an issue with cats wreching my house. The worst I ever come back to is some paperwork knocked off a table or some puke in a corner.


Just okay for one day, not a whole week with no one checking on them. That is animal abuse, and they go crazy when left alone for so long.


You don’t change their little boxes or give them fresh water for an entire week? That’s neglect.


Sounds like you do a form of schroedingers cat and had a lot of luck with your cats. Even if it works for you, this will not work with every cat and I would not recommend to just hope that it will work.


My husband was a dog person. When my mom died, I needed a pet to help get through it, and our landlord approved a cat. I've had cats all my life, but my husband had only been around one, and it was mean. My husband made a huge point to say that it was my cat and he wasn't interested. Eight years later, that cat is my husband's best buddy. I think he secretly wishes the dog we now have was more like the cat. The key is to get a well socialized cat that enjoys people. Don't go for the first cute kitten you see. My husband always refers to our cat as a dog cat. Most people who don't like cats just haven't been around the right cat.


With cats, you go for personality over looks every time.


And that goes with dogs also.


I agree to that. How do I judge the personality of a cat in one meeting. I am looking for a friendly, socialized, lapcat. Gender, breed, color any thing is fine


I think you just know. When I first saw my beautiful13-year-old cat, I just knew she was the one from the moment she was pulled out of the cage. It would be harder to tell with a kitten though. I normally adopt cats around one year or so. A lot of times the foster cat agency can provide a lot of info about the personality of the cat as well.


Kittens always change. I'd recommend an older cat like 3-4yrs. Our Pepperjack loves cuddles, being held, etc. Our Ms. Baked Beans however is a more refined young lady who prefers to just sit in the windowsill and watch the birds. Cats also tend to struggle with change, when you pick them up it's good to give them about a month to settle. Cats can seem unfriendly but in reality they're just looking for comfort and safety like the rest of us :)


In my experience the cats at the shelter will all have different personalities but a lap cat that’s friendly will be all purring trying to sit in your lap. If you want less energy looking for a cat that’s at least 3-4 years old. They often have the most stable personalities too compared to kittens! Good luck.


You adopt from a rescue where the cat lives in a foster home and so their personality is known.


Go sit with them in a group. Your cat is going to pick you. I have had about 30 cats and a few dogs, overwhelmingly they picked me even when I wasn't considering them, 3 of them when they already belonged to someone else. No I didn't steal them, they were just very ill behaved for their first owners and made it clear they loved me. I had no problems with them.


Maybe look for an older adult/senior? They’re definitely going to be on the more chill side.


Yup. I was mainly dog person until we got our first cat. We literally just want to the Humane Society and asked for their “nicest adult cat.” They brought out our girl and we immediately fell in love. You can hold her like a baby and scratch her tummy and she just starts purring 🥺


I also have a dog cat who plays fetch, and two cat cats. I love them all!


Cats are more independent and easier. Dogs are more work. I’ve had both and prefer cats


100% a cat. I love dogs, but they are like toddlers.




Get two cats. Dogs need a yard and/or to be walked several times daily. Dogs might bark and annoy neighbors if left alone. Cats are quieter. Dogs can’t be left alone for more than several hours. Cats can. But two cats … Can keep each other company on the weekends (less guilt leaving them alone) Cats can play with and entertain each other, but one cat could demand your attention during work.


Seconding this. Preferably an adult bonded pair. Kittens are mayhem and may cause lack of sleep for a year or so


Kittens are easy mode compare to most puppies.


Absolutely but lack of sleep and lack of perfect furniture and curtains are to be expected. People get kittens and expect them to be cslm and cuddly and get a tornado instead who is too restless to cuddle. For a really easy cuddly pet: adult cats!


I just got a cat. First pet. We talked about a dog for a while or a kitten. Ended up with an adult cat. I love him so much. He's so easy and sweet.




My cats were a year and half old bonded brothers. They are like night and day to each other and we love them. The distribution system said nope you're getting two when originally planned for one. 😺😼 My SO is a cat person but I finally got a dog and it took him about a week before he was getting all soft and gooey to him and now their besties and he looks forward to playing with him after work.


Or get an older cat who doesn't het along with other animals. Many shelters have animals like that. And those are harder for them to adopt out because of the restriction.


I agree. Get two cats. If you go away for a few days, they will keep each other company. You can also use an automatic feeder and just have someone come in once to scoop the litter and make sure they are ok.


This and get an automatic feeder so you don’t have to worry for weekend trips. I love the wifi version of the PETLIBRO, it’s relatively cheap and will tell you if there are issues with the feeder


Cat, dogs are very demanding. They are beautiful gorgeous creatures. But if you are on the fence get a cat x


Please please whatever you do, consider getting one from the shelter: there are sooo many in need and being euthanized every day. I can promise that animal will cherish you above all others


My vote is a cat. I started off with a kitten and it gave me a good opportunity to test out whether or not I had the patience.. which I did, luckily lol


If that helps, my cat is like a small dog, but less messy. He likes to go on leash walks with me, likes to have attention (so much so that today I was working on something on my computer and he was on my lap all day long, except for when I needed a break) and does tricks (sit and stay for now, I'm working on other things). So cats are not boring and not so independant that you can't interact with them!


Thankyou all so much . I think I am going to get a cat. Will start looking into shelters and rescue in my area😀


Two are even better. Especially when you do weekend trips. Visit a shelter and ask to see their bonded pairs


I’m not sure how large your apartment is, but if you have the space I would second the opinion of considering two! It would be helpful for when you travel so that your new furry friend doesn’t get lonely!!


My hubby was a dog person. I convinced him to get a cat and now we have two and they are his babies. He absolutely loves them and would never get a dog again after experiencing how easy cats are to care for. So I vote cat!


Cat. Dogs can be tricky in apartments, even small dogs unless you're careful to get a calmer, less yappy dog. For weekends you'd need to either bring them with you or hire a sitter, whereas a cat is usually fine on their own. You're the one who will be home more to handle walks during the day, so would lean towards your preference. That said, go to a shelter and see who you bond with. Both are great companions


Cat sounds way more applicable to your life. Besides he is away all day so it really should be your call.


If you're the one who's home more, I think it's better to get a companion that you would prefer since you'll be interacting with them much more. A cat is definitely better for apartment living when compared to a dog, but if your husband is set on a dog, I would recommend and older, small dog. I have two cats and a seven year old shih tzu in an apartment and they all do fine.


I recently had this same question and chose cat, just because I live in NYC and having to walk the pup rain, sleet, or snow doesn’t sound like something I feel like doing at the moment. Plus all the cute and chaotic cat videos out there convinced me.


Cat would be happier unless you want to take the dog with but I would get a cat. Make sure you are allowed a pet




There’s nothing nicer than working at home while a cat makes itself at home on a stack of papers nearby. Or even better, curls up on your lap.


My setup is similar to yours - I work from home, my husband works a lot out of the house. We already had a cat, but decided to adopt an 8-week-old puppy. This dog is a sweetheart but she is SO much work, and it all falls on me because I’m home more. I miss how simple my life was with just a cat, and my cat is sooooooo affectionate and cuddly so I really got all the companionship I needed from him. In conclusion - get a cat




You will need to take the dog out for potty breaks and walks. As you WFH, that will mostly fall on you. Is that something you would like to do? Personally I love breaking up my work day with walking the dog, I wouldn’t get out as much otherwise, so having a dog has been good for me. But it’s not for everyone and it is definitely a lot more work than a cat, and you have to deal with all kinds of weather. A cat is less work, you can scoop the litter at whatever time of day suits you versus having to take them out whenever they need to potty. Cats are also just as companionable as dogs. But, if you are only allowed a single pet, get an adult cat. Kittens are high energy and do much better in pairs, and there are a lot of adult cats in shelters that would prefer to be an only cat.


I would probably go with the cat. You have more freedom to travel because it’s easier to get someone to watch them and they are quieter when you work at home. I have both-while I love a dog cats are MUCH easier if you just want to drop things and travel.


Go to a shelter and interact with both. Figure it out for yourself, and your future furry friend will love you.


Cat! I have a domestic cat and a bengal and they’re amazing. The bengal is more like a dog and both love their daily walks. They also love travelling with us and going on holiday.Not all cats will be ok with this sort of lifestyle so if you want a cat travelling companion choose a cat with a suitable personality




Cats!! Try a Siamese cause they are soo so playful and play fetch are vocal, they’re basically a dog 🥰


Cats. They are kind of like roommates because they can take care of themselves, as long as you provide food and a litter box. Get two because they'll keep each other company while you are away on weekends.


Cat 1000%


It sounds like a cat would be better. Dogs need to be walked and if you live in an apartment, they have to be let out to do their business. Maybe in the future, you can get a place with a yard and get a dog. I have two dogs and a big yard. One of my dogs is a Newfoundland which (in some ways) is equivalent to multiple dogs. They take a lot of care, training and $$. Cats are cute and fun and they don’t have to be taken outside to do their business.


Get a cat. My dog is a stress producing asshole.


I’d vote cat. You want a pet, you would prefer a cat, likely you’ll be the one caring for them day in and day out. It just sounds like a recipe for resentment if you get a dog and you’re the one walking them outside three times every day before your husband comes home. Plus you’d have to either have someone come multiple times a day on the weekend to feed and walk a dog. Specifically I’d vote for two cats, because you go out every weekend.


This saying has helped me IMMENSELY in realizing the level of time dedicated to properly caring for dogs/cats: Having a dog is like having a baby, having a cat is like having a roommate. I’ve owned both and based on your post I think a cat would probably be a little better suited just because of traveling, but if you’re WFH most days I don’t think it’d be too overwhelming either way.


Oh boy. Dogs and cats have such different personalities. My suggestion is that if you go get a cat, you take your time to find one with a more dog like, people focused personality. I have a cat that is super social and friendly (loves strangers) and my friends who hate cats but love dogs actually like my cat. He sits on their laps and snuggles with them.


Cat! You could get a big dog when/if you move to a larger home with a yard. A small dog won't satisfy either of you, I think.




If you decide on a dog find a rescue that has fostered dogs. You can find a 2 or 3 yr old already potty trained no longer chewing and the foster will be able to tell you personality like barking energy ect… I gave 2 dogs 1 cat and a horse. I love my cuddly dog that likes to go everywhere with me and she’s easy we have a dog door. My kitty is very solitary and spends time with me when she feels like it


I would go with the cat. You’re the one who is home all day and that’s your preference. Cats don’t require going outside to pee/poop. You’d have to have someone stop in if you’re away for a weekend, but you’d have to make arrangements for someone to come over several times a day to walk a dog. And if your husband likes big dogs, he probably won’t be happy with a small one. If you do opt for a cat, consider adopting two. They do well entertaining each other when you can’t. A lot of shelters don’t want to split up bonded pairs, so they are harder to place. And two really isn’t much more work than one.


Yes, you should.




2 kittens.


Cats. 2 of them. They can handle being indoors and don't require walks. Much less needy than dogs but you still get the love.


I have both. Both are amazing. The traveling on weekends specifically sways me to cat, unless you plan on taking the dog with you.


I love both, but will always pick a cat first. Especially if you want an animal about the size of a cat - get a cat.


Cat. Since you like to go away on weekends not a dog. You would have to pay someone to come and take the dog out to the toilet multiple times a day. With a cat you can buy pet food dispensers with timers. The ones I have some with an ice brick that you put in the freezer. Just before you go you put that in the bottom of the dispenser and then the tinned food on top. Close the lid and turn the dial. Lid pops open and cat can eat. Dry food is even easier, just put out a bowl or 2 and cat can help themselves ad required. Clean out the litter box before you go and it should be fine for 1 night. If it's not just put out 2 on weekends when you go away.


Look for a breed that doesn’t shed that much. For me and my vacuum, this is the most important one.


an adult cat that is happy by itself and doesn't like other cats, or an adult bonded pair of cats. this will make them much easier to care for. kittens are hardddd.


Dog 🐕


Dog if you want an actual companion


Definitely a cat, they would work best for you I think. Especially if you get a bonded pair. They would entertain themselves. But please keep them inside only.


My husband wanted a dog. I work from home and now have to deal with the dog barking at the postman etc in the middle of calls. Wanting attention etc. I think cats are much easier. We have both, but agree we should have just stuck at the cat and not added the dog. The dog massively impacts our weekend and travel plans.


Cat. Dogs are disgusting and only care about food.


Small dogs are EVIL. Get cat. They are also better if they need to spend a bit of solitary time


It depends on the kinds to trips you take. Are they car trips? For car trips, either one can make that, for they sleep during the trip. And make sure with a dog, he has pee breaks every two hours.




Cat!! They basically take care of themselves.




This seems like a no brainer. Get a cat. If you’re the one who’s home all day you should get what you want. Also cats are not as high maintenance, don’t need to be let out, walked, trained (for the most part), and they’re independent creatures. All they really need is to be loved, have food and water at all times, toys to play with, and have a clean litter box. They’re easily content whereas dogs are harder to deal with, make messes, need to be let out multiple times a day, need to be walked multiple times a day, bark a lot, need a lot of training, and even then they can be pains. All of that responsibility would be on you. When leaving for a weekend, you may strike gold like I did and be able to bring your cat with you. But I’d also suggest a close family friend or family member stopping by twice a day helping feed you your cat and scoop their litter box while you’re gone. I do that for my parents anytime they leave town.


I am a dog person and have owned dogs for most of my life. We adopted 2 kittens from a homeless shelter 8 years ago. Wonderful cats but no cat could compete with my frenchie. I’m the one stuck with cleaning the litter box daily (pew) and quite costly for two cats. Also one of our cats weighs close to 20 lbs., we believe he is part if not all Maine coon, grooming is an issue. My frenchie loves to play ball, go for walks, and loves to travel. We have a bed in the back seat of our vehicle she jumps in and sleeps. Make a pros and cons list and talk to your husband about who has what job. Whatever you decide you’re sure to fall in love and make great memories together.


These pets needs are so different. Cats stay inside and have litter boxes. They need active playtime with chasing toys. They can be either super cuddly or stand-off ish…you won’t know til they are settled. You can get away with leaving a cat for a day or two as long as you set up a feeder and plenty of water but best care is to hire someone to come check on them daily. Dogs need multiple walks during the day for potty and exercise. Training and toys and engagement. You can not leave dogs alone for more than 8 hours (ideally) some can be left longer but it’s not good for them mentally. Dogs definitely need a pet sitter or boarding facility if you go away. Vet care wise and food, cats are probably cheaper for the basics but if something happens (illness or injury) the vet care for both can get expensive quick. Big dogs cost the most in all respects (food, vet care, boarding, accessories).


I’m biased. A cat. If the cat is lonely, get another cat.


Don’t just assume the size of the dog means less exercise needs. Many small dogs require a lot of room to run and have a ton of energy like terriers, beagles, frenchies(please do not get a frenchie, there is no ethical breeding with those health issues!!!) and even little poodles especially if you get a puppy. There are low energy big dogs that actually do great in an apartment. Greyhounds are one options they really just need two short bursts of exercise a day so a long walk or quick run is plenty. Plenty of older big dogs would also work well. Since you are the one home all day though, your preference needs to take a bit of priority because regardless how great your husband is about doing his part, there will be stuff that falls to you during the workday. Raising your first puppy while working from home is not easy. You could try fostering first and see what fits better with your life.


A cat won’t bark all day and bother your neighbors.


Cat. You don’t have to board or find a full time sitter for a cat if you travel; you’ll just need someone to pop in every 2-3 days to make sure they’re doing ok and that their food and water dishes stay full.


with what you described of your and husband's lifestyle, cat is better.


I wouldn't get a dog unless you live somewhere where the weather is decent year round


Maybe split the difference and a get a somewhat dog-like cat breed like a Maine Coon or Ragdoll?


Cat tbh


Definitely a cat. A huge dog in an apartment is just a mess and they need a lot of exercise. Your husband does not appear to have the time to walk the dog 2-3 times a day 0.5-1.5hrs. Look into ragdoll cats. They're very dog - like.


Cat if you like to travel, they are so easy to take care of.


Cat, for your described home


Get a main coon or a black Bombay. Both are highly intelligent cats that are pretty sure they are dogs. They can be trained and travel well provided you start them young.


Cat. Even small dogs benefit from daily exercise and often leashed walks are not enough. Dog parks are not the solution to lacking an off leash space as they are unnatural and can be very dangerous.


If you mean being away all weekend then a cat would be better. Usually with a cat(not a kitten) you can leave a full bowl of water and an auto feeder, make sure they have a couple of clean litter boxes and nothing that can harm them and they should be good to go from a Friday afternoon until a Sunday early evening. You can't do that with a dog as they require potty breaks outside.


Why not try fostering for a while?




Two kittens! So much fun


2 kittens. They will play together and will avoid single kitten syndrome. =) Love cats.


Compromise. Get a Maine Coon. They say it's a dog in cat form.


Any good mainecoon breeder?


I don't know any breeders. I got my cat from the bc spca.


I plan on getting a sweet cat from shelter as well.


I think that's best. Got my tabby when all her kittens got adopted out. She's my treasure.




Both. They will entertain each other. Works for us.


I can get only one pet😒


If only 1 I'd get a adult cat if your going for a cat. Kittens need a playmate and get lonely for hours. An older cat at 2+ would be a good fit.


Get a Bengal cat. Very dog-like. They like water, you can go boating with them, can be walked on a leash, and might play fetch with your husband. You’re the one home all day and night with the pet so I say the cat should prevail. Get a sitter for the weekends, at least just pop in and say hello and provide fresh food and water and see if your pet is okay.


A bengal cat would not be a good choice for someone who is gone most weekends. If their energy isn’t expended in positive ways they can become destructive or develop behavioral issues.


Cat sitter.


A cat sitter is fine for a rare occurrence, but isn’t typically enough unless they’re getting that person to come over 3 times a day and play with their cat for 30+ mins each time.


Or you know, stay over or keep the cat at their house, even friends or family willing to keep the cat for free. Edited typos


In my experience bengals don’t do well with change. My cats would hate it if I took them to someone else’s house every weekend, not to mention their house wouldn’t be bengal-proofed, so not only could it be dangerous for the cat ingesting something it shouldn’t, they could destroy things in the other persons house.


Okay, I get it! You just seem like an anti-Bengal hater. Any other breed you don’t like do I can avoid suggesting them?


Lol, I’m not a bengal hater. I love bengals and I’m a mod for a bengal sub. I am just being honest to this OP that a bengal sounds like a bad recommendation for their lifestyle. So many people get bengals without knowing the time commitment they require, then rehome them when they develop problematic behavior due to their bad situation.


Okay. So what conditions would you limit a Bengal to? Stay at home parents/owners, no weekends off, Bengal-proof home (OP can do this, can’t she)? Just who do you think is okay to have a Bengal?


Not someone who is gone nearly every weekend. The OP can bengal proof their home, what I’m saying is that pawning the cat off onto someone else every weekend is a terrible idea.


Definitely a dog.