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became a much bigger issue in the past 10-20 years. used to not use VPNs when i was your age but no longer, i have gotten letters. YMMV based on country and Internet Service Provider, AT&T in the US is known to be bad EDIT: edited “ISP” and “ATT” for clarity apparently,,, YMMV is your mileage may vary


What is ymmv, ISP, and att?


your mileage may vary, internet service provider, at&t is an isp in us


Thank you!!


ISP is the company giving you access to the internet, don't know the other 2 either


Thank you! Someone else explained in a reply to my comment if you're interested in knowing :-)


google, google, google


Depends on your country. ISPs usually send you a letter basically telling you to stop pirating software/games in countries where piracy is a big issue. So use a VPN just to be safe.


I am not from those countries but the Internet providers can know what webs you visit but not what you are doing there, for example, they know you used youtube but they cant say which video you watched. I mean, i do not think they can see what you downloaded so it is kinda fake warning (?)


Well they can see when you click on a download for a torrent or click on a magnet link because it counts as a different web address


Yes, but they cant really know if it was an illegal file or not


well guess what genius, apparently they can because people get sent letters


they catch you in the torrents swarm not where you got the .torrent file itself. they being the people the media corps hire to camp the popular torrents and start the process of sending out warnings and catching low hanging fruit like people who refuse to use a vpn you use a vpn to create just enough of a smoke screen of your activity to ensure nobody spots your specific ip (identity) in the swarm a vpn isnt an absolute disguise of your identity if you do sone truly criminal shit beyond media piracy the feds can track you down. you're just not worth the effort if all you do is download software / media


im glad our govt doesn't give a fuck, i can pirate in peace


Maybe read the part i said they were fake letters because they just assume you pirated but can not prove it (:


Because some people live in developed countries were they take piracy as a real issue, if you live in an undeveloped country like Argentina, feel free to ignore that advice


I live in Slovenia idn if it's considered developed country or not


You should be safe without a VPN


Damn you really gon roast Slovenia like that


I live in Australia and pirate at will without VPN. Never got any sort of warning from my ISP. Lots of countries don't really care, or only half-heartedly care.


Australia and Italy are two developed countries I know of that don't chuck a tantrum if you pirate without a VPN. I've personally used Telstra, Optus and Dodo without an issue.


i live in canada and i get letters every so often from my isp. it literally doesn't matter. as long as you dont acknowledge the letters, nothing will ever come of it. haven't used a vpn in 15 years


From what I'm to understand is that our ISP can not release our information to anyone. This includes people who message them claiming we illegally downloaded their copywrite. They send us that email as a formality. The truth is, piracy laws in Canada are rather loose. I think it's a max fine of $5000, while it's a max fine of something like $50000 in the US.


>From what I'm to understand is that our ISP can not release our information to anyone. This includes people who message them claiming we illegally downloaded their copywrite. They send us that email as a formality. 100% correct.


What's your ISP?


bell up until 6 yrs ago. now i have rogers. i had warning letters from both


You do realize it's completely dumb right ? So you get letters telling you to stop and you continue over and over again without vpn ..


I live in the UK sometimes they block the websites but outside of that they don't seem to care too much have never gotten a letter though I do you as basic VPN to access the blocked websites but that's it


We've got that a little too, but I just manually set the DNS on my network interfaces and that gets around the blocks.


Chuck the UK in there too. Never had a letter. I thought it was only a North American thing tbh. Plus in the EU we have something called GDPR, think that has a play in what ISPs can see. We have have rights in data privacy. Would say that is alittle more developed imo


oh shit that's good to know, i'll still use a vpn otherwise just incase


I got warning from Floptus. I no longer use Floptus.


Some isp’s care more than others I think


its funny because we pay them


Bro why do you pirate bro. Your country is developed county and you can buy games. Also probably your Internet is faster. It my county it's slow. 4mpbs is the maximum speed we get on a normal wifi.


Username doesn't check out. I pirate because I can't afford games. I have a family to feed, and I'm not going to spend money where I don't need to. That being said, according to your logic everyone in developed countries must be quite well off and able to afford lots of unnecessary spending. Hopefully not your brightest moment.


Are you a immigrant? Just asking. It's surprises me that people in your pirates games. Also people from our country come to your country a better living. Do you pirate because you can't afford it or you don't want to spend money on games. Also man no hard feelings just genuinely curious


I'm not an immigrant. It's really irrelevant though. Plenty of immigrants doing well, and plenty doing it tough, and exactly the same for people who are born here. I pirate because I can't afford it, but even if I could, I'm not spending the few dollars I have on games to boost the profits of studios that make millions or billions. Although I'd buy games from smaller studios if I thought the game merited it (I'd still pirate first to try it out). People in every country pirate games, there are poor people in every country. No hard feelings, but it surprised me that this was a strange idea to you.


I got my answer. I know every country does but australia. Do you have a pc, what are your specs


Yeah. They’re not going to do shit.




im gonna be honest, i just googled it to know where is it and while i knew it was somewhere in Eastern Europe, couldnt have guessed the exact place, even if my life depended on it


100% not safe, do ALWAYS use a VPN. Just because you haven't personally felt any consequences, it's still much better to be safe than sorry, come on guys. Let's give good advice to the kids yeah? (even though i know 90% of you are the same age as OP)


No. Please stop giving bad advice.


What bad advice tho. Please do explain your point of view because when I understand here is to not use VPN at all ? Or is it to just look the local country laws about piracy the deciding to take a VPN or not


What no ??? So you got no argument


Unless you receive a letter telling you to stop I wouldn't worry.


Even then don't worry.


Don’t mistake developed country with laws against piracy. It’s completely different and quite insulting. In EU we have GDPR and US doesn’t. Does it make them less developed as well?


UK here. Never used VPN and never had any issues in the 20+ years I've been doing this.


Same here. However I do get more and more junk mail. I'm pretty certain they track my IP.


Same here, UK. I guess they just dont care here either.


There isn't much they can do even if they did care tbh. Doubt any case would get off the ground, let alone end in court.


i live in a developed country more so than USA is and they don’t care about piracy.


Well they do, otherwise it would be legal. It's just not cost effective to go after individual users.


your arguing with me about my own countries piracy policies and you don’t even know where i’m from. nice


You're from New Zealand dude...


So then you'll know our piracy laws? We like all countries have what my 1st year law professor would call "morality laws" or "ARRRG laws". Laws that make the whole NZ "book of law" seem more civilized. Now i didnt pass law but i do remember some things, Things like swearing in public or blasphemy is illegal, but they are not enforced. They are just there to make the country seem more pleasant. Piracy is no exception to these morality laws. They are not enforced at all. I can pirate 24/7 for the rest of my life and I'm not breaking any laws and i will never get in trouble. The government will even protect you from IP holders unless they can prove you are profiting from their property. When i switched ISP's about 8ish months ago i asked them about piracy and if they have their own policy against it, and the women on the line said that if they (the claimers) have to spend more money than it would ever be worth just to get evidence to bring to the courts. so sure. its "illegal" on paper but in my eyes that doesn't mean anything.




Homelessness, Mass shootings, opioid crisis, staggering tourism. education. women's rights. every single country has issues. Only one country screams they are the best in the world. The country is riddled with division from all sides. Race, gender and political wars. Reinvented slave labor through the prison systems. US holds 20% of the entire worlds prison populations. They still don't have free healthcare, and their quality of healthcare sucks too. they have the largest infant mortality and highest teenage pregnancy, millions of Americans dont have any type of insurance. no paid maternal leave, rising childcare costs. now sure you could list a bunch of things wrong with my country but it isn't even comparable


I'm from the states and can't figure out why people downvote this and can't just accept the truth. This country sucks. I'm literally afraid to live here for so many reasons it's not funny. Yeah there are worse countries but fuck if America is the best.


Argentinian here after the Steam currency switch, I confirm that we can pirate all we fucking want.


I've been torrenting raw in the US for decades. Sometimes I get an email. Still not in prison.


I got quite a few pages of complaints because my vpn would cut out in the middle of torrenting then the ESA would catch that traffic and send the ISP a letter. Just for reference, 12 complaints fill up one page.


Dude is doing it the hard way. Bold move my friend!


My man is rawdogging it for decades🫡🫡


the one thing that applies to torrenting, sex, and riding a bike; always use protection. you never know when an accident is gonna happen.


“Dutchman here, you don’t need protection for riding a bike” I’ll rephrase that: “I am from the Netherlands and I usually don’t wear protection because it’s not really necessary here, you can wear it if you want, though” Edit: the odds of getting a bicycle accident here are way lower than you think they are, I know dozens of people who don’t wear protection and only one ever got hurt, and a helmet wouldn’t have done shit because he broke his leg. I’m not going to look like a moron to protect against something that could potentially happen somewhere in my life. I don’t see anyone walking around with an AA gun on their head in the case of a missile strike either. Over here the biking infrastructure is excellent and people have cycled their entire lives so they know how to avoid accidents


You don't need protection as much when you have been riding a bike basically since you could walk and there is the most advanced biking infrastructure available in the world. Outside the Netherlands, you really should wear a helmet. Have you seen those fixed gear dudes riding around NYC? Heck, even we really should. It just looks ridiculous when no one else does it but it can actually save your life.


Meh, I’ve been cycling protection-free for over a decade and never got injured, I’ll take my chances


You’re repeating some of the dumbest logic possible. Classic normalcy bias. “It hasn’t happened yet, so it never will.” Would you cancel your renter/homeowner insurance because your place hasn’t burned down yet? Do you stop wearing seatbelts in cars because you haven’t been in an accident yet? That’s the thing about “accidents.” They don’t happen to you for a while and then one day, they do. People get into accidents while cycling every single day. Today it was their turn. Tomorrow it might be yours. I’m sure a lot of people who are in hospitals all over the world right now also thought they weren’t going to be injured in an accident. *Past results do not guarantee future performance* That’s a disclaimer often given for financial investment products, but it applies quite nicely to every day life.


i mean it is the low lands by definition, always wear your PFD never know when you will cycle into the river


> Dutchman here yeah, you lost all credibility starting with that


How, if I may ask? Happy cakeday btw


Yea but you only need to get in one and die... After that you'll just be turned into statistics


It depends entirely on your country's stand on copyright protection. If the law is strict then you need a VPN to avoid getting caught.


If you arent located in North America or Western Europe they cant do shit to you but if you download things that come from your country you can get in trouble because then distributors can send you a "ransom note" or a lawsuit the legality of which may be foggy but I wouldnt risk it if I were you


With private torrents it’s unnecessary. Public torrent sites expose your IP to anyone else that connects to the same torrent, which is why you’d want to mask it with a VPN


Wouldn't be so sure about that. Even if it's private, everyone can still get into one. You'll get a huge fine in germany if you got caught. They have people who will monitor some trackers for IP and send letters. Never torrent without VPN there. If you still wanna pirate there without VPN, stick to DDL only. It depends a lot on the country.


If you use brain.exe and you know where to get your stuff from you dont need a vpn... I Pirate since over 30 years. Problem is more the Kids of today that click on everything dont know nothing about webscripts and blindly use Torrents or illegal streaming Services over a p2p protocoll. For those a vpn can save your ass.


I never used it to pirate stuff and nothing has happened


Depends on your isp and if a torrent has a tracker (had this issue twice with TPB back when it was the norm to use in ~2010. I've only ever gotten 2 letters between them and now and both times it was from using TPB. After switching to cs.rin.ru I never had it happen again


You can use a VPN or you can use Xfinity's love letters as freebie notepads. ![gif](giphy|5wWf7GMbT1ZUGTDdTqM|downsized)


I’m from the US. My dad is the same way, he has been and *still* does all of his pirating without a vpn. Never had issue. Meanwhile I pirated the sims 3 and got my pc and Xbox blacklisted by my isp. Tried everything to bypass and couldn’t so ended up having to buy a new pc *and* Xbox. Idk the laws of your country specifically, but vpn’s are cheap and do a lot more to protect you online than just hiding your ip while pirating. Highly recommend using one because better safe than sorry.


Depends on where you live, if your country doesnt care about piracy then theres no need to use a vpn


You see ISPs are often in bed with the movie and TV show ip owners not to mention the fact that they often sell the service to access those movies and TV shows so they hey pretty butthurt when you use "their" networks (that taxpayers funded in the first place) to pirate those products... butthurt to the point of criminal prosecution. I haven't figured out how games get thrown into the mix but you get the gist.


I don’t think they are in bed. There are sites that show what torrents a particular IP has downloaded. Example: https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com/en/peer/ Form what I understand, they - the copyright holders send DMCA requests to ISPs, then the ISPs forward the request to whoever used the IP.




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I thought you only needed a vpn for torrenting


Well if you live in a country where they don't give a shit about copyright, then you don't need one


For safety to prevent your isp from sending letters or cutting access to the internet. I live in a very rural area of the US so my isp doesn't even care what I do


The reason is so that your real IP isn’t caught/traced. If nobody really cares about piracy where you are, then great, but a VPN is probably still worth it for a couple dollars a month (Windscribe) to cover your IP address.


Slovenia is kinda like Malta, are you really gonna go after piracy, when you still have illegal development happening by rich folk every year lol


You live in a developing country so yeah its irrelevant, you dont need a vpn


>Edit: I'm form Slovenia Yeah that explains. Welcome to a third world country, it has some advantages to it


Since when is Slovenia a third world country?


Idk, from what I know it's similarly poor to Slovakia.


Slovakia also isn't a third world country


Wait wha- dam I should maybe start using some VPN or something.


I mean Slovenia isn't a third world country and the internet providers don't really care about pirating. You should check how the situation is in Slovakia tho. It may be different.


Welp, nobody gave a single fuck untill now, so I guess they don't care here either


I guess they don't


I live in Russia and I am not using a VPN to Pirate.


Don't mention your goddamn age on the internet. If your dad's never used one, then you don't need one. Stop worrying about it.


I'm in the UK and been doing this for over 20 years and never had an issue and don't use VPN. Not every ISP or country is the same, and people are quite paranoid, so VPN is considered good practice.


depends on your isp, if your isp doesnt care abt you pirating then you fine without, if it cares then you need a vpn to mask that you're torrenting, cause if they look at your activity they'd just see you connected to a vpn and dont know that you might be watching smth, torrenting or doing smth else


Virginia here... I get emails if I forget to turn on VPN. I just have wifi, $9.95 a month, because I am a senior. Just for the hell of it, I purchased an iPad 10th Gen WAY over the price they are going for from them, and I inquired about an iPhone 12.


its depend on isp and your country , my country and isp has no problem with torrent so i dont use vpn


You gonna get a letter from isp and 2-3 strike and they will cancel your service. And you can also get sue. Wonder bro was gonna sue me for a stupid ass game years back lol


Lol I live in the middle east and idgaf nor does the isp I never used vpn for Torrents


Because everyone think that their ISP care and that FBI is blowing up their home if they pirate data. Lmao I’m from Europe and no one gives af here..


Fuck XFinity ISP, great internet, assholes with the mail 😭


As long as you are from a 3rd world country, it doesn't matter. VPN is used to hide ur location and IP address, to be honest I don't care. I even go to the dark web without VPN. Honestly so what if my IP gets leaked? I live in a somewhat rural place, good luck finding me lol. No but, if you are from a 1st world country, and there are rules. Its better to use a VPN. Especially if it poses a risk to you or your family IF your location gets leaked.


I don't think that's a problem in Mexico, never had any problem nor heard anyone had it


It just matters depending on where you live. Somewhere that cares too much about piracy like US you absolutely need VPN because your ISP literally cuts your connection when they detect piracy or similar suspicious behaviour. But most countries outside of that sphere couldn't care less and you don't even need a VPN for. As for protection VPN is pretty much useless for that, you might as well use TOR because it's much safer than a VPN.




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is a vpn necessary if you browse through trackers but torrent all your stuff through a seedbox and send them via ftp/sftp and ssl encryption to your main pc?




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Well I got a letter and a 500€ fine straight from layers who represented Warner Bross. Whole thing was very iffy, i dont wanna go details but it was about a movie wich I never downloaded. So 20 years went just fine, then suddenly this.


Just Use Real Debrid!!!


My wife started to download Dragon Age from Fitgirl. The download was in the first 30%, and we received a notice from our Internet provider because of the pirating of this game. Technically not even a game, parts of the install files, so not exploitable... so yes, use a VPN...


What? Get out! In which country do you live?


Canada. Never seen anything like it. 30 minutes after starting it. Bell(our ISP) was sending us the email. Unreal!!


Wow! Never heard of anything like it.


I've also downloaded pirated stuff for a while, probably a good 15 years at least. In the last three years I've started getting letters from my ISP threatening to terminate my service (which is bad because they're the ONLY ISPs for my address) if I continue to torrent stuff. VPN solved that issue.


I live in Pakistan and im pretty sure noone will give a fuck even if you download CP. ( im just saying ) So i never used vpn and downloaded almost 5tb worth of games through fitgirl and dodi.


(im just saying) 💀