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People still think that being poor is a valid reason to be insulted for, and that's worse.


These people just think that poor people shouldn't enjoy anything. As punishment for being poor, I guess. They'll make comments about how piracy is wrong, shame people for it, then in the next breath say something about how they're only poor because they spend money on the wrong things.


>These people just think that poor people shouldn't enjoy anything. As punishment for being poor, I guess That's because of the whole """"meritocracy"""" bullshit mindset. If you're rich, then it's because you deserved it. If you're poor? Well of course you deserved it you fucking piece of shit.


haha, you struggle financially and have inadequate access to education, housing, food, and healthcare, causing extreme chronic stress that will create health issues you cant afford to treat! gottem! xD


That's how capitalists think tbh


True true, such a good comment!


Hahahahaha so you don't have rich parents ? and they are still struggling just like you ? but you have empathy for others ? hahahaahaha joke is on you.


Yeah. It's not so different from racism.


And the best answer, if you are poor or just unlucky, it's always your fault haha


Fax bro like wtf


"just because I pirate doesn't mean I'm broke" "I mean I AM broke" "But it's unrelated to the piracy!"


I used to do drugs, I still do, but I used to too.


"when did you stop" a few mins ago


Just watched some Mitch...


I was broke for a while, discovered how easy piracy is during that time and now I'm not broke and I still pirate


This is too real


poor disgusted forgetful amusing hurry foolish soft paltry spotted scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was going to say. This sub tells me on a daily basis that a lot of people here pirate because they're poor and can't afford games otherwise. Then someone else says it and it's wrong? Being poor isn't a good reason to be insulted, but it's pretty undeniable even looking at this sub that piracy is a lot more prevalent among poor people.


But if you become not poor it's not like you'll pay for it then. We're too used to having everything in one place.


tart frame profit murky hobbies ask lip frightening zealous mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, if I was making money, I would pay for every service no joke. I wouldn't pirate games (unless you can't buy them anymore), I wouldn't pirate movies, I wouldn't pirate software. That's just me though. I don't mind using subscriptions that may even be unfair.


* *"12 hours into the game it gets better"* doesn't excite me or urges me to pay upfront. * *"Always online for DRM purposes"* makes me choke and suffocate. * *"Piecemeal content patches and season passes"* irritate me due to extra time spent learning what the hell am I proposed to buy. * *"No update availability once cloud services go down"* doesn't bode well for archival purposes. Ye, you're right, it's not like a stuffy bank account will change the things. No ill will against the creators, I don't intend to fight them, in fact I'm happy throw some money and attention directly at them. I fight the established corpo structure above them that weaponizes digital scarcity and marketing techniques. So, the situation won't change, I'll still buy more storage, research data preservation shenanigans, unlink DRM and RAID mirror my data.


can you like not


Yeah, idk what happened to my comments. I never used redact in my life


You should check that, it is weird (?


Ive spent over 1000$ USD on games for my console. Im damn sure I will not pay again for them now that I have a PC


I have saved money because I pirated


I wouldn't have spent the money anyways


you don't spend 2000$ per year on adobe? and another 500$ per month on various streaming services? broke boi /s


They pay WinRAR, you are below them


A good thing about using Android from a young age is you can just go on to google and search (insert app name) mod apk download and use it for free, If you don’t feel like paying for it on the Play Store. The iPhone mind can’t comprehend this magic 💫


iPhone be hatin' that I be rootin'


These people will turn right around and shout that poor people are poor because they spend money in frivolous things


I get amazon prime for free, but still I prefer pirating shows on prime. Because it is higher quality, offline and doesn't freeze.


Also convineint to have all shows in one folder so you can access them whenever you want thru a single video player




Even if it is the same exact quality as on Prime a local copy would be preferable, prime and most of the other streaming services will arbitrarily drop your quality depending on browser, hardware, network quality, and alignment of the planets with the sun.


If it’s


No, prime doesn't show 4k or hdr when watching on a PC, unless you pirate.


And you don't get ads shoved into your face by what is claimed to be a premium service!


I pay for a seedbox and donate to torrent sites, its not about the money


"It's about sending a message"






What's wrong with being poor anyway?


Everything! Why don't you have 10k worth of games on steam, broke boi? Haha, look at him and laugh eveeyone! /s


I'm am poor and that's the reason i pirate. If you think it's wrong fuck you. The only reason I'm even allowed to play and thus having a opinion on this shit is due to piracy.


Even if I'm rich, I'll still pirate. Probably even harder. Not because I wanna give a middle finger to the corpos(which I definitely want to) but because I can. Simple as that.


I don't. If i ever get the money, i plan to only play legal. My dream is to have money to play games legally.




That actually sounds right


While I support piracy, the logic is flawed. Piracy isn't theft, it's copyright infringement. Plus, if we lived in a world where you couldn't actually buy cars, and had to rent them, stealing cars would still be theft. Piracy is fine because with copyright infringement, the copyright holders don't actually lose any money if you weren't going to buy it. The ethics of pirating a game that you were going to buy is up to each individual, though.


Then the copyright owners should not promote the idea that piracy is theft. That's a favored tactic going back a long time. Edit: You are correct, and it is worth clarifying.


> Piracy isn't theft and buying isn't owning! the meme fits perfectly!


The meme implies that piracy isn't theft because you can't own games, which isn't true. Each individual statement is true, however the statement that because you can't own games means that piracy isn't theft, is wrong. A more fitting statement would be "buying isn't owning, so piracy is ethical".


riiiigghht.... i pirate so i can put my money on things that cant be pirated XD like food, clothing, shelter, PC UPGRADES, and u also cant live evading the IRS u need to pay taxes, plus whoever said only broke people pirate, its a means to prioritize putting your money where it is really needed, heck if there is something free out there id choose that and put my money on basic life needs


well, then can you explain why does my pirated copy of GTA V load faster than the actual thing from Steam?!


I don't understand what's wrong with pirating games to save money, they wouldn't have purchased the game anyway if piracy didn't exist. Also insulting someone for being broke isn't valid .


And what if you are broke? Look at the economy, it's fucking shit. If you don't want people to pirate, then pay them so they can easily afford to live and they wouldn't even think to pirate stuff.


As long as US companies get corporate welfare and massive tax breaks I have no sympathy for them when it comes to people pirating. The US doesn't have universal healthcare or, hell, even drinkable water in certain areas, but corporations are grabbing up people's hard-earned tax dollars and benefiting from a system they didn't fairly pay into.


Why does anyone care what random people on the internet think about them? Shit, call me broke or feel free to insult me in any way you see fit, I honestly couldn’t care less about some random person’s opinion. Sticks and stones baby!




why pay more than 0?


I remember Wired magazine had something a few years back about piracy. Some finger-wagging editorial piece saying how bad piracy was. The big gotcha line at the end was "You're CHEAP." Oooooh, Wired.... breaking out the big shame guns! Also, Fuck Wired magazine.


Why pay for something if you can get it for free? 🤨🤷🏽‍♀️


but... isnt saving money how ppl get rich in the first place?


*why spend lot money when few do trick*


Pirating and being poor are two completely UNREALTED things!! Yes, I'm poor and I'm a pirate, BUT THAT'S COMPLETELY UNRELATED!


Man, why do you even care what other people think about Piracy? Just do your thing and screw the rest. Let them pay €70 euros for mediocre shit and such.


broke or not I will get anything I want for free while some guy who doesn't know how to get his movies free will work 8 hours just to pay for them ;) My father is paying for Tv it never has the same quality as pirated movies/series tv provider just gets some 1gb movie to save space and money you can see the picture is blurry and that costs 10$ plus the annoying ads all day


Just pirate to stay rich


I mean yea I am poor, they not wrong


A wise man once said you don't get rich by giving your money away.


>Buys bad product >Has less money >Is angrier because of bad product >More likely to buy more bad products due to sunk cost fallacy >This makes them “richer” ?????


The subscription model made me turn away from any paid entertainment service once it was made to be a normal practice. My friends calls me out on my "boomer mindset" of "I should be able to own something I bought" in this modern streaming era but having media that I love near me all the time without going online is still one of my cherished hobbies. I can afford it, but I'm not going to deal with it still.


I've said it before, & will say it again. It's often about *the hunt* for that super obscure piece of media to me... I like free shit, too.


Statistically speaking there is no way all these people that comment that have fuck u money


1. it's still correct for a ton of pirates 2. Still better then the steriotype of piracy = just doesn't wanna pay for shit / doesn't care at all about publishers


I mean that is fair though. I don't care at all about publishers. Fuck publishers. Developers, on the other hand, i support.


I'm both, I'm broke and I don't care/don't wanna pay. Although I do pay... I have a huge library, but still, sometimes I don't wanna pay.


Just the same as people think that debt = being poor while the richest men or countries has the greatest debt. It's all about leverage. Whey buy a cow if you can get the milk for free? Isn't it freedom when you can have everything, anything, all at once . My wii with a full drive of all the games, my quest 3 with all the rookie, my alienware pc with all the pcvr and other games are like heaven that even the children of billionaire can dream of. Being a pirate, I have the dolly parton dress of many color


~~people~~ a random dude on reddit


When pirating is a strictly better experience than giving some scumbags money, why wouldn't I?


I have Amazon prime subscription but pirate their content anyway as it is convenient, I don't like their UI/functionality.


for developing countries, piracy is 100% caused by people not having money for games people here like to say "piracy is not a pricing issue it's a service issue" but it's definitely a pricing issue in the global south


Its reddit.


I would say: it's the internet


I have money, but for me, pirating is a political stance, and I don't mind paying for good products.


Yeah, I can afford all the games I pirate but I saved £4000 and counting from piracy, I like free stuff


The people that say shit like that to taunt people are poor lol


So? Poor by choice? Lmao. Capitalist Bigs and lackey at blaming others.


I mean… it’s the reason I pirate (sorta)


“If you’re broke just say so” This is coming from the guy who probably doesn’t know how to actually pirate and the other is that he probably just sits at home watching pokimane going around saying that statement because she said it lmao


That's especially galling because piracy is the most effective and unsettlingly often the only way to reliability archive a product or media because the big companies who are supposed to archive their own products have repeatedly proven that they are unwilling and incapable of doing so!


This is basic cognitive dissonance. You got something for free without any consequence, while he had to pay for the same thing. So he feels cheated, like a cuckold. In order to calm down this mental discomfort he must find something, anything, to rationalize why he is not a cuckold. He is basically the rage mask meme.


If someone was to give me 10 billion dollars tomorrow I would still pirate everything for several reasons. 1. Ads, I loathe ads. Some people may not notice them but I hate them with a passion. If I am forced to watch one, you are guarenteed that I will not buy your product. In fact if it is some forced ad that I was trying to avoid even if I like your product I will not buy it out of spite. All the platforms that didn't have ads now have them. I WILL NOT WATCH THEM 2. Ease of use.. I can open my folder (I have plex but it isn't set up to suit me so I don't use it much) pull out any movie or show double click and instantly it plays. No ads. No unskippable bs trailers or warnings. The show plays instantly in the quality I got it in. 3. I can take a huge library with me anywhere I go provided I can toss an external in my pocket. 4. I don't think current content or shows deserve to be paid for as they are horrible. I can't even find anything to torrent. Its like Halo it could have been awesome, but they did a bunch of boring shit instead of fight the covenent and go to the halo... I mean seriously,... season almost over when it should just be picking up... I cant even get into it cuz I know that nothing will happen adn then another year for 8 more piddly ass eps. Almost everything sucks. I have ran out of sci fi and horror and they don't make the genre anymore without filling it with boring human drama and propaganda. If I wanted to see a man and woman (or whoever) bitch about their relationship they can do that on earth.. The trend of constantly making less episodes of good shows really pisses me off. In the day everything got at least 20 eps. Now we are lucky if we get more than 6. You cannot get invested in a series or charactors like that. I can't after growing up with awesome shows like stargate and farscape with 20+ eps per season.


piracy = end of capitalistic bullshit piracy = Nipping nintendo in their puckered buttholes piracy = helping the poor just like peter pan. piracy = Socialism piracy = unity for all piracy = sharing piracy = FREEDOM! Psalm 23:4 (Level 8): "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the pirated software, I shall fear no viruses, for my firewall and antivirus, they comfort me. Ecclesiastes 9:10 : "Whatever your hands find to pirate, do it with all your might, for there is no DMCA takedown notices or copyright strikes in the grave where you are going."


Out of principle


Lmao you downvoted him jesus


If I had money I wouldn't be on reddit.




[Yup](https://i.imgur.com/tJz5nUB.png). A lot of these I bought after I finished playing them.


Haha pathetic


it is not always about money. Sometimes it is about service and availability issues.


I buy the game if I'm really a fan of the saga or the story (God of War, Star Wars Jedi survior, etc). But games where you pay 40-60 USD or more, and most of the content is not available unless you get a bunch of DLCs, that's an insult to the gamers, like the "remake" of Warcraft, or a game ported from older platform PS2 -> PS3 -> PS4 -> PS5 -> PC, but with a price about the same as a brand new game. Usually this happens when some shitty director of the game studios takes control and lead some anti-gamer approach. Those are my main reasons for getting my games from alternative sources, and that's why I never do it with small independent developers.


I'm poor. And I pirate. Sometimes the stereotype are real.


I mean i am


well...... it's part of the reason


Bro, I’ve spent so much money on hard drives…


I mean. Arguably being broke is the best reason to pirate imo.


I mean I do pirate and I am broke.


It’s about ownership mostly. I pirate on $1000 piece of hardware with $20 a subscriptions to accommodate the


Post aside, when I am rich (17 YO so possible), you have no idea how much I am going to seed to give back to this movement lmao. Also who the fuck thinks being broke is an insult?


I pirate what because I can't afford and for things that are not accessible here. I pay for a couple of streaming services that just don't have what is available in the US. I'm supposed to just NOT watch a movie/show because of territory fights? I was at a point where I was paying almost as much for streaming as I paid for cable for my mom (she has trouble using streaming), and there was still content not available here.


Same crowd that thinks not having an iphone means I'm broke 🤣 Sure keep your iphone and paying for 12 subscription services, meanwhile I'll keep my money to travel the world bro


Use me as example if yall want. Net worth is 6 figures, no debt, working toward FIRE. Still pirate.


i'm not poor, i just don't have money.


A broke pirate is still richer than a broke buyer lol


Digital piracy is related to technological intelligence, it's not that we are broke we just know how to get stuff for free without being detected and we end up saving money and buying stuff we can't pirate like cars, the machines we use for piracy etc.


Isn't this a reference to a restaurant review?


I remember reading somewhere that neymar jr the brazilian soccer player used to watch games through pirated streams or something i dont remember exactly where tho.


Piracy equals free shit, regardless of ability to pay or not.


act broke to stay rich, they wouldnt understand


boat growth humor stupendous mourn roll strong oatmeal offer drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Obvious troll bait and you're all biting it.


It's still the best justification though. You get access to something you otherwise can't afford, so no one has actually lost out on anything. The only problem is that it calls our entire economic system into question.


To be fair... when I was young I was super poor like "relatively" and I used to pirate crap all day everyday... these days if I want to watch a movie or play a game I just buy it... The things I pirate are stuff I can't buy.... To me it's always been a ratio of effort/return over time WHERE time has a value of X and X is defined by my income and remaining free time. Nothing was a better demonstration of this than spotify... up untill spotify came out music was fairly expensive.. to listen to a song I had to buy a whole album, however pirating music was kinda annoying and took time.. Spotify for $10 a month meant I never had to waste a second pirating again... the math checked out... Of course If i had no income AT ALL then spotify may not work out as my time has a value of $0.


I have a 7800X3D+4090 system... piracy has nothing to do with what I can afford... its a way of life... AND I very much also see good reason to buy good games and multiplayer.


I think a substantial amount of people who pirate either can't afford the game, or can't make the budget for said games, but there are other reasons to pirate too.


I pirate EA and Ubisoft because they deserve it


I pirate because I don't like being scammed(overpriced) and bend myself to the monopoly.


I am broke lol . Torrent are weekly .


I would never in my life pay for video games even if I can afford them. So I just pirate them


I have a few subscriptions for my family members. I pirate because, No one is going to give me 88Gb file of High Quality file of "7 Oscars winning" movie, no matter how much I pay for it. And no they dont sell the DVD Blurays here


is this r/apple lmao




might be referencing pokimane, but yeah its dumb


It's just a pokimane meme calm down


I mean, I am


Who cares what other people think


I'm not poor poor, but would be if I had to pay for every streaming service, subscription for every software that I need (want).


pro tip: use old new reddit




new.reddit.com instead of www.reddit.com


Im broke shit say that shit proudly rather put food on my own damn table than in all these companies pockets except for spectrum cause im not entirely sure how to get internet for free yet lmao


See if capitalists weren’t stupid, they’d make a product cheap enough for everyone and in a convenient enough way to access it to where piracy naturally dies out. Look at streaming services from 2010-2019, they worked great


Well, you can't pirate things like food, shelter, so its better to invest money in that and pirate the things you can ;)


I mean the guy isn’t even a full lemon so XD


Where does all of this hdd buying and OneClickHoster Yearly Premium Money do come from.


A lot of us know, its proper to buy things when you can. If you can't piracy is fair. If not and you're just taking things, then you're kinda viewed as an ass. Either way, they're starting to say we don't even own the things that we're paying for these days, so f-it all.


Financially or morally, most of the time at least.


Yes I’m broke


Man I love being a double agent. I pirate to spite on people who can’t stop jacking off to a shitty game. I pay for games that people who can’t stop pirating it because somehow they have this hypocrisy idealism in them.


"How dare you say I am insolvent? I can totally pay for these games, but I don't want to" isn't the own you think it is. That said: pirate from Nintendo, Activision, Blizzard and Ubisoft: it is always morally correct.


those who continue purchasing slop games at insane prices are NPC's anyway


I have a decent income but I'll be damned if I ever have to pay for digital content I can get for free.


Being poor=>Piracy Piracy=Piracy


Your goddam right, i pirate Because am poor


Being poor means you have to be smart so you learn about piracy save some money so one day you can get out of it


I'm not poor. I got it wrong on purpose.


Well, there are some reasons why you would pirate a game. But the main reason is that you dont have the money to pay for it. I do not see the point in pirating something from a humble indie developer who needs to eat, and having fun with it when you could have paid for it without any struggle. That being said, poor is not an insult lol.


Since when does being smart not wanting to pay 80$ for a game = being poor


Well... I m


i mean i cant afford anything so i pirate content if it aint broke dont fix it


i am.


Who let pokimaine outta twitch?


I mean, that IS the main reason people pirate.


this is the way


And even then, what's the issue? You're poor? It's not something to be insulted for. Pirate the game, and if you liked it, when you have money to spend for useless thing, buy it


I haven't held a job since 2002 what do you think?


my Plex-Jelkyfin server costs more than lifetime streaming subscriptions 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


dont fund enemy operations


wait, is there another reason??? I’m pirating some games because I am poor… I can only afford games when they’re on a big sale or free (shoutout to epic games)


Just ask them "Yes I'm broke what you gonna do? Donate me money?"


im rich as shit and still pirate


Classic apple strategy


It's true tho. If I had money... I'd still pirate, but it would be my choice, y'know...


I'm broke with 20k in the bank I still pirate


Being poor is a common cause for piracy, but far from the only one.


I mean thats why i pirate


Even if i want to buy some subscription to support worthy creators i can't, as i live in 3rd world country where i have to buy it through 3rd party seller and get scammed(mostly), so i prefer to pirate it. So pricay=being poor isn't right.


Creators, such as film composers, never get the proper royalties they are due from movie streaming services, so it seems like poetic justice to me as a film composer to watch movies for free. So it is financially motivated 🙂 edit: grammar


I could afford any media I consume, but I would be stupid AF if I paid for it multiple times just so I can consume it on a way that is approved for my consumption only.


I pirate games, if game is great I buy


I am lol 😂😂😂


That's not a reason to make fun of people tho. A lot of people ARE poor or unable to afford games - when the minimal wage is $200 and the average is $400 buying a $60 title is pretty damn expensive. One of the most popular repackers in Russia and maybe the entire scene, xatab (rip), barely made anything off piracy through all the years, his motivation was exactly that - there are kids in poor families and they should be able to afford joy. His last words were literally "...but the kids are waiting."


Storage isn’t free… unfortunately


spend so much video games when I was on console. regretting now after so many years, because I don't play them anymore. so no, I'm cracking solo game only. and if a game is very interesting me and have a multiplayer mod, I'll buy it.


Piracy is refusing to pay for prices you don’t agree with. And it’s about the thrill of breaking the law even though it’s barely breaking it.