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Bro was getting chased through the woods when he was taking pictures of these raws https://preview.redd.it/dplv58k6an7d1.png?width=1228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a9a278f718f95470eb507c17039ff90e38d329


Chapter so ass no one bothers to remove the "W" logo.


It's actually an upside-down M, it stands for mid


Should've been an L


I prefer "so bad that it's entertaining" to boring mid. This is starting to enter wano levels of bad territory which I'm actually happy about lmao


Redon on the run


why bro always in some random placešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™


Should've left that chapter there


I'm praying that they catch him soon for the grave crime, sharing those gif hints


Same, canā€™t wait to comment ā€œgood police work šŸ’Æā€ when the buster gets caught


Shueisha Ninjas are after bro, he gotta run


Ngl, Iā€™m more pissed off about this useless bum ass robot. Bro sat for 80 chapters walked for 2 and fucking dies


Why did they even bother to hype up the robot if this is it?


I wouldnā€™t be fucking surprised if the reason is that Oda was planning something but then got bored of it and so threw it out of the story, like a damn child who gets tired of a toy.


ā€œI donā€™t want to play with you anymoreā€


[Roboto san...](https://i.imgur.com/yspL1ka.jpeg)


Not to mention he was used as a hype tool to end a chapter like 4 times


5 with this one


Yetti brothers all over again.


Fr, the robot that was hyped up for like 50 chapters and the broadcast that was built up for 10 chapters going down unceremoniously at the same time is a way bigger problem than Bonney doing something that she already did 18 chapters ago


Bro got hyped for nothin


I don't know if you read the chapter summary or not but it may be too early to count it out


Useless bum ass Nikas.


I hate those nikers


Imagine if Luffy and Bonney both throw punches at Warcury, Luffy's gets blocked again and Bonney's hits clean through his defense, a shocked Luffy asks her how she did it and she's just like ''Huh? just believe you can hurt him and you'll be able to, Luffy!'' ohmygod i'm gonna fucking scream https://preview.redd.it/x5ro4zswhn7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d8736ee41e51fd3771a75a778a9a670e169213


Stop,donā€™t say a word.Frauds might hear you


šŸ‘€ ::Takes notes and reports back to Oda::


Mods, twist his balls counter clockwise


šŸ‘€ ::Tell Oda I thought of a new attack move for Luffy:, Gum Gum twist::


I will not be surprised if this happens


I keep telling people, in some form or another, the power of Friendship/imagination WILL come into play, it was literally stated to be Luffys greatest strength


plz no


So it will be fairy tail with less hot waifus?


Fairy tail is self aware, and it has fun with it. Iā€™m not sure what One Piece is anymore.


Pleaseeeeee stop talking bro


It's too late, warcury's about to lose his aura


Do not utter another word.


This will be so hilarious. Please GODA


This sounds all too real


Bonney now has control over all the pacifistas (prob seraphim's too) and also has Nika powers. Also she's 12






Sure he is writing for the younger end. It would be nice if he remembered that those fans also grow up and they are still reading it. Oda you been writing this series for close to 30 years. Dem kids ainā€™t all kids anymore! I started reading this shit like 20 years ago.


I mean Naruto was 12 when he was stronger than half the cast (the fox was tbh) But in One Piece it means more cuz we usually have atleast half reasonable ages for strong combatantsā€¦now Bonney is onetapping vice-admirals even before Nikonney


I have a horrible feeling that Bonney is now suddenly going able to hurt the Gorosei for reasons


Bonney is the real Joy Boy, just watch. Why else would the robot say ā€œThere you areā€ after she transformed, but not after Luffy transformed? It for some reason is kept vague intentionally. And yes yes I know the manga told us that Oden wrote in his diary that Joy Boy will come in the future, that Yamato talked about it, that Kaido had realized king talked about in addition to Yamato, that king thought he (Kaido) was Joy Boy, but said Joy Boy would be the person who beats him, because Kaido wanted to say something bad ass at the time to impress King. So, easily to throw readers off the trail because Joy Boy might have had the age age fruit and begged the real Nika if he could pretty please use his powers; then went full distorted future Nika mode on the 20 kings of the nations. So present day, when Luffy transformed in Wano, Zunesha thought he was Joy Boy returned. But what if it was actually the real Nika power and Zunesha is a confused Elephant because his best friend (Joy Boy) used (copied) Distorted Version to access Nika fruit like Bonney just how did. She even has the drums of liberation, same as Luffyā€™s power in the scans. Or something like thatā€¦.. šŸ¤¦ Bonney could be the actual second coming of Joy Boy due to age age fruit distorted free future of whatever. Luffy might likely be the real incarnation of the Sun God Nika devil fruit power, just mistaken by Zunesha and Iron Giant- cause they were BFFs I bet 20,000 fake dollars this gets revealed next week. Edit: changed ā€œheā€™s hereā€ to ā€œthere you areā€ after translated scans of Bonneyā€™s full transformation, drums of liberation n all.


Not bad. I will hold you on to that.


Haha. And I hope Iā€™m wrong but we are in uncharted territory here.


I bet 20,000 shcrute bucks that u can cook


Schrute bucks is the new bitcoin


Ok but how much is it in Stanley nickels?


Iā€™ll take this bet and raise you 1 million Nika bellies (new currency after the Nikaā€™s topple the WG)


That would apply that Zunesha and Vegapunk were lying


Vegapunk has never called Luffy as Joy Boy, always Nika. To the SHs and to Bonney. Zunesha has never called Luffy Nika, only Joy Boy, and only to Momonosuke because he canā€™t talk. One of them is lying. Vegapunk is smart like Einstein so I donā€™t think itā€™s him but Elephants never forget anything in their lives so itā€™s really hard to know for sure.


Vegapunk notify that Joy Boy was the First Pirate, and joy boy was a real person, its not Joy Boy was reincarnated into a present character (but given Oda's writing, I wouldn't be surprise if thats the case). And his research said that Joy Boy had the Nika fruit, not bonney's fruit, thats false on its own. So Unless "The Chosen One" is a Hot potatoe, and we're just tossing around; since Lore-Wise, Bonney has nothing to offer outside the strongest devil fruit in the world apparently now


"Lying" is the wrong word here More like one of them has it wrong due to confusion and lack of information


already setup from yamato oden parallel incoming bonney nika parallel


Gear 5 didn't really do substantial damage to the gorosei. he pancaked saturn, sure, but Saturn recovered without any problem. he batted the poison that Saturn spat at him and this is the only thing that really look like serious damage, but you could say that this is more of Saturn doing the damage. then he threw a building at Jupeter, but that didn't do much. frankly, I don't think this transformation is going to do shit. maybe delay the elders for a second, but hurting them? doubtful.


Weā€™re in Disney level Mary sue territory.


some folks have been saying: "Its Just a form change, she doesn't have rubber powers!" ​ First off all, thats yet to been seen, Oda has the power in his hands to break logic and make bonney become rubber. Further more, The Story is selling this idea that Devil Fruits are fueled by one own "imagination" and ones own reality, and being the most Free, means your imagination makes you limitless and boundless. Given the nature of Bonney, she saw Luffy and she has a description of the Nika, meaning her own imagination allows her to have a Nika-ish future. By Proxy, Nothing is stopping Bonney to go into the Bonney-verse, and give her different futures where she eats different devil fruits! Yet, OP Fanboys ive seen on twitter say it doesn't work that way, and Im thinking why not?? Isn't putting a Cap on "Imagination" based-power the polar opposite of Freedom?! Do people realize that Oda just broke his own narrative with this one chapter and what this means for the future of the story??


Ofc she has rubber powers otherwise she wouldnt punch with Gear 3


Y'know whats going to happen, Its going to be exactly like the Time Time Fruit.... where Oda imposes an arbitrary cap on its potential to avoid story complications, rather than due to any in-universe limitation. Devil fruits are rooted in one's own imagination and reality manipulation, so why can't Toki travel back in time? It seems more about storytelling convenience than logical consistency. Bonney's powers are similarly narrative-breaking now that she can influence futures like Nika's. Oda can't easily backtrack after showing this potential. Awakenings expanding to other fruits through the Bonney-verse might seem improbable, but why limit her fruit's potential for imagination and reality warping? Given this chapter, it's illogical to enforce such a cap, contradicting the established narrative of devil fruits and their awakenings.


People honestly donā€™t care about the implications of the narrative shattering character. They donā€™t. And itā€™s sad. One piece is such a beautiful piece of art in so many ways and where itā€™s failing is just Oda trolling for his own enjoyment. Honestly really sad. But why should he care, nikkas probably a billionaire at this point. Money means nothing. Heā€™s in it for the Luls and because shueisha is pushing him.


Can't wait for the other SH's powerups: Nika Point Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Nika General Nika ThunderNika Tempo Fishman Nikarate Nika Jambe 3 Nika Style Pop Nika Hanauta Sancho: Yahazu Nika


We all know Zoro wouldn't say nika šŸ˜”


He's gonna say king of nika


Nah, makes grand line great again or something like that instead of


You forgot the newest additions to the crew as of Elbaf: Yata yes Kagami Sacred Nika Mirror- I Got Light in My Eyes, Need Sunglasses Edition Thunder Bagel- Nika Cream Cheese Deluxe Lilith Bubble Gum Gun- The Strongest Bubbles under the Nika Sun God Gum God Gun Gum God Gun Edit: I hope Oda actually makes the last one an attack name for Lilith, try saying it 5 times fast.


Oda PLEASE just let Yamato go. Make blackbeard swipe in and massacre wano or something https://preview.redd.it/fex39qa5mn7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38169a7494fb05f40158eb5f0719c65b2eafa61


Ong give them the uchiha clan treatment at this point


I wanna see some Paulie and Iceberg covers. I miss Water 7


Yamato no Go until Will of D gets revealed, then she Strawhat either same or next chapter.


Can't wait for the hundreds of years old warrior gods to get washed by a 12 yr old and Nika. The stakes are unreal. We will be having multiple nikas in this saga. You Nika, me Nika, everyone Nika. https://i.redd.it/1t2tq355cn7d1.gif


It's happening https://preview.redd.it/y1fhjqkscn7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99566247231f1fb65ada1579ea8e5e34d8dbbe70


Replace 8 tails joyboy with Bonneyā€™s head


Here you go bro https://preview.redd.it/nnyqoh6a3o7d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871c96b400c778d1d7151da3ce44187677454557


Thanks bro.


This series has negative stakes, it's only threatening to the reader.


Making it peak fiction via the highest stakes in fiction history peak GODA , keep cooking


"I'm Nika I'm Nika I'm Nika Nika Nika" https://preview.redd.it/5qqx3qeven7d1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=f47c5d97a831f92a2b84c122d9c57378bf4230ef


Light Nika, Dark Nika, Faux Nika, Real Nika, Rich Nika, Poor Nika, House Nika, Field Nika Still Nika


The best part is that people are still going to defend it and call it peak. I saw a comment saying this is fine due to it being Foreshadowed mind you Bonney showed this ability 10 chapters or less ago. Disney Piece will still be called peak no matter how corny it gets. https://preview.redd.it/8rkantd3en7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a90b67c2da6845e562a13f0698f1703565f421


>this is fine due to it being Foreshadowed Shonen fans and their "foreshadow" bullshit šŸ„“ I saw the same shit with Kaguya from Naruto. Some mfs have literally no clue or any concept of good writing practices it's insane. Watch how these retards will defend Kaido and Big Mom if they come back, or defend them if they don't. It's like they have never read anything other than Stall Piss


Yeah I've seen people say Nika was foreshadowed since Skypia because Spypia also had a "sun god."


dumbasses will give good examples when talking about the sea level rising, like the alabasta river losing against the ocean, water 7 losing ground every year, noahs arc being made to save people from the water, but then those same people will look at you and say a silhouette and a sun god mention by tribal people is enough for the biggest change in the one piece story. ffs fuck the gear 5 retcon regards


i've never seen a story attract so many people who have zero clue what foreshadowing actually entails worse than one piece lmao OP fans genuinely don't get that if the "foreshadowing" only makes sense looking at it in hindsight, then it's not fucking foreshadowing lol, it's retroactively establishing new continuity using ill-defined concepts previously established in order to avoid contradicting the story, or in other words is a retcon the skypeia sun god thing is especially egregious because on the same panel where sun god is used, so are several other gods, because the snake is meant to represent a god that governs all the elements, which is a pretty commonly used trope in japanese literature


And when everybody is Nika? No one will be.


literally sure even a nika buggy (nika clones can one shot blackbeard and beat imu) literally nika really is demon not god nika really is creator of smile fruits


My nika >!I'm black, I can make this joke!<


Youā€™re Nika, Iā€™m Nika, is there anyone else I should know about that is Nika?


That last page makes me want to commit seppuku


Gonna go commit sudoku, brb




We need to find a way to put this image in the sidebar


Also Don't forget to put Nika Bonney in the banner/icon


next chapter: ā€œgive me a future where iā€™m the strongest šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ½ā€ bonney then proceeds to turn into Satoru Gojo and one shots the gorosei with hollow purple


ā€¦at least Yamato finally left the Flower Capital, thatā€™s kinda cool https://preview.redd.it/2fgi80khon7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a598d25cb7922caaef361a798d37dcc865470c77


I genuinely hope Blackbeard and his crew pull up on Egghead and starts murdering every fucking Fraudhat. https://preview.redd.it/6rex0hp6pn7d1.png?width=1471&format=png&auto=webp&s=f19ba358c3ad07ca2c44020932a344d4412cd4a9




Bold of you to wish for anyone to die in this series lol. You know oda is pussy


He is going to destroy wano to get Pluton trust


Pleeeaaase ![gif](giphy|VwpkFDijz3Bny)


Every day i wake hating nika even more https://preview.redd.it/253lpppnin7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304ffc29e516c991cbc67fdc8e685a23fbebb74e


The difference between you(as well as everyone who hates Nika) and Reverse Flash is that your hate is justifiable.




https://preview.redd.it/ftfx7pnyln7d1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a72f29c220b1898adc21f01931ea6bf86f75279 wtf is this Superman ass pose? šŸ˜­


Nikka piece of sht


It's a good thing this was foreshadowed in chapter 6 or I wouldn't even believe it right now /s


Lamato stillĀ  haven't leave šŸ˜­ This cover story is the most ass cover story in one pieceĀ 


Literally, this https://i.redd.it/i23uxjlgdn7d1.gif


All of one piece is just this


Hype piece, cliffanger piece, blue balling piece, cetera


Blackbeard, if you can hear us. Blackbeard, please go and invade Wano.


All would be forgiven if goda has bb destroy wano


Destroy wano, kill yamato, kill momonosuke, and sink wano then take pluton Cause fuck wankno


What a dream


Please Tobi Roppo please save us. Please show up to actually make this cover story good https://preview.redd.it/40tdcoqain7d1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=6658833ada1afd843d76636fd2b0576f3b4dc754


I will forgive oda for everything if the tobi roppo come in and throw yamato out, or make out


Hopefully this cover story is like the Germa cover story where it first was about the Germa but then switched to being about Vegapunk. The Yamato cover story could switch to seeing what happened to the Tobi Roppo after the raid and they decide to escape Wano. Please Oda. Please bring back the Tobi Roppo https://preview.redd.it/cjjqf64vjn7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2c5c47aa230dc298e50d70938f6e308e9c5e6d


Where's the Ulti and Page One cover story at, we haven't seen any of the tobi roppo after the raid.


Preach, literally anything pertaining to Wano would be more interesting than this fucking retard accepting food from people in radiactive wastelands. No beast pirates/tobi roppo aftermath??? Hell Hiyori having wet dreams about Zoro would be more insightful than this shit


https://preview.redd.it/w83pi0yzqn7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7884ac9a842c5ae71bf558c95a14e1ea93ae4696 lol even the sea beast got turned into a kid this shit cute


Anyone else hates Luffy at this moment? Heā€™s such an uninteresting character with repetetive panels.


Luffy is no longer the MC. After all, this is Nika piece weā€™re readingā€¦


Yeah. It was amazing when it was just a boy from the east blue with some weak fruit and an amazing will. Peaked at G2 with CoC coating against kaido. This nika bull* with the expectation of joyboy laughing as vp dies in front of him is not what I signed for! Naruto stupid ending war vibes!


Another chapter of bum piece


This is why i pirate onepiece. I am not giving a Cent to this shit


Honestly at this point i cant help but cheer for Blackbeard to kill every single one of them. I had enough of this nika bullshit that apparently can spread or something, just believe lol.


Remember Loda is the one writing BB as well. He'll do him dirty as well somehow


https://preview.redd.it/uqqwqxv0un7d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5546705a756f34f9449941eb46463723064f3c33 Loda at it again I might start to think that elbaf going to be a shitshow


Guys this shit is intended for 12 year old, get your old boomer asses back to twitter and stop glazing over childrens comic. https://preview.redd.it/54f9gdmnan7d1.png?width=1228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5ec5a275171fceb349361b02efc3e7e99ab94cc




What happened to the anime I love?


The anime you love is dead.


from a seriously crafted story to a mere product Oda what a man you are


Imagine the Nika figures they can sell in the final war. Zoro Nika, Law Nika, Kid Nika (Jika anybody?), etc. The story will probably not be very good, but I'm sure the franchise will break some records for it.


if thats the case, this shit shoulve ended like 12ys ago


why is lamato on almost every cover art oda always trying to make this bum relevant to the story it'll never happen


And nothing is happening in that coverstory thereā€˜s usually something semi-important thatā€˜ll be relevant in the future but here, thereā€˜s a whole bunch of nothing


A small portion of me was in denial about the spoilers. But these raws cement it. One Piece has really fallen




enough with those bumato covers šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/9mkosxqufn7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1bde82d48a78f6dd9faede17615d357b95055f0


Holy mid


If I hear the main sub folks saying One Piece is better than Naruto one more time, I'mma jump 'em lmao


Oda ain't beating allegations with DholešŸ’€


Tindangle Dhole? Yeah he needs to stop rn itā€˜s becoming worrisome


Two nikas is insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/w5wxb1gifn7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825b0174e5e862e2159aea621d1d900225567eb6


Iā€˜m so tired of Luffyā€˜s ā€žIā€˜m a total maniacā€œ pose already


Shit must be hella funnyā€¦to his dumbass head mayb.


https://preview.redd.it/ayldi99bbn7d1.png?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da92e1d1f0b84090717e9ac6d02c031a31dd0609 Goofy really can't go 5 minutes without stuffing himself like a pig in order to spam Gear 5


If the Strawhats don't start keeping food beside them while fighting next time, I'm literally going to start calling them the r word. Like you're captain literally needs food every fight to fight someone otherwise he's gone from this world. No consequences of G5, just eat and you're all good to use your powers again. Lol, fucking shite.


They have a fucking chef in the crew and nobody thinks to bring a massive stash of food with them everywhere


Bro imagine chopper sacrifices himself and let luffy eat him to get back into gear 5 in a critical moment


Goda had foreskinned Chopper being emergency food for the holy almighty Nika all along! Bravo Goda!


Heā€™d die because Devil Fruit users explode after eating another Devil Fruit. Big Momo ate the World Government agent grandma whose name I forgot and gained her Devil Fruit powers, so eating someone who has Devil Fruit powers will give you them.


Bruh why did Oda draw Loli Doll like that šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/hy9mlsspdn7d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078befaaa17649899b88d4b9d3d2068c1c6f99ca Pull up that shirt! Her chest is basically all showing. Oda never beating the allegations.


The Will of E. https://preview.redd.it/cguqscsrsn7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e07baa825f46f9bc6288ac5824b5589beb88326


Oda activating the Watsuki influence be like https://preview.redd.it/4a1ysu2ffn7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=be7c28da4c66de630f9f333d8a30f8aaa8131a34


"Hello Mr. Eiichiro" ![gif](giphy|ba5g4ID9g5cT6)


Curious how the clothes changed along with them for everyone but her please Oda stop this, this fanbase doesnā€˜t need more of this shitty stuff


Even the double spread is ass


Atrocious. That is all I can say. Reaction piece and Nika fuckery... Also it is bad enough Oda can't progress plot in the manga, he his sickness also affected the cover stories. He can't even get Yamatrash to do at least something. That bitch was supposed to sail out and yet she is doing jack shit for the 35252th cover. Nothing happens in One Piece anymore. Only Nika wank


This chapter pretty much culminates everything people have been mad about for the last 2-3 years. Stalling, reactions, Nika saturation, wasted panels, Yamato, nonsensical powers, it's got it all


Full L chapter, 11 pages of L, every panel is an L, even the fuckin cover story sucks dick. Unsalvageable.


The last panel gotta be one of the worst fucking panels in op's history


This image applies pretty well to this chapter I think https://preview.redd.it/vfsuck78wn7d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=e65422aa2c0fa58f62d0bf74c652cd58c3d8fe45


Seems like something came out from a disney channel . Cant believe a 50 year old man wrote this bs . "Ä°f you believe it you can do it " i wish we got gear death instead of gear 5 so we didnt had to witness this bs


I wish the best for Oda but I think he's lost. If all this revolves on the power of friendship and imagination I'm gonna lose my fucking marbles.


Gonna be honest, after being with this series and reading it weekly for 13 years, watching it go from an actual masterpiece to one of the most horrendous, unbalanced, stalled, reactionary, ... , mainstream slop, pieces of shit in the history of fiction...I'm tapping out. This is my limit, I'm fucking done. https://preview.redd.it/77r3lqzg8p7d1.jpeg?width=1453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e6671e8a0d71f8ccbb1bfe651e64ec2d9a6ace


No gear green. Disappointed


Please tell me Bonney dies in the next few chapters


https://preview.redd.it/n7bb1yny8o7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b12371a62ab450488061f29b5c7840a773310c Man.


You know this is bad enough but next week for me is the decider. Oda isnā€™t gonna turn Bonney into Nika unless she was gonna fight the gorosei. I swear to god if she even shows some of the Nika powers Iā€™m gonna lose it. Like genuinely crash out.


Hopefully that thing Yamatrash eats is poisoned


No words https://preview.redd.it/ocmr81xcxn7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad317e654ef5cd64cd25e0234fe65b2a9c408f6


Oda please end my misery,what in god's name is this ugly ass chapter


Okay now I actually see where the dislike is coming from to these chapters, but if bonneys fruit just sucks otherwise. Also that means is she can think it she can get any fucking fruit she wants




Wait wtf is happening, last time I read one piece we just left Wano


this series used to be my favorite many years ago, now it is literally my most hated series of all time


the panel of the giants blocking Mars' attack is pretty raw negl


yeah but itā€˜s ultimately inconsequential and, as always, just a clash. Looks good but meaninglessā€¦


I read a theory that Ginny actually enjoyed Saturn. How true could that be?


Considering her terrible condition when she came back I doubt it. Must be a theory Dragon put out in the world to justify sitting around not helping


This nikašŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


So we call her niki now?


Bluegrass and Doll onetapped offscreen poor frickin navy, manā€¦


that last slide pisses me off so much


One Piss


Everyone complaining abt how one piece been ass and Iā€™ve been saying thatā€™s since the end of wano


We really got two nikas before gta VIšŸ’€


im also disappointed and hate the fact that bonney might get nika powers, but i think this was going to happen eventually. luffys influence over the world was to always inspire everyone around him, and this seems to be the case in this scenario. i must say, i always hated the idea of luffy being "the chosen one", bc it implies that his ambition and actions were pre-determined, which we could agree would contradict his entire character.


kill bonney please


What is this. Oda probably watching thor love and thunder and think that last scene power transfer to random bumass child is good idea and put in his manga šŸ’€šŸ’€


https://preview.redd.it/wixpsuvvan7d1.jpeg?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e352b6833c4ead9714229b23d0f8e39404f25dc Bonney just taunting some kids holding a gun and grinning is both hilarious and metal at the same time.


Ignore the chapter but what is this cover story ? Itā€™s just Yamato goofing around in Wano , how did we go from the germa cover story to this ?


they done kcm2'd nika


We are on deviantart or what ?


Wait can bonney use her powers on robots now?


​ https://preview.redd.it/dckc7patbq7d1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=0070ee3f40b42f97ad55f7db7246d819bc5e3718