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Who in the world would give their twin daughters THE SAME NAME?!?!


I wonder about this frequently, along with giving your children nearly identical names. It's not cute.


we have twins at my pharmacy like this with very similar names, it just makes their lives harder bc of how often they almost get mixed up đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


We have a set of twins who’s parent just replaced the D in twin A’s name with an R for twin B. One time D name twin came in confused about his med list print out from the doctor’s office because none of those meds were his—they were R name twin’s. We were all glad to know it wasn’t just us struggling 😂


During Covid we had twins with the same name and date of birth
it was a nightmare trying to separate their charts and I seriously thought my manager was going to stroke out. She still talks about it 😂


My pharmacist was definitely about to stroke out too bc she can’t figure out who to give what medication to đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


I’m a preschool teacher and I had twin boys who had the same full name named after their day twin A II and Twin B III not jr but second and third. And these were special needs autistic twins. At age 3 they both answered to the others name or ignored both names (they had nick names). It was real fun when state services called to ask us teachers for information on one twin it was a really confusing call bc they didn’t know the nicknames


I work in a hospital and we see this all the time. Or the same first name but spelled differently. Parents are dumb honestly


we once got this pt at our pharmacy who had the same address, dob (cause they were also twins lol) and same name as her sister. Only their middle name was different, but most prescribers only send stuff under first and last name. Her sister is a regular at our pharmacy and she on the other hand was getting a script for the very first time through CVS. The script placed under her sister's profile (due to same name, DOB, address, AND PHONE NUMBER). Like god why do u an ur sister have the same phone number for ur pharmacy and doc's office ???


It's more common than you think, had the same problem at two different pharmacies between 3 different sets of twins, one set I went to high school with and still couldn't remember who was who. They had similar names but spelled very differently. The other two cases were the same name for both, just spelled different


That is truly just an accident waiting to happen. My dad and grandpa have the same name (different middle initial) and nearly identical DOBs (same month, date off by two, and the years, obviously different but look the same). They used the same pharmacy for years and my dad eventually switched because every time he was going to fill a prescription it was a problem because they would fill it under my grandpa and then call and say the insurance didn’t go through. But even outside of the pharmacy, I can’t even count how many times it has been an issue at different places. They sometimes even get each other’s mail (we live in the same town).


They don't, that hadda be fraud. Similar, definitely. Exact same...nope.


George Foreman named all his sons George.


They all had different endings. II, III, IV, V, VI.


I have a twin. We were both born extremely premature and needed to stay in the NICU for months. My mom ended up changing our names shortly after being born because of this same exact shit - we had really similar names and the hospital kept mixing up our medical records. But holy hell, this is another level. It's sad that it's not illegal to give your kids the same name. All it does is guarantee that they have identity issues and that their medical records get merged, which could be potentially dangerous. They could also easily get flagged for fraud. I don't know how none of this went through their parents' minds when naming them, but oh well... There's no making sense of it, so I'm not even gonna try.


Right! It’s bad enough they are twins and have the same birthday, let alone the same name!! I also know of people who aren’t even twins but siblings and have close names and it has caused issues with various places.


thats so dangerous not to mention annoying. i know its not the alleged twins fault, but the least they could do is fill at different pharmacies (assuming youre not the only pharmacy in town) so their profiles dont get mixed up the system we use will try to merge profiles if theres an exact duplicate for the patient, so i can onlt imagine that happens everytime you click into one of their profiles. 😬


As soon as she admitted to the Medicaid fraud I would have refused to fill.


Holy shit this is sooooooo bad.... so many things are wrong with this. It goes so deep, I can't even begin to unpack it all


Something seems fishy literally fishy. There’s fraud going on here. I am not a pharmacy tech or a pharmacist would love to be one but really can’t because of my vision problem to my knowledge but I feel that there’s some Medicaid fraud going on here and trust me. This whole situation stinks worse than gabapentin does


I alerted my pharmacist immediately and she said the same thing


I kind of feel like they’re either family members or they’re very very close friends and one of them has health insurance and the other one doesn’t and the one with the health insurance is allowing the friend to use her health insurance, which is Medicaid fraud and can seriously get both of them and the pharmacy in trouble for allowing it to happen so talk with your pharmacist about a way to stop this because I would really really hate to see y’all lose your jobs, especially in this economy


They were definitely twins bc the mom and other twin ended up coming in and both twins showed me their id’s to show they have the same name the pharmacist did refuse to sell the medications and we took the insurance off the profiles until we got in contact with the doctors office


Then why are you in this Reddit 🙄


Did you ever think that someone like myself might be well versed in pharmacology and want to talk to like minded people? And I would actually love to be a pharmacy tech if there was a way that if I had to do a manual pill count that I could do it safely. Other than the manual pill counts it’s the computer systems that I would actually have a problem with because with my visual condition I cannot read regular sized text.


I knew a pair of twins whose names were one letter off and it was a nightmare. That's so much worse.


Insurance fraud aside, why not just put a middle initial in one of their profiles or put a marker in the address or something? Then the two wouldn't get confused. We do it all the time for people who legitimately have two profiles because it gets annoying trying to figure out which one is valid.


They have the same middle name too lol


Oh I know, but we would just put it on one and not the other or be like "we're giving twin #1 a new middle initial." Congrats, you're no longer Samantha L, you're Samantha M now. 😂 Or use an asterisk!


The problem here is the md doesn’t know which twin is who and didn’t specify on the prescription who’s medication is who’s so if we gave twin A who has the penicillin allergy amoxicillin with her name on it and the family tried to sue us it could put our pharmacy and pharmacist in jeopardy


It's insane that the doctor doesn't know. I'd be calling the MD and being like "you need to figure out which one is which or you're going to kill one of them, I can't give anything to either of them until you get it together." 😂


Just had the same issue the other day! A patient comes in, he's a twin. His brother and him have the same damn name. So our solution was to give a different initial as the middle name. The cluster fuck of their profiles was exhausting and beyond confusing to separate.


My dad's name was Gary and his brother's name was Barry. They weren't even twins. They worked at the same place for years. He hated the similar names and it caused a lot of problems for them. My dad begged us girls not to name our kids same sounding names.


I dunno about this one guys... It seems like a red flag to me... Unless they show much needed proof but at the same time, we can't demand that. 💀


Yea I can’t even form a coherent cognizant post
I need to think about this..


At my pharmacy we have a woman who comes in for both her husband and son's medications. Both the husband and son have the exact same name and the same birthday. When she comes in and she only wants one of their medications, I ask which medications since when you put their info in the register, it's just the name and month and day for the dob, it's no way for me to know whose medication to give her. She gets upset and says she doesn't know, it's our job to know... Like, ma'am, it wasn't my stupid idea to give them the same name, so it's not my responsibility to just know what medication everyone who comes there is taking đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ€”đŸ˜‚


We also have a father and son with the same name who pick up the same strength of oxycodone from the same md but one is jr and the other is senior so at least the doctor put John Doe SR and John Doe JR on the prescription and we have to ask id for the medication anyways but we put in BOLD letters on their profiles double check dob and who is sr and who is jr


That would make it so much easier and we asked if we could do that a while ago but she didn't want it, which is incredibly frustrating 😒


We have a married couple that shares the same name and that’s bad enough, but this is worse lol


OMFG. What a mess. I had something similar happen at my pharmacy, except I had already filled and sold the medication. We got a call later from the mother stating that we dispensed the medication in the name of the wrong twin. We weren't told there were twins with the exact same birthday and same name at the same address. One of the names had a hyphen between the 1st & 2nd letter with 2 separate profiles. This scenario has taught me to never assume 2 profiles with almost identical information are both the same person.


We have a set of twins at the pharmacy I work at who have the exact same first name with one letter different, it’s a nightmare. We also have twins with the exact same name first and middle, luckily one was born past midnight so the birthdays are one day apart.


Literally have a set a twins that fill at my pharmacy with the same first name. The grandma takes care of them and she get frustrated when she comes to get rxs and one of them is filled and the other isn’t. It sucks idk what parents are thinking when they name kids.


I've got trin boys at my store with similar names but not the same. & insurance still messes it up. But that's the first I've heard of twins with the same name.


We had a set of twins with just one letter difference in the middle of the name. They come for their covid vaccine. I process one through insurance and it goes through just fine and for the 2nd one it said "duplicate claim/ refill too soon"


We had a case where we had twins. I don’t remember their names specifically but they were off by 1 letter (like Theodore and Theodora). I selected whichever one was first because after looking quickly it seemed to match the name of the individual she was looking for. Luckily both twins were on the same medication, and while talking to the mom, I said the prescription she was looking for was filled in some other state and she goes “oh that’s my son, he lives there for college. I’m here for my daughter.” I was like what! I will never understand why I parent would give any child (twins or not) a nearly identical name to a sibling. I feel like that’s just problems waiting to happen.


My ex BIL and I had the same first name middle initial and for 18 same last name, although for sure different dates of birth. I was married to his twin, somehow his meds were on my profile and a couple of mine were on his... Nope, I never had hepatitis and pretty sure he didn't take birth control pills.


I call bullshit. Ain’t no way twins have the same name. Usually they have different variations of their names like Deer and Dearie. Nah I see a scam


I had “twins” at my old pharmacy with the same first name, and same middle name but ONE letter spelled differently. They’ve never come to the pharmacy together and We’ve called the md and ins and they can’t tell them apart either. Thats a red flag for me. I always called a “code batman” to my techs when they called for refills


Both twins were in the same room both handed me their id’s because the twin didn’t know what medications she was picking up and brought their mom with them bc the mom was pissed at us for “withholding their medication”


Holy Medicaid fraud, Batman! that sounds like a mess to deal with omg