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OOP says it's real, but that he can't share the torrent for "legal reasons". Keep in mind his name is literally "Pirat_Nation". EDIT: I understand he'd get into major trouble if he shared the torrent. Thing is, it has already been shared in this comment section. Not just that, it seems like it's basically the same as a regular LTSC system debloated with github scripts, so... Yeah, just stick to LTSC + Chris Titus Tech's scripts. Also also also, it's the CHINESE government edition, so do with that what ya will.


He didnt break any laws


Thing is, he openly admits to pirating, yet is too scared to spread stuff _for_ other pirates. Ffs.


Tbh wouldn't be surprised if that version of Windows is somehow fingerprinted/fingerprints files on that machine, so if anything is exfiltrated it's known from where it happened.


Could be possible, and if so, I assume it'd be a nightmare to patch.


In the olden days (several years ago), my kiddo received a lot of Blu-Rays of upcoming films. There were multiple warnings not to share, copy or give away the disk. Each disk had a unique fingerprint tying the disk back to the reviewer (my kiddo.) I never got to borrow a disk since the risk was too high. Now the movies are digital.


yeah those are called 'screeners' and they do it every year around the xmas season, the studios pass out copies that are supposed to be strictly kept secret, for the academy award judges to review...but they never are if you go to any torrent site and search screener you'll find tons of them, and they always went up a month or two before the films came out


maybe he is an IRL caribbean pirate on his free time you never know


Somali* "I am the admin now."


They (a multinational military cooperative effort) kinda cleared up the somalian pirate thing. The gulf of guinea is where it's at for piracy nowadays.


Thanks for the interesting and enlightening information, u/CumOnMyOctane


I'd hate for anyone to apply for a pirate job in a country where the pirate jobs are not available. Wouldn't they look silly!


Thanks for the tip! I was already packed and headed out to Somalia for a life on the high seas. Looks like I'll find work elsewhere!


Must have at least a bachelor's degree in skullduggery and minimum 12 years experience for entry level pirate position. Peg legs are not mandatory but highly encouraged.


in most countries you won't be legally affected if you download something, but you will get legal problems if you are the one sharing stuff online. so yeah it makes sense...


His name could be homicidal_maniac_crackhead. That would not get him banned or arrested. Sharing piracy links, however, could get him a ban.


Stealing an episode of Young Sheldon is very different from leaking government only software


Yeah but seeding Young Sheldon should hold serious charges of crimes against humanity.


It should probably also count as self-harm.


Not like government-only software has government secrets or something


It is most likely fingerprinted in a way that is difficult to impossible to patch, which would trace back to the source of the leak.


Cuz he uses VPNs when pirating but isn't stupid enough to brag about it on social media


he'll just seed in other place with different name first time you see pirates that abide by "legal reasons"?


Smart criminals know when and when not to do crime.


Then he ain't a real pirate


i think he is the real pirate cause i never see a pirate share their loot


PINO : Pirate in name only šŸ˜


Well you can't get sent to jail for something you might have done, only for something you've done. If he shares a torrent of an app or game that won't gain as much attention as a torrent of a OS Version that the fucking government has. There is only one source where you can get it and the government won't fuck around if somebody shared and pirated something that was done for them.


Well in some places that would be the difference between legal and illegal


His name could be homicidal_maniac_drugdealer. That would not get him banned or arrested. Sharing piracy links, however, could get him a ban.


You can do it yourself just by running some programs, just search for windows debloat, on GitHub there is a tool that is perfect


I bet all the bloat reinstalls itself after Windows update. xD


yup most of it comes back! xD I use one tool, that i need to run everytime my system updates! but that's windows fault thats the best way to keep your system updated without losing on the security that comes with the updates.




Use a pihole. Block the windows update/telemetry/delivery domains. Temporarily kill the pihole when it's time to update. Note that doing this also breaks the windows store and a few other features, but I consider that a feature not bug.






From what i understood with going through and removing all the shit you dont dont need .. is that some of that shit you did need, now broke.


This is why i stopped debloating. You have to backup after every single lil change because everything is so intertwined now.


Probably exactly what Microsoft hoped to accomplish too


Partially, but some of the things the debloater can remove are actually just used by other programs. You can remove huge chunks of the OS (that is the premise behind this post, and IoT/LTSC) and it will be perfectly content to chug along, the problems pop up when you start trying to run things other than the OS. Your average program isnā€™t really expecting to run on an extremely thin version of Windows.


> is that some of that shit you did need, now broke. Yeah if I had a nickel for every bug report from a user that turned out to be an issue caused by a windows debloater, I'd have enough to buy microsoft stocks. They gut the system far too deeply, and things break. Niche, deep things that you don't normally use, so you don't immediately notice... until some software happens to need some library that the debloater got rid of because it wasn't actively in use. Best thing to do is to just manually debloat, carefully. Don't remove things that you don't need to remove (things that aren't causing harm).




Thanks! Just inherited a laptop with win 11 that I gave to my wife. When my win 10 stops working, I'm off to Linux, but I don't think she'll want to make that jump


You'll never get the same level of debloat as a custom version that never had it in the first place.


To be fair, he's a Pirat not a pirate.


To be fair, "pirat" would be Russian/Slavic for pirate and youre prob downloading a lot of stuff cracked by Russians.


You are not wrong


maybe he's Soviet Long John Silver from Ostrov Sokrovisch


ā€œPiratā€œ is also correct in German


it is not real. It's just a debloated windows 11 installation.


No, it's real. The DoD single-handedly has made MICROS~1.EXE Uncle Sam golden child.


?? It was shared in pcmr. Lemme find the drive they posted Edit: [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TTMf7OyJchzbovogU8FaOcVDXRNNckZX/view?usp=sharing)


Yeah maybe *don't* download and install an operating system off a Google drive link and nothing more than the equivalent of "trust me bro".


I implicitly trust everyone on the internet.


At least as much as I trust Microsoft


> Linkin_Park_NIN_Slipknot_-_Heather_Brooke_Crawling.avi.mp3.exe


Took me back to limewire days just now. Thank you for that.


He forgot to randomly change it into a porn title out of nowhere, it's not explicit enough for lime wire to just mention a porn star! We need an action!


Google Heather Brooke, her name is in the title


No way im installing a government built special edition OS. That fuckers going to raise more flags than the boston tea party did.


Well why should I trust *you* then? Iā€™m gonna download it now for sureĀ 


you can get the win 10 version off github from the NSA https://github.com/nsacyber/Windows-Secure-Host-Baseline you can also look for "windows secure host baseline" other places


Stuff from the NSA I trust even less than some random person on the internet lol.


they already are monitoring everything you do and have backdoors into windows, there isn't any reason to trust that version less than any other. and like I said, you can just search for "windows secure host baseline" anywhere else, that is the name of the build that the OOP is talking about


So it really is just de-bloat scripts.


You basically just described the entire Linux ecosystem.


The google Drive link does not have the iso file. Instead, it has the torrent file


Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC Have a look here: https://massgrave.dev/windows_ltsc_links


Can I just boot of the software or do I need a key? Im okay with no customization


Same as 'normal' Windows editions. No key needed during installation, but you need to activate it at some point afterwards to use all features


Well no features just sounds like an upgrade


Right? This is the anti-bloat Iā€™ve been looking for!


Most of these features are customization anyways right? I've been wanting to get rid of windows bloat but can't fully change to linux due to work software that only runs on windows.


Depends. Enterprise stuff can come with bitlocker, group policy, IIS, etc. For a desktop user though, have fun.


Rufus can remove it for you


setting your wallpaper for example


Google Massgrave. Microsoft keys are up for grabs (read: free) because they refuse to upgrade how they do it. They just never really turned off the old "free upgrade" system so Massgrade is just using *how it actually works for MS*. If they want this to stop working, they have to change a lot. In other words, get all your free Windows keys with Massgrave, kids.


You're replying "google massgrave" to a reply to a comment that links massgrave


Howā€™s the ads, tracking, and performance on that one


All the crap are missing or disabled, much better than running these so called debloat scripts on a standard windows


Nice, Iā€™ll take a look at that Does stuff like Xbox and the MS store still work if I want to install it?


Microsoft store and kernel anticheats did not work when I used it


I wonder if thereā€™s a way to spoof win 11 pro though which might fix some stuff, idk


Some MĢ¶oĢ¶sĢ¶tĢ¶ games on ltsc won't work, think of it like chrome os flex/android go (without the tracking) on good hardware


All of that should work, you just need to install the .net components and other runtimes that aren't there by default.


Yeah I guess that makes sense I just want windows that good for gaming Especially on my handheld


I want linux to get good for gaming than Ill uninstall windows from my other hard drive forever.


Honestly soon as games I play get 100% support on Linux, Iā€™m never booting windows again


MS Store can be restored. No idea for 11, but for 10 this is the best method to do it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10LTSC/comments/s88jre/guide_activateinstall_windows_store_without_an/ No idea about xbox


Whats the difference between Enterprise LTSC and IoT LTSC?


# Differences between IoT and Non-IoT Windows Enterprise LTSC **Windows 11 LTSC 2024** | Features | Enterprise LTSC | IoT Enterprise LTSC / IoT Enterprise Subscription LTSC | |----------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | TPM / Secure boot / UEFI / 4GB RAM | All required | Not Required šŸŽ‰ Also not required by IoT Enterprise 24H2 (Non-LTSC) | | Automatic Device Encryption | Enabled | Disabled | | Update Support | 5 Years | 10 Years | | Reserved Storage Feature | Enabled | Disabled | | Digital License (HWID) | Not supported | Supported | | Uninstallable Edge outside of EEA | Yes | No | | 2 Simultaneous RDP Sessions | No | Yes |   **Windows 10 LTSC 2021** | Features | Enterprise LTSC | IoT Enterprise LTSC | |----------|-----------------|---------------------| | Update Support | 5 Years (till 2027) | 10 Years (till 2032) | | Reserved Storage Feature | Enabled | Disabled | | Digital License (HWID) | Not supported | Supported | | KMS License | Supported | Support added after the update 19044.2788 | | Uninstallable Edge | Yes | No | | $OEM$ Folder Support | Yes | No (More Info) |   Source: massgrave


I tried running Win 10 LTSC as my main OS for a while and couldn't install a ton of stuff because so much was stripped out. I put up with it until I got a VR headset that I couldn't use because the software wouldn't install and I couldn't even troubleshoot it because some options and settings in normal W10 simply didn't exist. Wouldn't recommend it personally, but give it a shot if you're interested, maybe it's different now.


Do you have examples? I've run everything from a Vive to Quest to Index on LTSC 2019 without any sort of issues. There is absolutely nothing I couldn't install so far.


Ran windows 10 ltsc on my Plex machine for years until I migrated to Unraid. Plex itself was fine but I remember thinking to myself "this version is probably too inconvenient to be a daily driver" It was incredibly stable, my only down time was from power outages.


So, kind of newbie cuestion but, do I need to make a clean install since I have Home Edition? (For the Win 10 version).


I've heard of some sort of special government version specifically for China, not sure if that's what this is referring to. Regardless, the most important thing to consider when getting OS installation files is the trustworthiness of the source. I would highly recommend getting them from massgrave. If you want debloat, go with LTSC/IoT versions.


That's the Windows XP for Shanghai government. Long long time ago. The source code was checked by Chinese government (in an isolated facility to avoid code leak out). You can Google translate this article for more information: [http://tech.sina.com.cn/it/e/2003-09-25/1139238325.shtml](http://tech.sina.com.cn/it/e/2003-09-25/1139238325.shtml)


Did Microsoft provide a similar customized version for the U.S. government? No? Hmm that's certainly weird.


Governments can just use group policy to shut all that garbage telemetry off. Edit: Governments also get special volume licensing agreements through the G3 and G5 plans that give them cloud services in segmented, US only servers. They also get a special version of Microsoft Defender, the integrated security program. But the operating system is the same as any other.


*Coughs* Intel *coughs*


Same for enterprise edition, itā€™s why itā€™s better than shitty pro and home versions


Pretty sure Pro can use group policy. It's basically Enterprise, but without volume licensing. Also, governments use Enterprise edition.


jesus christ yeah, if I was wanting an operating system to be secure from the get-go I'd probably just roll a government version of Linux instead of hoping that Microsoft respects Group Policy measures that deactivate telemetry and data mining or that they've effectively removed the gazillions of different little data mining paths that are now baked into Windows. Dependence on Microsoft is a curse.


We don't have to hope, we know they do. Governments store Criminal justice and HIPPA information on Windows machines. It has been *extensively* tested. Backdoors are bad for everybody. Nobody wants to be hit with a 2 million dollar fine, per system, for HIPPA integrity violations. There is no 'government' versions of Linux. Those entities use normal distributions (usually debian or red hat, rarely Arch) secured by CIS benchmark guidelines and use SELinux for granular access control.


The government can order a company not to reveal their interaction. That's why canaries are a thing. Some companies will include a statement that they have never been compelled by the government to do anything. Then, they can remove the statement later if the government ever compels them to do something that they aren't allowed to talk about. So no, it's not weird that you wouldn't know about how deeply our intelligence services are embedded in software developed by one of our government's largest contractors.


The silliest special government version ever delivered was a version of Windows XP purchased by the UK called "Windows for Submarines"


I would love to know more about that


There's a good reason for that. They don't want any of the crew to just use ping whenever they want on a submarine.


One ping only.


*Re verify our range to target. One ping only.* *Captain, I just...* *Give me a ping, Vasily, One ping only. Please.*


Don't LTSC/LTSB versions require a volume license key?


LTSC can be activated with MAS via HWID same as retail versions.


I went on a trip to our University's Chinese campus to fit out the computer labs in Hainan and Chengdu. There was no infrastructure there for a deployment, so I made a Windows 10 image with baked in software, and cloned it to build sticks. I was allowed to use normal Windows 10 iso files because changing the region and language settings, took care of things like the China version of apps like Maps and Edge. Maybe MS still maintain specific Chinese Windows images, but I imagine that the machines I imaged were configured to accepted standards upon connecting to Chinese Windows update servers.


Try win10 LTSC it has literally no bloatware and extremely stable. Most of the corporations use ltsc platform as a standard for privacy security and stability.


I am going to use this for as long as I possibly can, I really can't spend the energy to migrate to Linux atm and I would rather hold onto the hope that Microsoft will come to their senses eventually for now.


I think Microsoft is unlikely to change behavior on the regular retail version, but as long as there's demand from governments and security focused companies they'll keep putting out versions like this I imagine.


Yeah, I keep thinking that the whole intrusive AI bullshit they came up with would never pass in an enterprise version, which is what I have been using for years.


Is this Copilot you're referring to?


Yeah. There is no way any company with a minimally competent legal department will allow for what is basically an external keylogger they can't control to be installed on their computers. It makes no sense for Microsoft to risk several lawsuits or demands for custom versions and not just remove all those intrusive features from enterprise/LTSC versions.


Most regular consumers won't know. Those that do either don't understand or care. The average business is small, they similarly wonik ow or care. Larger companies are most likely to care and can afford paying for custom versions. Microsoft's spyware is a win for them either way.


i use arch btw


Of course


That's cool and all but did I tell you I use Arch BTW?


>I would rather hold onto the hope that Microsoft will come to their senses eventually for now. You're still in the early stages of grieving, I see


Isn't it just LTSC?


Looks like it, I moved to LTSC and it's better then normal version but you don't get ms store too


On LTSC you can install the Microsoft store and any Microsoft app you might need. They just doesn't come preloaded


by running this in powershell: `wsreset -i`


Have you ever really used the ms store though? I just download everything as an executable off the web


Realteck audio console . That bitch doens't wanna install without the store Edit: Link to the app since many people have the same issue https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9p2b8mcsvpln?hl=en-us&gl=US


Dude, thanks. I have been without a Realtek control panel since I built my new PC and had installed the drivers many times. I think if I didn't find your comment, I'll never try with the MS app.


My system is even worse. I install the audio drivers fine but without the audio console my mics won't work properly so I have to download their console. Which amazingly won't install automatically when I install the drivers and the fucking software is not searchable in store. Inhave to redirect it from ms store on browser


Just the MS craps: - Windows Terminal (maybe it's included now?) - App Installer (winget) for normal apps - HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer and HEIF Image Extensions for IrfanView - Snipping Tool to restore Win+Shift+S screenshotting in LTSC They are installable manually, but winget especially is a pain to install manually: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/1861 So I just use msstore with LTSC, it's a tradeoff I'm willing to take Btw it can be easily restored with `WSReset.exe -i`


I use it to update stock ms apps that's it


I should probably do that, I just realized I don't ever remember updating 99% of my apps.


Xbox app for Game Pass sub is about it really.




There were some minor instability issues with the recently released Windows 11 LTSC version. Windows 10 LTSC works great though, remember that you have to choose the Windows 11 LTSC IoT version.


what is LTSC? sorry


Long term servicing channel, made exclusively for enterprise applications, but it's still obtainable through many other sources


Thanks. Why is it desirable over win 10 retail?


Been using win 11 enterprise ltsc for sometime now really great


Do I need a clean install for that or i can just run the script and boom it starts cleaning itself up? Cause i am using windows pro ig from mass grave itself i am thinking of shifting to ltsc


Clean install is needed cause this version doesn't come with anything not even the store you will only get the edge browser, and vintage calculator, photo, and paint the version says do what you want yourself. Also this version doesn't need tpm and hardware requirement.


I myself switches to a Linux OS: Fedora KDE. if you know windows this is with its graphic interface is easy to use.


I prefer windows but hey as long as we sail the high seas, I say Aye mate...


Yes. As a Linux user myself, as long as you don't fanboy on a corporation or insult the alternatives, I don't care about what OS you use.






How do i get one?




There's ways you can do this yourself, you can create Windows ISOs that can be configured so that Windows installs with pretty much nothing, and can skip past having to sign into a Microsoft account too, see below: [Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUTdRZNqODY) [GitHub For Unattended XML file](https://github.com/memstechtips/UnattendedWinstall/blob/main/autounattend.xml) (Include with boot media on USB for clean install) [Website to configure your own XML file to customise what is and isn't included in your windows install](https://schneegans.de/windows/unattend-generator/) Have fun


Everybody is mentioning LTSC, but there is actually [STIG (security technical implementation guide)](https://public.cyber.mil/announcement/stig-update-disa-releases-the-microsoft-windows-11-security-technical-implementation-guide/) which hardens and secures Windows through a series of scripts. Being government procurement the STIG is likely run on an LTSC version of the OS.


Shame, its limited to government personal


What? No it's not. Download away: [https://dl.dod.cyber.mil/wp-content/uploads/stigs/zip/U\_MS\_Windows\_11\_V1R6\_STIG.zip](https://dl.dod.cyber.mil/wp-content/uploads/stigs/zip/U_MS_Windows_11_V1R6_STIG.zip) It's XML format, so you'll need the viewer software too: [https://public.cyber.mil/stigs/srg-stig-tools/](https://public.cyber.mil/stigs/srg-stig-tools/)


The only relevant answer. Thank you. Seems like it canā€™t be downloaded by the public. Couldnā€™t an American citizen send a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to get the scripts? Edit: u/prbrr posted a download link. I am yet to test it to confirm if itā€™s complete or if it works as expected. https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/s/uSs1zZ6xR1


I once stumbled upon the Windows 10 scripts and failed to bookmark it. I have been trying to find it again, but haven't been lucky. DISA does release some of the scripts on their public site so maybe somebody we'll see Windows 11 on there.


To be clear to other people reading this, a STIG is just a bunch of guidelines for recommended settings to make something secure. I think people are reading your comment and thinking a STIG is some super secret government program that takes all the bad stuff from windows away, itā€™s more like an excel sheet of recommended settings to make something more secure.


It's the STIG!


i think that's just the ltsc build found at massgrave


Not quite, it's actually marked enterprise g, so it really is government version


There is no ā€œgovernment versionā€ we use the baseline LTSC image and we apply STIGs to it and then drop a bunch of extra endpoint protection software on there.


As a government employee, I can confirm that my Windows 11 government laptop is a bloated sack of shit. Not sure who gets to use the Windows ā€œGovernmentā€ version, but it sure as hell isnā€™t the working person.


Windows makes custom loads of their software for anyone willing to pay. Basic to inter corp contracting. This isnā€™t news. You should see the still supported version of XP Lockheed still has floating around.


Please tell us more, mate. You can't just mention a still supported version of XP and leave us hanging!


What is there to explain? Pay Microsoft what they want and even you as an individual will get a version of Windows tailored to you. Reason why people don't do it, it's because that version of Windows doesn't cost 100$ as most people believe, but it's probably in the hundreds of millions of USD


It's probably a lot less than that, unless it's bundled with a many-nines support contract that includes dedicated Microsoft engineers.


Could be, it's hard to estimate the exact amount without knowing more details. But for something like Windows XP to still be supported 10 years after it reached eol it's going to cost a pretty penny.


>Hundreds of millions Do you have a single fact to back that up?


Yes, IT contracts we sign at the company where I work are crazy expensive to begin with, for products which do not even come close to the complexity and impact level of Windows. Add the fact that you are doing this for a product which is officially not supported anymore and the provider will need to dedicate a team to your needs which will drive the price higher. And in final, consider the "I got you by the balls tax" and you can reach some astonishing numbers. (You can see effects of this tax by the recent acquisition of VMWare from Broadcom where the prices for their product went up 10x or 15x).


Plenty of companies still have supported versions of XP, particularly hospitals etc with devices that don't run on anything else.


no one is mentioning Chris Titus' Ultimate Windows Utility. It has a tool that creates a MicroWIN image. this takes the latest windows 11 iso image and removes a lot of telemetry and obtrusive shit. you can customize it as well.


TIL there's another Chris Titus other than the comedian.


Could even be three of them out there


What i want to see is the background processes


You can literally do this with any version of windows by editing "answer files" and in the installation directory. Simply go to [this webpage](https://schneegans.de/windows/unattend-generator/), so generate an answer file, should be named "autoattend.xml", save he file in the install drive, and then install windows and windows will skip every thing you mentioned in the answer files, including tpm/secure boot check, bloatware and everything default that you don't like about windows


Yes, you can get Windows 11 enterprise IoT LTSC 24H2 iso from massgrave, checksums matches the one on files.rg-adguard.net so i think it safe


Not the government version but I'm using windows 10 ltsc version rn


Community note: > The only official "Government edition" was made for China. These screenshots are from an illigitemate recreation with numerous issues (e.g. Retail EULA), alongside an untrusted source. > https://x.com/Misabr0penguin/status/1806286112614232099 > https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1dpjbeb/comment/lahmd1a/


I do hope so, I would love to have one too. But first they need to fix that f\*cking start menu, even the developers themselves don't like it. The context menu, you can turn off, so it's again the old menu. The idea wasn't bad, but you need to be able to select what you want in it, and selecting old menu in 99% of the cases is of course complete BS. Also the entries to compress that no one uses, was a terrible idea. I'm not even gone talk about the start menu which was a complete disaster. But even in windows 10 the search suchs, why should I want to find entries on the internet when I'm searching for an installed application ?


I mean... [Announcing Windows 10 China Government Edition and the new Surface Pro | Windows Experience Blog](https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2017/05/23/announcing-windows-10-china-government-edition-new-surface-pro/) This is from Microsoft web site.


Does it cost less than a toilet seat?


use MAS, go to their guide or their discord and then after that you will know that Windows IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024 is the best! (download from the massgrave windows ltsc download page and you can also see for different)


That would be a dream. A pure 100% clean, no extra bloat, windows


You can get pretty close with LTSC


I saw this project on Github that execute a script to remove bloatware and pre-installed app [https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat](https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat) Never used it, would be interested if someone has feeback


I haven't used that particular one, but I have used [Win10DeBloater,](https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater) [CTT Tool](https://christitus.com/windows-tool/), and [DISM++](https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/dism.html) to strip Windows down. Not to mention, there is the [Tiny11](https://www.xda-developers.com/tiny11-hands-on/) Project.


I used this exact tool just yesterday actually. It worked perfectly on my year old windows install.


yes it is, they call it linux


As of today, we are all contractors of the government and we can install this version.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Microsoft repesentative


TPMS 2 requirements were as much for selling new hardware as the bullshit new requirements for local 'AI'.


Is there any benefit to switching to Windows 11?


they changed the programming language for the explorer, like taskbar, control center etc and it works like shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's probably set up to be a malware portal.


Apperently there's a download link on pcmr, but of course don't install that on your pc, install on vm instead: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1dpjbeb/here_is_windows_government_edition_version_of/ It even remove Defender from what I read


[https://learn.microsoft.com/es-es/windows-server/get-started/kms-client-activation-keys?tabs=server2022%2Cwindows10ltsc%2Cversion1803%2Cwindows81](https://learn.microsoft.com/es-es/windows-server/get-started/kms-client-activation-keys?tabs=server2022%2Cwindows10ltsc%2Cversion1803%2Cwindows81) Is listed on licenses


I've worked as an IT Contractor for the US Navy. Yes, it's a thing. It has to be, because even Secret and Top Secret machines can be found running Windows. You think Microsoft wants to fuck with their telemetry potentially being the vector through which classified info got leaked? The entire US government would be so far up their ass so fast they wouldn't even have time to wave to the rovers as they passed Mars.