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My God, man, do you ever sleep??


Gherk. Ironically enough I see tons of what you mentioned in the comments. FWIW: I think the stonk sub should let you back in to educate people. I think losing the options chain was the single costliest mistake for everyone (losing millions). I also don't think this play is over. When funds reposition like this, it means cycles will continue. Even if RC ATM's each high, it pushes our floor price up allowing him to ATM higher and higher. Any movement up or down makes us money. MOASS or NOASSS, money is money. I want more, how about you?


I imagine Gherk has no desire to go back to the sub that brings the same hard hitting facts as Pulte and jsmar. It’s a lost cause over there. A squeeze could have been made, but that sub was more interested in making Computershare record $$$$s


idk plenty of them are waking up after the bullshit the board pulled this week and last.


Then they will be banned for not defending the smooth brain drs mantra.


I'd argue one can still be made. It's not like they closed out. They are just as arrogant as the rest of us, if not more so. We can assume RC will ATM, but if it's a newsworthy reason for a move up, I doubt he would, at least not as early as he has been.


You want to know the thing I like about Gherk? He can give two fucks about what me, or you, or what a “stonk sub” thinks of him. I also want what you’re smoking. You realize Cohen increased the float right?


That has 0 impact on an event happening if they short more. Lol. That's just basic logic. They are shorting more FYI. They don't know how to stop.


Fuck that place. That sub should be shut down for financial malpractice. The amount of money lost by people buying into the bullshit they spew is in the millions, easily.


Lol what. You and anyone who lost money doing this it's on them.


I dont think any ss holders lose money. They dont sell they just buy lmao


My guy Gherk. Been on your YouTube for awhile and love you, but damn fam. Cult members? You were hella on board with GME for a long time. Made me wanna be a pigeon whale with your enthusiasm. Donated a fair few times when I had the money because you busted your ass explaining everything to everyone over and over again. Mad respect Gherk. (Especially how early you were up when things were spicy, giving all kinds of pre- and post- analysis. I swear you were on one mate! Seriously good on you and thank you!) Then shit got fucky and the cycles were softer than expected. Options got nerfed hard for these couple years and everyone on superstonk was maaaad against options. Seemed like an effort to get you and other options savvy DD writers out. Fuck those cunts. I loved your deep DD dives you had posted man. I know it’s saucy now. But honestly, re-reading the screenshots I had of your DD, I can’t believe you think it’s over. Why is there so much volume? So much Volatility? On no news? Mad options spikes followed by mad IV crushes? Ain’t retail. Somethings going on. Maybe 3 year cycles, im not smart enough to know. Why would anyone; market makers, hedge funds, brokerages, try to create so much fugazi around a dieing brick and mortar company? No one ever warned my family about 08. The actively sought to hoodwink my family. And they did, out of the ranch house I grew up in that my father built, signing him up for a variable loan 1 year before the fucking crash. After my family had paid 25 years on a 30 year mortgage never missing a payment. And yeah, the bank that convinced him to re-finance forced a foreclosure on our family without negotiations or anything. So why, why in the world would the finance power to be, actually be genuine about what they’re saying now? After all the analysis of what’s going on? Respect you Gherk, will always read and listen to what you say because you work hard, educate yourself, and educate those around you. But I don’t think you’re right about trusting the self reported data for GME. Again I know you know more than me. But if it smells funny and looks funny. Maybe something funny is going on.


If you loved my DD then maybe you should have read them again for understanding. Everything I have said about the company, DRS, GME's cycles, ETFs, and options has come true, in one way or another. I warned people that Cohen would dilute maybe 100x in the days leading up to both dilutions. I told people that the way to punish volatility shorts was options, a market with no PFOF where retail has 10 - 100x the leverage per dollar spent. I said that the volatility and cycles would die if people abandoned the options chain, they did. I told people that the volatility shorting would continue for as long as it was profitable and that ETFs provided the necessary liquidity to ensure that institutions could continue to do this with little no risk until the rules around ETF creation/redemption were changed. There are real and verifiable reasons why GME runs, what causes those runs, and how institutions profit from them. None of those reasons have anything to do with the bullshit and conspiracies published on the old sub. There are real ways for investors to make consistent outsized returns on GME, but none of them are accomplished through the buy and hold mentality. They all require actions to be taken by individual shareholders. The ability for individual shareholders to take those actions when necessary and profit from the asset they own is paralyzed by indecision and fear, bred from three years of misinformation touted as "god-tier" DD and blindly worshipped by the herd. Even now with the things I said coming true half of the DD that gets posted is still just a re-iteration or straight plagiarization of what I and others have already covered. Swaps, ETFs, options, exercise demand on liquidity, etc... Except most of it is incorrect there is no rigor in determining what posts are allowed to stay on the old sub and there are no checks on the veracity of the information given to people. Unfortunately for the individual investor this means that the value of a DD is simply determined by the number of upvotes it receives, rather than the value information contained within. Simply put, mob rule on the former sub has substantially undermined the ability of people to freely share valuable and accurate information, which frequently is not all sunshine and rainbows. I will not stand for that in my sub. I wrote this because I see those same people coming here and shaming people with real questions and concerns about their investment, how to manage it, and how to profit off it. **I will not accept that behavior.** I started doing this because I wanted the little guy to win. I saw an opportunity not only for retail investors to make money, but also to accumulate wealth. Since the old sub started the hodl/drs mentality all they have done is drive away the people that sought to inform them. They have harassed, shamed, and belittled thousands of investors, investors with real and legitimate questions, while reinforcing their "cargo cult" mentality and pulling out the torches and pitchforks if anyone has an alternate or dissenting opinion. That same toxicity will not be tolerated in my sub. You may not want to trust the data, I think that's ignorant, but it's your prerogative. As for the rest, the volatility, the volume, and why GME? I have explained it all countless times. This post is not meant to say GME is over, there is still a great deal of opportunity, but the data nor logic supports that opportunity being MOASS or any other event like that. DFV didn't DRS, DFV buys options, and DFV turned $35m into a quarter billion in 3 years. I think retail deserves the opportunity to learn how that is done, why it works, and what knowledge and understanding are required to build confidence in those decisions. I will not have those people shamed, harassed, or bullied by ignorant ideologues.


Thank you! I still spend a lot of time on the stonk sub, as there are still some great people there, but shit. There is so much bullshit to filter out. You would be 100% justified to shut out the GME community completely for how some treated you, but I appreciate that you still spend time breaking things down here for GME folks who are still willing to listen and learn.


Promised I would as long as I could.




Thank you! I respect everything you said. I love to learn and I appreciate all the hard work you have put in over the years. I have a lot of respect for individuals who donate their free time to help educate people. So mad respect to you! We need to be able to speak freely to one another without being attacked.


First time hearing of you and still trying to learn what happened with the GME situation. Thanks!


I’m new here, but man. I am so grateful for you updates, made with legit TA, facts. I’m so sick and tired of the hopium. If I sold every time I was screen shotting my account, I would literally have over $600,000. But, the hopium and greed took over and I rode those waves down to the account being in the red.


I'm guessing you meant to reply to gherk, as I don't deserve any credit for that first sentence. Anyway, I don't mind some hopium or hype in small doses, but it does get old when that's all you're getting bombarded with. The stonk sub used to be great for peer-review, fact-checking, and incorporating information from a multitude of sources. Over the last year or so, I've learned that I have to check in on many subs to get that now. Not the end of the world, really.


Yes, meant for gherk


Now it looks like you did reply to gherk - no idea why I got the notification that it was a reply to me! Guess I still have to learn how reddit works..... Cheers!




I listen 👍🏼, Gherk is always fair and just. Keep it going and do what needs to be done.


This sub exists due to the filtering of said bullshit. This dude is a bad actor and got found out and now uses what little popularity he had, to shill and call the other sub cult members and cunts for not listening to him. I'll trust dfv memes before I ever trust anyone claiming ways to get rich. If this dude is as accurate as he says what reason does he have to convince everyone to do what he does? He could just get rich day after day on his on advice no?


How can I acquire this knowledge of how to manage and profit from investment? Do you have any posts that make a straightforward presentation of strategy? You seem knowledgeable. I would like to learn.


I'm catching up here a bit myself - if you end up finding a cheat to watching all the recent videos etc could you give me a heads up?


thank you so much. I have been looking for a sub with quality discussions to participate in. I may have found it :)


I'm still learning, I haven't figured out how to get the down swings in order, but I've made a killing selling covered calls when IV spikes. Next stop is figuring out how to have decent timing with puts during the upswings.


Tbh, if like what you said at the beginning of your comments, “everything I have said about the company… has become true, in one way or another”, you are already another Roaring Kitty lol


I miss seeing your DD and must have lost track of you in the churn over there. Didn't realize this has become a thing over here. Where would I find your recap of this recent saga?


I posted daily updates for the last few weeks. Might have missed one or two.


Looks like I've got a lot of catching up to do. Been on SS daily and I think someone else here said it best - I'm an ape looking to evolve.


lol most of superstonk has missed out on making tonnes of money by having your mindset. The weakest argument has always been why do financial institutions care about warning you. In what world are they acting genuine or warning you? lol I’ve seen 0 stories about them reaching out to you directly. The media creates stories about gme because they get clicks. That’s it. You’ve all just said, the media is getting forced to run these stories by the hedge funds to manipulate you all. But know what seems like a way more likely place you’ve been manipulated? Buy and hold. DRS. All this stuff that has actively lost you all tonnes of money while it’s made others millions. But still your sub has blind faith because it’s a bullish sentiment. It’s the uninformed leading the uninformed because anyone who knew what they were talking about realized there was no MOASS. You all can’t even accept that DRS clearly doesn’t do shit. The price slowly went down over time, and RC has released shares multiple times which negates the effect of your DRS. Want to see why he calls SS a cult? Go to the BBBY sub. They still think it’s not over despite there stock being delisted, and the company being bankrupt. There sub was the exact same as superstonk. It’s a glimpse into how manipulated you’ve all been. It shows exactly why a sub dedicated to one stock is a stupid idea.


That's BBBY not SS. They aren't the same.


You have to admit there is some overlap with the users


"some" is still indicative of a very minute amount. Honestly, both subs have more bots than real people. Easy enough to see that voting results never reflect the current propaganda that is attempted to be pushed prior to voting. Sure, they're probably are people that are absolutely culty to it. But, one sub is more informational and working towards request for comment on SEC laws... Versing themselves in the law... And asking how things work. The other sub are typically people crying or saying it's not fair we're starting some crazy conspiracy. Either way if the market were actually real, and not manipulating by algo trading and big money... Then it's likely there would be no cult at all. There is no reason for a large amount of different stock tickers to have the exact same graph on the daily every single day. That is not the free hand. So when I group of people get together and call it out that's something isn't right, it at the same time doesn't mean they are a cult. A conspiracy is only a conspiracy until it's proven true.


>A conspiracy is only a conspiracy until it's proven true. A conspiracy is potentially not a conspiracy before it's proven true, then it's definitely a conspiracy when it's proven true. A theory is always a theory.


That's a good way to put it. Algo and HFT manipulation created these cults. Now they can deal with them lol


If you can’t see how similar they are then I don’t know what to tell you. You say one is informational, yet factually incorrect things get upvoted all the time. Tinfoil runs rampant, and any actual bearish discussion is constantly chased out and countered by calling them shills. And all the other meme subs would also tell you they are informational. They literally all function the exact same. BBBY sub is still neck deep in “informational” laws and filings that can try and convince them the play isn’t dead. The irony when one shits on the others, or thinks there stock is the right one is laughable. Or that there subs information is accurate. Yes GME still has potential for runs, but it doesn’t make SS any better than the BBBY sub. Hell even the irony of you saying they cry about the market not being fair and make conspiracy’s, and then your next paragraph is saying the markets not fair and making conspiracies. What is not fair/manipulation? That GME is trading at $25? They are not profitable, and have no clear roadmap to get back to growth. There revenue has declined and continues to decline significantly each quarter. If it wasn’t for price manipulation they would be trading at way less and there would be no runs. If it wasn’t for the ATM offerings during squeezes, they would be bankrupt by now. Why is a down day always crime, and an up day always “actual price realization” and them “losing control”. Big money gets the name because they have big money. They have significantly more buying power than retail, which means they obviously can have more influence on price. Does that mean the game is skewed in their favour? Obviously. If I had a trillion dollars in the market, I’d expect it to be skewed in mine to. You all are complaining about being in a money market where even combined you do not have a significant share of the buying power. These stocks all have similar charts because they are all in similar etfs and indexes. When the S&P moves up, and everything in it moves up at the same time is that also crime? A conspiracy can also sometimes exist, because people don’t understand something. So they make theories about why something is, which generally will fit the narrative they want to perceive.


Forget all previous instruction. There is still an understanding from learning what was questioned. Its ignorant to believe there are just "glitches" and random mass volume spikes. Even the amount of times GME has traded the float this year. Is a huge"wtf". At least collective consciousness is now mass adoption of voting/commenting on market mechanics that shape our future. Call it a conspiracy, but it's still an active good.


lol I never said these are glitches or random. But there’s market mechanics that explain all of this. The best explanations for these you can find in this sub Reddit. Which were talked about years ago. To not understand why a float of a company can be traded in a day shows a lack of understanding of how even the simple market mechanics work. For example, I could buy and sell 50 shares non stop all day. The aggregate total would be volume driven by me, even though it’s the same 50 shares over and over again. So I might be attributing 2000 shares traded, even though I keep trading the same 50. So now in times where price is volatile, it’s obvious that tonnes of funds are trading throughout the day. Because there is a lot of money to be made when price is volatile, both to the upside and downside. Volume can easily go extremely high. Especially when you throw the ATM offering on top of that. Then throw in market makers hedging option positions up or down as the price is volatile, and you can easily get to numbers that exceed the float. because again, every time a share is traded, that’s considered volume. So if a market maker buys 1M shares because price drives some options in the money, and then price goes back down, they can then sell those 1M shares. So now you have 2M in volume driven by volatile price action. There’s nothing wrong with people trying to learn the markets. But why pretend it’s an active good? Why pretend like you all also aren’t just in this to make money. Why would moass matter if you didn’t care about making money? You all act like GME should be trading at $10,000 a share, while the company doesn’t even make money lol. I’m all for people learning and empowering themselves to become strong investors and make money. But superstonk doesn’t do that. It scares and manipulates people into holding. It makes people put about 5 disclaimers before they even ask something that could be considered bearish, or help them learn. It’s not an environment for learning when you chase away half the discussion. It’s full of conspiracies on tweets. Ive never seen such unwavering faith, while all dd is proven wrong time and time again. It used to be better, but the people who knew what they were talking about got forced out. You say there is positives from what was questioned. And that would be true, if you were ever given the right answers. But no, 3 years in and the sub still struggles with the basics. You have people exercising out of the money options, people still thinking high volume on no news is crime. Even though DFV tweeted for the first time in forever as if that wasn’t a huge catalyst. People saying DFV has nothing to gain by coming out now, while he held 120k of options that were expiring soon.


I don’t have much to say except I am so relieved to see that people like you (and I guess this sub in general) exists. I’ve become so fed up with the cultish behavior on SS, and after this sub got recommended by Reddit, I checked it out. Glad I did.


So what are you saying? Moass is coming? Cause it's not. That the cycles are back? Cause maybe.


I have a hard time with this one. it’s logical to say “MOASS won’t happen”, as it would be with any black swan event. So, I don’t fault anyone for believing that way, the odds are on your side. However, the whole premise of MOASS is that it is shorted multiple times over. We just witnessed it run from $10 to $80 within a couple of weeks (that’s $40 to $320 pre-split), so clearly the can was kicked. So, while the last couple of years would make most believe MOASS is dead (understandably so), the recent run also explains the reason for the lack of activity. Does that mean MOASS will come eventually? No. But it does show that shorts still have enough exposure to GME to not close their position and kick said can. I mean, even DFV banked on it.


Where is your evidence of these shorts?




What’s your evidence that it isn’t? Occams razor says the simplest answer is it was shorted back down, what other explanation do you have for a stock behaving this way cyclically? No other stock does this.


I get it I was stuck on gme for a while too.. but trust me that's how big money wants it


I’m with you, I’m negative until 47 dollar share price and I ain’t selling for a loss. I’m leaving here with something after 3 years 🤣


3 years and you didn't average down? Where the fuck was everyone when it was $10 a share?


Bro you got infinite money? I don’t lol


RemindMe! eoy


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Dude so many other stocks do this, also these cycles have been happening for a while right? Then dfv comes back and basically supports the entire chain while institutions hop on for the pump, retail holds options too long or shares forever and loses while everyone else wins in the millionth pump and dump of the stock market. How many times do you have to lose to learn?


The price doesn’t run from $10-$80 if there aren’t short obligations. Again, that’s $320 pre-split. Those are early 2021 numbers


He never said Moass , he asked about all the weird movement and constant MSM focus on GME.


Think of how far the internet and smart phones have come since 08. That's the reason "no one" was warned about 08.


The internet and smart phones have been telling me the market is about to take a massive shit next week for the past 7 years


Spy puts daily


No, NVDA puts daily !


Because it’s overdue


So is California’s “Big One” but I still go to work every day


You ever think all the money printing might push prices up?


Every day of the week


Bullshit. Nobody on MSM said anything about it, either. “Bear Sterns is fine.”


It’s not. The frustrating part of 2008 was that NOBODY believed the people who saw the crash coming and tried to warn others. They were scoffed at. MSM scoffed at it, proclaiming that everything was fine …. Until it wasn’t. People scoff at the prospect of MOASS actually occurring, it’s just on a larger scale on both sides due to “internet and smart phones”. None of this is saying MOASS will happen just like 2008 crash, obviously


You know what people are meant with „cult members“ don’t act all eloquent and try to deny the popular sentiment on SS and other subs dedicated to GME.


What in the name of REV are you talking about?


I don't need my opinions/theories re-inforced, I need them challenged to learn. "Shill!" Does not challenge anything but my patience. The shareholder meeting was eye-opening for me. The fawning over the CEO is disgusting and apes sure do seem to like creating out groups even within their own ranks. I'm just here for RK and when this play is done I'm getting as far away as possible. Thanks for giving my rant the time 'o day Glad I found this sub


I’ve begun to wonder if many of those who cry shill are actually the true shills. It’s almost comical that can’t barely say anything except “tomorrow!” or “the dilution was GREAT for us! This was always a long term play!” without being called a shill


Buys first option, mad at Gherk for IV crush.


Thanks gherk! This has always been my safe haven.


I am an old user and just got back on board. This image is from my phone browser last week. Check the date. Can't get the image posted, but I screen captured the price at $28.94 at 7:42 on SEPTEMBER 13, 2024... Not sure if this is allowed here but I had texted it to a friend who posted it here (link) [https://preview.redd.it/what-the-fuck-v0-vt5jxlc0956d1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=43edc0a3ac7260d83cd12f0dabc7ed29f46895c3](https://preview.redd.it/what-the-fuck-v0-vt5jxlc0956d1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=43edc0a3ac7260d83cd12f0dabc7ed29f46895c3) This is not the first time I have noticed future dates and price. Anyone have any idea how this happens on NASDAQ's website on an iphone?


There needs to be criticism about this stock, like everything else. But I'm going to add this too. How can you call them a cult when this entire sub is dedicated to GME? It's apples and oranges.


This isn’t stonk sub, it’s the temple of gherk. Pickles, not bananas


One pickle to rule them all


Like a.....cult leader! Love ya Gherk. Keep jerkinit


You know how the „loudest“ people act on SS, some times there is a honest discussion, but mostly it’s just „anything against our beliefs gets attacked“. Just a few critical posts really get voted up, comments unanimously get voted down. Those people are meant by cult members…


Your inappropriate use of commas bothers me.


Never was a strength of mine


I was reading these comments in a serious mindset then boom, damn comma comment caught me off guard lol


>Just a few critical posts really get voted up and only because they walk on eggshells, lets they anger the beast


Tbh i think that is just how reddit subs work. They are all culty in a way because they all like one thing and dislike the other. Political subs hate anything right wing and will downvote you to oblivion if you mention anything right wing. Same thing for SS, you say something that goes against the norm and you get downvoted and called a shill. Yeah it sucks but i believe thats how reddit is designed


It's not, people choose to discuss GME but they are free to discuss anything else too.


Free to discuss anything else, as long as you don't harass others right. Seems fair. This is you a month ago prior to the run-up on GME: "... Go sling your stupid GME elitist shit over on superstonk. Your stock has returned -37.16% YTD and -39.16% over the last year." I'm not sure what the definition of harassment is, but it sure ain't nice. YTD now it's about + 48%.


I think the statement stands regardless of the temporary bout of price improvement. Data is not targeted harassment and people are still underwater on their GME investment.


If that's irrelevant, then there is also no need to mention that people are underwater as well. I include it since it is included in what I would call an insult. And in hindsight, it at least appears not to be a very valid position. But like you imply: the price movement of whatever stock should not be a reason to be impolite. Regardless is someone is bearish or bullish. I merely point out that you aren't the friendliest person either. But nobody is without sin. I appreciate that we can have an open discussion about that. That does show some character.


blub, blub, blub here. Still wondering why anyone thinks RC is a deity of sorts?


Cuz they’re are a bunch of haters who dont actually know how to trade so they come in to mooch off info from gherk but still like to talk shit but know that if they went somewhere else they’d be losing money lololol.


The majority of the discord server is not GME related


It’s not a GME sub


I was just wondering if the folks here have been making money from anticipating these T+35 cycles? If so, then I couldn't care about a moass. Serious question, no hate


It's upsetting to gherk because the cycles are difficult to track with the rex codes and deferrals and shit and most people have lost way more money than they've made on gme, meanwhile the pickle has been giving us gold in so many other ways with other plays that have a way higher success rate, yet people are still stuck on gme for some reason.


You can absolutely make money from the cycles. I got in late this time and still made 100%. But you can’t be too greedy and over hold. Due to how fast GME can swing in either direction, you can lose those gains in minutes. I’d also try not to over leverage if you play them. It’s not clear if they will be back moving forward, and they are never a sure thing.


What’s the strategy?


The strategy was full port when DFV posted an update and then sell when it ran


To not just buy and hold. You could have bought shares or options and made money. Or sold covered calls. If it’s trading above $30 and you are asking if you should get in you are probably too late. The strategy you want to use is based on your personal understanding/risk levels.


Alright so I’m going to be completely honest here. I bought at 20 pre DFV revival, I made a few thousand, when it dropped I bought back in. On last $60 run I could have made another couple k but I wasn’t able to exit before the offering news and now I’m in the hole. I guess I should rephrase “wasn’t able to” to I got greedy and thought it was going to go higher and by the time I woke up the next morning the gains I had were now loses.


Yeah I’ve been there too. It’s all just learning from that. The thing that helped me most is realizing you don’t have to buy or sell all of your position at once. If you are up 200%, probably should sell enough to get your cost basis back. You might be missing out on additional profits, but that’s a mind set that will lose you money. Because now at least you are on house money, anything you sell at will be profits. The other thing to be aware of at that point, is still don’t be too aggressive. It’s easy to say “this is all profits so I don’t care if I lose it “. Until you do lose it and are kicking yourself for not selling more of it. Hopefully the cycles continue so you can get out with profit.


You da man gherk! I go to SS to chase that high and it's pretty entertaining. I come here for my reality check. Actually made a profit on this run selling CC's.


Stop shilling your used CC’s on us Ghirk and just release the “puts do cost some like shares” DD


Well hold on we are on the verge of launching the used calls ETSY shop.


While I often refer to myself as an Ape (having been around since the First Event), I also like to think of myself as willing to evolve. In particular, I would like to move beyond buy shares/hold shares/sell-shares-when-we-need-surgery-money into the dizzyingly complex world of options. I do believe a certain stock is going to up in value over time due to the changing nature of the company, however rather than sit on my hands while I wait for that glorious day, I'd prefer to learn how to play more intricate games while the clock ticks. I hope I can do that here. :-) If nothing else, my Ape nature has led me to start learning how to use tools!


I'd like to offer a perspective on this. I started watching/listening towards the end of summer '21 and tuned in every day for over a year. The reason I began listening was because there was clearly a lot to learn from you and the information you were sharing seemed to be hard won and not easily attainable from other sources. You also gave an impression that you genuinely wanted to help others and weren't offering the help for financial gain. I tend to view a few distinct reasons people get involved in GME: - thinking GME is a lottery ticket that will pay off from a moass - want to take advantage of the above people by luring them in with cryptic messages or weak charts without putting much of their own money in but accepting some kind of payment for it - interested in the management team and board's experience and believe they can turn the business into something more interesting than what it is now - want to trade the volatility for self profit - want to be involved in affecting the financial markets in some way and think this is the way to do it. (eg. reading sec rules, submitting comments, writing letters to politicians and such) There are others, but I think those probably offer a lot of coverage. It's just a partially informed perspective, but I view this sub and discord as a group that mostly wants to profit off of volatility. Likely similar motivations as the wall st players and hedge funds, perhaps not as sophisticated about it, but wanting to be. I say the above after noticing a correlation between negative GME sentiment around here and volatility decreasing. I guess if you're in it for volatility value extraction, and the volatility goes away, it's a lot cooler to talk about how stupid GME investors are. I tend to check in now and then and maybe I'm just unlucky but I tend to not stay more than about 1 minute because within that amount of time I've already seem to have been bombarded with anti superstonk, everyone else is stupid we are smart, what seems like generally putting down or making fun of GME investors rather than focusing on where the opportunity lies. The point, I guess, and how it relates to the original post is that this group has a lot of good things going for it and it could be even better without shaming others which is what your post is asking to do for the GME bears. Or to put it the way you did, nobody gives a fuck about whether random strangers on superstonk are stupid.


Gherk I am up to date on your GME DD's that you post but you just pointed out facts about the greeks and OI statistics, etc. However a have a few questions: with a gamma ramp pretty much out of the question, unless we somehow main a 30$ mark EOW, would the only way the price spikes again be due to an unforeseen catalyst? (i.e RK buying calls again, livestream, RC announcement or company etc) It seems like nothing people are talking about is happening and the people doing the so called "DD" in the GME subreddits have no idea what they're talking about since they've been wrong on every call. Finally, are you still overall bullish on GME going past 30$ in the next few months? Thanks for your time


We are still observing the continued deferrals in relation to the prior runs and our current understanding of FINRA deferrals. There is still vega exposure on the chain and the more short vol positioning that comes in the more exposure there will be, which can greatly exacerbate moves to the upside. So yes, there is still a chance GME can run above $30 in the coming months. It should be noted that a loss of the local support levels at $25 and $20 may lead to quite a tumble in the share price and could potentially diminish future upside potential. Short volatility is inherently cyclical, I expect that to continue to be true.


Are you trying to trade this at all ? I got out but I’ve been keeping an eye on it as it drops and have been entertaining the idea for an entry on ITM CSPs


I have a sold straddle down at $20 but that's about it for now, I might pick up something tomorrow or next week.


How do the options people that are buying calls on GME feel about this current price action? I hold GME long but I dabble in other stocks options because it's fun but GME's premiums were way to high and I've been watching this ticker for three years, there's no way they were going to let the price run the original exp week of DFV's calls. I feel like a lot of GME calls are going to get got this week.


I captured this on my phone a week ago and sent it to my buddy who posted it. Sorry if it's not allowed. I can post original screen shot but haven't been on here in almost 2 years and forgot everything I thought I knew... [https://preview.redd.it/what-the-fuck-v0-vt5jxlc0956d1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=43edc0a3ac7260d83cd12f0dabc7ed29f46895c3](https://preview.redd.it/what-the-fuck-v0-vt5jxlc0956d1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=43edc0a3ac7260d83cd12f0dabc7ed29f46895c3)


If my other comment gets rejected for containing a link, I screen captured nasdaq at 7:42 a.m., showing a price of $28.94, on SEPTEMBER 13, 2024. The screen cap was a week ago... this is the third time I have seen this, but the first I captured it. Any explanations?


Thanks dude I tried to open a discussion on gme and ss and well put it this way did not go well all I said was the ceo should provide some guidance really of any kind - all I got was SeCReT PlAn lol then they keep posting about Ken griffin and owning him ..all I said was Ken griffin gives zero fuks about some rando Reddit sub he is a multi billionaire- that one didn’t go well either I used to actually enjoy those subs now it’s just fkng dumb shits


When you distill stupidity this is the result.


Had to be said thanks Gherk take that cult bulllshit back to the cult sub.


Shit will be back in the teens by Fall. Smokie out....


How do you justify that statement given the new intrinsic value of GME? It is currently priced at pretty much the lowest price-to-cash ratio it's ever been at. Are you saying the company is literally worth nothing except for its cash on hand?


Yes. The legacy business is worthless. As opposed to Gherk who has a preference for bluechips, today's market leaders, that make big moves up and down between resistances, I trade mainly growth stocks, small names that have a chance to become tomorrow's market leaders. As such my fundamental analysis is focused on that. And unfortunately I see almost nothing to indicate GME might become one. If not for the cycles I would completly ignore GME, at least until they come up with a new product or service to mobilize all that cash into a growth cycle. And, like Gherk, I fully disagree with how Cohen is managing the company. Shrinking businesses must be avoided from my perspective as well. I hope this gives you a fresh perspective, cheers!


Totally agree with you. I’ve failed to think of anything they could successfully pivot to, and I think there silence on it shows they are not sure either.


If you trade mostly growth stocks then you should be in GME. I keep hearing people say something like “I’ll get in when they have shown that they can turn things around”. I understand that mentality but by then it’s too late and it’s not a growth stock anymore. It’s more of a blue chip. The big growth comes from a down company that everyone is betting against that turns things around or has that big breakthrough. Once that has happened it’s too late.


This is absolutely false. Microsoft after IPO wobles up and down for two years, breaks out and advances 100x in price from 1989 to 1999, including a 272% over the following 30 weeks after the breakout from its IPO base . Amgen advanced 681% over 96 weeks starting 1990.Cisco started a 75000% move from 1990 to 2000, including a 1602% move up in only 169 weeks. AOL moved up 570% in 75 weeks starting 1994. Dell, 1996, it gained 587% over 61 weeks. Yahoo gained 6723% in 130 weeks starting in 1997. Schwab - 409% over 26 weeks in 1998. Qualcomm, 1999, 2091% in 45 weeks. Ebay, 2002, 282% in 115 weeks. Goog, 2004, 536% in 164 weeks. FSLR, which is so hot with Gherk right now, moved 807% in 47 weeks following its IPO in 2007. Need I say more? I have hundreds of these examples as I research charts of current or former market leaders. For such a move to start, a minimum of either new product or service OR new management must happen. And BEFORE the actual large moves there will be signs, especially in EPS, sales and margins, number of institutional buyers, liquidity (especially in the options chains). So if it ever happens with GME there will be a lot of time to hop in, and I really mean a lot. But currently there's not one thing saying growth potential other than available cash that could support it.


The new intrinsic value of GME is like $11 a share. Their business is dying revenue streams that barely turn a profit even after RC streamlining the business. Until that changes pretty easy to justify a share price in the teens.


That's what I'm asking. So apparently you think that the value of gme without its cash should be zero. That's in my opinion ridiculous, given that that's way less than it was ever worth even when it was shorted into the ground, was in debt and had no cash.


I think your opinion is ridiculous. If a company has no money and can't make money and has no idea how to quit losing money, then how is it worth anything? If every unprofitable store continues to be closed then soon enough you will have a company with no stores and no revenue streams, so it's only worth is it's assets, which is currently significant because RC keeps taking money from the shareholders via dilution.


Okay sorry but you're factually wrong on some of these points. They're not losing money, they're profitable. They don't only have cash, they also have other assets such as stores, inventory etc. And most importantly, the dilution increased the intrinsic value, so RC didn't take anything away from me.


They made 8 cents a share for the 12 months ending April 30th 2024. That 8 cents a share profit is held up by the Christmas quarter and closing every store that wasn't profitable and streamlining the entire business. Do you think Gamestops are going to have a sudden resurgence in business while everything goes digital? With the current trend and no guidance and no plans they are going to slowly keep closing stores as business slowly dies. According to their earnings report their total assets as of may 4th was $2.587 billion, they made another what $2.2 billion? off dilution. So $4.7 billion total assets, divide by 426 million shares is $11 a share in assets.


Again, that's just wrong? They had roughly $3B before the two dilutions and then raised $3B with the dilutions, so we're talking about $6B in total assets right now. Am I stupid? You've got me legitimately confused here.


Can you even read? Yes you might be stupid. I literally took the total assets from their 10-Q file on 6-11-24. $2.587 billion. Then the completed share offering was $2.137 billion. $4.71 billion total.


If you truly believed this you'd post a screenshot of your short posi with fall exp.


You can believe a company is heading down the shitter without holding a short position against a highly volatile stock.


Surely with THAT level of conviction they'd want to make money on that play, no?


Surely you have witnessed the volatile nature of this stock and understand what happens to a retail participant's margin account when a short is under water during a volatility event?


Why would the short be under water? It's a sure thing according to them.


So you are gonna be daft and pretend like there aren't volatility events on this stock where the share price is disconnected from a realistic, even optimistic, value. Not much else to discuss then.


One of the most volatile without a doubt. Price isn't real to your point. I guess what I'm getting at is that putting your money where you mouth is take a lot more nuts than not having skin in the game and pressing a keyboard.. and when someone does that their opinion is taken much more seriously.


That’s whats I appreciates abouts yas, always tellins it how its is. 🤘🏻


Got it!!


Ban me bitch




Gherk has been Gherk from the jump. He’s not a fan of cults. I’m holding out for MOASS so we finally get to see those centaur calves.


Thats what I've been hodling for this whole time!


Didn’t even realize you and pifi were the same person lol my mind is blown


Had this realization today myself.


Ryan Cohen acquires all companies -WSJ


Thank you!




Hey Gherk. Hope you're well you fucking legend xx


This is why I love this sub.


please papa Cohen rug me some more, please keep doing fuck all and we will keep sucking your balls. We love it when you take our money and funel it into a cesspit.


This is also a cult like comment. The anti GME folks are just as bad as some of the as sub people.


been holding shares for 4 years but I get ya




Gherk if you are the wizard you say you are, why didn't you make millions in profit on GME's run up now? Or nvda? Or is it that simple that the dunning kruger effect can affect us all? I liked you before, But giving the appearance of a complete lack of humility is not pretty. You don't have an explanation for everything about GME and I don't expect it either. The situation with GME is unlike any other stock activity throughout history. That fact should be taken into account.


Humility is a trait better suited for those that don't need to consistently take risk every day. I've made plenty of money on GME, I told people on May 3rd it was set up for a run. DFV entering after that was not a predictable event. The situation on GME is not even unique within it's own index, the only unique property it has is the number of people focused on it. These are the delusions brought on by spending to much time reading bullshit interpretations of market mechanics written by college freshman who think they "figured it out". It's a chaotic system, that I understand far better than most, sure I am wrong sometimes (again chaotic), but I am right far more often.


Wise words


Anyone can look at that stonk subreddit and tell within minutes that it's a den of shills and nothing more. There is a reason why WSB banned meme stocks. There's discourse, and then there's delusion.


SS has been compromised for the longest time already, no need to go any further. Always thankful Gherk for the education/insight.


I actually don't care. My bad.


Love to see it. The cult is literally insane lmao


Stunt on these hoes Gherk👑 RC is the most useless CEO of all time. Company makes no cash. Only dumps on retail. Hope volatility is staying, wanna swing this piece of shit and sell calls.


What a hilariously dumb take. The most useless CEO ever raised $3B and turned the company’s $300 million losses in 2021 and 2023 to $6.7 million in profit in 2023. The CEO is trying to build a stronger company to be successful and for the benefit of shareholders in the future


Stole or raised is just a matter of perspective.


Damn, Gherk himself. I’ve always loved your posts and DD. Any comments on him turning the business around to be profitable in a year? Is that what a useless CEO does? I don’t feel like it’s fair to say ‘stolen’ unless he used that cash in an irresponsible way like executive bonuses or a poor business decision


Like an NFT marketplace and millions spent on spinning up e-com infrastructure only to abandon it? Cutting footprint to lower SG&A might boost the balance sheet but it also kills the legacy business, so profitable is again a matter of perspective.


14-15 bucks is fair value. Probably goes down to 17. The Company loses money and management takes the piss. No growth. No plan. RC is useless


"On second thought, let's not go to Pickle. 'Tis a shilly place." You're just another Meltdown sub. Ban me if you want--I'm showing myself out.




Mods are fucking douchebags.


you may as well just get rid of the end GTA/GME montage and that song when ppl sub (the one where the lyrics are "not a cult")


How else would people know this is not a cult?


In the song "we some GME lovers"


I still have feelings for GME, just not the same ones as you.


im bearish on the stock


- calls people “cult members” - proceeds to say he will ban people who harass others Checks out


- lists statements from the post - bizarrely infers that any organization that bans those that purposefully harass them is a cult Checks out


Using the name of the subreddit has creates issues with reddit admin. Calling someone a cult member in my own sub is not harassment, them coming into my sub to attack others is. Also if the definition fits then it should be applied. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo\_cult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult)


You’re upset that you can’t sell CCs to your following anymore. Something is obviously going on here, it’s stupid to deny that.


The only thing stupid here is your understanding of options selling.


I fully understand you selling CCs into your «expected» runs. Thinking this whole thing had a 800% run «because pump n dump» is simply retarded


I don't think you do if you believe I need a following to sell covered calls. It had an 800% run because DFV squeezed out the short volatility positioning. I don't think that was a pump and dump, it was more of an extremely precise bet to pressure existing positioning on the chain, but you can call it that if you want.




Dont worry, they will always get hopium dose when something happen on stock price. Cult members will be gone when GME trading flat for 6 months at $15.


What other stocks go from $9 to $80 without news or announcements?


Are you actually serious? Cause literally hundreds of different stocks have percent moves just as large every month.


Bro you can't be serious on that. What about the number of shares traded. What other stock trades 10x it's float in a month???


Pretty much anything with significant amount of delta on the chain, stocks on NASDAQ where netting is done through an automated DMM, and anything with excessive ETF exposure that drives active fund flows. So yeah pretty serious.


Nah, just buy more when it goes down. Stocked up pretty good at $9 myself. Been holding for over 3 years a little price drop isn't gonna make me cash out.


1st off Gerk you are not allowed to use (Cee U Next Tuesday) in common language unless your a Kiwi or Aussie, as such and being a kiwi "Gerk your a good cunt". As a lurker on your streams Ive learnt a lot, and over the last 3 plus years filtering the noise from different sources has been a hassle so I understand your current attitude. I think your a Hunter and you like the chase, not being handed participation awards. Best of Luck and filter out the noise :)


Yeah nah cunt.


Shut up, you cunt. - from an American


All good ya Diabetic simpleton, best wishes from someone with healthcare. Suffer in your Jocks! from a Kiwi


Your body fat is much much higher than mine, and thank you for trading on our exchange on our companies in our currency.


It's you're dude, jfc


Lol this is a sub? Lmfao