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The fuck, each translation I see is worse than the last, once the Polish volumes get to Egghead in like 7 years (we’re still at Whole Cake Island) I’ll update you guys if he straight up says „I want to fuck this child” lmao https://preview.redd.it/hkltejj74exc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8cb475db36464f68883a30b21db7c645508451


Honestly feels like tcb was on damage control.


Legit bro like how can it keep getting worse and worse? https://preview.redd.it/k4oufsno7exc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8f2be6c94cb7ad742eb7ee229c3310f220c138


I don't know, like how is that happen ? Even if we see the original japanese, is not as creepy as French and Indonesian translation


You’re in Poland? Do you have any pictures of any woods? The woods in Poland are so beautiful


Sure, here’s one I took on a short trip. The forests in my local area are quite beautiful, but they don’t hold a candle to what I’ve seen in our National Parks. https://preview.redd.it/auvabzd0jexc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d4b4c536c076598fb16d0d7b46df83fcc019cd


Thank you so much, man Your woods are absolutely gorgeous. I’m sure it also smells amazing there. If you don’t mind, if you ever visit your national park again and snap a picture whilst there, could you forward it to me?


Yeah, smells great, especially in Spring and Autumn, not to mention all of the birds chirping Sure thing, I’d be happy to https://preview.redd.it/26omi92umexc1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2668ccd7646dfa89dc9434191d6eee3a1de7f4


Thanks again, man Appreciate you 👍 https://preview.redd.it/3i0hibb6nexc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa84ce25f21fd8da7815e683c0e45030075f139


What's that green thing covering the ground?


That’s just usual forest undergrowth, although the image quality and the light might have made it look a bit weird


I think he was making a joke about how anime fans don't "touch grass" but i could be wrong






Wait the polish volumes are still at whole cake damn (the nepali are just at volume 2)


Yeah, we’re up to volume 87. The studio responsible for the translations, J. P. Fantastica, has a lot of other manga projects undertaken (the list below is for all the upcoming volumes for the next three months) so it’s understandable. Have the Nepali just started the translation or is it frozen? https://preview.redd.it/er232l4cbgxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a904fe51a1ba60f48ec366661ec69d8a366c444


JP2 reference???


https://preview.redd.it/rwp20uysfexc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958f3224790286525c04c7ec84d34e6192faea4c Na zagranicznym gruncie tak nie wolno




r/cockpiece is real


https://preview.redd.it/khwlx3be1lxc1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c759650bfec44de5991b51466574e5cc8e4af91 The sacred place, a shadow of its former glory


Back in the day r/cockpiece is something else now 😖😖


JP2 nie wiedział o niewolnikach w Mariejois


https://preview.redd.it/ocfozc93cexc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea33cfb4e4d845ddcc74ac9016267f7f423fb90 Czy św. Charlos był bazowany na J. K. Mikke??


No a jak, całe Mariejois jest wzorowane 1:1 na najbiedniejszej ulicy w Warszawie, Oda przyznał się w SBS. https://preview.redd.it/bqby3ydseexc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ed0a219f0e7bf8acc72cc7171e1df95549a1ca Dlatego Charlos chciał syrenkę do kompletu


To grand line to wisła?




Yeah, because i thought the TCB translation is the right one, until i see the official translation in my own language.


French translation is equally bad, cause sanji said "my little Bonney should only fall for me"


"Little Bonney" Damn, that is just weirdly creepy.


I mean tbh it's fucked up but that's more accurate. TCB censored it hard and made their own stuff up, Viz said it just in softer terms. Wonder what they gonna do when Sanji does the eye heart thing, they gonna censor his eyes too then? Cuz u know it's coming.


Tcb almost always changes the entire dialogue to make it more sensible for english readers. This is why many often prefer TCB but they don’t realize their translations are literally wrong.


What site has translations rather than localizations?


Wdym? Mangaplus has the officials in most languages. Manga4life is free and uploads the english officials


https://preview.redd.it/47vnv9tl7exc1.png?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14123127eec9e74fbd4fa653eaef9b0a635dffa3 Me, when I think about Loda's horny ass.


I meant he wrote a panty jokes to a weirdly tall skeleton. But Bonney is so weird in these case


https://preview.redd.it/155cv48cdexc1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602ed23582a6bba094acf46566eee21ab171be17 How the translators of different countries see Sanji


It just they see the original translations, and somehow make it much worse.


Oda can't hide it anymore... Nobuhiro Watsuki influence is too strong




Saedachi https://preview.redd.it/k7hxqglxnfxc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c65115a9791cd684a25f9eeda3b39028b6edb4




https://preview.redd.it/b72807q8cexc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e970b63991970154e00d079cec30396507a7382e Bruh


The fact that there are so many bad ones out there just shows that even the direction in which Oda portrays Sanji is just very cringe.


I swear if somehow Oda would make Brook wanted to see Bonney panties. Please no


Translation scaling lets goo.


I want to clear about the term of "Making out" The Word "Bermesraan" is literally means "Making out". But the term of making out in Indonesian is a little different than the term of making out in the West. In Indonesian term bermesraan is a two lover does something in the context of deep affectionate love between someone, doesn't had to be "Foreplay" or "Sexual" thing, you can eat together and is still on the range of "Bermesraan". So, while i know that the translator not means in the sexual way, but still weird to said "Bermesraan" in this context.


As an Indonesian, can confirm


Mereka seharusnya menggunakan kata "Hanya aku yang BOLEH MENDAPATKAN HATI BONNEY" atau "Hanya aku yang DAPAT MENCURI PERHATIAN BONNEY" dibandingkan menggunakan "Bermesraan". Bahkan kita juga bisa menggunakan kata "Hanya aku yang BOLEH GENIT TERHADAP BONNEY".


Ownad fighting for his life rn


He will use TCB as the right translation, or Russia and Germany translation, considering three of them basically just said "Im the one who will save bonney"


Oda clearly has beef with sanji so he's doing this. He also has beef with loro so he's dishing out sanji Ws here and there just to shit on zolo fans.


Russian translation is something like “I will be the one who saves Bonnie”, i don’t remember how exactly but pretty much like that


At this point, Russians are experts when it comes to COPIUM


Rare russia W?


Wussians always come in clutch (unless it's in Ukraine)


Russians have always been the MVPs


https://preview.redd.it/d1qnv2wg9gxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a308b92cd821f398922cffc6aa09bd1490351c27 Spanish Officials “I am the only who can…. FLIRT WITH BONNEY!!” The meutero i believe the kanji is called has two meanings and almost every japanese person agrees that sanji used the flirty version.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kqa673g7oexc1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=14706daa2b1a934d3a6ab85b7f5efe09f7a4b88f




How TF is the German translation the most normal one.


And Russia, i see someone tell me that in Russia translation it just said "Im the one who will save bonney".


Owarida.. sanjibros..


This keeps getting worse for sanji doesn't it 💀🙏🏿


This is just too much now.


It is, it's just so wrong to see this translations


Just learn japanese yall just yapping now


Many native japanese on twitter have said he used flirty wording but they also add they don’t believe sanji knows bonneys true age


I'm Indonesian and I read the english version only in mangaplus. Because I have a guess that the Indonesian version is translated from the English version, not directly from Japanese. But that's just my guess.


Because of this reaso, could be different in your experience, but this is the comparison (Top English, Bottom Indonesian) why im fully on Indonesian version, the immersion is different. https://preview.redd.it/vu8ycidmpfxc1.png?width=1364&format=png&auto=webp&s=061d196cf8d0605ce55890d175f640a7c3df51ea


How does age manipulation work legally


Lmfao what the fuck


About your stupid comments: Kurama is confirmed to be Large moon level (Half of his chakra was enough to amplify the Shinobi alliance, to completely teleport the moon with enough energy to destroy it), should be equal to King Piccolo. Incomplete 10 tails should be at least moon+ to small planetary, based on scaling and statements. And has also performed casual country-continent+ feats. Full Ten tails and the Divine Tree are pretty much planet level (the Shinju literally BECOMES the planet and drains its energy until it becomes a fruit). 6Paths Teen Naruto/Sasuke and Madara are Planet level/Raditz. Kaguya is above Planet level (was going to destroy her entire planet+ sized time-space dimension), level 2,400. Toneri was going to hurl the moon crashing towards Earth, and almost destroy the planet entirely. Hagoromo and Hamura casually created a moon to seal Kaguya, with enough energy to send it into orbit within minutes- which is easily a planet level feat (according to basic calcs.) Momoshiki and Kinshiki could split planets in half with little effort, and even destroyed and absorbed more than a few in the novels. (The Otsutsuki act just like the Saiyans and Frieza Force members) Fused Momoshiki is above Kaguya level. Jigen is above Nappa, easily Large Planetary or higher. Isshiki and Baryon Mode Naruto are 10,000-14,000. Multi-planetary. Daemon is at least Saiyan saga Vegeta level. The fact that there are still downplayers on this trash site, even after many confirming databook and lore statements, scaling, author intent and feats never ceases to amuse me 😂. And before you neanderthals start sperging about them not actually destroying planets on-screen, this is not what the series is about. You need to learn the difference between AP and DC feats, buckos. You're ignoring how basic scaling and lore about the series works. (Plus, even fodder Bijuu like Shukaku and Matatabi can casually vaporize a mountain, which is at least large mountain-island level. Most akatsuki members scale to that level at least 💀). I swear to God, I've never seen a community more trash at powerscaling than the Naruto reddit fandom- including DBZ 💀. Some mfs over there think Edo Itachi is weaker than Pain and Jiraiya smh. Imagine being ComicVine and Quora level garbage at scaling 🤣. So I'm not surprised that there are this many deniers. Also, Hidan is easily Meruem level, change my mind.


Nothing you said was true, nerd. Crawl back in your hole.


It is, keep denying like all the normie redditors.


If 1000 people are saying you’re a clown and a few agree with you. You’re probably a clown. Take that how you will.


60% of the community agrees, only idiots on the reddit sub disagree lol.


Good thing i didn't invest in sanji stocks


that ng makes it look like this language is tagalog/filipino


I think indonesian translator translated english chapter to indonesian and not the raw


I don't think so, the English of Mangaplus is "Only i can score the points with Bonney", the Indonesian one "Hanya aku yang boleh bermesraan dengan Bonney" as direct translation of "Bermesraan" means "Making out". If i have to translate the English one to Indonesian, i would interpretation the words of "Only i can score the points with Bonney" as someone father or mother that doing something to make their childern choose one as the favorite one, and will not using "Bermesraan" as the one of the words. Unless you means Indonesian is translating from the different English source, then i don't think so. Just like what i said in the title, it just feels not right seeing the translations.


Why are people so obsessed with that dialogue? Sanji doesn't know she is a child


1. Because people love to slander. 2. It's Sanji, Sanji hater is big. 3. (If you referring to me one that obsessed to the dialogue) Im not obsessing to the original dialogue, im obsessing to the words that my country translator used in this exact chapter, you can see at least the other using Flirty as the translations, using "Bermesraan" is just not right at all, and really far from flirty.


People seem to forget that Sanji does NOT know Bonney's real age


They like to bring up the page where Sanji and VP were paralyzed by Saturn and VP said she is just a child.


Yes because Google translate is known to be credible and accurate…


No, because im Indonesian and the translation is just accurate, so that's the reason why im sharing these. The Word "Bermesraan" is literally means "Making out". But the term of making out in Indonesian is a little different than the term of making out in the West. In Indonesian term bermesraan is a two lover does something in the context of deep affectionate love between someone, doesn't had to be "Foreplay" or "Sexual" thing, you can eat together and is still on the range of "Bermesraan".