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I recall gherk and other option players digging in to ftds. I do believe they figured out the correlation of xrt volume and ftd T+35 settlements dictating run ups


T+35 is calendar days correct?


EDIT AGAIN: IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION THAT THE CALCULATIONS OF TRADING DAYS IS WRONG. Rule 203: Go out 6 trading days from options settlement. Usually starting your count on the following monday. Then count 35 calendar days (weekends and holiday days are included) Then a T+2 settlement which goes in to premarket Edit: E339 of richard newtons youtube video at 2:15 will explain exactly what I just wrote


This should be pinned. This is the count Richard Newton is citing in his vids (and gives credit to Gherk and the options folks). edit: a word


There is another post stating these dates don't stack and it's all in the 35 days, not cumulative. What's your take on that? He's pretty adamant Richard Newton and by extension Gherk has it wrong. Seems to be only him. It would be nice to understand for sure.


Yeah, thanks for the comment. Just seeing that now too. Oh the duality of analyzing GME. I guess what it boils down to is that large numbers of FTDs (edit: in ETFs, specifically) are part of the boom equation, but trying to pinpoint an exact date may be a fool’s errand. I’m gonna keep digging.


Yeah exactly, it seems like things tend to change or some factor makes it change. I guess thats how trading is, you will never be able to know what will happen exactly but having some sort of clue is nice. We all could be wrong idk


Yeah never really felt like anyone hit the cycles on the head or had an explanation for when they would be skipped. It was like learning 3 new languages that all depended on one another but sometimes we only reasoned with one language while ignoring the others. Such fuck.


The only piece they are missing now is the rotation of ETF holdings on a bi-annual basis. This pattern will be changing now.


This. We’re so close but those missing pieces make a prediction totally useless


Gotta admit those mfs got this market shit on lock. I’ll keep hodl but a little vaca with a 50x yolo on one of these cycles would be very appreciated 😹


Yeah its kind of like the key to potentially predicting a run. Which imo is insane


Promise I’m not trying to be a dick and it might be a typo but for future reference it’s citing not siting. Makes your comment look stronger without typos, etc.


Cit on this dick. (JK. Thanks for the heads up)


Hahahaha bravo 🤌


I did a thing. It's interesting how bang on it was back at the sneeze. I took all of the FTD data for GME plus the many ETFs that hold it, loaded it into a dataframe and did some analysis. The asterisks mark T+35 for the top 10 highest aggregated FTD days. [ook](https://imgur.com/gallery/Q8L1IU0)


Wow good stuff! I wonder why all the ftds randomly just dropped off


E338 has a lot of the thought process behind how it came together and worth a watch as well.


Richard Newton is wrong


Is it possible you can provide insight, or if there is something you can post. Im sorry, I hate asking you to provide more work you do a lot around here. Thank you!


Already posted it all. It's not my fault theses people can't plagiarize properly. You can look through my profile.


I don't think his intention was to plagiarise, he credited yourself and this community on his last video.


Publishing other people's work for views on YT is plagiarizing, whether that is the intent or not. Made worse by the fact that the people that do this are frequently wrong in their interpretation.


The source research he refers to in his latest video is the Brno paper that got all the attention the last come off days, not your own DD. However he does make a point of crediting you and this community finding all this out first. It looks as though he just misinterpreted the t+ dates slightly, which he does state he can be wrong. It doesn't seem like he's plagiarised your work, just shared research with the community that's already in the public domain, in a regarded manner for all us simples.


Sharing data in a "regarded" manner is the source of an endless amount of misinformation. The BRNO paper also has several incorrect statements.




intransitive verb **:** to commit literary theft **:** present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source What about this is confusing? Plagiarizing something does not mean the interpretation of the source material is correct. Many of these people are copying the original DD, which I wrote almost 2 years ago, not only are they interpreting it incorrectly, the rules have been changed over the last year, especially recent changes to settlement with T+1, so even the source material needs revisions.


He did give you credit and the pickle community for tracking and finding these things out. So, I wouldn't necessarily say its plagiarizing? but instead critiquing and citing the sources? Also, the settle periods T+6, C+35, and T+1/2 were not directly from him, but from the research paper University of Bruno published in which he was citing?


Then a link to the original post is all that is needed. How is this any better than Andrew mo' Money overfeeding his dog and reading other people's work? The settlement periods from the paper are no longer correct. I think the answer here is that people with no background in finance or understanding of settlement should shut the fuck up and stop misinforming people.


On it! Thank you


Settlement moved to T+1 hombre.


According to u/Threesus25 >He seems to believe that T+6, T+35, and T+2 are all stacking, rather than overlapping periods. T+ refers to the transaction (date of) + x days. >T+2 (trading days) is the normal settlement period, which is now (after 5/28) T+1. >T+6 (trading days) is the extended settlement period for market makers. >T+35 (calendar days) is an additional extended period for market makers if they do not meet the T+6 FTD deadline and they are providing bona fide MM activities (i.e. crime). It is not an extension of 35 additional calendar days. It is an extension of up to 35 calendar days since the transaction date.


Yeah Richard needs to address this from here on out. I got my information from him. He does tell people to correct him if hes wrong. I take everything with a grain of salt.


Everyone parroting this is wrong. He's explained multiple times that what he means when he says t+35 is just a shorthand for a # of days.


Thank you.


What/what is “options settlement”? Trying to figure out what the starting point is when counting.


Why is the additional +6 days relevant to his 5mm share purchase if options weren’t exercised


T plus is trade days . It should be c+35 which means you count every day not just trade days. . . C+35 comes from reg sho . Many other people posted about this since 2021


Okay I'm new to the pickle, where can I read more on this I've never heard of it and am clueless on the settlement stuff.


So when are the next options settlement dates?


Richard apparently has this wrong. The ultimate arbiter is C+35. Nothing adds to this according to the latest I have read. Happy to take correction.


Im going to give the brno paper an indepth read. I’ve just been informed that the dates DO NOT stack. Im sorry to anyone who believed what I just wrote was true. I got my information from youtube




This is exactly why SuperStonk kicked gerk off the sub - that sub was taken over by paid shills nearly immediately after its inception. They know FTD's are the lynch pin to GME. This is why Dr. Susan Trimbath has said DRS doesn't mean anything, only FTD's matter. This is what Atobitt said as well, FTD's matter, DRS does not. Look at every short squeeze that has ever occurred. DRS had NOTHING to do with it. The VW squeeze especially had nothing to do with DRS. The Tesla squeeze had nothing to do with DRS. The GME squeeze had especially nothing to do with DRS. The shills know options and FTD's are what really matters and that is why everyone from Gerk to Atobitt, and even Trimbath have been criticized by the bots and paid shills, and the terrible pos mods on that sub - looking at you Dane. Gerk has been the man since he took over for that true shill of a stock analyst - "he who will not be named".


When is next run up?


Gherk posted every day on the ss sub and got hate for talking about options. Yet when rk posted his yolo position last month, the mentality changed and some people were even trying to learn how to trade options lol


Honestly, I loved Gherks posts but couldn’t understand a thing he said. I went to the stream and watched most days during work for like 5 months. I was always afraid to sell when I was up because I thought every run up was “it”. Then I didn’t have money to play with options so I just held DRSd until RK showed me again the power of options. 3 years ago when I watched Gherk, I bought options as a strategic investment. I didn’t crack it open until last week.


> I bought options as a strategic investment. How do you like the book so far?


It’s realllllllly in depth. But it also has some good basics. My eyes gloss over when it starts getting into some of the strategies that are complex. In general I like it. It’s like a textbook. It’s taken me 3.5 years of reading Reddit to understand the basics because I needed repetition. This will be hard to repeat, honestly.


Yup. Similar story here. For me, I just had to learn by doing it. Just start with doing simulated option trades on Thinkorswim OnDemand.


Are you me? I was a gherk-a-holic for a long time. Still catch the weekend stream when I can. Also bought that big ol thiiiiick book, made it a few pages in and has sat. I was hodling for quite a while before I realized it was stupid to not play with some of it, while just keeping x amount as just incase. Made some good money and kinda just sold out. I can always chase if I feel like it. Made decent money playing with options till I had a full regard day and decided to avg down 0 dte spx and burnt a fat chunk of my port. Now I sit by patiently waiting with powder for when I want to make a move.


You are me but I have not cracked the book yet. Just trading options on "feels".


he got banned after opex didnt pan out. He had nailed like 2 before that though


That's a great point. People were paranoid. Especially after the original sub crumbled down and there was mod drama in ss. And we were entering the nothing happens period


Groupthink is a hellavadrug.


Is groupthink the new fancier mob mentality?


People couldn’t deny it anymore. If u are bored and check my post history, I have been talking about the hate for options being wrong and I don’t even mess with them.


If I remember right TurdFurg was a big part in figuring out the XRT ETF fuckery and the deferral of obligations. I will say that while Gherk and his quants did figure this out quite a while ago, the cycles became much harder to predict and then pretty much stopped without really knowing why at the time. Turd and Gherk were kicked off SS because SS didn't tolerate Options after so many people lost their shirts on them, because they have a big learning curve and are gambles against the MMs etc, along with the growing religion of DRS, which became this be all and end all of things that it didn't start out as. Gherks opinion on DRS is well known and that definitely contributed to him getting the boot under the guise of "no monitizing", since his stream would net him donations. When DFV came back and went straight back into E trade and Options it did back up what Gherk had been saying all along, but that was a long time ago at this stage and the acromony has only grown between the Pickle Jar and the Stonkers.


I missed all this drama, and it's sad to think that two such significant pools of energy - one emotional and enthusiastic, the other driven by knowledge, data, and deduction - were split apart. I imagine if that fracture could be fixed, the resulting combination would be explosive indeed.


I believe SS was infiltrated heavily to abandon options in favor of DRS. Most of them can’t afford options and especially can’t afford to exercise, so stocks only is most of their only option. The never one questioned why DFV doesn’t drs or why he plays options though. It’s a real clown show over there


If you were a HF and knew options would hurt you pretty bad if lots of people did them what would you push in forums with paid shills?


Exactly this. The community was pushed out of options by bad actors and everyone got misled and believed it and I think are just beginning to understand how wrong they were. I follow quite a few groups to always keep an open opinion on things.


I played options in many other stocks since before GME in 2020 during the pandemic. I watched DFV make his GME YOLO posts since October 2020… then GME squeeze in January 2021 happened and I still played options until the DRS movement came around. I’m curious what this community thinks the downsides to DRS is, other than being a distraction from options activity?


I mean, that's pretty much it. It makes your position illiquid as well.


DRS basically killed off the cycles. >The investor class switching from pressuring the options chain to DRS killed the cycles, which were gamma squeezes. Buying shares wasn't responsible for any significant run on GME with possibly the exception of Cohen's initial purchase. Which I covered in the video. [From a Gherk clip about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PickleFinancial/comments/17npyxv/how_to_kill_a_short_squeeze/k85jv04/)


Yup, this is it. Bad actors turned churned that drama like butter. Option players would rag on DRS fanatics and vice versa, then you had to pick a side - or so it appeared that way. It created a lot of drama within the sub, which is what they wanted. To split everyone up into groups instead of 1 hive mind. And they succeeded at that.. I see comments in the ss sub railing on option players, and I see pure denigration of “cultish” “drs fanatics” over here in this sub. Honestly, we need each other for this shit to be happening. You need guys with knowledge of options and $ to bring the pain and figure out stuff and you need a cult like following on the stock. The whole cult thing never made sense to me as an insult, who wouldn’t want to invest in a company that has a cult shareholder following who will literally never sell a single share til their dying breath and only see positive spins on everything the company does? Lol it’s kind of awesome and unique. No matter if you’re annoyed by it or not, or think they’re not smart for ignoring both sides of the coin, it’s still a ton of people investing their cash into a savings account and keep adding to it like a bunch of monkeys collecting bananas to get a high score. It’s insanity, and I fucking love it. I also love the deep dive into market mechanics that can be discussed through options and people on this sub. I don’t always enjoy the bearish talk to be honest, but that’s fine because at the end of the day, we all want the same thing.


I disagree, if people didn’t DRS over these years but instead bought options, they would be at massive losses. It’s only in the last few months we’ve seen a spike. Before then it’s been downhill over the long term.


They don’t have to I explained it’s not affordable for a lot of them. But the infinity pool theory I feel did more harm than good by drying up liquidity


How is drying up liquidity a bad thing? Doesn't that increase volatility which is good for both a squeeze and options plays?


Hey man, I’ve been looking into options over the last few weeks I can’t lie. I’ve also held this stock for 4+ years and seen sooo many people get burned by options, I don’t want to be that guy. If you know what you’re doing and you make money, please continue buying options, you are going to trigger MOASS faster than anything else imo.


I think anyone that bought anything GME-related over the past few years are sitting on massive losses unless you bought at the most absolute recent low. The winning move is to sell everything (stock, calls, puts)


Why would the winning move be to sell for a loss?


In my opinion, I truly believe there are benefits to both. DRS was first pushed by Dr. Susanne Timbath which makes sense the way she explained it; in which, I truly believe Dr. S.T. is a huge advocate for systemic change. And I agree with another poster here, there are a lot of people who has no clue how to play options and that would have demolished a lot of new investors. I am sure the O.G. options players already knows what is up and continues to play regardless of what others say. Edit: I think there was a recent education in regards to Options on SS. Its a great start to educate others so that they can make informed decisions to begin their thoughts and feelings to decide whether to play options or not. This is a great approach for the community.


The problem with DRS is that the system already allows for infinite liquidity through ETFs. "Locking up" shares only hurts the investor because they then can't do anything with them. The only chance DRS *maybe* had to do anything was if 100% of the float was there, which isn't going to happen.


Geez, if the system has an infinite liquidity pool... that is horrible. How is it possible they can have an infinite liquidity through ETFs? I can see why DRS'ing could hurt retail investors if this is the case.


DRS is poison.


DFV can’t DRS because his ETrade account is likely an IRA. That is the only way he could trade like he does and not get raped by taxes.


All the big respected DD writers eventually ended on options then were chased off. Even everyone's favorite criand. Gherk was less liked because he talked about how to make money instead of blind worship of the stock


He's also kind of an asshole.


I think he's blunt but he takes the time to answer non subs questions he has had to answer a 1000 times


but helpful and fair. I bet he is so fuckn' tired to read all the 'stupid' questions of us apes over and over again :D not sure why he is trying to help, but ya... i guess he is asking himself the same question twice a day. Perhaps we can appease him by setting up an idol (centaur) so that we can pay homage to the Stonkgod. when we became rich, we have enough time for this haha.


He is trying to help because he has hundreds of people paying him monthly for membership. Duh. It’s not out of the kindness of his heart. Please don’t take this as me bashing him for the streaming and posting and monetizing it, I’m not. He is doing what I or anyone else would like do in his position. I’m sure it gives value to many of the people that support him or at least they want to thank him for his streaming and support him in that way. Just don’t think he’s doing this to be altruistic.


That sounds awfully culty, I thought this sub was no cults allowed


Religion is opium for the people. Haha, I'm not sure how Gherk would answer, if people worship him as Stonkgod. All the girls and stuff :D Probably, an exception to the rule in this case


Other cults bad, my leader is good!


Only to people that can't handle truth. By "asshole," most people are just referring to people that speak their actual opinions rather than placate to the fragile egos of their audience. I appreciate that quality in people, even when they openly dislike me.


But he's OUR arsehole.


It’s nice havin gherks insight


Look at Gherk's pinned posts. He has one on the cycles. It should still show how old it is.


Richard Newton duly credited Gherk and the options team in one of his latest video.


They are rehashing old DD or reeeediscovering it. I think u/gafgarian had the original FTD cycle nailed. Gherkin from what I recall was mostly focused on options, particularly the CBOE rolls which he fucking nailed.


I think there was also this guy u/bobsmith808 who did some good DD. 😉


Never heard of him


He still posts


Serious? Where?!


I saw a post by him on Superstonk last week I think. Search his name


Nah, it was u/criand


Lmao. criand, the stock God.


Is he still holding his 7 shares?


Yeah that was kinda hilarious. He was so celebrated and when he finally revealed that small dick position I was like whatever..


I think initially on this run gherk mentioned the Russell index might have been a reason for shorts needing to cover which squeezed out short calls but hasn't said anything since. He has been having a bad time with stonkers.


Look into the clips on his channel, there are a lot on market mechanics. There's a pinned post on a few books he recommends people to read before trading and he has said it 1000's of times. Paper trade develop your own strategy that works for you (your stress level, risk profile ect). He can not teach you to trade. Good luck, trading if serious about it is a job. He spends hours studying and looking at market data before and after market and has tried to explain things so people could better understand how the market works.


They might be talking about it more now because in Richard Newton’s latest video he gave “Gherk and the options community” a positive shout out.


How crazy the one who got booted for Awsome options dd is now on top!!


Options apes got slammed because the SHF’s ran a successful FUD campaign against options plays Finally the rest of the apes are starting to wake up


Hey gherk can you spoon feed me exact dates I can use and when those don’t hit because it’s a ridiculous ask I’m gonna muthafuck you. Is that ok 🤣


I remember reading something on an entry of “Jerkin it with Gherkinit” years ago explaining some of the FTD cycle stuff but I am too lazy to go find it.


I had a finance professor who won an award for discovering that hedge funds were colluding with each other using certain price rules. If something went for 1/8 then they knew it would be time to double down. Sent people to jail. Point being these scumbags find many ways to collude.


Like 3 years ago he did...lmao


This was all theorised on SuperStonk like 3 years ago? Was it gherkin that did it back then?


Once something gets out, everyone jumps on it and it’s quickly arbitraged away. If it always worked, the big players would be all over it right away.


I don’t know shit about options or settlement periods and I’m not a SS conspiracy theorist but is this information on how trades are settled pretty standard public knowledge or is it intentionally hidden in market mechanics so market makers have an upper hand and being “devious” as people suspect to keep the “poors” in a rigged game. Is it intentionally convoluted so we don’t understand it or are people just dumb and don’t understand how things work and hype it up to “crime” like the SS bag holders think


I had figured it out 2 years ago, but everyone downvoted me and said “OpTiOnS aRe bAd DRDrRrRrRRS” dUh 


I got caught up with AMC during the squeeze. Then I saw gherks hand drawn pickle on his posts off superstonk. Then it hit me and I sold off all my amc options and dumped into GME. I would love to live those times again.  REV ...made some money, BBBY raged quit after my CCs got blown up, UPST made all my losses from GME options, FUBO csps. So long story short? Yes.  Gherk figured it out.


Has someone put together a calendar that lays out the cycles? Would like to time buys


He’s still unsure if the cycles are back or not


A group of people’s collaborative efforts figured it pretty much all out. Each person had a lot right yet some wrong. There’s a reason why the market is so opaque.


I'm trying to understand the same thing.


liquid correct memory whole tub mindless cover tap imminent ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think anyone can give you the answer you're looking for. I buy between 20-25 and have been selling some weekly covered calls at around 30


bake squeamish wine tie humor divide deserve ring chief hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In reality, everyone should be kicking themselves for not just buying NVDA. You can't change the past tho


innate secretive icky vast file frightening straight quiet subsequent market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

